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Making the Legio


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Well at this current moment in time I'm going to have to say that I can't take any more battle brothers, feel free to still coment on the images and ideas ect. Now I have quite a few marines to be made and painted i'm just going to hold off getting some new marines at this time. When 've finished these borthers the gates will open again.


Sorry about this but I'm only human




For those of you who want to see the first post it is below.


Well the project is now underway.. updates to follow.

Well after flirting with the Idea's of a Soul Drinkers army, a pure Deathwatch army, one of my own creation or a Legio army I've decided to do a Legio army.

Well firstly I've got a few questions.

1) Is it okay to do one? or are thier rules against it.

2) Whats the differnce between the old paint scheme and the new one :S?

3) Has it been done before?

4) any other tips?

I'll make a blog while I do it too so that Bolter and Chainsword can have an input on bolter and chainsword.... ^_^

Also I plan to name all the marines, any one what thier name in? Along with your chapater badge?

Cheers to all


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1. Yes. No.




2. Not much. It was made more out of necessity over the type of parts available at the time they were devised.




3. Not to my knowledge though you have folks who have done LBC forces. Joker and his Space Hulk group, Nephran-ka is trying to do one as we speak I believe as well. I also believe that Captain Artimum is doing an army here: http://bolterandchainsword.com/index.php?showtopic=90207 though I'm not sure if he is painting one up or not.




4. View the LBC Marine thread at the top of the forum and the LBC contest pictures (link in PCA rules).

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Thanks thier Kurgan_the_Lurker.


I've looked at all the images in that I could find of Legio marines. That being the reason I was so confused about the older scheme and the newer one.


Does anyone know of a website devoted to the Legio? other then this one obvously I've heard thier is but I couldn't find it.


@Kurgan_the_Lurker - Would you like your named added to the army?


It may take a while to get this started as I'm low on cash at the moment, but at the moment I'm trying to gather all the information about them.



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how big of an army are you doing? also, do you plan on using deathwatch rules?

It sounds like a cool idea to me, if you wouldn't mind, do you think you could add me in :blink: chapter badge is a black backround with silver templar cross (for my steal guard)

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Around 2000 points is my aim.


I'm atually going to use the 13th company rules for them?


Why I here you scream? Well each model has true grit bolter and chainsword: tick Each model can have 4 attacks each Elite-ism: tick and can be lead by seargents with up to 8 powerfist attacks.


I won't be using any wp;fy items, and any that I do I'll re name and make up a differnt backstory too.

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@Cpt. V - What do you what your battle-brother to be called?


@Brother Captain Aruis - Name and chapter documented, you shall be seeing him soon well when I have some money

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I do hope to get a 400point force ready for Medusa V. How long will it last any who? If it lasts a while I may have time to get it up to 1000points.


Fingers Crossed. :blink:

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Hmmmmm.... Rank is up to you (sarg would be really cool, but maybe you should save that for the mods)


Brother Archis Kaine, veteran brother of the Steel Guardians (Black templar successors, using 13th company rules). and about 13th company, i was actualy going to recomend using thier rules, i really like them.


Chapter symbol is a black shoulder pad with a white templar cross in the center, silver rims. If you could, try making him look rough and grizzled, thanks :lol:

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why use the 13th company rules when the traits selected for the legio do much of the same? not complaining mind you just wondering. my legio blog can be found under blogs and in my sig. looking forward to watching yours unfold as well
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@Coop_DH - I'm going to name the marine Battle-Brother Coop, as adding the DH looks kinda odd.


@Cpt. V - Your wish is my command, sarge he is. He'll have a Power fist and bolter


@Brother Captain Aruis - as the the PM your marine is in the making.


@Nephren-ka - I'm using teh 13th company rules as they make your average marine Rock-hard. With counter attack, true-grit and the scout rule it really makes for a beatiful infentary based list. did I meneton the 8 atacks that a normal sarge can have?

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Well Battle-Brother Coop has been made. No major conversoin work, and I still havent decided on what way his head will face. I also decided to do Urban Bases for the army, but jst found out hae no PVA glue! Still needing battle-brothers so sign up and get your name in my army :devil:


*pics to follow as soon as I find a digicam*


@C02 - name and chapater documented :lol:

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Well why not. :) Add me in - Brother Fazzadien of the Ultramarines (3rd company). Feel free to make me tote the plasma weapon - I excel in the "d'oh" factor sometimes...
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Brother Aleron of the Sky Talons would like to report for service :D

The chapter badge can be made with the transfers on the space marine transfer sheet:


get the little white wing with a rounded end bit (the white one on the botom left, sorry if im being a bit vague -_- ), and apply it, then get another one and simply flip the transfer over, applying the second "rounded end bit" over the 1st one's "rounded end bit" so that it looks like there is only one small circle linking the 2 wings--get it?

:P Sorry, I know thats a bit vague :D . If you need me to describe it further then just pm me and i'd be glad to help--assuming you wish to add me of course lol


Colour scheme for the Shoulder pad is dark red (like scab red or red gore) w/ the Shoulder pad lining white


Thanks and good luck with this project :tu:



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I like where this is going... Mind if I hop on the bandrhino?

Brother-Sergeant (if possible, Brother is cool) Tiberius Lucian, Storm Dragons 2nd Company. Colour scheme: Regal blue background, white dragon-head (feel free to use the salamanders logo), silver rims and highlights. He likes drum-magazine bolters! :blush:

Cheers zbo.


Imperatoris legionnario si immortalis.


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:blush: well if you like to add one of mine.... Brother Raziel Lycas from ++ clockwork ravens ++ our symbol is a red biohazard sign on bone, the shoulder pads have steel side and the bone area not covered from the red biohazard are usually filled with litanies... check my gallery for examples
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