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Collaborative IA Article


which chapter should the project be based on?  

38 members have voted

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Everything that was mentioned in the the other thread.


Avenging Sons




Imperial Castellans


A castellan is the keeper or governor of a castle. Not sure what to make of defensive marines. Perhaps they live on a feudal world or the like, where their base is closer to a fortress than a monastery?


As For the Castellans (one of my favourite schemes for some reason) to represent there defensive nature you could have them be a very shooty army (low on fast attack high on Dev Squads). Since Castellans "watch over" stuff, you could have them guarding a major shipping lane or vital planetary system or other some other high priority place.


Your ideas regarding the Castellans are good. Obviously being used as a synonym for 'Guardian', the idea of them protecting shipping/boarding pirate vessels is a good one. And one Daeothar's Fiery Lions should be familiar with.


Castellans as shipping lane guardians would be a cool angle, one which has not been too overdone (yet) either. So that would provide us with some interesting plots. Especially with them being more of a standoffish shooty chapter instead of close combat oriented. Because of their ship borne nature, I'd suggest having them use loads of artillery and barrage weapons, as they are used to a ship's artillery. Besides; an artillery-heavy (loyal) chapter has not been done before to my knowledge. Damocles vehicles are a must then of course. Break out those pie plates...

Knights of Gryphonne


Again a link to knights, which could suggest a feudal world. However, they wouldn't be able to recruit knights, as they'd be too old. Not sure what to think.


Maybe the knights of gryphonne have some relationship with the forge world Gryphonne IV, perhaps giving them some link to the AM?




2nd Founding White Scars successors. Maybe a Tartan(sp?) theme. Raiding & Pillaging


A fast-moving chapter, but perhaps mechanised(ish) with lots of rhinos, rather than bikes? Would explain the tactical marine with bolter.

Masters of Proteus


Not 'sons of' or the like, but 'masters'. Perhaps a chapter that doesn't believe in humility. Perhaps similar to the Marines Malevolent, they believe themselves to be superior to those they protect?


Maybe Proteus doesn't have to be a planet, maybe they are radical and have master a daemon or daemon weapon called Proteus.

Or Proteus could be a planet, maybe with links to their founding, as could the daemon.


Red Hunters


I think this chapter could work because of the Inquisitor symbol on their badge. This could provide the hook that they're the Inquisitors Lapdogs, or similar to the Exorcists but for either the Witch or Alien Hunters or they could hate the Inquisition and take up the role themselves.


They (red hunters) would be cool as Xenos hunters (simply using proxy rules before the codex is released and/or death watch).


As for the Red Hunters, It just occurred to me that they could be another experiment like the Exorcists (like you mentioned before), But instead of demon possession, they are infected with Xeno biology (possibly tyrranid). Kind of like a Tyrranid Magos, but then cured. We could give them the preferred enemy trait.


The =][= in their heraldry obviously gives the indication that they have some sort of affiliation with the Inquisition. I would perhaps look to the Pre-Heresy Emperor's Children. They were honoured with the right to wear the Aquila. Perhaps the Red Hunters have been honoured by the Inquisition and been given the right to wear the =][= as part of their heraldry.


I would suggest that they're not that specialised with regards to a particular ordo. Each Ordo (aside from Hereticus) has its' own Militant Order, and countless storm troopers. (Despite what you say, the Sisters of Battle are not the militant order of the Ordo Hereticus, they are simply affiliated with it, and it says as much in the codex).


The Red Hunter Marines have Gene seed that has been experimented on by the Adeptus Biologicus (or however you spell it). They have been tampering with the seed by incorporating xeno DNA (Ork, Tyrranid, Hrud, Ambul...whatever, maybe a mixture of these). The altered gene-seed could give them great advantages (but have severe side effects). This could be represented with the Cursed founding rules and abominations.


