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Old School Blood Angels

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Oh snap, does this model bring back memories or what?


A few years back, I traded off all of my Rackham minis for a random smattering of stuff, which included at least 5 of these jetbikes. Since bikes weren't a great choice for BA in 4th edition, I traded all but one of them away and have had this one just kicking around in the bitz box ever since.


I was thinking about how cool a Sanguinary Priest on a bike would be, so I rummaged around and decided on this. I'm super stoked on how he turned out. I'm not a terrific painter or modeller, I just paint to solid tabletop standards, in my opinion, but I went a little more detailed on him. Funny since it's such an old model that there really isn't that much detail, at least on the marine, compared to the modern BA stuff. When I was nearly finished, I realized that there was nothing specifically identifying him as a BA, so I freehanded a blood drop on his right leg, a red cross on his left leg, and then got daring with the BA logo on his beak. Turned out decent, I believe.

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