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About Nehekhare

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    Iron Warriors

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    Iron Warriors (CSM/HH), Mechanicum (HH), Iron Hands (SM), Xenos (Necrons)

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  1. It's the game the Horus Heresy is a supplement for ;)
  2. Dantioch's company, I see ;) I would feel good about the whirlwind scorpius in squadrons, not so much about the regular ones (classic count-as candidate - in 40k, you can use them as wyverns, too). I can see some use only for the castellan missiles against milia or veangeace against solar auxilia, but quad launchers are so much better still in any case.
  3. I'd go with whatever story suits you best ... it's more narrative!
  4. Confirmed. p. 19, first paragraph (Legion specific units") says: This is obviously due to a lazy copy & paste job from the old LA Istvaan Campaign Legions book, but since the heavy support sign in that same new book may be a typo just as well ... how could anybody know? =)
  5. wrong. If you buy them for Perturabo, they must be 4+ strong (1275pts minimum together) and get +1 WS/Ld/I or 6+ FnP (WS5 propably being the best choice). If you join them to a Vigilator, they get outflank, yes. But why on olympia wouldn't you just buy a praevian (choosing scout as legion inductees special rule effect) and DOUBLE the amount of castellax instead???
  6. olympia pattern bolt cannon: S5 AP4 heavy 5 pinning @BS4 = 0,74 dead marines mauler pattern bolt cannon: S6 AP3 heavy 3 pinning @BS4 = 1,6 dead marines ...somehow Perturabo's technical genius managed to reduce effectivity by more than 50%.
  7. rather: 2220pts - the look on your face when your opponent's fast units take all the objectives while your deathstar tries to walk into charge range. The iron circle cannot be transported or deepstruck. It's tyrant guard in the age of flyrants. Castellax giving out void-hardened armor for 2x the price. Another example of how fluff and crunch divert, really. At the beginning of angel exterminatus, where the iron circle is introduced, they teleport together with their primarch. Just as the tormentor shoots all the lascannons and heavy bolters it doesn't have in the game. FW does't seem to want money from the IV. Legion players: Just as there is no "support cadre" bundle for IW (since there are no legion-specific IW miniatures), there is absolutely no reason to buy the new legion rulebook (since all we get from it is nerfed tyrants). Just as we got torsos to upgrade into the "iron stars" legion. But that only as a side note (and encouragement).
  8. I'm thinking about mixing the new ironfire RoW with the standart Perturabo Terminator Assault list: -Perturabo (Ironfire RoW) + TDA Command Squad in Dreadclaw -Siege Master, TDA -2x Quad mortars+phosphex -2x Terminator squads (elite but scoring) -2x Tac Squads -Artillery: Medusae -your choice of scorpius, tyrants, havocs perturabo comes on turn 1 with terminators, barrage homes in at d6 deviation, tacs advance. turn 2 perturabo is rampaging through the enemy's deployment zone, as will be most terminators (fearless &furious charge). Barrage around them does not scatter, tacs take midfield. might even work well with onlaught FOC for more HS/LoWs (Typhon) because of null-deployment (tacs can take the punishment and will not run)
  9. same with the 7th (light vehicles) and 8th (assault) reserve companies: the Raukaan supplement mentions "assault marines of the borrgar clan", which as a tactical reseve shouldn't have any, likewise morlaag is mounted on bikes there (i.e. 6th). Not to mention that vurgaan, clan of the main character of the old iron hands novel and his tactical and assault brothers, is now the devastator reserve.
  10. my list is the right list because it is my list. The legion rules are the wrong rules because they are wrong for my list ;P
  11. Almost forgotten, because I never had one of my sergeants (who get MBs as standart) reach an intact enemy fortification in a game (which I see as an indication of effective artillery). And I would buy a vexila with or without the LA (IW) rule, because it's melee where morale really matters. I generally don't use transports in my IVth/Mech gunline and people tend to shoot at my castellax or tech thralls rather than my legionaire infantry block (joined by Ld10/stubborn magos, apothecary, with vexila), while the havocs and tyrants are well protected by my own fortifications. Have yet to test it with my termiantor assault army, but whoever flees in the presence of Perturabo himself doesn't count as an Iron Warrior. You know, it's not that these rules are not advantages. They just don't matter.
  12. that it is a disadvantage at all is reason enough to be pessimistic, because the advantages to outweight it are unlikely to nonexistant. reroll penetration on S6 krak grenades against fortifications that start at AV13? yeah. why not use something effective instead? ignore morale tests from shooting casualities and reroll pinning? What is a vexila? Both literally NEVER ocurred in any of the games I played since HH3 (IV. Legion or any other army lists)
  13. Was this a mistype? nope :P
  14. Haha, das stimmt wohl! Aber nur so findet man heraus, ob der Fehler im Text oder in der Interpretation liegt ;)
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