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Plasma Obliterator WIP


This is my first attempt at a structure. It's called a Plasma Obliterator and is essentially a big pillbox with a giant plasma gun sitting on the roof. Being a Dark Angels fan with a bit of a plasma fetish, I simply had to have it. I am told this thing was a limited edition model or something; I don't know, I bought the only one on the shelf so maybe I was just in the right place at the right time. It was pretty easy to build, although some of the support beams had to be Green-stuff'd as I couldn't get them to snap into place just right. But all in all, I think it's going to be fun to play with. It's AV 14 with shooting points all around it (I imagine it holds maybe 10 guys?). The top is a 360 degree turret with a 72", AP2 massive blast (I think that's 7"?). Anyway, it still Gets Hot though where units suffer D3 wounds I think. I just can't wait to add some wings and DA iconography to it, I think it's a pretty neat-looking tower.


It grieves me though to think how good that jerk Cypher would be running that gun with his disgraceful BS rating. The worst you could do would be 2" scatter on a 7" plate ! Bah !

From the album:

Dark Angels WIP

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