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Bike sargeant 2


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Guest Richiebaby


Hay there, i'm not sure how frequently this is updated.


Your collection is impressive, i love the smooth quality of your painting.


I have just sold a fair lump of my old collections to fund a new project, i'm working to build the 5th company of the Raptor chapter, working around the Chaplin dreadnought "Ennead"as a focus point for my army. I've managed to get my hadns on a forge world dreadnought chaplin and a bunch of raptor rhino doors to help keep the theme.


I was wondering if you could expand on how you thought the best way to get the gren you have acheived, because i love the tone of it and also, where can i get the raptor decals from? I'm sure thsi is an american website, as i'm in the UK so not sure if we have differnet availablity for decals.


Regards, Rich



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