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Hammer Of Caliban WIP


OK so I more or less finished putting together my Land Raider. I completely messed up with the side weapons. I was going to just go with one, but I got greedy and opted to try and magnetize them so I could have both Crusader and Redeemer patterns. Anyway, it's not a pretty job with the magnets, but they are firm and hold everything well so I suppose it was worth it in the end. It was trickier than I thought; if I ever do a lascannon version, I will have many well-learned lessons as I goofed on this kit more than I care to admit. I have a predator here to provide backup which I already had and I have 2 more new ones that I am about to embark upon building. I will do them like I did the dreadnoughts and just set up an assembly line and do it all at once. I opted to use the predators since they are still pretty cheap (well, cheaper than Vindicators), and offer the most versatility in my view. Anyway, here we go again !

From the album:

Dark Angels WIP

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