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  1. CSM 10th edition Maulerfiend This is a topic about Chaos Space Marine Maulerfiend in the 10th edition. Do you use them? How are you using them? Do you think they perform well How do you equip them? Is there a detachment that they are extra crucial? Other Unit of the Week for Chaos Space Marines can be found in the link below. Chaos Space Marine Unit of the Week Links
  2. CSM 10th edition Chosen This is a topic about Chaos Space Marine Chosen in the 10th edition. Do you use them? How are you using them? Do you think they perform well How do you equip them? Do you use any transports with them? Do you attach any characters? Is there a detachment that they are extra crucial? Other Unit of the Week for Chaos Space Marines can be found in the link below. Chaos Space Marine Unit of the Week Links
  3. Hey all! Welcome to my shiny new thread. Some of you will know me from my 30k Iron Warriors and Dornian Heresy White Scars threads that I’ve had up here over the years, among other things. In the last year I’ve moved across the country and, unfortunately, there wasn’t a lot of room to bring those projects with me! A crying shame, I know. However, that has left me with a clean slate to start a new force! No more half-finished projects staring at me, begging to be completed. At least not for a while. So, I’ve decided to go ahead with an army I’ve wanted to put together for years - the better part of a decade, actually. Black Legion! Some of you may faintly recall my Fifteen Fangs warband, which I built way back in 2018, when Kill Team first came out. That was my first foray into CSM, but, after finishing the conversions, the project never went anywhere. Until now! When visiting home a couple months back the models caught my eye and I got inspired to take them and expand them into a full Black Legion force. But more on that later. Today my offering is the one and only, the unmistakeable, Warmaster of Chaos: Abaddon, the Despoiler. Abaddon has been my favourite character in the setting for a long while now - ever since I first got my teenage mitts on ADB’s Talon of Horus, an experience I’m sure a lot of you can agree with. Needless to say - other characters from the book will be cropping up here and there in this thread. Over the last few weeks I’ve chipped away at the big guy, and finally finished him up today! He was an absolute blast to paint, and a really excellent model all around. A few notes about creative decisions: • I decided I wanted that infamous red underglow, and it was the first part of the model I’d say was in anyway completed. Looking at it reminded me of the iconic Horus V the Emperor painting, so I decided to paint that fallen marine on the base as a Blood Angels Sanguinary Guard - with an mind towards making the broken wing statue on the base appear as though it was the wing from said Sanguinary Guard’s jump-pack. I wanted Abaddon, clad in black and gold terminator armour, wielding his father’s talon, and stood over a winged, golden-armoured warrior to look the spitting image of his own father - a sort of meta life-imitates-art take, with an ironic twist in that Abaddon probably would hate to know how similar he appears to Horus in this moment I have captured him in. • Left the cape off - I wanted that classic Abaddon silhouette that alluded to his old mini. Cool as the cape looks, it doesn’t feel like Abaddon to me. Plus it obscures some cool details to be found on the back! • Trophy rack - I had so much fun painting up some of my friend’s armies as trophies mounted on Abaddon’s spike rack. We have an Ultramarines lieutenant as played by my friend James, and my friend Raj’s green-and-black Tyranids. I’ve purposefully left the left-most skull (which has Space Marine Bionics attached to it) partially unpainted, so I can add another space marine faction if desired. Coming up - I’ve got plans for a terminator retinue for Abaddon, with a member representing each of the chaos gods. I also have a squad of possessed, and the aforementioned Fifteen fangs kill team, which I will re-photograph to be added to this thread later on. And that’s all for today folks! Cheers for reading, stick around if you wanna see more! If you want more frequent updates, my Instagram, @jallens40k, gets WIP photos as often as I work on my minis. Laters!
  4. There are lots of useful topics about the Heretic Astartes scattered across the Bolter & Chainsword. While most will occur in this forum and its sub-forums, other related topics are bound to spring up elsewhere, especially in the Painting, Converting, and Artwork forums. In addition, there are plenty of external web sites and videos that are useful for Heretic Astartes players. Since we can't pin every useful topic, external website link, or video link, this topic is intended to provide a handy resource for players of the Heretic Astartes. If you know of a topic, external website, or video that you think should be added to this resource listing, please reply with a link to that topic. If you see a link that you think is no longer relevant, feel free to provide your reasons for removing it in a reply. We'll do our best to keep this resource listing updated. Also keep in mind the tags function and how those provide a handy method by which members can search for related topics. The recommended tags for general Heretic Astartes discussions are Chaos Space Marines and Heretic Astartes.
  5. I'll work on getting a better/more descriptive intro later, but I started this army about 10 years ago and, after a long break from the hobby, have gotten back into it in the past few months to start clearing out my pile of shame that's collected a fair amount of dust. 38th Company, Sons of Horus Commander: Captain Ismael Lykaddon Latest on the work bench after finishing up my January models is a patchwork collection of heavy and special weapons from the plastic Mk IV kit
  6. Greetings to you all! I have for many a year been plucking away in the WIP thread, but as most of the things I put there are actually finished by the time I post, I thought it a bit more apt to have a thread here as well - and as there is not far from though to action, thus it is done now. The aim of this thread is for me to post pictures of the various B&C permissable armies that I usually work on and the units belonging to them, which I finish. Currently, I have the following armies in my possession: Dark Angels (1st, 2nd and Battle Company) - about 5000 points total Chaos Space Marines (Death Guard, World Eaters, Black Legion & Fallen Angels) - about 4500 points Chaos Daemons (Tzeentch, Nurgle & Khorne) - about 3000 points Imperial Guard allies (Death Korps of Krieg) - about 400 points Grey Knight allies - about 400 points Tyranids - about 8000 points As you can see, there is plenty of potential for varied things to be shown and displayed here - and I look forward to sharing with you all. Thus, with no further ado, I bid you welcome to my thread of finished works from the forge of Master Ciaphas! Faithfully, Master Ciaphas
  7. I'm of the very firm belief that the Fabius Bile trilogy by Josh Reynolds (Primogenitor, Clonelord, and Manflayer) are amongst the very finest of works from the Black Library and I'm currently working on my Chaos Space Marine army based around some of the themes of Fabius Bile's 'Consortium' and the Emperor's Children legion. Essentially, my army isn't looking to represent the Consortium of the books but my own ragtag band of hedonists, misfits and deviants who have fallen into the orbit of Fabius Bile (or he has fallen into theirs). I love kitbashing and coming up with some bits of my own fluff so this is just as much an excuse to create lots of little characters as it is anything else, but, I need to get the hobby momentum going as there's lots to build and paint. My timing couldn't be much better as part way through the project, we have the new 10th Edition Codex Chaos Space Marines and the announcement that there's going to be an Index for the Emperor's Children! Can't wait! I'll use this post as a bit of an introduction one and something that I can come back to and amend to as a bit of a hub once more things actually get built and painted!
