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Night Lords Squad Front

How to Paint Night Lords Part 5: Painting the metallics. This is pretty much standard issue here folks, Base the metallic areas you want to be silver/gunmetal in "Leadbelcher" or "Boltgun Metal" followed by a light wash of "Nuln Oil"


How to Paint Night Lords Part 6: Painting the Red parts. These are normally located on the wings on the Night Lords emblem and helmet, as well as their eyes, base coat the wings in "Mephiston Red" and once dry, highlight with "Evil Sunz Scarlet" With the eyes carefully paint them neatly into the eye sockets using "Mephiston Red" once dried, clean up any areas that you have gone over with youe base colour and once dry go over them again with a small wash of "Drakenhoff Nightshade" so when the wash dries it should appear as if the eye lenses are more sunken into the helmet than before.


How to Paint Night Lords Part 7: Painting Bone/Horns & Skin. Base coat each Skull/Horn/Trophy Tooth/face in "Rakarth Flesh", Next wash each bone item in "Agrax Earthshade" and any flesh areas "Reikland Fleshshade". With the horns if you wish to try and darked the tips/base of the horns keep applying "Agrax Earthshade" to the horns, Getting closer and closer to the tip/base after each layer dry's Normally 4-5 coats will do the trick.

From the album:

Empurata's Night Lords/Chaos Space Marines

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