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Slaanesh Aspiring Champion

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Hello fellow B&C'ers


I've been wracking my brain now for close to a week trying to decide on a color scheme for my side project, a Slaaneshi pain cult.


I've been scouring the B&C, CMON etc. to find inspiration for a colorscheme but I've yet to find something I like.


Here's a few ideas for the army itself.


It will be primarily CSM based, the marines will be sporting all sorts of interesting mutations (they have embraced She Who Thirsts fully), possessed marines and champion (and a keeper) as well as items pertaining to pain.


Syringes, blades, whips, hooked chains, your basic toys of joy. :)


Suggestions for colors and ideas are most welcome.





Oh and if I figure this new cam out I might be able to post some WIP shots as well.


Edit: changed title to reflect current status.

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Since these marines have fully embraced Slaanesh, i doubt the purple/gold theme will really bring out the marines you are hoping to create.


The black/pink motif will probably do you quite well, although given the theme behind it, and perhaps my own personal bias, im thinking black should be one of your primary colors. If you wish to go down the route of a 'riot of colors' then id say maybe lean towards a more of a pastel shade, or failing that a bit of a 'bright' color, much like the 2nd ed/early 3rd ed noise marines.


Hope that helps Nihm :P

As good as it looks on the table I agree with you, purple+gold is out of the question.


Black would be a nice primary color, now to find a few colors that goes well with black.. *ponders*

I'm not going for a riot of colors, more like a strong theme consisting of 2-3 colors and Im not so sure that I like pastel colors. I have yet to see a decent mini painted in pastel colors. :P

I agree with you on the pastel colors, i have yet to see a mini in pastel colors that has really earned a jaw dropping.


Fortunately enough, if you go with black, you'll find that pretty much any color will go with it, but it depends on how vibrant you want to go for. Pink is always good, but i feel that you are trying to go one step further than the current scope of Slaanesh. You could try a variant of pink, if that makes any sense, something between pink and purple, but in my mind, im thinking you need a semi vibrant color. I was thinking a light blue, but I dont feel it would work well with the armies background. I still feel you want to look around the purple, pink and blue shades for your second color, although the more i think of it, if you wanted to go blue, it would sadly enough have to be a bit of a more pastel shade of blue. I recall painting one mini that had a bit of a blue hue to it, although i wouldnt call it pastel which didnt look too bad. Im not sure if it would suit what you are after, but if you dont feel happy with the pastel idea, you could aim for more of a subtle hue.

How about a pinkish red type of color? It's hard to describe, but I have a good picture of it in my head. Or a rosy quartz color? Both, if you can visualize what I am trying so pitifully to describe, would look good as a compliment to black.


Try mixing some tentacle pink into a dark red and see if you like the color that it ends up being. I can't even begin to think about how to mix up the rosy quartz color.


Sorry this isn't clearer.


Also, consider posting this over in the PC&A. I'm sure there are a lot of people there who could help you with a color scheme or point you in the right direction.





Green. Go for neon green, white, and blue. Or, that's what I'm planning on using. With predominently black armor, give it violent green highlights. Scorpion green would work here. Give him a piece of armor that's totally white, and then do any cloth bits in blue. Do the trims in "white" gold, and bright, colour-washed silvers.


Of course, it depends entirely on how comfortable you are with your painting skills. I think a white EC army would be interesting to see.


Naught (male) nurses?


- Az



So far we have:


Black with a Pink red.

Black with a light blue.

Black with Turqoise. (Astral claw pattern)

Black with Reaper's Seafoam color.

Black with Neon green, whites and blues. Trims in "white" gold, and bright, colour-washed silvers.


I'll check and do a few test models once I get home.

For your noise marines, how about taking a page out of the book of Nurgle, where I have seen a bunch of lightly shaded plague marines that look like they wore pale to white armour while they were loyal that has been durtied by a millenia of puss, disease and filth. How does a black core colour (inner chest, arms, upper legs, backpack etc) and then a white on the broader sections of armour (shoulder pads, lower legs etc) that has been liberally splattered with blood (think graphic sprays and handprints - horror movie style) and torn by scourges and hooks sound? This is similar to Brother Renn's idea, just with a greater division of colour into red and white. Maybe sometimes covered with tanned skin. Plus I have found that Kiss inspired face paint on the helmet works well. Pull out an old toothbrush and your pot o blood red. Could be very striking.




Black base and core model - white pads and legs with splatters and sprays of red (blood).


it does scream pain, added to list.



I like the scheme but I don't think I'm up for painting more blue.. ;)


@Commander Decoy

That sounds really sweet but I fear my painting skills isn't up to doing weathering like that. I'm willing to give it a go though.


@Master Avoghai No offense to David and his beautiful miniatures but I don't like the choice of colors, they are too pale for my taste.


It does work somewhat for the defiler though.. :lol:

The first conversion is complete, it did take a bit longer than expected because I decided to use magnets at the last minute. :ph34r:


I'll take a few pics once I get home.


