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Salamanders & Successors

The Salamanders Legion and Successors


  1. PsychicSalamander's Salamanders

    My Sallies
    • 6 images
  2. Space Marines: Salamanders

    Picutres of my Salamander Space Marines
    • Album created by mad_rob
    • Updated
    • 4 images
    • 4 images
  3. Salamanders

    These are my sally models, a lot of WIP pics and still lots of work to do.
    • Album created by jimbozed
    • Updated
    • 9 images
    • 1 image comment
    • 9 images
    • 1 image comment
  4. Army pics: Salamanders

    My first army!
    • Album created by Faulkner
    • Updated
    • 4 images
    • 4 images
  5. Black Dragons

    Bolters, chainswords and claws...
    • Album created by ANamelessFire
    • Updated
    • 11 images
    • 11 images
  6. Sons of Nocturne

    A Constant work in progress
    • Album created by Dex Tu'shen
    • Updated
    • 6 images
    • 6 images
  7. Salamanders 1st Company "Firedrakes"

    My WIP Salamanders Army
    • Album created by atryu88
    • Updated
    • 8 images
    • 8 images
  8. White Dragons

    2nd founding chapter to the Salamanders
    • Album created by DibbZi
    • Updated
    • 10 images
    • 10 images
  9. B&C Librarium Painting Challenge 2012

    2 Ironclads, Predator, 7 Sternguard, 3 Veteran Sergeants
    • Album created by Muctar
    • Updated
    • 26 images
    • 1 image comment
    • 26 images
    • 1 image comment
  10. Tranc's Salamanders

    Album of Salamanders space marines painted by Chinh Tran.
    • Album created by Tranc
    • Updated
    • 2 images
    • 2 images
  11. Space Marines Salamanders

    My first time to paint
    • 1 image
  12. Salamanders Captain

    w/ Jump Pack
    • 16 images
  13. Salamanders Vehicles

    Salamanders Vehicles
    • 25 images
  14. Salamanders

    Salamanders WIP
    • 9 images
  15. Salamanders 1st Company Firedrakes

    Salamanders 1st Company Firedrakes to be shown here.
    • 15 images
  16. The Grizz's Salamanders

    Painting Ultramarines into Salamanders
    • Album created by Grizzly Adams
    • Updated
    • 24 images
    • 24 images
  17. Salamanders 2nd Company

    My Salamanders 2nd Company W.I.P.
    • Album created by subtlebrush
    • Updated
    • 27 images
    • 27 images
  18. Adam's Salamanders

    Pictures of my ever (slowly) expanding second company
    • Album created by adamB411
    • Updated
    • 29 images
    • 29 images
  19. Salamanders 4th Company

    WIP of my Salamanders 4th Company - only models from the company will be shown here.
    • 10 images
  20. Vehicles

    For my Salamanders
    • 11 images
  21. My Salamanders

    My 40k Army:The Salamanders Chapter
    • Album created by GreaterDragon
    • Updated
    • 11 images
    • 11 images
  22. Salamanders Vanguard

    Salamanders Vanguard
    • 86 images
  23. Salamanders Terminators

    As above
    • 80 images
  24. Salamanders Ironclad

    Salamanders Ironclad
    • 19 images
  25. Salamanders 2nd Company Dreadnought

    First model painted for my Salamanders.
    • Album created by Greencross
    • Updated
    • 4 images
    • 4 images
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