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  1. I thought I'd share my Chaos army and various WIP things, hopefully to motivate myself to get some more painting done! I have a decent sized Iron Warriors army, as well as a goodly number of Thousand Sons, which I'll get pictures of later. My current projects are a start up Emperor's Children Warband, and a force of The Cleaved. The Cleaved: I made this Plague Marine years and years ago when I had a spare blob of Green Stuff. The armour was a test piece for the new foundations, its straight Dheneb with a heavy devlan wash. He got some nice armour scores, and some weeping joints I abandoned them for a very long time, until the release of the new codex, whereupon I made a couple of plasma gunners to come later. I also have 5 of these guys that will be geting the cleaved treatment. My very first tank, well over 10 years old with an awful splotchy (but thin) nurgle paint job, back when the mark of Nurgle gave your vehicle +1AV all round. Rather than give it to the Iron Warriors, I've honoured it's heritage and dedicated it to the cleaved. The marine on the back was originally an ultramarine, but the blue wouldnt look good with the colour scheme. Green, however would, and seeing as there will probably be a few new DA players soon...and also to annoy Skink a little. The Nurglings on top need some detailing, as well as a few other bits and bobs, but I consider it table worthy after a weekend's work. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- With the new codex, I jumped at the chance to finally get some Slaaneshi marines under my belt. Noise marines with an 80's hair metal vibe. I wanted a full Sonic blaster squad, buy only had one and the blastmaster, so time to make up some stuff: Dude doing a squealy blaster solo, and regular blaster dude. You cant quite see the detail, ut they have hides/skin GS'd onto their leg armour, and regular dude has GW barbed wire wrapped around his thigh. Blastmaster and DeathKorg. You cannot have a band without a synth, so this guy got made up. The idea is that the bolter fires, gets some funky rhythm attached to it as it goes along the barrel, then hits the opponent with some music that they've probably never heard of. Noise Champion: Since squad leaders cannot currently have blasters, and in the hope that they can someday, I made something in between a combi bolter and blaster, the backpack (from the classic NM) and belt amp can also double as a Doom Siren. Smile:
  2. I just see right now a post in Chapter Master Valrak's Twitter account, (Here) who states that a new boxed set for Horus Heresy is probably in the way. He is not saying it's a new edition,but he said that in the box are Salamanders and Iron Warriors. And shows this decals, that are in the new Command Squad box: Post Also sais that this maybe linked with a past rumors about plastic full Mk II. What do you think about this?
  3. After a few years hiatus and in the process of helping my folks move iv recovered my old minis many of which I never finished. Thinking out of all the factions that my iron warriors are the most likely to be finishable (just doing army nor caring much about codexs or such as I don't game anymore more doing a few cool minis and such. Anyway as my old photobucket is locked down apparently will attempt to add a few pics of what was my counts as deamon Prince dreadnought which was likely the last thing I got for these guys... https://i.imgur.com/hgMGgb2.jpg https://i.imgur.com/abGeWQo.jpg apologies fr edits, figuring out linking pictures. now im looking at the dreadknight im hating the blue on it even if originally it was to explain the mark of tzench. anything to get that inv save boost lol. is definitely on my list of things i want to revisit
  4. Hey all, Newcomer to the forums here, although I've been a long time lurker and admirer of some of your excellent works. I've decided to take the plunge and start my own post regarding my humble Iron Warriors collection. It is an amalgamation of various armours, models, themes and timelines (so please don't expect any clinical accuracy regarding 30k/40k lore with the models themselves). Feedback welcome as always - see if you can tell who's inspired some of these miniatures! Brother Ortraxes Brother Ortraxes was there, all those years ago. He had seen it. He had seen the crumbling edifices of Imperial sovereignty, the once mighty bastions of the Imperial Palace laid low by the brilliance of their lord, and the cowardice and failure of the other legions. He had witnessed the birth of a dying emperor, and the damnation of his legion into the miasma of the warp. Ortraxes' rage had been kindled in those final moments, turned inwards. It had turned tempered iron into a brittle, unyielding mockery of its former self. He had become less than what he was, a bestial, snarling and feral member of the IVth legion. He was no longer governed by reason or pride or the honour of his legion. Ortraxes wished only to descend into the crucible of combat, where he could lay waste to the followers of this new, marooned, mongrel emperor. He would have his wish. Breacher Squad Themis Iron. A brittle and fragile metal, unless it is tempered and honed and utilised in its correct manner. Breacher Squad Themis had once been nearly twenty strong. At the time of the siege of the Imperial Palace, there had been twelve of them. Now, just five remained. They had been used as a blunt spearhead. They had been used to drive back the fury of the loyalist astartes, to venture into the ash covered wastes, to weather the fusillades of bolter, las and volkite fire and push back the vengeance of the emperor. Their panoplies had grown accustomed to their wearers. Each one had been modified, improved, and altered to best suit the needs of the occupant. Each one had been assembled from whatever pieces of equipment the IVth could muster in the eye of the heresy. Hastily assembled suits of armour that, whilst tailored to the occupant, was the best that could be done with the lot that had been given to them. Legate Acastus Acastus had not wished to be leader. He had not wished to have the mantle of responsibility thrust upon him so. When the former legate was conflagrated in a whirling maelstrom of flame and death, with nought but his charred remains to bear witness to his life, Acastus fell back on his training. He had pushed the opening. His bolter had grown heavy in his arms, and his shield was twisted and buckled from the torrent of abuse that had been directed at him. His left arm, long trained to bear the heavy adamantite shield, had grown limp and useless. But still, still he had marched forwards. Acastus' bolter had screamed vengeance at the Imperial defenders, barking death and terror as the inexorable Iron Warrior strode forwards. Acastus, through his stoicism, through leading by example, had earned the title of Legate. A title that rested uneasily on his brow. Brother's Acestes and Urian Brother's Acestes and Urian were unusual in the IVth legion. Born from the same village, they had been rivals since childhood. When Perturabo inducted them into the vaunted halls of the IVth legiones astartes, their rivalry became muted. Dulled by the realisation that, for all their pride and scorn for each other, they were but dust in the vast machinery of the great crusade. After the dropsite massacre, Acestes had been fortunate to acquire a highly advanced Iron Hands mark III helmet. The enhanced optics, coupled with the high levels of protection and durability that mark III offered, had rendered it a sought after trophy, and one that Acestes jealously guarded. Urian, in contrast, sought only to outlast Acestes. Whilst dulled and dwarfed by the machinations of the galaxy at large, his pride and stubborness had rendered him unable to see past Acestes' shadow. The silhouette of Acestes was one that drew tempered loathing from Urian. He vowed to outlast Acestes, and to have Acestes know that it was he, Urian, who was the better of the two. Brother Tiege The melta that Tiege wields has been heavily altered and customised, to mark the enemy and burn fear into their psyche. Brother Tiege had spent time with the Dark Angels legion, presumably where he had acquired their signature helm. Little is known about Tiege, having spent the majority of his service prior to the heresy on a fringe planet, dutifully guarding against the agonies of boredom. Brother Parthenios Parthenios was an outlier amongst the Iron Warriors. He had been given his name after his ascension to an astartes, owing to his unusually young recruitment age. Despite the kinly mocking that his brothers bestow upon him, he remains steadfast in his duty to dispense death to the enemies of the IVth. Having a particular affinity for grenades and chemical warfare, Parthenios has a surplus of explosive armaments adorning him for every engagement. ______________________ That's all for now guys - let me know what you think! Big praise to Apologist - it was his Iron Warriors blog on here that got me back into the hobby.
