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Dark Angels & Successors

The Dark Angels Legion and Successors


  1. Dark Angels WIP

    My Dark Angels army in various stages of completion
    • Album created by R-code
    • Updated
    • 13 images
    • 13 images
  2. DA tattoos

    my sword and wings
    • 2 images
  3. DA Force

    My Current Models!
    • Album created by ForTheLion
    • Updated
    • 6 images
    • 6 images
  4. space marine

    my 3rd space marine
    • Album created by 51XV8
    • Updated
    • 7 images
    • 7 images
  5. Desolate Angels

    Custom SM chapter. Successor of DA.
    • Album created by Plarzoid
    • Updated
    • 10 images
    • 10 images
  6. Dark Angels :D

    just started painting recently and this is what i've got so far. C and C are welcome.
    • 9 images
  7. My Dark Angels (WIP)

    This will be a photo-blog of my Dark Angels army as it is painted.
    • Album created by VENNgeance
    • Updated
    • 2 images
    • 2 images
  8. Dark angels

    my angels of Death
    • 2 images
  9. dark angels

    some of my dark angels
    • Album created by killingstuff
    • Updated
    • 9 images
    • 9 images
  10. deathwing

    my deathwing and Belial's bodyguard
    • Album created by brother theo
    • Updated
    • 7 images
    • 7 images
  11. dark angels

    watch my best angels!
    • Album created by brother theo
    • Updated
    • 8 images
    • 8 images
  12. Dark Angels

    My ongoing and massive-but-unpainted Dark Angels army. My main army I play with.
    • Album created by GlauG
    • Updated
    • 1 image
    • 2 image comments
    • 1 image
    • 2 image comments
  13. Terminus Est's Deathwing

    As the title would suggest...
    • Album created by Terminus Est
    • Updated
    • 4 images
    • 4 images
  14. Dark Angels 5th Company

    What my company looks like
    • Album created by Horatius
    • Updated
    • 29 images
    • 29 images
  15. CDK's Angels of Redemption

    My Angels of Redemption force; a work in progress.
    • Album created by cdk
    • Updated
    • 15 images
    • 15 images
  16. Dark Angels DMP preparations

    Only the tounaments motivate me to paint some stuff, and this is the most important tournament every year.
    • Album created by mika_angelus
    • Updated
    • 24 images
    • 24 images
  17. Unforgiven

    Dark Angels
    • 33 images
  18. My Ravenwing Riders

    Horsemen of the Blood Skulls
    • 9 images
  19. Painting a Deathwing Dreadnought

    Pictures for the Painting a Deathwing Dreadnought article.
    • 20 images
  20. Steve's Dark Angel Force

    A 9000 pt Dark Angel Force (W.I.P)
    • Album created by Steve Irwin
    • Updated
    • 6 images
    • 6 images
  21. Dark Angels

    Master T's Painting, Modeling, Drawings
    • 16 images
  22. Completed

    Completed Minis
    • 11 images
  23. Dread

    My MkIV Dread painted in Iraq.
    • 3 images
  24. Aesir Knights

    My significant divergent chapter: Aesir Knights, successor chapter of the Dark Angels.

    Disadvantages: Eye to Eye, We Stand Alone
    Advantages: Trust your Battle-Brother, Suffer Not the Works of Heretics
    • Album created by Rindaris
    • Updated
    • 14 images
    • 6 image comments
    • 14 images
    • 6 image comments
  25. Angels of Redemption

    Librarium Article
    • 7 images
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