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Aesir Knight Tactical Uirebcaun


First completely finished tactical squad. You can't see it, but to help distinguish my squads I'm putting thin strips of different colored paint on the back of the base. This squad is black stripped. I could probably have touched them up more, but I was getting tired of working on these, since they are only regular marines... and I have like 3 more tacticals, 2 assault and a devastator squad to do...


Uirebcaun (Eternal Valor)

Bottom left: Veteran sergeant.

Bottom middle: Sword sergeant.

Bottom right: Old style devastator body with new tactical missile launcher.


And a special note.. the veteran sergeant of this squad has earned a special place in my heart. In a recent 3-way game he faced down an Eldar Autarch in close combat, and beat him. Then he faced down an Striking Scorpion squad with an Exarch, and beat them all as well. Granted most of his squad died in the process, but he survived and halted the entire Eldar assaulting advance.

From the album:

Aesir Knights

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