  8. I - An Introduction and an Invitation Greetings! I am Ezra. I have been lurking in the background of this website for a while now, though you may have seen a post or two of mine in the distant past. I’d like to return to blogging a little bit, and especially, to sharing fun and interesting conversion ideas with like-minded souls. I’ve tinkered on various projects over the years, but there’s one that’s been rather close to my heart, and that I’d like to share with you all here in this topic. But first, to set the scene… ++ Brigannion Four – The Well of Hunger ++ It is the 40th millennium. Brigannion Four, known amongst Navigators as the Well of Hunger, has stood inviolate for centuries. The Iron Warriors, siege masters beyond compare, hold the Warp-tainted world in an iron grip, repelling all invaders, both from within as from without, with cruel and merciless efficiency. However, they are not alone on this world. Others have managed to establish a foothold upon its surface, from where they strive to dislodge the Iron Warriors from their position of power and claim the planet for themselves. Amongst the warring factions stand the heirs of two other Legions of old. The Death Guard, the implacable servants of Nurgle, were the first to lay claim to the world after its initial capture by the Night Lords. They fought a short but brutal war against the sons of Curze, successfully driving them into the fortress’ underworld before falling prey themselves to the ambitions of the Iron Warriors. The survivors are still licking their festering wounds, biding their time until they can strike against their hated foe once again. The world’s strategic location near the Cadian Gate has also made it a prime target for Abaddon the Despoiler, the Warmaster of Chaos. The Black Legion has launched countless assaults upon the planet, but not even the full might of a Black Crusade could bring the defenders to heel. Though beaten and bloodied, the Warmaster’s own will not relent until their prize is firmly in their grasp. Over the millennia, numerous other Traitor Legions and Chapters have descended upon the Well of Hunger, seeking glory, plunder, or simply another chance to spill blood. Most of them perish, victims of their own greed and the Iron Warriors’ guns, but some of them survive, thriving in the darkest corners of the war-torn fortress-world. Most notable among these survivors are the Sons of Hate and the Brotherhood of Blood. The two Renegade Chapters arrived on the planet roughly at the same time following their exile from the Imperium. The two former Chapters have been locked in bitter conflict with one another and with the Traitor Legions ever since, making up for their lack in experience through malign ambition and insatiable bloodlust. The Brotherhood of Blood has recently subjugated a large portion of the mutant throngs trawling the wastes, bolstering their ranks considerably, whilst the Sons of Hate have been mercilessly raiding the supply lines of the Iron Warriors, slowly bleeding the strength from many of their strongholds. The fortress’ vast underworld is home to the shattered remnants of the defeated, who feed off whatever measly scraps they can find. To these scattered Astartes, the conquest of the massive fortress is but a half-remembered dream, lost in the endless quest for survival in a bottomless pit of darkness. The remnants of the Night Lords haunt these shadowed places, tormenting the lost souls that dwell there, forever seeking ways to regain the power they once had. It is the 40th millennium. On Brigannion Four, a shadow war rages without end, the promise of final victory leading thousands to their grisly death. These are the stories of those who fought and died on that accursed world, and of those who against all odds lived to tell the tale. ++ ++ Brigannion Four. Veterans may remember the world from that ancient and malign tome, the 4th edition Codex: Chaos Space Marines. Ever since I read its description, I’ve been strangely enamoured with it. To me, it is an interesting microcosm, a fun little sandbox to poke around in. I mean, what’s not to love about it? A daemonic fortress world, conquered and desecrated by the Night Lords, fought over by Legions, Renegades and daemons, fortified to a ludicrous degree by the Iron Warriors - in short, a true hellscape where Chaos rages against its own kind for no other reason or purpose than pure, undistilled spite and hatred. There’s a lot of potential here, and I intend to tap it as much as I can. Tap it how, I hear you wonder? Well, at first, I tried to do so by writing my own fluff for the conflict, with the idea of one day turning it into an expansion for Shadow War: Armageddon. While I never did get quite far with those writings, they did inspire me to convert a couple of Not-quite-True-Scale Black Legionnaires, and in the more recent past, to expand on those Legionnaires with other models, such as a Hellbrute, a Daemon Prince, etcetera. I’ve got a couple more conversions lined up, which I’m very eager to share with you all. The Black Legion marches on Brigannion Four, and all shall tremble before the Warmaster’s might! But I’d like to do more. Specifically, I’d like to invite you, dear readers, to join me in this hellpit of darkness and despa– I mean, lovely little sandbox. There are a lot of factions and ideas to explore on Brigannion Four, and I’d love to hear your thoughts on the matter. I hope that my own works, and the accompanying fluff, will inspire your own hobby projects – and if they do, that you share them with all of us! ++ ++ So what’s next? In the posts below this one, I’ll be posting my own finished and work-in-progress Black Legion models, as well as some of the fluff for the other warbands and Legions present on Brigannion Four. At the moment, I have some text ready for the Night Lords and the Death Guard, as well as a short blurb on the Obliterator cult that the Iron Warriors have an agreement with. I also have a few loose ideas regarding the Sons of Hate and the Brotherhood of Blood, which I’ll be posting later down the line as well. That’s it for now – let me know what you think!
  9. Well Hello Peeps I'm Guzzlrr Been playing 40k since about 2007 where i Instantly fell in love with chaos nothing to do with my best mates well timed coercion into the hobby it was the day Chaos were released. Had my own Custom Warband Initially until i read a Storm of Iron which started my love of the Iron warriors. Ive been a Iron Warrior player ever since. My Current armies include : Iron Warriors- oldest force most of these models are about a decade old Recently refreshed my Troops with Mark 4s & Mark 3s the mark 3s especially going quite well with The Iron Warriors this army has fallen victim to attrition. might reinforce with the new chaos Stuff when it drops. Currently the armies i play them most are my most recent : Death Guard - all started when i bought Mortarion an army who sort of needed to be bought after i fell in love with mortys model. Death Guard are fun to play. can be surprisingly fast in certain situations. Thousand sons - like morty Magnus was the birth of my Thousand sons army. I bought Magnus when he released but only started collecting Thousand sons at the beginning of 8th Magnus & Morty Smash Bros list for a wee toruny with friends (i got smashed to bits XD) So Ive got quite alot of painting to do ... and likely will have lots of painting coming up in the future with all this new stuff on the way. got alot of catching up to do so hopefully this will provide some motivation as well as welcome Criticism always looking to improve. so ill stop rambling and show you what Ive been working on this evening. Some of the Marines from Blackstone. been on the to - do list for a while I thinned the black a little too much so the black will need another coat or two but will try to finish that off tomorrow
  10. Hello all, My gaming group is developing a narrative campaign in which we fight over an Imperial world ruled by a knight household. As the resident chaos player in this group, I will be fielding the majority of the heretic forces. I already have a sizable World Eaters army, however the new releases have prompted me to finally give in a build a force of Black Legion, specifically Hounds of Abaddon. I've built the contents of shadowspear and have painted some of it. So far I have not done any conversions. I love these new kits and wanted to have a few units built as intended. However, all of my newer units from this point on will feature some minor conversions. Here are the Chaos Space Marines from Shadowspear and Blackstone Fortress. I am not a strong painter by any means, so black has proven to be a challenge. However, I think these are at least painted to an acceptable table-top standard. I used the loincloths to try and improve my shading and highlighting. I found some unused chosen from the Dark Vengeance box. And finally, a true veteran of the Long War will be returning to the fight once his paint is finished. I am oddly attached to this model. It was one of the first that I ever purchased and I have never been able to convince myself to part with it. C+C is welcome!