  5. Hello all, My gaming group is developing a narrative campaign in which we fight over an Imperial world ruled by a knight household. As the resident chaos player in this group, I will be fielding the majority of the heretic forces. I already have a sizable World Eaters army, however the new releases have prompted me to finally give in a build a force of Black Legion, specifically Hounds of Abaddon. I've built the contents of shadowspear and have painted some of it. So far I have not done any conversions. I love these new kits and wanted to have a few units built as intended. However, all of my newer units from this point on will feature some minor conversions. Here are the Chaos Space Marines from Shadowspear and Blackstone Fortress. I am not a strong painter by any means, so black has proven to be a challenge. However, I think these are at least painted to an acceptable table-top standard. I used the loincloths to try and improve my shading and highlighting. I found some unused chosen from the Dark Vengeance box. And finally, a true veteran of the Long War will be returning to the fight once his paint is finished. I am oddly attached to this model. It was one of the first that I ever purchased and I have never been able to convince myself to part with it. C+C is welcome!
  6. A thread meant for my meandering interests in the Heresy, whether it be posting models, fluff or whatever strikes me. to start the ball rolling... Raven Guard Part 1, Moralltach 1 “…so cousins of the XIX, it’s with deep regret that the Warmaster calls you home. The Astartes Treachery is deeper than Lord Lupercal dared believe and reaches the Throneworld itself. Despite numerous pleas and envoys from Lord Lupercal, the Emperor remains silent and distant. A dictatorship of bureaucrats rule in his name, with the traitorous Custodes and the twice damned Dorn must be the cause of His silence. Many Legions have turned from the Great Crusade and spread lies about our cause. Guilliman has declared himself free of any previous oath, and even now Lords Angron and Lorgar wage war to reclaim the Five Hundred Worlds of Ultramar for Mankind’s Empire. Though our Warmaster brought the might of seven complete Legions against your sire and his fellow traitors Vulkan and Ferrus Manus, Corax cast aside his allies to escape our vengeance. The Serpent of Medusa has been slain by the illustrious Lord Fulgrim and Dragon of Nocturne was obliterated on the battle field. After leaving his Legion on the field of battle, Corax has returned to Deliverance and now uses illegal genetic research to create monsters from what’s left of his Legion. The Lion, the Khan, Russ and Sanguinius. All have turned from the ideals we fought to preserve. The Lion rages across the Thamas system, while Lord Kurze struggles to halt the massacres. The Khan has disappeared and answers nobody’s calls, but his presence at shattered Prospero is an ill sign. Poor Prospero, the center of knowledge and a beacon for all sciences. Now nothing more than dust and ash, a planet of dying dreams, killed by the mongrels of Russ. Sanguinius has disappeared as well, but our last reports had him in alliance with the Battle King of Ultramar. This is why we seek your aid. Corax showed his jealously of our Warmaster by casting in you into the darkness of the galaxy. In his pettiness, he saw your loyalty to the Great Crusade and its master as a betrayal to him. Now is the time to show your strength! Return to the realm he denied you and prove yourself free of any such disloyalty! The Warmaster once valued your strength, and in this dark time, he knows he can count on the loyal, rejected sons of a traitor to do what is needed to save the future of Mankind. For the Warmaster! For Mankind!” With a clatter the holographic image of Commander Aziekol of the Sons of Horus pounded his gauntlets, palm overlapping to the center of his torso, forming the pre-Corax salute of the Raven Guard. The image faded into the projector, leaving three figures silence and full of questions. This was the latest in a series of messages to reach them, each beseeching their return and casting somebody else as the traitor. The messages had created a stir in the far roaming Nomad-Predation fleets of the XIX. Many had already declared for the Warmaster and disappeared into the Warp or simply went further into the void, but the many messages presented conflicting information. The remnants of three Nomad-Predation fleets had come together to decide what their fates would be. The first to break the silence was Strike Captain Baen of the 17th Fleet, commander of the largest fleet present. The long years of warfare and little reinforcement left him with a single Battle Barge and several Strike Cruisers. Strike Captain Baen once commanded thousands of Legionaries, but now had less than 700 Brothers under his command. “The Warmaster had always treated us with respect, and was fairer than the convict.” The emphasis on convict left little doubt to who Baen referred to, the word positively overflowing with hatred from years of bitter rejection. “And I mean no offense by that word Brother Donal. I know you are of Deliverance, but if you cared for his commands you’d shackle your gifts. I think it is past time to return to the Ravenspire and purge those not loyal to the Great Crusade. The Warmaster has called us home.” The second figure in the room nodded his acceptance of Baen’s apology and poor word choice. Brother Donal Moralltach was gifted with the powers of the Warp and had been among his Legion’s Librarius, before a directive from Deliverance had ordered it to be dismantled and the Librarians redeployed in the Legion. Moralltach had rejected this command, and repeatedly refused to be equipped with a psychic hood. Being cast out into the void allowed this betrayal to take place, and his fellow Legionaries had seen the command as another insult from a distant, uncaring Lord. A voice box boomed across the room as the third figure as the metal form turned to look at both Baen and Moralltach. Honored Atticus had been among the first of the Raven Guard to leave Terra, and many worlds had claimed a piece of his life blood. It was only during the eradication of the xeno Eldar worldships had his body passed beyond the skills of the Apothecarium to heal. Atticus refused death however, and his dying mortal frame was placed in the Contemptor Dreadnought that now served as his life support unit and suit of war. Honored Atticus and Moralltach had fought alongside so frequently these last few decades that their separate fleets were a single fleet for all practical purposes, though honor and tradition had demanded they recorded their accomplishments separately. Together they commanded just under 117 Legionaries and three strike cruisers. “It is my opinion that if the Emperor is silent, and so many of his sons turned from their oaths, our only option is to drive to Terra itself and resolve this. The Emperor can handle any of his gene-forged children, if he is free to do so. To give the Emperor his voice would do more than killing any number of soldiers.” “Very well put, Honored Atticus, but the Warp denies us the road to Terra. The storms grow stronger, and despite our navigator’s efforts and Brother Donal’s insistence, the only stable path head to the Warmaster. It is so decided. Return to your ships and prepare for the journey home. The Raven Lord has turned from Terra’s dream, it’s time to become his nightmare.” With a curt nod to each nod to both Moralltach and Honored Atticus, Baen left to his preparations. A Thunderhawk returned Moralltach and Honored Atticus back to their command ships. The trip had been silent, as Moralltach was deep in his own counsel and Honored Atticus knew better than to try and pry answers from the withdrawn figure. With a comradely rap against his armored torso, Moralltach left the Thunderhawk to his own ship. Despite the messages received, Moralltach was very troubled by the missives from the Warmaster. Much had not been said, and the Warp seemed to wax and wane around him. The cawing of distant ravens sometimes broke through his mediations, but the fierce tides of the Warp silenced them. It was in relative silence that Moralltach brought his fleet alongside that of Honored Atticus. The larger fleet of Strike