Regarding the colorscheme, while I'm not as skilled as Ap0k I think I'll go with his colorscheme as I believe it fits my fluff. link to Ap0k's beautiful EC.

The paint job doenst look too difficult... Looks like a chaos black undercoat, liche purple highlights up to a mix of maybe liche/warlock or evern liche/pink. The gold style looks good too.



I think the color scheme will suit well, not a big riot of colors, but it does fit the background well. It sets a nice mood for sure. Just because you are one with Slaanesh, doesnt automatically mean you MUST have bright pinks and blues etc. Its a more subtle tone, and has a dark desire behind it.


Lookin' forward to seeing the pics, im sure they look great :ph34r:

Here's a few pics of the first AC.


He will be leading an assault squad and as such She Who Thirsts has granted him "gifts" appropriate for one who loves to inflict pain.


Nothing new under the sun, just a beastman conversion as has been done before.



His weaponry so far, and yes he will be using a powerfist instead of a power weapon, it's all about brute force for this guy! :D




Now.. for my next dilemma. Which bases would be most fitting?


I thought about:


-field of skulls (didn't feel like it)

-ash wastes, like on my NL (gallery in my signature)

-field of contorted flesh

-urban (rubble)


Any ideas/suggestions? :devil:

First off the conversion looks good, and nice use of the magnets, should open up alot more opportunities for you thats for sure. :cuss



As for basing, Id say go for the fields of contorted flesh, although im not sure as to how you would execute such a theme. Unless you have almost a "fleshy" looking landscape with pikes and what not with draped flesh over them and things like that.


Id recommend avoiding the skull theme (thats pretty much khorne's field).


Ash wastes/rubble, IMHO, might be a bit 'plain'. Plus, i find basing helps reinforce the army theme, so the fields of flesh I think is the most suitable idea.



When do you think you'll get the first paint test done? Im looking forward to it.

I would go with black and Jade:

His right hand holds the magical jade scepter which is his greatest treasure.
insaniak did something kind of like it here:



Another nice color choice is white and purple. Very Roman/rich/Gluttonous.


fet did his Emperor's Children Death Wing (Sons of Midas)



For the bases, I like the idea of flesh, just as the Vale of Slaanesh:

The vale of Creatures


The realm of Slaanesh was still and quiet, scented with sin and sweet corruption. Its silence was not that of the grave, or of ease at labors' end, nor of peace after the storm. It was the malicious, plotting stillness of evil waiting to be done: the silence before a moan or scream of pain and pleasure. And in that awful quiet the small shrieks of Slaanesh's Daemons were swallowed and muted. Their endless masque and antimasque of forbidden pleasures and hideous pains were reduced to soft murmurs of decadence and depravity.


As I passed over the Outer Realm of Slaanesh, my eyes were numbed by its pale softness and my ears by its endless quiet. I began to believe that any act could be contemplated if only it would provide variety and relief from the silence. I was saved from further weakness by a vile noise, carried on the perfumed and sickly breeze.


Torn from the rocks and stones, there was a buzzing like a hundred angry swarms of bees. Before my eyes the land itself heaved and pulsed, and spat forth mewling, puking and misshapen creatures. Lumben and hideous, the monsters twisted and writhed in pleasure at their birthing, then turned upon one another in search of further depravity. When one fell, exhausted from its unlovely exertions, its fellows chortled and joked at its fate. The corpse sank slowly into the earth of that foul vale, and a new beast was given form from the clay.


As I witnessed the decadence of Slaanesh's land, I was seen by the creatures. As those eyes beheld me, I turned and fled, the fiends of Slaanesh's Realm at my heels.


Beyond that, I always like the Urban bases. Why would Slaanesh forces be out in some field (ok, we know why, but. . . )


For the skins I would go with light tones. Slaanigors (if you want to follow that) were albinoish.

ssorck had a nice skin tone here:



The light skin may not work if you do white and purple for armor. Maybe then a darker/black skin tone would offset the clean armor.


If you do black and jade armor the white skin (pale) could work nicely.


The black and jade scheme is interesting. Hmm, definitely something to consider..

The White and purple doesn't do it for me.


@The Angelus Sanctus

I'm busy 'arming' my Nightlords for Medusa V, I should be able to start on the AC sometime next week.

On another note, I've made a daemonette conversion that I think is quite interesting. It still needs some GS work before I can post a pic.

She's also a true daemonette in every sense of the word, she cut me during the conversion work and I am usually very careful. (I have a nasty gash in my thumb now) :D

Ahh, but did you enjoy the cut? :wacko:



Lookin' forward to seeing the AC, as well as your DIY daemonettes (I have a few ideas for some, but thats one project that can wait a while). I also want to go back to my 'male' ones that i made and perhaps spice them up a tad bit, but yeah, EC and Slaanesh arent as high on my project list as they were a few years ago.


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