  11. Daemon Prince Traditorio is the former Captain of the Sixth Company of the Crimson Knights. Now he's a big Daemon. C&C welcome, sorry for the tresh photography.
  12. Hello, guys! I've decided to participate in the "E Tenebrae Lux IV" painting challenge and make this topic to reveal my progress in collecting "Red Corsairs" - a Chaos Space Marine Chapter . In foreword I'll display my relations with CSM army. I have tried several times to start CSM army years ago and until recently can't find right attitude for myself to continue work for a long time. Right now I build my CSM army around "Huron Blackheart" and his "Red Corsairs" CSM Chapter (former Astal Claws chapter). Badab war story told by FW, especially it is sorrowful part about Astral Claws downfall - very loyal to the Imperium SM Chapter - manipulated by some concealed figures from Imperium of Man and Realm of Chaos alike, hooked me deep inside. In my vision Huron is crippled in body but strong in mind. He is still a loyal subject of God-Emperor of Mankind and will fight for the Imperium no matter the cost and indiscriminately with means (i.e. fight Chaos with it's own hands). The army (or may be better to say - collection) will consist of: - Huron Blackheart; - elite units in Red Corsairs colours (former Astral Claws) - Chosen, Terminators, Raptors and Bikers; - other units are from various CSM warbands - loyal subjects (pawns) to Huron; - various Demon engines and Demons (much later). It must be noted what CSM army comes with variety of colours. Very good stimulus by itself as I fall in love with miniatures painting. Below are already build models: - Hellbrute. Painted it two years ago simply because the model is great and without any relation to Red Corsairs (or intention to build CSM army):
  13. http://www.blacklibrary.com/Images/Product/DefaultBL/xlarge/ahriman-unchanged.jpg Exciting times as BL announced officially the next Ahriman novel, Unchanged. You can read an extract too (epub format). John mentioned on Facebook that it is indeed the third novel. Given John's importance to the Horus Heresy in both BL and FW formats, it's always good to see what he's imagining. I wonder if he will be writing a fair bit of the fluff in FW Propsero whenever it emerges :)
  14. edit: now a proper project blog! edit 2: update to better reflect project scope (ever increasing it seems...) edit 3: now we're including Thousand Sons, guess the brackets were prophetic? edit 4: now the Thousand Sons can fulfil a detachment they get their own topic in the Thousand Sons section edit 5: Daemonettes have their own home too, also updated warband scheme at bottom of post After getting a taste for Kill Team my gaming circle got into some talk about collecting small kill teams from new armies as a fresh modelling opportunity. Whether or not this comes to fruition is another matter, but I thought this would be the chance to tick a few boxes of mine; namely to get my Slaanesh on and experiment and push my modelling and painting abilities. So here I am to scope it out before anything gets started! I'm familiar with Marines, but having not encountered Chaos for a while I'm a bit out of touch with the finer details of what's going on aside from the obvious. How does Slaanesh fair these days? What about daemon units? I'm not too fussed about the other gods at the moment, if I did end up using their stuff I might counts-as them as something Slaaneshi as a good excuse to hone my converting skills. This is all sort of unplanned so you'll have to forgive the rambling nature (or more rambling than normal?). I quite like the idea of whites, pinks/purples and maybe some black and gold but I gather this is fairly typical of Slaaneshi stuff? I'm not set on anything yet other than liking something bright, maybe with something in the pinky-purpley range - all my armies have green on so far, could that be good somewhere? As I said I really want to get outside of my comfort zone but I also want to do something I'd like. I crafted a quick CSM painter colour scheme up, behold it's probably generic glory: Well, everyone starts somewhere right? Painting a halved scheme would be something new too, I'm discounting quartered because I'm slow enough painting as it is While I'm sure that the army has a good chance of growing into a full one given time (isn't it always the way?) I'm only focusing on a Kill Team right now so I'd prefer to start with suggestions based on that first I've not given any thought to backgrounds, names etc yet either but I'll put some time to this if it ends up having legs. Thanks in advance Edit 5 new scheme image with more accurate colours and bits:
  15. Follow me, my Children, and the glory of victory shall be yours. We shall cleanse ourselves in the crimson waters of our enemy. We shall bring the ecstasy of quick release to those who stand before us. We shall give bloody praise to the Lord of Pleasure and sing his name as we dance across the fallen. Follow me, my Children, and you shall taste the undreamt joys that lie beyond the bounds of mortal sense. - Fabius Bile, Lieutenant Commander of the Emperor's Children http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-s3JO9L1A4Wc/URcm0GxfNnI/AAAAAAAAB34/DSAj7FoFMzQ/s1600/fulgrim.jpg Fulgrim the Phoenician, the Illuminator, the Prefector of Chemos “You fuss too much over making the "right" choice Gaius. All we need do is make a good choice, see it through, and accept the consequences.” - Fulgrim "Brothers of the Emperor's Children and warbands of Slaanesh, those loyal to the Emperor and those gifted with enlightenment, pre Heresy or post. It is time we made our presence felt to those who believe us totally disjointed and taken by pleasures they could never comprehend. Let us join together, no matter how briefly, and document the full extent of the 3rd Legion and those warbands who wage war to bring perfection to the Imperium and it's followers." "It is only asked that you illuminate us all with a proclamation of your Lord's name and any titles, his company number if still fighting in the Heresy or his warbands given name. If it pleases, you can even take some time to tell us of your deeds and victories, those who have gained honour within your ranks, and any other details you wish to embellish upon. The important details will be recorded here for all to see (Lord, company number, warband name, your name) and will be kept as up to date as can be so long as the slaves keep coming and those at the back keep the noise to an acceptable level (or you may have to spend time with my flesh crafter, and that's no reward). So please, after an example introduction, step forward and take the floor. We don't bite..." + + + + + + So here we have it. I have to credit Flint13, Jaspcat, and KrautScientist for the inspiration to put this in place (that and Khorne can't have all the glory after all). I'll get the ball rolling: ++ I am Forte, dedicated to Slaanesh and former Emperor's Children Legionnaire, send forth my 'Divine Flayers' lead by Nemitus 'the Flayed' Luura. The Imperium is ripe for our enticement and self gratification. And with my flesh crafter, Faustus 'the Licentious' Belatari, those still worshipping the corpse Emperor shall tremble with