Commander Baen was still positioning itself to enter the Warp when the private comm-link broke through Moralltach’s preparations. “Now you have to listen to me little brother.” Moralltach smiled at that, for it was an old joke between Honored Atticus and himself. When Atticus was still flesh and blood they were as different as night and day, and it was by Moralltach’s counsel that Atticus escaped death so many times. It was when the bloodlust overpowered such restraint that Atticus fell to the Eldar witch’s blade, and since then the two each called the other ‘little brother’. “Baen is allowing his bitterness to color his judgement. You saw that as much as I, and we both know this strike at Deliverance is to quench his desire for vengeance than any practical purpose. Yet you stayed quiet.” The question was heavy in Atticus’s words despite it not being voiced aloud. For a long moment Moralltach was silent, but finally found the words to speak. “I agree that this strike is folly, but I disagree with heading to Terra itself. For many weeks I have been troubled by the messages we received and the evidence presented by them. I think we need to see this Istvaan with our own eyes, make our own decisions.” “Truly, you think the dead world is the correct course?” This time the question was blunt, no subtly in the voice box. “If that’s your desire, then to Istvaan we go. Let us visit Death and then decide who deserves it.” “Brother Donal, Honored Atticus. Why are your ships not placed on my exit route?” The voice of Strike Captain Baen came across the ships voxspeaker. “I’ve received further calls for aid from the XVII. They are being pounded by the so-called Battle King and have requested aid. It would be a fine gift to the Warmaster for our arrival to save his loyal soldiers.” Honored Atticus responded first “Forgive our delay, but Captain Moralltach and I have agreed to go to Istvaan itself, and see what has happened with our own eyes.” “Your own eyes?! You’re a collection of bolts and scrap holding together a dead man. I’ve allowed your constant delay long enough. Either move your fleet to my coordinates or be designated as a traitor to the Warmaster.” The words of Strike Captain Baen were matched by the actions of his fleet. The Battle Barge Death from Darkness turned to face the smaller strike cruisers, and the message couldn’t be clearer: join or die. Over the private commlink Honored Atticus called for Moralltach. “It’s as you feared, Baen has lost himself, and wants us to join him in damnation. Execute Plan Flight 5-X.” “Are you certain? Flight 5-X would mean…“ Moralltach began, but was quickly cut off by the hails of Death from Darkness. “Have you reached a decision?! Declare now, or die a traitor’s death!” The weapons of the Battle Barge trained on the smaller fleet, and Moralltach knew it wouldn’t take much effort for Strike Captain Baen to destroy the combined fleets. “For the Emperor!” came across the vox link. The fleet of Honored Atticus surged forward to engage the Battle Barge, opening fire as they raced to death. “Moralltach, better run fast as we’ll only buy you minutes. Ave Imperator, Victory or Death.” Shutting down all vox links, Honored Atticus brought his two ships to engage the Battle Barge and block Moralltach’s command ship from Baen’s fleet. “All souls, prepare for immediate entry into the Warp.” Moralltach released the ship’s vox speaker, and looked towards his bridge crew. “Let’s hurry now, death is behind us” The Strike Cruiser left the battle, quickly enacting the plans Honored Atticus insisted they form months ago. Istvaan’s coordinates were already plotted, the path prepared. With a slight lurch and shame settling in his mind, Donal Moralltach took his ship into the Wap.
  7. Here are the WIP pictures of my own attempts at a Thousand Sons force(and other projects). While awaiting parts for the actual troopers I started work on the other bits I had to hand, most of which were donated by folks. Not many pictures here but I do have a few more in my blog, but I couldn't ignore invaluable advice of the B&C army. I'll admit it I love Hellbrutes, mainly because they are basically Dreadnoughts and I always used those as well. http://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-1I852hC7jdA/VTiuxewBJxI/AAAAAAAABk8/JQBtP1GhLvg/s640/20150421_173902.jpg The blue is an old Ultramarines Blue from GW, pretty sure they don't make anything like it anymore. Really hope it lasts me another little while so. http://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-YXUsODlEsvM/VTiu1dGyOQI/AAAAAAAABlM/_kuJlHrkJLg/s640/20150422_171224.jpg I had to improvise for the bone colour here by painting it white and using a brown wash over it, I actually quite like the effect. http://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-xxKLqCwiLO4/VTiu3qUUMfI/AAAAAAAABlU/0iic5VTbUfo/s640/20150422_193902.jpg My first bits of skin on the demon prince, didn't go as well as planned but frankly it is hard to tell from these awful picture. I need a lamp to bring some colour to the darkness, also I need to learn how to high light things. http://lh3.googleusercontent.com/---akmNmxPXo/VT6ylLik-VI/AAAAAAAABlk/FnlAM514BVc/s640/20150427_225706.jpg I think you can all see I have more keen for the project than skill, but time will tell.
  8. Dust lay across the fallen figure, drawing white streaks across the grubby armour. It lay in dry eyes. He had been dead and staring before the explosion had draped him in his stony shroud. Not long before, mused Yavuz. He squatted on his haunches next to the corpse, his own face pinched. Resting his hands on his knees, he paused a moment to enjoy the stretch in his hamstrings and lower back. His armour fizzed. The pitiless light threw stark shadows; highlighted the cracked plate and skin scaly with rad-wash. Above the distant sound of small arms fire and shrieking shells, Yavuz heard footsteps. Considered, but not wary. Konstantin stopped besides the squatting warrior, cradling his boltgun. He pursed his lips. 'Nikephoros?' Yavuz nodded once in reply. 'You were not close.' Konstantin continued, his tone disinterested. Yavuz might have smiled. 'No.' It was an odd statement for his squadmate to make, particularly given the circumstances. He reached forward unhesitatingly, drawing his combat blade and moving to one knee in the same movement. The silver edge cut easily through the scalp, lodged, was freed with a slight grunt. Yavuz cradled Nikephoros' head, his face pinched as he wrenched upwards. A crackle of particularly unusual gunfire – Mass-accelerator? Volkite? – accompanied the motion. Yavuz placed the top of Nikephoros' skull gently to one side, then tilted the head to let the hard light in. He raised an eyebrow, almost in surprise. Despite the rad-count, it was pink, unspoiled. Konstantin knelt beside him, placed his boltgun down as more members of the squad filtered in. Yavuz slipped two fingers into the brainpan, lifted out a glistening grey-pink chunk and placed it in his mouth. His thoughts might have shamed him once. Weakness. This was the first meat he had tasted since planetfall. By the Warmaster, it was good. Konstantin could not hide his hunger, either. Yavuz detected a rise in his heartbeat, saw him lick his lips. Yavuz placed Nikephoros' head back on the floor, then sat back, meditatively. The warriors ranged around the area remained watchful, as Konstantin flipped open the dead Astartes' pouches for ammunition, his expression impossible to read. The distant gunfire swelled with the wind, then fell away. An eerie whine sounded. An irrelevant siren. Who was it for? Who could not have understood the danger by now? Yavuz's skin blanched, then flushed. He sat, cross-legged, still. While they waited, Konstantin used his combat blade to scrape away the few honour marks on the dead man's armour; used the blade in a rocking motion to make a crude 'X' across the squad and company markings; specialist litany, his oath-parchment – everything except the Legion's dead-skull identifier. His expression was unreadable, his muttering almost inaudible. Finally, he jabbed the point of the knife into the corner of the eye socket of the Legion symbol. Pulling back on the blade, he levered out the black onyx. He placed it to one side, then repeated the process on the other eye socket. His movements were careful, steady. A shell, much closer, made him wince, but he continued after a moment. He placed the two near-circles in his hand, a pool of glossy black, then used the handle of his blade to break them, cracking them into shards. With a rolling motion, not unlike a pestle in the mortar of his hand, he ground them to grit. Finally, he held them over Nikephoros' face, and let the grains spill through his gauntlet, covering the eyes. He paused briefly, looking at the fallen warrior. After a short time, he gave a dismissive grunt, reached out for his boltgun, and stood. An intake of breath made him look back at his sergeant, still sitting cross-legged. Yavuz opened his eyes. 'I... know the area.' he said, hesitantly. 'The Fists are... that way.' +++ + [appended inload 270416] + +++ +++ Palatarch Yavuz Phalangite Konstantin Phalangite Radoslav Phalangite Koinos Hyoidite Aganthan +++
