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Aesir Knight Pre-Heresy Land Raider


This was one of my first 40k mini's. I got this and a box of plastic 'beakies' second hand from a friend who was switching to orks. Its seen alot of play time and alot of wear and tear. When I decided to get back into the game this was one of the first things I decided to truly 'finish'. Took some imagination to restore it to what I'd consider a decent gaming standard.


The original side TL-Lascannons had long since broken off and become lost. I ended up using old Lemun Russ sponson mounting and trimmed new-style Predator lascannon turrets to form the new TL Lascannons on this tank. They can move, but one side is a bit stiff. And the lower placement on the hull does effect LoS unfortunately. But I didn't want to place the sponsons in such a way that it would look bad, or that I'd have to cut into the original chassis of the tank itself, as I wanted it to remain as original as possible.


One thing I love about this tank is it always gets remarks when I pull it out at a game, few people have even seen them and apparently they are quite pricey to get ahold of these days.

From the album:

Aesir Knights

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