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Disciples of the Lion 3rd Company Captain


Hi everyone, this is an album for my newest army,

Ive always been a Dark Angel player (7yrs) but I was never really happy with my painting for them , i always found them so bland and dull and i had always liked the GotC so i went with them for a Local Tale of gamers ( A painting and gameing contest that went for 6 months, Games workshop did it a while back). Anyway each month we had to paint 500 points then have a game and you got points and eventually a winner was chosen after 6 months leaveing us with a 3000 point army .


I've used the GotC paint scheme but changed the name of them to Disiples of the Lion , i wanted my army to be religious fanatics dedicated to everything about the mighty Lion El Johnson!!! I have Robed my entire army lots of $$$ and dedication and time put into these guys but i think its worth it , i have plans to do the entire Chapter (crazy i know) so hopefully i"ll get pictures up shortly..


Here's my Captain, I'm not very happy with him (not captain-y enough) im going to remake him with sanguinary guard wings (maybe gold) a sanguinary guard muscle chest peice, I'll probably repose the (power weapon/Thunderhammer) into a swinging pose and get some sholder pads with lion heads on them...if anyone has any other ideas please feel free to post!


So here's my lore behind these guys;


I wanted my chapter to be mysterious like the Legion of the Damned, when theres a allie in strife the Disciples of the Lion suddenly appear aiding them in battle then disapereing as soon as the battles won.


I also based these guys on the watchers (the little jawa's from starwars haha) i wanted a feel like they served the watches and maybe even the Lion! As Luther said "the watchers have taken him".

So I wanted it to be like they were doing the Lions and watches will , again any feed back or constructive critisism would be appriciated !

From the album:

Disciples of the Lion (guardians of the covenant)

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