Red Hunters could be the next Crimson Fists then, as Inquisitorial lapdogs. However, Kill teams could be an asset (chapter specific or 'generic' Death watch), as could be Storm trooper allies. I'd make them pretty spread out over the galaxy, not clustered close to their Fortress Monastery. A squad here, half a company there, in service of this and that Inquisitor (lord) as their muscle. They might have fast ships (courtesy of the ][ ) and state of the art equipment. Perhaps they had a falling out with the ][ at some recent point when the chapter felt it should go on a crusade, because it has been neglecting the big battles and righteous fights (tired of the covert, sneaky small scale operations with the ][ ). Not a complete break with their sponsors mind you, but more like an Amish striking out on his own for a year before returning, just to get that wild stuff out of his system...


Vote Away. I'm going to null vote, thus my vote can be used to decide a tie :D




Further Discussion on the Chapters can continue here if you want to add additional ideas.

Edited by Ferrata
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Vote away


Here's the chapter colours for those interested



Imperial Castellans




Knights of Gryphonne








Masters of Proteus




Red Hunters



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We can count the Avenging Sons out. As mentioned in the previous thread, they were the subject of a Black Library short story.
And the wheels keep on falling of Ferrata's wagon <_< Perhaps mention that in the begging bit Fer but it depends on how much info there is on them.


Aside from that, my vote was for the Imperial Castellans.


:angry: Me too

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And the wheels keep on falling of Ferrata's wagon  Perhaps mention that in the begging bit Fer but it depends on how much info there is on them.


Never had a wagon, its more of a board, maybe a board with ski's. We'll delete them fully, we want to keep this full B+C.



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I had to vote Red hunters. I think there is alot of opportunity there, but Castellans were a close second because I like them so much. Either would be cool.


BTW, I will volunteer some artwork for the IA if you would like. I'm obsessed with drawing Space marines anyway so might as well be one of these chapters. <_<

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Ferrata, when is this poll closing? We can't know which chapter we're working with until the poll closes.
Monday Night (GMT). That means we would have been voting for around 3 days, should get most people's votes in by then.


Can I help? I'm not sure if you want it, though... I promise no Tau?


Sure, soon as we finish the poll, we're moving onto the more serious stuff. PLus, if you do mention alling with Tau, we'll send all the Fluffiest people after you (I've heard Rex has a mean right hook :D )


BTW, I will volunteer some artwork for the IA if you would like. I'm obsessed with drawing Space marines anyway so might as well be one of these chapters
That would be brilliant ;) Thanx


C'mon Red Hunters! We can use Bro-T's Exorcist rules if we do!


As much as Bro-T's rules are cool, I dont want a Exorcist chapter, this one's going to be unqiue.


The Marauders are taking a suprise lead ::cuss:



Edited by Ferrata
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I had a thought on how we could make this collaboration work.


Once we have decided on a chapter we can hold discussions on each facet of the chapter such as traits to use, combat doctrine, are they fleet based or homeworld (etc.) then the leader narrows the choices down to the top 5 or so ideas and then we vote on them. The leader then takes the new information and works it into the fluff. That way you only have one person writing the piece so that it sounds consitent, but we all still get to take an active part in the creation.


Anyway, just a suggestion. You may already know how your going to handle it, but I thought I'd toss this out there.


I am also shocked by the sudden surge of Marauder votes. :D

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Thanx for the suggestion Tiberius, but as the Commissar said, it means a lot of work for me and other people dont get to write. Maybe, besides Origins & History, only one person should write each section (Gene-seed etc) as these are generally quite small.



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Just taking this back to the top.


Maybe if we brainstormed the general ideas and then each wrote a section?


Thats hopefully whats going to happen....hopefully



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I assume if you did that, you would need a poll to determine which piece was the "offical" one? Or would you just pick the one you wanted?


I'm hoping that one kind of picks itself. Maybe a few polls will be needed to select some key points, but hopefully some will just jump up and shout "ME! ME!"


24 hours left on the voting.



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