fear. + + + + + + Brothers! Welcome to the feast! Tell me, which among you will be the first course? - Lucius (Pre) Heresy Companies 1st Company - commanded by First Captain Julius Kaesoron 2nd Company - commanded by Captain Solomon Demeter 3rd Company - commanded by Captain Marius Vairosean 6th Company - commanded by Captain Abatis Raroson (Chaeron) 10th Company - commanded by Captain Saul Tarvitz 13th Company - commanded by Captain Lucius 22nd Company - commanded by Captain Ha'dreel Aldanath (Flint13) 32nd Company "The Praetorians" - commanded by Captain Cesare Julianus Sixtus (Dragonkin Arenis) 59th Company - commanded by Leonius Eversong (Jaspcat) + + + + + + Post-Heresy/ Warbands Divine Flayers - commanded by Lord Nemitus Luura (forte) The Coven of Cloying Inducments - commanded by Aurellian Ca'varth (Balthamal) Severed Angels - commanded by Lord La'Sai DeSandros (Dammeron) The Seventh Sin - commanded by Lord Sae'raash (daemonclaw) Dread Reapers - commanded by Strazhakov The Disciples of Fulgrim - commanded by Lord Commander Fulgentius (Disciple of Fulgrim) The Cabal of the Severed Heads - commanded by Lord Severus Hellscream (oreaper84) The Aggressive Perfectors - commanded by Slyvain (plague of sedition) The Thiasus - commanded by Grand Magus Eleutherios (Fortis) Violators - commanded by Andurial Volsilaagh(incinerator950) Defecators - commanded by Master Phe'latius (SlaveToDarkness) Creptatiors - commanded by Lord Fortaye (SlaveToDarkness) Psychopomps - commanded by Lord Sophusar (Kierdale) The Volatile Princess of the Carnal Coterie - commanded by Sub-Commander Nuzzle (Kilofix) Consorts of Memnoch - commanded by Lord Commander Memnoch (DraneceusRex) The Cult of the Golden Chains - commanded by Lord Audiatrix Ssyth'thala (Emperors Immortals) Cult of the Fanged Blossom - commanded by Belucifariel (Flint13) Hawk Knights - commanded by KingBlanco1994 The Disciples of Noise - commanded by Torren Dianicus (heralds of excess) Hoardkeepers - commanded by Aelianus (Teetengee) Brotherhood of Innocence - commanded by Kat'hy'tirina (Cate) The Gilded Splinters - commanded by Spaakl Daakli (Spaakl Daakli) 18th Covenant of Tormentous Ecstasy - aka Raptio Arachnophilia Perfruor Excrucio - commanded by Lord Valtai'aire (tenebre) Sons of Decadence - commanded by Flavius Caligula (Phal Brannon) Castigators - commanded by Nestor Lustheart (Castigator) + + + + + + Notable members with other Legions Sigvald the Signified (currently with the Black Legion) (Loesh) + + + + + + As a side to this, if anyone would like to help this thread, please send me a PM directly. Many thanks, forte. And there are potential signature squares too, for example: C&C welcome
  16. http://eternalhunt.files.wordpress.com/2014/07/we_banner_02.png *Sons of the Great Twelfth Legion, your brothers call you forth so that you may roar your oaths of honor upon the sands of the arena one last time. Though we are a legion fractured, a tide of blood shall flow through the segmentum, as the get of Angron band together among equals. Come, and boast of your head taking, so that the galaxy may know who stands against them, wrought red in the entrails of their greatest warriors. We are the Sons of the Twelfth legion, and we shall have blood!* http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/800x600q90/661/QcUhqA.jpg (To all of the World Eaters of Bolter and Chainsword, both full and part time, loyalist or traitor, pre or post heresy, we invite you to join us in our little community project to document the full might of our great legion. To assist and entertain new and old World Eaters alike, we ask that you step forward and proclaim the name, deeds, company number and commander of your little section of our legion to be recorded here in what will be an ongoing roster organized by your company number if pre-heresy and just tossed in there all willy nilly if post heresy (just like the real post heresy Twelfth!). A few of us have even gone first to provide a good template. We'll be updating the roster in the first post as long as the mods will allow so that we may record all twelfth legion faithful for future projects and other fun stuff in our happy little community.) -- I am Flint 13, and I am the blade itself; wrought red upon the blooded sands. As a proud daughter of Angron, I command the 28th Company of the Twelfth legion, the Children of Cuth Vasi. "Woe be to the enemies of the Cuth Va'san, for their cities shall crumble and their skies shall bleed with the ashes of their fallen." -- I am Jaspcat, and I stand as a Son of Angron. I command the 14th Company of the Twelfth legion, The Slaves of Anor, the breachers of walls and the lineage of Dalkeith the armoured bane. --I am KrautScientist, and I command the World Eaters' 4th assault company, "Khorne's Eternal Hunt". Though our legion might be an empty shell of its former glory, we still endure. As was taught to us by Angron, our lord and father, we hunt. We fight. We kill. And we still have our honour. "In the endless cold between the stars, there is only the hunter and his prey. All that remains is the hunt, for only the hunt is eternal." -- I am Relict and I stand a proud Son of Angron. I command the LXXVII Battle Company, III Echelon, XII Legion - the Iron Devourers. "The Emperor created us as tools to be blunted and then discarded. The Warmaster has delivered us from that fate. From this day forward, we march as a part of his grand design - one company, one will, many minds. The dogs of the Emperor shall curse our name and dread our coming, for we are the Iron Devourers and none shall find us wanting. To war, my brothers!" - Centurion Voss, Captain of the 77 Battle Company, Battle of Isstvan V **Who needs the Codex Astartes? A World Eater's Tactical Musings: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/294658-tactica-world-eaters/?p=3766262 Trying to flesh out your warlord's character? Try the Khornate Warlord Personality Test **A Record of Blood and Brass** "Because we couldn’t be trusted. The Emperor needed a weapon that would never obey its own desires before those of the Imperium. He needed a weapon that would never bite the hand that feeds. The World Eaters were not that weapon. We’ve all drawn blades purely for the sake of shedding blood, and we’ve all felt the exultation of winning a war that never even needed to happen. We are not the tame, reliable pets that the Emperor wanted. The Wolves obey, when we would not. The Wolves can be trusted, when we never could. They have a discipline we lack, because their passions are not aflame with the Butcher’s Nails buzzing in the back of their skulls. The Wolves will always come to heel when called. In that regard, it is a mystery why they name themselves wolves. They are tame, collared by the Emperor, obeying his every whim. But a wolf doesn’t behave that way. Only a dog does. That is why we are the Eaters of Worlds, and the War Hounds no longer." —Captain Khârn of the World Eaters Legion's 8th Assault Company, from his unpublished treatise The Eighteen Legions (Pre) Heresy era 1. Company – the Devourers 3. Company – commanded by Captain Solax 4. Company – commanded by Captain Baltus Lorimar (KrautScientist) 7. Company - Commanded by Thaddius Taron (furioso-prime) 8. Assault Company – commanded by Captain Khârn, Equerry to the Primarch (and also Poom!) 9. Company – commanded by Captain Dreagher 11. Company - Commanded by Taraguar 12. Company – Legio Cruentus, Commanded by Althor Belisarius (Cheexsta) 13. Company – The Unbroken, commanded by Amnon (LongGone) 14. Company – The Slaves of Anor (Kurama) 14. Company - Hounds of Molossia commanded by Lőrinc Jakab (Adra’Melek) 15. Company - The Bloodied Hand (Nova_chron) 16. Company – Commanded by Tiberius Thanatos (Khârn the Bloody) 17. Company - Commanded by (the late) Argus Brond 17. Assault Company - Commanded by Zon Thrax (Skullchλos) 18. Company – commanded by Captain Malek Deimos (Biohazard) 19. Company - The Skull Takers, Commanded by Hans Kho'ren 21. Company – Commanded by Maximus Thrax (Demon2027) 23. Company - Commanded by Kolchis the Red Hand (Wulfric _1066) 25. Company – Commanded by Kharlos Rieekan (Paladin7221) 26. Heavy Assault Company - Commanded by Kaldr Shar (Flint13) 27. Company – Commanded by Captain Bekru (Papewaio) 28. Assault Company – The Children of Cuth'Vasi (Flint13) 33. Siege Assault Company- The Iron Berserkers - Commanded by Revan Ira (Cupcake) 34. Company – commanded by the The Unheard, the Silent Stalker (Battle8rother) 35. Company – commanded by Centurion Agmundr Hjort (Brother Khairon) 44. Company – The Triarii, commanded by Centurion Delvarus (optimistically, Ursus44) 48. Company - Commanded by Zharkan 50. Heavy Support Company - Commanded by Lheorvine Urkris 56. Company – commanded by Taros Wyvern (Wyvern) 59. Company - (Augustus b'Raass) 64. Company – The Sinner’s Swords, commanded by Centurion Zekariah Cain (YFNPsycho) 66. Company – The Cry of Havoc, commanded by Rauhx (Slipstreams) 77. Company – The Iron Devourers, commanded by Centurion Voss (Relict) 100. Company – The Charnel Wraiths, commanded by Skarra Cadeyrn (TheWarmaster) Legion Armourium - commanded by Jareg, the Master-Shellsmith Legion Apothecarion - commanded by First Apothecary Frabrikus Legion Librarius - commanded by Lectio Primus Vorias Post Heresy – warbands Khorne’s Eternal Hunt – commanded by Lord Captain Lorimar (KrautScientist) The World Eaters' 18th company warband– commanded by Lord Malek Deimos (Biohazard) 25. Company – commanded by Kharlos Rieekan (Paladin7221) Scions of Gorechild – commanded by Lord Korlath (Pandemicus) The Warriors of Brother Chaplain Rage, the Half-wrought (BCK) Angron's Chosen – commanded by Drakon (Khârn the Bloody) The Fell Brethren – commanded by Shallag Jaganath, Breaker of Worlds (Vorenus) Cabal of the Severed Heads – Commanded by Rataxxus Headtaker (oreaper84) The Brazen Maw – commanded by Jural Kordash (OldSchoolSoviet) The Bloodslaved – commanded by Lord Bekru (Papewaio) 59th Echelon – "Prostration's Cull" (Augustus b'Raass) The Blood Reavers – commanded by Lord Styrian Bloodhand (Plague of Sedition) The Blood Host – commanded by Kar Thul (brninghalo) The Crimson Consecrated – commanded by Lord Ixion (Relict) 8th Massacre Cohorts and Genocide Gears (Slayer le Boucher) The Sinner’s Swords – commanded by Lord Cain the Heretic and Daemon Prince Dek’val’rax (YNFPsycho) The Eyes of Tivan – commanded by Chaos Lord Tyrke (Cormac Airt) The Bonewalkers – commanded by Serjius the Ranting (Dragonlover) The Void Reavers - Commanded by Lord Barraka, the White Daemon (Barraka) 88th Heavy Assault Company - The Crimson Ludus - Commanded by Ultor, Blood-Priest of Kharanath (OPTIMVSCHRIST) Tide of Blood - Commanded by Escharon, King of Scars (Teetengee) The Devourers – commanded by Tarugar The Blood Slaughterers – commanded by Jurghan the Slaughterer (STD) Hell Guardians - Commanded by Zon Thrax the Red Hand - (Skullchλos) The Bloodspitters, remnants of the 8th Company - (GrandMasterSapphon) The Skull Reavers - Commanded by Astarax the Slaughterer - (Chaos_Lord888) The Foresworn – commanded by Kossolax the Foresworn The Blood Legion of Khorne – commanded by Lord Crull The Headsman’s Warband – commanded by the Headsman The Skulltakers – commanded by Lord Zhufor the Impaler The Berserkers of Skallathrax The Skull Takers of Hans Kho’ren – commanded by Hans Kho’ren Gladiator Group 138 – commanded by Kraagon Gorefist The Ravagers
  17. In the embrace of the great Nurgle, I am no longer afraid, for with His pestilential favour I have become that which I once most feared: Death. -Kulvain Hestarius, of the Death Guard Fellow brothers of the XIV Legion, the time for war is near, for soon we march to the gates of Terra itself and cast down the Emperor of Mankind and anybody who stands between us and our goal. The banners of the Plague God fly high in his pestilent glory, and uncounted warbands are gathering together preparing for the battles that face us. This is a call to arms for all that are loyal to Nurgle and our gene father Mortarion, make yourselves known so you can join the names of your brothers and you will be remembered for all time as the Chosen of Nurgle, his favoured sons, his Plague Lords, join us in the Dance of Death and soon we will be at his right hand and rule all that we can see... (what the curtains??) I, Slave to Darkness, sworn to Nurgle and former Deathguard Legionnaire, send forth the 'Maggot Kin' lead by Festimius the Septile, to do battle with the followers of the Corpse God, victory shall be ours, as only Death and Decay is certain. (Pre) Heresy Companies 1st Great Company - commanded by Calas Typhon 2nd Great Company - commanded by Ignatius Grulgor (Slave to Darkness) 3rd Great Company - commanded by Tamadas Dion (Disease) 4th Great Company - (Reserved for Chaeron - awaiting details) 5th Great Company - 6th Great Company - 7th Great Company 5th Battalion - commanded by Centurion Moab (Kilofix) Post-Heresy/ Warbands Maggot Kin - commanded by Festimius the Septile (Slave to Darkness) Dread Walkers - commanded by Ambulon (Teetengee) Putrefactors - commanded by ??? (Incinerator950) The Scourge - commanded by The Lich King (ArcticPaladin) The Disciples of Nurgleth - commanded by Kyphas Sadistra (Disease) The Stonebreakers (Iron Warriors 22nd Great Company) - commanded by Plaguesmith M
  18. I want a Daemon Prince for my Iron Warriors but the GW ones don’t appeal to me. I feel that, for the Iron Warriors, it should be more machine than demon, aka, more Iron than flesh. Looking for alternatives, I saw some interesting conversions but not exactly what I wanted either. Until I run into the Cryx models for Warmachine. In the end I’ve bought the Corruptor/Reaper/Malice kit that would officially give these 3 variants: http://www.thecombatcompany.com/assets/full/PIP-34125.png While I actually love the model as it is, I would like to modify it a bit to look more 40k-ish but I am not sure how. I was originally thinking of kitbashing using a head that would look closer to the skull of the IW and adding something to make it a winged-daemon prince, preferably not actual wings but something like a thruster, although I fear this would look ridiculous. I actually like the arms that come in the kit, although it could be interesting to have an option for a heavy cannon instead. Do you know of any parts that could fit or should I venture into the world of greenstuff? Do you have any other ideas? Thank you beforehand!
