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Wolf Lord Fullugi Ironfang


The Ironfang has seen service with the Space Wolves for around 250 years. The last 50 years has seen his rise to command of his own company, being a distinguished Wolf Guard to Egil Ironwolf prior to promotion. The Ironfang learned a great deal from "Old Egil", and based his company's practices around that of Egil's. He keeps the company primarily mechanized, but will not hesitate to use drop pods, or no tanks at all if required. It is said that in his life, he has seen small amounts of cross-training in the mechanical arts, but no evidence has surfaced to confirm this. Fullugi wears a crusade seal, given to him by a Black Templar commander for his prowess in battle, in felling some 200 orks over a 50 kilometer journey by himself with the wounded Templar commander.

From the album:

Space Wolves of Ironfang

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