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© &copy 2011 Chris Drake Samurai Duck Productions

Most of my Battle Sisters army


Figures I would leave a bunch of squads in a box with my Apocalypse tanks but still, this picture is of most of my Battle Sisters stuff! Pictured are my Canoness (the largest figure wit the wings) and her two squads of Seraphim, My Palatine and her two squads of Celestians (with a third unpainted squad that I used as a Kill Team off to the right), four squads of 20 and two squads of 10 regular Battle Sisters, two squads of 10 Retributors, one squad of 6 Dominions, a squad of 20 Sisters Repentia, two Penitent Engines, Six Exorcist tanks (three with metal turrets and Exorcist iconography, three with plastic turrets and Imperial iconography), two Immolators, and five Rhinos (I apparently turned two of my Immolators into Rhinos a while back adn those are the two with bubble hatches on top.) Missing are a fifth squad of 20 Sisters, another squad of 10 Seraphim, another squad of 10 Retributors, two more Canoness models (one the old, one the new), and two more squads of 6 Dominions.


© &copy 2011 Chris Drake Samurai Duck Productions

From the album:

The Valkyries of the All Father Emperor

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