  19. Hello all, I'm starting this thread to document the progress of a returning player getting to grips with a new iteration of a Death Guard Army. First, a little backstory to my Plague legion.... Only the most fanatical of Nurgle’s worshipper’s may hope to gain the Grandfather’s favour. To that end, the ­Fetid Hand will never rest until each and every one of them have been witnessed by the Bringer of Plagues Himself. These warriors, clad in bone white plate and oozing the numerous blessings of Nurgle, are amongst the foulest of His followers. They are distinctly puritanical in their approach to the spreading of plague, not in the least content to sit back and let the spread of contagion gradually occur throughout the planets they turn their putrid gaze to. Instead, they seek to disperse their diseases with a disciplined fervour that is quite at odds with the majority of their heretic brothers. The Fetid Hand take great delight in seeing their foes brought to their knees by the holy plagues that Nurgle has gifted, and will continue to spread the word of decay until they themselves are welcomed back to the bosom of Nurgle. The idea behind my Death Guard are that they are, in essence, worshippers and priests of Nurgle. In the future, I plan to add either a detachment of Renegades and Heretics who would act as a more diverse cult of worshippers than the single Chaos Cultist unit allows, or a detachment of Chaos Daemons which would also reflect the religious nature of my warband. Anyway, on to some photos! Balgroth, the Fallen Chaplain Had a metal space marine chaplain lying around, so of course I had to putrefy him. The main modification I made was to replace his mace with a staff-like weapon.
  20. After 5 years away from the hobby due to University, I have decided to return. The stars seemed to have aligned with 8th edition, the Death Guard codex, and the completion of my degree coinciding. Perhaps some influence from the changer of ways.. I have pledged to complete the following for the 10th call of chaos: 1 Daemon Prince 1 Helbrute 7 Plague Marines Typhus 1 Rhino 7 Blightlords 3 Deathshroud Only when I was typing that I accidentally put 1 helbrute instead of 2. I still plan on painting both as I am participating in a 1500 pt tournament in 3 weeks where I will need the Daemon Prince, both helbrutes and the 7 plague marines painted, in addition to rebasing and adding a few other details to the other models which I have already painted (Back when I started Death Guard in around 2011, I had about 1500 points already painted) I have a huge amount of death guard to paint at the moment, in addition to the above I have 2 sets of dark imperium, 2 more squads of plague marines and mortarion sitting unassembled. I will try and keep you updated once a fortnight. Onto the units I have pledged for the call: Unassembled goodies for later Plague marines and rhino. The rhino has forge world doors. The 6 of the plague marines are from dark imperium, 2 of which have arm swaps to give them different weapons, the 7th is a plague brethren also with arm swaps. 2 Helbrutes, one is an OOP forge world dreadnought, the other is a slightly converted dark vengeance helbrute. Last but not least is my Daemon prince. It's been heavily converted from the plastic kit with a defiler face plate, some plasticard and a lot of green stuff. I look forward to showing some painted minis. On another note, what is the fastest/best way to upload images/posts? It took me ~45 minutes to do this post and I would like to be able to do it quicker.
  21. I got this Land Raider used and in very rough shape. Instead of fixing it properly, I decided to add a lot of daemonic flesh and other elements of Chaos. I have a shot of the sculpting work prior to putting on paint here if anyone is interested: https://creativetwilight.com/chaos-land-raider-conversion-6/ Anyway, I've made some reasonable progress on painting it and figured I'd share it. Here's a few more since taking the previous shots where I've worked on the Tzeentch eye on the top, and the door for Khorne. I'll be working on other smaller details next, like the tentacles, but I'm not sure what color to do those. The vehicle also has, though not painted/shown, elements for Slaanesh and Nurgle. I want the tentacles god neutral, which is a bit tricky I'm finding. Total open to ideas.
  22. Profane Defilers [Reneged Chapter] In order to understand this legion one would first need to journey back to before it fell to the perverse pleasures of the Slaanesh, back to when it was first founded as one of the Adeptus Astartes loyal to the God Emperor of Man. Back to when it was a chapter known as the ‘Storm Hammers’. 'Storm Hammer Chapter http://imageshack.com/a/img922/9687/4Mm9rU.jpg It’s gene seed was or so it is believed to have come from a stable Ultramarine stock as was many created during the thirteenth founding, the Storm Hammers where to become renown by those that faced against them or fought alongside them in battle as having an indomitable will, it was argued that its regular engagements the forces of chaos is the reason behind this chapters sheer force of will that or the a mutation to the Chapters gene-Seed, at least this is the general belief by those in the Adeptus Mechanicus whose duty it is to monitor the gene seed of the Space Marine Chapters still loyal to the Imperium. Others believe it is just a reflexion of the Chapters extreme and mostly all ways highly destructive ways of dealing with things, for while other Chapters of the Adeptus Astartes are more akin to a surgical implement and the Astra Militarum (Imperial Guard) are likened to a sledge hammer. The Storm Hammer Chapter would be best described as nothing less than a wrecking ball, slow to get started but when it does it leaves nothing but complete and total destruction, everything is raised to the ground. For the Chapter Honour in Battle is considered nothing more than a luxury and not a necessity as such many challenges to a duel are turned down or answered with artillery fire. But results as well as effectiveness of their methods, as savage and brutal as they maybe to those outside of the chapter cannot be denied or ignored as they demolish and shatter the enemy lines with their ferocious assault. For all intents purposes the Storm Hammers are a devastating force and have proven time and again to live up to name their preferred weaponry, the Thunder Hammer and the Storm Shield. One of the more unusual though not unique traits of the Storm Hammer’s is the way the indoctrinate new recruits into the Chapter, while most other chapters of the Adeptus Astartes replenish their ranks from a single world or worlds with in their home territory the Storm Hammers pull theirs from anywhere be it penal colonels to gang’s form over crowded Hive worlds. Storm Hammer Scout http://imageshack.com/a/img922/8135/SVceEP.jpg This fact could well be the true reason for their sheer strength of will and brutal style of combat that can be frustrating to the tacticians of both allies and opponents alike something the Elder and Tau are well aware of, even after the Chapters fall from grace they have proven to be a random factor in any battle plan. 'The Storm Hammers make the Space Wolves of Fenris look civilised and cultured.' -Captain Calton of the 502nd Tempestus Scions- Wargear During their heyday the Storm Hammers would often sortie into the close confines of Hive Spire or the corridors of a Space Hulk as such their equipment tended for the most part to evolve around squads utilising Storm Shields alongside their Bolt Gun while the Sargant would field a Storm Bolter or Thunder Hammer. In some cases, it was not unknown to see a marine from the storm hammer chapter with a pair of Lightning Claws. Tough the use of Flamers/Melt-Guns and Heavy Flamers/Multi-Meltas would also be utilised due to their high effectiveness in such confined areas. Though since falling to the powers of chaos the Profane Defilers many aspiring champions are found to have a preference to wielding Combi-Bolters with Power Fist combination, some still retain attachment to their old Lightning Claws unfortunately this also tends to be quite literally as they in most cases tend to have fused with their weaponry. The hierarchy of the Storm Hammer Chapter on the outside looks not to unsimilar to that laid out by the Codex Astartes but on closer inspection one would find that each squad and company is laid out from strongest to weakest with the most strongest fighter in the whole Chapter earning the right through combat to hold the title of Chapter Master and lead the entire chapter. The Chapter Master at that time had managed to keep hold of his title for several centuries crushing those