  9. Iron Warriors 5th Grand Company This is where we hold them! This is where we fight! This is where they DIE!!!!!!!!!! Hi everone I've alrady got a topic on the go over in the painting area of the fourms. But though it would be good to start a project log here as well for memeber who may only check out the Chaos area of the fourm. This is going to be a army log on my brand new (well 6th) Iron Warriors force. Hope to take photos though out the progress. I am aim for Throne of Skulls April tournament down in Warhammer World for the deadline. Just last week, the 17th Nov - Thur, had mark ten year of collecting Iron Warriors for me, a army that has been my favrout of all time armies, along with Space Wolves & Black Templars. I've alway been a big fan of Chaos Marines thanks to John Blanch art work from WD 202/2nd Ed Codex Chaos & have been battle with Chaos for 15 year now. From my second army in 40k being Black Legion, to my Iron Warriors & my Chaos Daemon in 2008. For the Iron Warriors it all started when 3rd ed came out. One of my friends converted up some really nice Obliterators for his Thasound Son army, before we had the current models we have today. Also gaming wise Obliterators where complete diffrent from the way they are today & your able to take up to 6 in a single unit. Also back then, Index Astarties where being release in the White Dwarf, given us a wealth of background into some of the famous Chaos Legions & Space Marine Chapter, even with some rules to field these armies. Like White Scar make great use of bikes, but not allow them some other chose with in codex Space Marines. The Index Astartirs also had a lot of cool art work inside as well, for me I really like the art work base on the Iron Warriors. Since then my Iron Warriors have been battle it out against many oppents, fought in many tournaments & winning some honour from a few player chose award for best army I though the best way to mark ten year of collecting Iron Warriors would be, to start a brand new army, well my 6th Iron Warrior force. Few of the reason is down to, I'll need to move from the old GW Inks to the current wash which are brillaint (Badab Black wash is the future!!) & also Games Workshop release a lot of cool kits over the years to further convert models which I really enjoy doing, it rare if any that I have out of the box armies, everthing got a conversion in some shape or fourm. Chaos Marines offer a lot in term of being one of the most convertible (sp) armies out there in the 40k world along with Orks. I'll be aim my new Iron Warriors force for Throne of Skulls April, which will mark ten years of attend tournament & then for the rest of 2012 from Throne of Skulls down in Warhammer World, to local tournaments though out Scotland. My army list is pretty much going to be the same one I use back in 2008 to 2009 until we get a new codex (hopeful next year ) This was the Iron Warrior Marine that I posted a few weeks back First Iron Squad - Iupatus Proeliator http://i626.photobucket.com/albums/tt347/Insane-Psychopath/Iron%20Warriors/DSC04315.jpg http://i626.photobucket.com/albums/tt347/Insane-Psychopath/Iron%20Warriors/DSC04316.jpg http://i626.photobucket.com/albums/tt347/Insane-Psychopath/Iron%20Warriors/DSC04317.jpg Was trying the new GW Medium to make stubble/shaven hair for my models, hope to use this though out my army from shaven hair to beards. Just the way I sort of see the Iron Warriors & just added another leval to the models. One thing I like to do when collect a army is to try somthing new out from model to painting. http://i626.photobucket.com/albums/tt347/Insane-Psychopath/Iron%20Warriors/DSC04353.jpg Also hopeful a better photos of the Autocannon IW backpack http://i626.photobucket.com/albums/tt347/Insane-Psychopath/Iron%20Warriors/DSC04354.jpg Like wise with the Melta Gun arm IW http://i626.photobucket.com/albums/tt347/Insane-Psychopath/Iron%20Warriors/DSC04357.jpg The Iron Warrior Marine arm with Melta gun is roughly base on Cadaras art work from the Black Library web site, from Graham McNeill novel - Iron Warrior (Limited Ed or will be in the soon to be release Iron Warriors Onimbus along with two new short stories) http://i626.photobucket.com/albums/tt347/Insane-Psychopath/Iron%20Warriors/Iron-warrior-Cadras.jpg 1st Iron Squad, just wanted to see how the models all look together in there unit http://i626.photobucket.com/albums/tt347/Insane-Psychopath/Iron%20Warriors/DSC04361.jpg Finial the Champion & Glory of Chaos icon bearer - Since this photo was taken, both models have recent being painted. When the photo was taken the Head for the Champion was taken from another model I'd work on but was no longer going to finish, did not want the undercaot to block the details which where already painted on http://i626.photobucket.com/albums/tt347/Insane-Psychopath/Iron%20Warriors/DSC04359.jpg Trophie http://i626.photobucket.com/albums/tt347/Insane-Psychopath/Iron%20Warriors/DSC04312.jpg One of the reason I like Chaos Space Marines is adding trophies. Like my Mk5 Iron Warriors force. Mk6 Iron Warrior force will make great use of trophies. These are all going to be base upon past & present oppents that I had great games against from my local GW, gaming club & tournaments. It why I also like to keep count of my games for my Iron Warriors & Space Wolves. So everon trophie you'll see on my Iron Warriors will have a story behind it, of a battle I fought many years ago to recently battles. This Black Legion trophie is base on White Dwarf own Christian Byrne when I fought his Black Legion during Grand Tournament 2006 down in Nottingham/Warhammer World. It because of brillaint games though out the years that has help theme my army. This is what I like about my Iron Warriors. This also apply to my Space Wolves, where each model guine dose have there own Saga because of the brillaint games they have been though in friendly games to tournament games. In fact found some old background recently from a friend campign (sp) he done base on my IW & the games had back in a old gaming club I use to go to before it stop running. When I work on any army, I alway like to get my 2x Troops & HQ out of the way. I tend to get the first squad done follow by any transport, then move onto the next troop chose + transport. Then I'll paint up my HQ after word. Once the legal part of the army done, I'll tend to work on anything from there. It just save time & energy. I loss count of the time I change a army list & that Elites unit, say of Terminators are no longer needed... while none of the troops or HQ done. So getting your troops & HQ out of the way, this allow you that time to make any changeies to the army list while collecting. Then after word I'll let the gaming make any changies. I also tend to try get a army fully painted before I hit the gaming table as well. Just me personial I hate useing unpainted armies for a lot amount of time. 2nd Iron Squad preview http://i626.photobucket.com/albums/tt347/Insane-Psychopath/Iron%20Warriors/DSC04360.jpg I am still waiting on some bits to arrive. The models have been base, so as soon as the bits arrive in the post. I can get them glue on & undercaot my models asap, instead of doing that & then base them, waiting a hour until I can undercaot them. The IW with the T face Bezerker helmet, I would like the do the yellow & black hazer strip on his face plate. One idea I would like to try on a future T Face Bezerker helmet would be to have a Jaw from some Xeno beast as a trophie, just that the bottem part of the T face bezerker face plate. I'm going to try start work on my 1st Iron Squad Rhino, try start building that tomorrow night so I can start getting that painted soon. Also John Black Art work, I though it would be cool to let new hobbiest see this. Photo was taken during the Grand Tournament 2007 when I was down in Nottingham/Warhammer World. This was in White Dwarf (UK) 202 & 2nd Ed codex Chaos Marines http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v473/ironwarriors/insane%20psycopath/New%20IW/DSC02168.