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The No-Name Chapter Space Marine Test Coloration...


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So, as I sit around I sometimes play with colors, paints, etc. I haven't done any SM Army for some time, but I am thinking I need to get one going. Been playing a bit too much DoW lately and just messing around with the program.


Generally I keep any number of figures around that are primed, but unpainted. Since I've closed down my Studio for remodeling, I'm at a little table by my computer and I had this Marine sitting on top of the computer saying "PAINT ME OR SUFFER THE WRATH OF THE EMPEROR..."


Well, I just grabbed some colors to do a test on him and these are the results:




Now, it's just a basic type of paint job, nothing fancy, just really the base coloration for testing on the look of the potential Chapter. No NMM just metallics, a bit of lining here and there, and some little edging work. As I said, it's not supposed to be some glorious piece...


However, my trouble lies in that I don't have an appropriate name for the new Chapter. I really like the Flaming Skull on the shoulder, and technically that is a variation on the Imperial Harbingers motif, but it's still a nice touch on this piece and I'll be keeping that... it's what inspired the new Chapter for me.


So the problem is just that I don't have a NAME! I've considered the following: Reapers, Bone Reapers, Mordicants, Morticians, Vindicants, Harvesters, Mud Dogs... But just not sure what to call the SMs. Any favorites?


It's either this or I scrub the whole thing and paint up a camo-schemed SM Chapter...

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So you have pre primed marine's just lying about and that's what you can do in what a singel sitting.

lucky basterd :rolleyes: take me a year to get one marine to look that good. As for a name why not go with the harbingers as there is littel to no G.W fluff on them you could make them your own.

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Will the white helmet be standard or is that a vet or sarge thing only?
The "Bone" colored helmet is for Vets and Sgts only I'm thinking - plus the Terminators as well. The Commander would be Gold, and the rest (as best as I can determine) would be the earth tone I've got as the main armor color.


As for a name why not go with the harbingers as there is littel to no G.W fluff on them you could make them your own.


Well, every time I have seen SOMETHING on the Imperial Harbingers, they've appeared with a solid dark grey armor... not what I was looking for. I was definitely going for something different at the moment...


Whoa...with painting skills like that you can make any colourscheme looks good.


Well, there are just some colors NO ONE can make look good. You won't see me fielding a SM force of pastel pink and yellow... :rolleyes:




So far I'm liking "Raging Skulls"... considering the coloration and Chapter symbol I think I do need to stick to Bone and/or Skull in the Chapter name, don't you guys?

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I'll get booed for this but I can't help it with the Chapter symbol.


The Ghost Riders.


Other than that the grey with skull inset Chapter symbol is often the mark of a Penitent Chapter, so Angels of Remorse (as suggested earlier) has a nice ring to it.


Just because... BOOOO.... :)


mmm love the way you get your colours.

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Very, very nice, Jester!


I love the way you've painted this guy low-key. I think it's a great color scheme for a new chapter - not over-done with too much flash or conflicting colors. You also paint very well.


Kurgan's "Ghost Riders" suggestion is hilarious...

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I'm almost tempted to make a Ghost Riders chapter now, since I've been wanting to do a mobile-type army for a while. :)


Use a lot of those Chaplain skull helms, give "power chains" to the bikers, give them black power armor with spikes on them, model flames on the tires.


You know that's hot, admit it.


(You could even give them a Battle Barge called "Spirit of Vengeance"...)




To be more serious, I liked the suggestions of Vindicants and Mud Dogs. Vindicants sounds a lot like Vindicator, and I imagine after a Demolisher cannon hits something, you'd see a lot of flaming skulls go flying!


Mud Dogs sounds cool, really rough and gritty, although it also sounds more like Imperial Guard than Space Marines. Matches the armor though.

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I was just checking out your site and galleries too. Very nice. Very good use of NMM on several pieces.


The "Raging Skulls\Screaming Skulls" idea is pretty good to, if you don't mind it being reminiscent of that old "Screaming Skull" catapult that was for the WFB undead army...

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I can't express how much I like this mini. It is simple in coloring, but it just looks so dang nice. :)


As for names, I know most have went for a skull/death motif. The name that popped into my head was "Wrath of the Emperor" though may be a bit long for a chapter name. You could go with a "Sons of..." or "Masters of..." name and not have to tie it directly into the badge.

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Rob you suck! lol jk Everytime I think MAYBE I am getting as good as Jester he comes along and proves, yet again, that he is still the mark by which I should gauge my progress.


Very nicely done, but who needs to tell you that :) . One thing I am a bit confused on is the shape of the flames on the icon, they look kind of "blobby"



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Rob you suck! lol jk Everytime I think MAYBE I am getting as good as Jester he comes along and proves, yet again, that he is still the mark by which I should gauge my progress.


Very nicely done, but who needs to tell you that :) . One thing I am a bit confused on is the shape of the flames on the icon, they look kind of "blobby"




The flames are a bit blobby... comes from using the wrong brush to do them and not going back in with some black to fix em.


But what do you expect with a 60 minute paint job??? Huh???




"Masters of..."


You know, I saw this and said... MASTERS OF FLAME SKULL? And groaned, because it was ALMOST as bad as Kurgan's "Ghost Riders".


Still debating names... may have to do a few more Marines first before it comes together.

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