who challenge him for his position in rank, their skulls adorning the assembly hall as badges of honour as well as a warning to those others who contemplate trying to take his title for themselves. To be the weakest in this Chapter is to suffer a living hell where torment becomes a way of life, but in this lay the chapters biggest weakness; for if a chain is only as strong as its weakest link then so to would it be for the Storm Hammers and the path to their downfall. The chapters fate was sealed on 775-777.M41 along the outer rim where the Chapter’s Barque the ‘Storm Lord’, was dragged into the immaterium during what had at first seemed to be a malfunction in the massive vessels warp engines. It would be foolish to think the Storm Hammers could escape escape the interest of the chaos Gods especially Khorne the Blood God who converted the Chapter for his own ends, but he wasn’t alone as Slaanesh had noticed the delightful if not exquisite cries of the weakest member of the now doomed Chapter. However, while Khorne bellowed and used force to try to make the Storm Hammers to worship and pledge allegiance to the Lord of Skulls, Slaanesh approached used a far more subtler less direct attempt. No empty promises or simple seduction of the senses to beguile the Lone Marine kept under foot by his Battle Brothers. Instead Slaanesh through one of many Daemonic handmaidens nurtured his body bring his lips to the Daemonette’s teat and feeding him milk made from the very essence of the warp itself while whispering words of comfort and reassurance to boost his confidence and rebuild his pride so he might stand tall.The Marines body grew stronger than his Battle Brothers, faster with reflexes akin to denizens of the black Library, he was no longer the simpering wretch he had once been; the corrupted Marine was grateful beyond all measure and begged to bare the mark of Slaanesh. The Daemonette gifted the mortal with a kiss while her claws sensuously caressed his cheek as the mark formed over his heart and his soul was freely offered up to and accepted by Slaanesh naming the new servant to his armies as Ash’Slaa a word meaning ‘Liquid Ecstasy’ in the tongue of Daemons. The Grudge of Durran IV’ The incident leading to tensions between the Storm Hammers and the Dark Angels being tenuous at best came about upon the Hive World of Durran IV where a Dark Angels Interrogator demanded a gang being scouted by a Chaplin of the Storm Hammers for possible recruits, be turned over to him and his brothers for reasons that the Interrogator refused to give. Frustrated and incensed by such demands the Chaplin attacked the Interrogator while their honour guard watched on, forming a ring around the two combatants. The fight lasted for hours with at last the Chaplin emerged victorious and claiming the gang as his spoils. As was the tradition with the Storm Hammer Chapter the gang was permitted to come aboard the strike cruiser ‘Flaming Vengence’ to watch as those chosen from amongst their own and other gangs those who had been chosen fought for the privilege of recruitment in to the Chapter. Half way through an unmarked vessel engaged the ‘Flaming Vengence’ performing a boarding manoeuvre that led to the death of the gangs and some of the Chaplin’s overseeing the selection of suitable juves for induction. One of the gang leaders though was missing and a power sword with the livery of the Dark Angels chapter was found buried deep in the Storm Hammer Chaplin who had defeated the Interrogator early that week. Outraged the Chapter Master of the Storm Hammers demanded recompense from his counterpart in the Dark Angels only to rejected and informed not to cast false allegations and that one weapon was not evidence enough. Since then that same sword was placed in the Chapters Trophy room as reminder often Dark Angels unforgivable act against the Storm Hammers least the foul act be forgotten. Latter this same sword would be used as an instrument that would lead the chapter into the hands of Slaanesh. -The Grudge of Durran IV- While the forces of Khorn laid siege to the fortress monastery the forces of Tzeentch preyed upon the Navis Nobilite Navigators but where driven back with the aid of the Chapters Librarian’s in an combined momentous effort to repel the psychic assaults. Even the forces Grandfather Nurgle who had made a late start in this latest game between the Gods of Chaos, Nurgle sought to add the vessel to the Nurgles Plague Fleet. Eventually unwilling to let neither Nurgle nor Khorne have this precious prize the Changer of Ways tore open a hole into the material world, upon seeing the opening the Chapter Master ordered the ‘Storm Lord’ to head into it. Upon exiting the warp the mighty vessel echoed with the cries of victory by those that had remained true and resisted the pull of corruption proving once more there indomitable will or so they thought, one Marine the weakest link in the chain that bound them all together as warriors, had been broken. With the Warp Engines beyond repair the vessel limped towards the nearest Imperial world to initiate repairs and feast in honour of their own glory in holding their own in such dire circumstances, a peril that had in the Imperiums past both claimed and corrupted other Chapters of the Adeptus Astarties. Fuelled now with a sense of over confidence in their abilities the Storm Hammer chapter fell foul to Hubris and deeming those unable to resist the pull of chaos as being weak something they could never be. These same delusions led to the Chapter Master to the belief that he was completely untouchable, that no foe could touch him. That he was on par with the great Primarchs, or at least that was until Ash’Slaa entered the Chapters Trophy Chamber and took a Power Sword that had been taken from the broken body of a Dark Angel Interrogator. With Sword in hand Ash’Slaa challenged the chapter Master who merely laughed and mocked him claiming him to be beneath contempt and proceeded to ignore Ash’Slaa as a fool and a weakling, only to find himself looking up at the lowly Marine from the floor, unable to comprehend why the room seemed to be getting darker or why he could no longer speak. With the head of the Old Chapter master in hand he raised it up as proof of his right to rule through victory, over the period of the next few hours many believing their chance at advancement in the hierarchy had come tried to slay what they conceived as an easy target only to lose their heads as well. Eventually those Captains who remained alive knelt before the New Chapter Master Ash’Slaa and the seeds of corruption had been sown and the Chapter began its unknowing descent towards the clutches of Slaanesh. With the rise of the new Chapter Master, Slaanesh at long last had a foot hold in a prize much coveted by his brothers Khorne, Nurgle and Tzeentch. The hedonistic doctrine was swiftly embraced infecting the entire chapter like some undetected cancer. The Storm Hammer’s being too proud and stubborn to acknowledge or even recognise the corruption from with in their own ranks until it was too late had become a renegade chapter, such was the stubbornness of that same unyielding pride that the Storm Hammer’s refused to comply to the inquisitions demands for investigate the rumours of secret practices and worship to the chaos that was occurring within their chapter, a decision that would return to haunt the Storm Hammers latter. For while the Inquistion has command over many of the forces within the Imperium of Man the Adeptus Astarties is not one of them, as such while the Inquisition may well have had some suspicions as to what was happening they could do very little but watch and wait. As with most things of this nature the Chapters actions were coming to a head as the Storm Hammers had slowly begun to cease supplying their quota of their Gene Seed to the Adeptus Mechanicus as prerequisite for all Chapters of the Adeptus Astarties. As such the rumblings of annoyance and outrage began to build in the Adeptus Administratum as this was a most unprecedented turn of events. While it was not unheard of for some Chapters through extreme loss of force to send less and less Gene Seed, but the deliberate act of stopping was of a great concern and alarm. The truth though to the Storm Hammers frailer to pass on a regular percentage of their gene seed was much more sinister, it was mutating beyond acceptable limits and would have revealed the truth behind the chapter having turned to Chaos. The Inquisition who had long been shunned by this Chapter even before it had turned began to make its move sensing the time was right, those Inquisitors who had, as the inquisition is most fond of doing, had stopped jealously guarding their