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© © http://www.wolfsshipyard.mystarship.com/Vehicles.htm

DA DoC scheme finals 1.PNG

Final choice made. Greens will be darker, more in keeping with the dark(er), more sinister feel that the DoC seem to have.

All possible vehicle varients, other than LRC, razorbacks, and other Predator configurations shown. (No razorback templates to use from the copyright site)


While the base designs come from the site in the copyright, most of them are colored in already, in site owners color choices. I can povide "blank" ones if anyone wants to not go through the trouble of removing all colors.


© © http://www.wolfsshipyard.mystarship.com/Vehicles.htm

From the album:

Dark Angels!

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Recommended Comments

I like your choices! Though if you put a symbol on the doors, that would be a place to put some more green. Going off the marine, if it has a symbol or prominent feature, it's green. That would make lights and the sensor housings green. Maybe golden the tips of the Lascannons and Autocannon. Leave the barrels silver.
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