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v473/ironwarriors/insane%20psycopath/New%20IW/DSC02169.jpg A lot of stuff will be play a big role in term of give me idea from - John Blanch art work shown there. Graham McNeill Iron Warriors novels. A D-B Night Lord Novels will play a role in this as well. Bloodquest comic Black Library use to do base on a Exile Blood Angels Captain in his quest in the Eye of Terror to claim a relic. Wade or know as Teethgrinder on these fourm (Games Workshop staff memeber) Khorne Bezerker army. Christian Byrne Black Legion. Andy Chamber Iron Warriors from 2nd ed era. Codex Chaos Space Marine 2nd ed & 3.5. As well as a lot of conversion work George Dellapina done back when he had his models in the WD. I said I'd post up the background on one of my Iron Warriors. This was during a campaign (sp) that my old gaming club done back in 2006? Where it was pretty much Chaos Marines vs Imperial, Sister & Guards. The background was done by my friend to help myself for background to use in tournaments & just in general if it a army I really like, I want it to be well know. Can not have a faceless army in my view. I rather say "By Morkai black fang, Rothgar the Skald (Dreadnought) has failed to his with his Twin Linked Lascannon for all six turns!!" All the background was base on the games fought during this event. So that it for now. Hope to have a update during the weekend as I work on my Second squad. As well as finish off the Champion & Icon Bearer for my First squad. Still working out some idea for my Banner, to try make them stand out & general look really cool. IP
  10. Hey guys I hadnt seen one of these up for the IW, and was considering doing these guys next. I don't yet have Extermination to look at as we go, however have read the rules. What do you think works well with these guys? Do you think the Warsmith rule actually confers much advantage/worth taking over other fluffy characters eg Master Of the Signal for example when zoning in Artillery or a champion for those pesky duels. Are these guys a bit of a one-trick pony with their Termie spam + artillery combo being the only UNIQUE thing about them (yes i understand you can build others without the rite of war, but I am more getting at are there a variety of different playstyles their special units equipment unlock or just one) Perturabo is boss. I actually think he is one of my fav Primarchs as far as being fairly decent at buffing his army, has fantastic statline, great equipment, and can hold his own very well against other Primarchs. What do people think of the Havoks? best way to equip them?
  11. Index Traitorous: Brotherhood of Eternity Parent Legion: IVth Legion “Iron Warriors”, Splinter Faction of “Steel Brethren” warband Commander: Aeternam Bellator, the Iron Lord Base of Operations: ++Location Unknown++ Heraldry: Ceramic white, metallic blue and red. Speciality: Siege warfare and daemon-engines Current Strength: Unknown “When engaging their services one must be wary, for while the Brotherhood will fight for their employers' cause they may have been employed by the enemy and will have agents working behind the lines to weaken the defences they seek to protect. Indeed, more than once have they left as victors with reward in hands only for the enemy to smash into a compound or fortress and slaughter all within. Of course this ends up with the Brotherhood being rewarded for their hard work.” Origins The story of the Brotherhood of Eternity is a long and bloody one, filled with murder, violence, blasphemy and fire. Their story began in the distant days of the Great Crusade, shortly after the Crusade had began. A Tyrant Siege Terminator Sergeant of the Iron Warriors by the name of Viktor, field promoted to Lieutenant, found himself fighting alongside the Thousand Sons Legion. During the short campaign, a sizable Thousand Sons detachment found itself trapped within an enemy-held fortress that held the enemy command structure. It was then that things found themselves upon the precipice of failure. The Iron Warriors were ordered to bombard the city into oblivion, with allies inside, then move on to the next battlefield with all due haste. It was then that Viktor started the chain of events that would lead through the millennia to the unleashing of the Great Rift. Viktor countermanded the order, leading a assault to rescue the Thousand Sons before the bombardment. Damning himself in the eyes of his superiors, Viktor managed to rescue over a third of the trapped Thousand Sons with minimal casualties to his own forces. In any other legion, Viktor would have been lauded as a hero. In the Iron Warriors, he was to be punished. That is, until the surviving leader of the Thousand Sons, Sobek Khamandides, told his Primarch of the valour and bravery of Viktor. As the Iron Warriors were preparing to leave the system, Viktor and his closest officers were invited to a feast in their honour by Magnus himself. In a rare effort to maintain inter-legion relations, Perturabo allowed this feast while planning to punish Viktor at a later date. Viktor became very popular within the Thousand Sons, famous for his cold yet endearing humour, especially with Magnus himself. This effectively saved Viktor's life, albeit resigning him to the rank of Lieutenant and being garrisoned far from future potential glories. This punishment allowed Viktor to survive the Heresy, for his garrison was rather far flung and safe from loyalist retaliation. Viktor himself declared his secession from the Imperium upon hearing of the fate of the Thousand Sons' homeworld. Viktor had taken a Knight Warden as his personal warmachine, taking the Knight of the High King during a siege upon a Knight World. It was at the throne of this warmachine that Viktor would lead his small Company up to, and during The Dispute of Iron, where they were absorbed into the Steel brethren warband. Now a Warsmith, Viktor would meet his mortal demise when his company were left to fall to a trap devised by a rival warband. Viktor's company were rescued from annihilation by a War Coven of the Thousand Sons. The sorcerer leading the sons of Prospero was none other than Sobek Khamandides. Using a modified Rubric of Ahriman, Sobek was able to retrieve Viktors soul from the Warp and bind it to the Knight to which he had commanded, in a process not unlike the binding of daemon to engine. From that day forward, he would be known as Aeternum Bellator, the Iron Lord. Rebuilding the warband, they broke away from the Steel brethren, taking the name Brotherhood of Eternity, for with the sorcererous talents of Sobek and his kin no more would Viktor's brothers fall in battle. For in death they would become the literal embodiment of the Iron Warriors' creed. Iron Within. Iron Without. History M30-M31 AGE OF BETRAYAL The Great Crusade The Iron Warriors and Thousand Sons fight side by side on a world now lost to time and fire. A young Lieutenant named Viktor of the Iron Warriors countermands his orders to shell friendly forces and earns the respect of Magnus the Red himself. The Horus Heresy Given a garrison force and sent far from the front line of the Great Crusade, when betrayal swept through the Imperium Viktor and his brothers affirm their loyalty to their Primarch, damning the destruction of Prospero by the Space Wolves Legion. They take over the small system they were garrisoned in, building their forces to join their gene-father in his quest into the massive vortex now known as the Eye of Terror. An issue with their Warp travel causes the fleet to become lost, ending up at the edge of the Eye as Purturabo exits with a battered force. Viktor is promoted to