own individual investigations and formed a conclave with which would work with the singular goal of having the Chapter sanctioned as ‘Excommunicate Traitoris’. Chaos Marine of the Profane Defilers http://imageshack.com/a/img923/2913/lQpYwn.jpg It took only a few decades but the conclave gathered evidence enough to prove the Chapter was mutating under daemonic influence, this was all they need to convince other Chapters of the Adeptus Astarties as an ‘Edict of Obliteration‘ was sanctioned, but before the strike force had even been assembled the Grey Knights had attacked the Chapters Barque the ‘Storm Lord’ that acted as the Storm Hammers Fortress Monastery. The ‘Storm Lord’ was eventually destroyed by the Chapter Master ordering its massive reactors to be overloaded while the massive vessel was plunged in amongst the Vessels of the Grey Knights before detonating and ripping a hole in the fabric of the materium for but a few brief moments sucking the rest of ‘Storm Hammer’ chapter fleet into the immaterium and into the awaiting arms of their patron Slaanesh. This act of absolute defiance took out a sizable chunk of the Grey Knight force that had come to utterly wipe the ‘Storm Hammers from the face of existence itself. When next the ‘Storm Hammers’ where seen they had become something else entirely, their flesh had become fused with their weaponry and armour some even to their vehicles, no longer were they the ‘Storm Hammers’ they were now the ‘Profane Defilers’ the metal of their weapons and armour was forged from psycho-conductive metals forged in the smiths of Slaanesh’s forges. This allowed the Profane Defilers to commune with their armour and weapons in ways the black carapace worn by their loyalist breather could never experience as well as enhance the sensations experienced in battle where experientially increased. It is due to this nightmarish fusion of technology, warp and flesh that has over the centuries lured Warpsmith’s, Mutilators and Obliterators to the legion bolstering the sheer strength and ferocity of these traitor marines. The Grudge Renewed The grudge the Storm Hammers had towards the Dark Angels remains even in their current form as the Profane Defilers, as such they gladly give refuge to the Fallen even accept them into their ranks just to spite the Sons of Lion El’Johnson. This tends to work well for the Fallen and even in some occasions for Cypher when looking for a safe location to recover where the Dark Angels cannot easily get at him. In regards to recruiting new blood to replace their fallen warriors, the strongest warriors from the Chaos Cultists that follow the Legion like so many love sick groupies are selected, those blessed with selection and survive the transformation into chaos space marine are implanted with a shard of solidified warp energy and a spike forged of psycho-conductive conductive metal. Each spike is a prized and zealously guarded artefact that is considered as a gift from Slaanesh as proof of their allegiance to Prince of Pleasure’s in all its obsessive forms, with every battle their war gear grows ever more apart of them. For some they will become more akin to mechanical skeletons with parts of their old power armour fused to their techno organic bodies as a sign of what they had once been, these veterans are as far from Human’s as Daemons are from Mortals. Their humanity and mortality striped form them as they travel form battle field to battle field with screams of pure ecstasy while their psycho-conductive metal bodies absorb and amplify the pleasures of combat. these follows of Slaanesh are domed never to become fully daemonic yet at the same time are blessed with an eternal fully sentient existence, the chaos marines of the profane defilers take great delight in their duties in the service of their one and only true master Slaanesh. The Profane Defilers Flagship http://imageshack.com/a/img924/8417/lzpxIM.png It was during their time as the loyalist chapter that brought them to blows with a small group of Magas with in the Adeptus Mechanicus and those forces in their command, the main reason for this intense tension between the two organisation lay mostly with the chapters love of tweaking of their equipment and neglecting to perform required prays to the machine spirits of that same equipment. This in itself both a Techno’Heresy and an affront to the Machine God, worse yet the chapter would openly and make no secret of picking up a fallen enemies’ weapon to use be it of Chaos origin or Xenos. They cared little as long as it would allow them to continue killing their enemies and while these practices are often frowned upon by the Tech Marines of the Chapter but with no support to stamp it out from the Chapter Master the Tech Marines could do little, some would even hoard Xeno tech’ for closer study. Now as a renegade chapter these practices continue to the point where the Profane Defilers will go out of their way to capture whole Xeno’s factories and ships to study and strip for its technology, their once disapproving Tech’Marines have become Warpsmiths that encourage and support such endeavours. It should be pointed out that while much the same as the legions and renegade chapters in the service of the fell gods, the Profane Defilers steal the much treasured gene seed from the defeated bodies of those Loyalist Marines whose Progenoid Glands they will plunder, as such it is not uncommon for this renegade chapter to make raids upon an astartes strike cruisers or planets under the protection from one of the loyalist chapters, This and the chance for a fight against a worthy adversary. On this note however unlike those of the other renegade chapters and chaos legions the Profane Defilers refuse out right to do business with the much loathed Fabius Bile, considering his Cloned Warriors an affront to their pride as warriors and in their view a complete insult to the joys of battle. 'We Forgo Glory, We Forsake Honours, Gifts of Praise are but an Insult to us! If you seek to reward us then give us a fight against impossible odds for that is what we crave!' -The Profane Defilers to a Herald of Slaanesh- .
  23. With the total eclipse of the sun possibly foretelling of the end of humanity, why not sit back and watch a brand new Glacial Geek Battle Report?! https://youtu.be/pVmycy1iopI This week my Dark Angels take on the Emperor's Children! The vile Emperor's Children had been operating out of this planet for a while now. The human populous had been enslaved and subjected to their depraved whims. On top of all this, a band of the Fallen had been cooperating with the Emperor's Children and operating out of this planet as well. With this in mind, the Dark Angels decided that the people on this planet needed liberation ... And obviously a debriefing. Will the Unforgiven free the people of this planet and get the information they want, or will the Emperor's Children repel the assault and continue to reign over this planet? Watch and find out!
  24. Hello everyone. I "played" 40k back when I was a little boy. Well, I didn't really play it. I just bought the figures, glued them together and sometimes painted them badly. Living in a small village in germany meant that I never had the chance to play the game und so I stopped. But now. Around 10 years later: I got a job, moved to the big city and found a games workshop store. Now I took my old miniatures and started painting again! Thsese are my first painted miniatures after 10 years and I'm having lots of fun :D So I always loved the Iron Warriors but the metallic was not really what I was looking for so I decided to go for my own legion. They are called the Junk Dwellers, a splinter group of the Iron Warriors. Originally they were more or less a small group of marines that scavanged the battlefields after the Iron Warriors had a confrontation so the old tanks and power armors of fallen Warriors could be used anew. But after years of scavanging and building a respectable armory they decided to fight their own battles. They painted their silver metal armor grey and called themself the Junk Dwellers. These are the first 6 guys I painted and slightly modified. Carved off the horns; extended one of the barrels and gave one of them a pipe on his head. My goal is to create a chaos army that has kind of an ork / Iron Warriors feeling. After I finished this 15 man squad I still have an unpained Predator and a few bikers laying around. I think I'll buy a few plastic cards and maybe even ork bits and stuff to let the tank look like it was fixed with junk from an old battlefield. I'm excited to get back into the hobby and finally play with my own army in the near future :D
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