Warsmith before the Siege of Terra. M32-M39 THE AGE OF RETRIBUTION The King Falls Warsmith Viktor leads his Company alongside the nascent Steel Brethren warband. Together they assault a Knight World, desperate for resources. Viktor's forces suffer heavy casualties due to the Steel Brethren not providing support fast enough. Viktor himself single handedly takes down the King of the Knight House, throwing his lifeless corpse from the Knight suit and screaming his praise to Perturabo. Despite the victory, his Company is absorbed into the largely unscathed Steel brethren. The Iron Dispute Under the black sun of Medrengard the Iron Dispute is fought. Despite Viktor himself always seemingly being sent to safe deployments in his new Knight, the warriors of his former Company are routinely slaughtered due to poor tactical manoeuvres. In the end, Viktor takes his survivors and succeeds from the Steel Brethren, fleeing Medrengard with what forces he has left. From that day they are known as the Brotherhood of Eternity. The Twin Blades Hiring a force of Drukhari raiders to assist them in capturing supplies from Imperial convoys, it is discovered that the same raider faction is providing protection to the convoys. Furious, Viktor orders his forces to turn their guns on their allies and take all the spoils for themselves. The Drukhari leaders, twin brothers, burst into laughter, stating that such a tactic was their very plan. Splitting the bounty from the convoy, both forces retreat. Viktor is glad the Drukhari let his depleted force survive and vows never to let his brothers be at the mercy of another again. The Lost Tower of Khamandides The Brotherhood of Eternity falls into a trap orchestrated by the Steel Brethren, being tricked into fighting a massive Black Templars Crusade. The Brotherhood suffers grievous losses, on the verge of extinction. Viktor himself falls to Black Templar Predator squadrons, his Knight falling to concentrated lascannon fire. The timely arrival of a Silver Tower, under the command of Sobek Khamandides. The Thousand Sons rescue the Brotherhood forces, and later, using a modified Rubric of Ahriman, revive Viktor by binding his soul to the Knight. He is henceforth known as Aeternum Bellator. The Twin Blades Return Seeking to avoid piratical raids around the Maelstrom, a failing Rogue Trader enlists the help of Xenos to guide their convoys through unknown safe pathways. Suddenly the convoy comes under assault from Heretic Astartes, but the Xeno forces slaughter them in their entirety. Once the convoy enters a quiet part of space for the next leg of the journey they find themselves surrounded by more Astartes. The “dead” invaders on their vessels suddenly spring to life – the Drukhari had loaded their splinter weaponry with potent tranquilizers. The Kabal of the Twin Blades and the Brotherhood of Eternity reaped the benefits of their deal, each force growing exponentially with their double dealing tactics. Rebuilding the fallen House At Sobeks suggestion, the Brotherhood returns to the Knight World they once razed for supplies. Upon arrival they find a world plagued by pirates and famine. Following the destruction of their Knight House, the world was abandoned by the greater Imperium. Furious, Aeternum Bellator promises to protect the world if the people swear loyalty to him and his Warband. Thus their military is re-purposed as the Mortal Host of Eternity. M40-M41 THE AGE OF APOTHESIS The Angels of Light Following the Angels of Shadow civil war, the traitorous splinter group calling themselves the Angels of Light assaults a Brotherhood outpost. Outnumbered, their leader is given an ultimatum. Join the Brotherhood or die. Seeing little choice, Sulln Hauntlight swears allegiance to the Brotherhood. He is given orders to train the warband's assault specialists, meanwhile he builds his growing Raptor cult within the warband. The Rubric Perfected After thousands of years of working on his modified Rubric, Sobek declares his spell is complete. Instead of turning a living being to dust, the Rubric of Khamandidies snatches the souls of fallen beings from the Warp and binds them to properly prepared machines as one would bind a daemon to a daemon engine. The more souls bound to any one machine, the more powerful it becomes with the dominant spirit controlling the heretekical creations. Scrolls detailing the spell are sent via envoys to Medrengard. The Second Siege of Invalice Following the opening of the Grey Rift, the Brotherhood of Eternity and their allies, the Drukhari Kabal of the Twin Blades, assault the far flung Invalice system. Catching the defenders off guard they quickly establish a beachhead on the dead world of Chokehold. The Angels of Shadow Chapter arrives to defend their home system, with both sides throwing their very worst weapons at each other, further scarring the planets surface. The assault force pushes deep into the Invalice System, making it to the agri-world Pillarfield and launching attacks into the asteroid field surrounding the gas giant Eternal Watch. Stretched to the breaking point, the system defence fleet gathers for a desperate counter-attack only to be annihilated by Drukhari vessels appearing from within the gas giant itself. When the Imperial line was broken and enemy vessels were heading straight for Invalice Minor, they were intercepted by a fleet of Dark Angels, Angels of Absolution and the revived Guilliman's Indominus Crusade. Suddenly caught between the Angels of Shadow and the newly arrived reinforcements, the invaders were forced to flee the system. During the Siege, Drukhari forces were able to infiltrate the the vessels of the Angels of Shadow, stealing a prototype Land Raider Eclipse and one of the Vokun projectors. Both machines were sent anonymously to the Calixus Sector after the Brotherhood was forced to flee the Invalice system. To whom they were sent, and why, remains to be seen. Notable Brethren of Eternity Aeternam Bellator, The King Slayer, The Iron Lord: Once a Lieutenant of the Iron Warriors Legion, the being known as Aeternam Bellator is truly a living god, an unholy amalgamation of man and machine. Instead of a plasma reactor there beats a great heart of flesh and metal, within the head of the Knight Warden resides a pulsating brain crackling with bio-electric charge. On the rare occasion that Bellator takes to the field of battle he is truly a sight to behold. He is the undisputed master of the Brotherhood of Eternity, earning the respect of those beneath him rather than ruling with a bloody fist Trident Major Dumah, Hand of Eternity, Right hand of Aeternam.: The warrior known as the Hand of Eternity, Dumah, is as mysterious as he is sinister. Never witnessed to ever show flesh, the only sign that someone is within the armour are ocasional reflections of light upon depthless eyes staring out from behind a last made from bone. He is the enforcer of The Iron Lord's will, and to fail to heed the lethal whispers that are spoken from behind that featureless mask is to invite a wrath so profound that it is said that a Bloodthirster would hesitate in contemplating a seditious act. Sobek Khamandides, Firegazer, The Daemonancer: Where Dumah is cold, calculating and possessing a presence that can make hardened warlords recoil like a pup before the Alpha, Sobek could be descibed as relaxed, carefree and easily distracted. He can often be heard talking to himself as he strolls through the halls of their hidden base or through the siege lines, but whether he is speaking to himself or to daemonic voices none can say. Drulekai, Master of the Mortal Host Metatron, The Eternal Flame of Chaos All that is truly known about the Daemon Prince of Tzeentch is that it is an ancient being, and not a former Astartes. Indeed, it is even questioned if Metatron was even human to begin with, but such doubts hold little credence when the Daemon Prince's name is said to have been taken from an ancient Terran deity. While not exactly holding a loyalty to the warband, Metatron frequently goes to war with the mortal hosts. There appears to be a connection with the being and Sulln Hauntlight, leading to rumours of an involvement in the Raptor Lord's fall. The Warband The Brotherhood of Eternity warband is divided up into three sub-forces, each a self contained fighting force. Indeed, the level of discipline shown by Brotherhood forces is nearly akin to historical records of Crusade-Era forces. The Brotherhood Answering the Dumah, The Brotherhood contains the majority of Astartes units, organised in a similar fashion to the Legions of old. Based upon the Chapter structure, The Brotherhood is divided into two main Battalions further split into six Companies. In a stark contrast to most traitorous Astartes factions, The Brotherhood follows a strict structure with discipline, rewarding skill rather than underhanded backstabbing and subterfuge. Trident Minor Warpsmith Deus, The Steel Brother Fifth Captain Sulln Hauntlight, The Angel of Light, The Raptor Lord, The Preying Angel Second Captain Rhogar, The Warhound Warcoven of Khamandides The Mortal Host Allies Despite many units actively worshipping the Chaos Gods, the Brotherhood of Eternity actively engage in mercurial activities, however they are prone to playing double agents. More than once have their supposed allies found themselves fighting together for one warlord only for the Brotherhood to turn their weapons upon them after receiving a better offer. Xenos, Human, Astartes or Daemon; As long as the price is right their service is for all. Some allies have earned the respect of the Brotherhood of Eternity, and have been rewarded with the Warband's friendship, which in turn prevents them falling to a double-crossing. Such allies have included: The Kabal of the Twin Blades: A Dark Eldar Kabal known for is similarly mercurial behaviour, as well as a tendency to work for opposing factions to increase their payment opportunities. Led by the twins Archon Dûrion Rincavornon and , the Kabal has on more than one occasion leant some of their forces to the Brotherhood, and vice versa. Indeed, on one occasion while hiding within his fortress, an Imperial Governor found the lights to his quarters were cut when the main power generator was taken out. Within moments Mandrakes had infiltrated the room, slaughtering the Governor and his bodyguards in the blackness. By the time the back up power brought light to his quarters and security forces could open the reinforced door there was nobody left alive. The head of the Governor had been taken, proof of the assassination. Both the Kabal and the Brotherhood were rewarded with a large amount of slaves for their services. The Iron Gods pirates: Talek Varn and his Iron Gods pirates are considered valued customers to the Brotherhood of Eternity. The piratical raiders have employed the services of the Brotherhood on several occasions, Deus and Varn even forming a mutual respect that in lesser, more stable men might be called friendship.
  12. Alright, so I’ve painted up a fair bit of Heresy stuff over the last few years but never actually posted it - time to fix that. I have a few Primarchs done and over the last 18 months I’ve painted up 2000 points of Night Lords and 2000 points of Iron Warriors based around Betrayal at Calth and Burning of Prospero respectively. Instead of just photo dumping, I might just drip feed these out. First up - Angron. First Primarch I painted. http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/gallery/image/221590-angron/ Edit: Thanks to Kizzdougs on the assist with the photos. See below, should have this sorted from now on.:)
  13. I want a Daemon Prince for my Iron Warriors but the GW ones don’t appeal to me. I feel that, for the Iron Warriors, it should be more machine than demon, aka, more Iron than flesh. Looking for alternatives, I saw some interesting conversions but not exactly what I wanted either. Until I run into the Cryx models for Warmachine. In the end I’ve bought the Corruptor/Reaper/Malice kit that would officially give these 3 variants: http://www.thecombatcompany.com/assets/full/PIP-34125.png While I actually love the model as it is, I would like to modify it a bit to look more 40k-ish but I am not sure how. I was originally thinking of kitbashing using a head that would look closer to the skull of the IW and adding something to make it a winged-daemon prince, preferably not actual wings but something like a thruster, although I fear this would look ridiculous. I actually like the arms that come in the kit, although it could be interesting to have an option for a heavy cannon instead. Do you know of any parts that could fit or should I venture into the world of greenstuff? Do you have any other ideas? Thank you beforehand!
  14. Hey, I just wanted to ask if anyone read the "Will of Iron" story and think it was worth it. I don´t know if this the right place for this topic, because it´s technically a Black Library release, as far as i know., but I didn´t know of a better place for it. I just read the introduction which came as a freebie In White Dwarf a while ago. Is it good? What do yout think? For all who have no clue what it is, it is a story about Dark Angels battle Iron Warriors and an Inquisitor (getting "tips" from a possessed confined in here ship) trying to figure out what it´s all about. Here´s a link to the publication: https://www.comixology.com/Warhammer-40-000/comics-series/78214 Thanks for your replies! Please keep in mind that I didn´t read it so far and put important plot points in spoiler tags. Greetings, LordVelype
  15. I guess the first thing to establish is what Tallarn is. Per the Black Library website, the contents of Horus Heresy Book 45 are the novella Tallarn: Executioner, the novel Tallarn: Ironclad, and the short stories “Tallarn: Siren” and “Tallarn: Witness”. “Siren” and “Witness” are, by virtue of their size, the easiest to render a verdict to. “Witness” was a poignant e-short, and despite providing a look at the aftermath of the battle for Tallarn, it serves well as an introduction to the anthology. Most readers familiar with the old lore concerning this battle know the broad details - to include the outcome - but French captures well the cost of the victory. Tallarn: Executioner, the novella that follows, features, in my humble opinion, some of French’s best writing. There are bits that I thought were a bit too telegraphed - stock characters and military tropes, if you will - early on in the story, but as a whole Executioner is a solid bit of immersion into the kind of hell fighting on the deadly surface of Tallarn had to be. I dislike classifications like “Best Warhammer Universe Tank Combat Story” because they strike me as specific to the point of uselessness (just because the tank parts are great doesn’t mean everything else might not be awful), but in this case I really can’t recall someone nailing that kind of action and atmosphere in a while. “Siren” is the third tale told in the anthology. Like the novella it precedes, it gives a perspective on the conflict on Tallarn that is limited... but all the more powerful for it. That sense of isolation - of not knowing what is happening throughout the planet, of where friend or foe are, of what can be done, if anything at all - is something French strove for, and “Siren” does a great job of maintaining that after Executioner. Beyond that, though, “Siren” is just a very good story. The objective is clear, the characters are both apropos to the setting and likeable, and there are some powerful scenes - not the least of which are the closing scenes and the ending itself. The suspense during the former is palpable; when the message makes it to Imperial forces throughout the galaxy, it feels like a real payoff moment. Tallarn: Ironclad, on the other hand, does not succeed. A short story, and even novellas (in some cases) can get away without full character work, but Ironclad’s cast just appears from thin air. Some insight is eventually given into the backgrounds of Hrend - the eponymous protagonist, Iaeo, and Kord, but for the most part they, and Argonis, are virtually blank slates that arrive with little more than their assigned task. Of those four, only Horus’s emissary feels like something approaching a full-fleshed character. Making matters worse, there’s a lack of insight as to what everyone in Ironclad is doing. We know Hrend’s been given a task by Perturabo, but not what. We know Iaeo’s after the Alpha Legion operatives, but I’ll be damned if I remember just how it is that she got there. We know Kord has stumbled on to the notion that the Iron Warriors are searching for something, but we get little more than vague allusions as to how he did so. They, and Argonis, get roughly equal time under the spotlight, but there’s no real clue as to what it is Perturabo has his Iron Warriors looking for until the objective is actually revealed. Absent that, Hrend and Kord’s scenes feel repetitive and wasted, while Argonis’s and Iaeo’s scenes - though well-written - feel oddly disconnected. Sadly, there is no real payoff at the end. The Horus Heresy series has often been guilty of keeping the primarchs and their motivations away from the reader. In this instance, I can’t be sure if the story suffers or benefits from it. French understandably tries to give Perturabo a deeper purpose than just turning all life on Tallarn’s into slime... but he does so is in the aftermath of the IVth Legion turning all life on Tallarn’s surface into slime. Now, I will be the first to acknowledge the context within these characters operate, and how that involves brutal, uncompromising wars to unify the species by killing anyone who refuses. Perturabo’s motives and actions nonetheless feel jarring when put next to each other; it would make for an improvement for a primarch to acknowledge this disconnect. And besides, does anyone feel they know how exactly the MacGuffin that French introduces was meant to do? Where the action is concerned, Ironclad is a mixed bag. French does an excellent job showing Argonis and Iaeo in combat, and admirably ties in the latter’s cognitive abilities. The Assassins of the Clade Vanus didn’t get the best representation in Nemesis, but this infocyte shows what a killer whose true weapon is data could accomplish. Meanwhile, Argonis’s escape aboard his Storm Eagle late on feels vivid and real. The action featuring Hrend, on the other hand, is... interesting. The Ironclad Contemptor’s combat scenes are most interesting when they incorporate the disjointed, surreal existence the Iron Warrior leads, but they also feel rather stock and generic after a while. Where French does fail is in showing a macro view of the war for Tallarn. Fleet actions and the climactic battle that Black Library (unfairly and incorrectly) billed as the attraction for these tales, however, feel like an afterthought - at best. Even if the Horus Heresy (or Warhammer 40k) isn’t hard military science fiction (not that it should it be), it’s a shame that its large-scale actions are written almost to the lowest common denominator. It’s understood that Tallarn’s fate will be decided on its surface, but it feels like so many of the strategic decisions made to get to that point are hardly the product of even a semi-competent commander, much less those of a primarch. This is particularly the case when basic concepts of this universe are ignored, such as Mandeville Points being left unguarded or city-sized warships that are supposedly capable of breaking open continents having no part to play when hundreds of thousands of tanks decide to enter a geographic bullseye. On that note, perhaps the worst moment of Ironclad can be found when the loyalists decide to take to the surface. More specifically, it’s their motivations that make me question how seriously French was taking this story at this point. The Loyalists essentially roll the dice and assume Perturabo will come meet them in open battle because they’re showing their hand. Why would he, though? Why wouldn’t he just bomb their massive armies from orbit? And what about the Loyalists’ own motivations? If they can pass word of this attack, why are they fighting without a plan? Why can’t a ranking commander be determined? Why can’t coordination take place between their forces? When the Germans and the Russians fought the Battle of Kursk - the largest tank battle in human history, and one French references in his afterwords - it wasn’t just because. It certainly wasn’t because Stalin wanted to dare Hitler to meet him in the open, or vice-versa. The Russians were trying to exploit a 100-200 mile gap that had emerged between the fronts of two different German Army Groups. The Germans wanted to recapture Kursk as part of an effort to close that gap. The importance of that gap, and the scale of their armies, is what drove thousands of tanks and artillery pieces to have at each other there. Even in the dystopian 31st Millennium, where unimaginable technology and personal combat cross paths, battles aren’t fought just because. It would be one thing if the Loyalists sought to destroy the Sightless Warren and capturing the Khedive was the most important piece of that equation, but by the time we get to Chapter 14 that battle just feels like something French is obligated to deliver. For better or for worse, the paragraphs that preface Chapter 14 of Ironclad, which describe - in very broad terms - the battle of the Khedive, also serve as a perfect representation of the novel itself: they lack the intimate intensity of Executioner and “Siren’s” action, while also failing to do justice to the scale of the conflict itself. In the end, the first third of this anthology feels like almost mandatory Heresy reading. It is very engaging stuff, with well-written characters and riveting action. The meat of it, however, feels like an incomplete novel divided into unequal parts, which don’t deliver on the promise of the earlier installments.
  16. While the new primaris marines are great and all, i still prefer the 30K aesthetic and am building a Old Blood themed 30K Army for use in the new edition. So of course I needed a Counts-As for Guilliman
  17. Hello everyone. I "played" 40k back when I was a little boy. Well, I didn't really play it. I just bought the figures, glued them together and sometimes painted them badly. Living in a small village in germany meant that I never had the chance to play the game und so I stopped. But now. Around 10 years later: I got a job, moved to the big city and found a games workshop store. Now I took my old miniatures and started painting again! Thsese are my first painted miniatures after 10 years and I'm having lots of fun :D So I always loved the Iron Warriors but the metallic was not really what I was looking for so I decided to go for my own legion. They are called the Junk Dwellers, a splinter group of the Iron Warriors. Originally they were more or less a small group of marines that scavanged the battlefields after the Iron Warriors had a confrontation so the old tanks and power armors of fallen Warriors could be used anew. But after years of scavanging and building a respectable armory they decided to fight their own battles. They painted their silver metal armor grey and called themself the Junk Dwellers. These are the first 6 guys I painted and slightly modified. Carved off the horns; extended one of the barrels and gave one of them a pipe on his head. My goal is to create a chaos army that has kind of an ork / Iron Warriors feeling. After I finished this 15 man squad I still have an unpained Predator and a few bikers laying around. I think I'll buy a few plastic cards and maybe even ork bits and stuff to let the tank look like it was fixed with junk from an old battlefield. I'm excited to get back into the hobby and finally play with my own army in the near future :D
  18. Greetings to all, Loyalist and Traitor alike, as well as any Xenos who may have stumbled in here somehow. Thank you for lending me some of your time to look at this little project of mine, where I'll hopefully be posting the odd bit of progress on my 30/40k force. And yes, I'm well aware that this is the two-dozenth Iron Warriors army out there, they are really popular right now! To explain why I started this force, I have been a player of 40k for about 6 years now, and I've been playing chaos marines, Imperial guard and Chaos renegades in that time. When I moved over to 7th edition about two years ago (just in time for 8th to come out, ugh) I noticed that I was increasingly unhappy with my chaos marines and decided to make the jump and move over to the legion list, as I could then play it in 30k and 40k as my main army. Along side the renegades, Iron Warriors have long been one of my favourite factions, and thus this project started around Christmas 2016. I will detail the story surrounding my Praetor's little splinter of the legion, their existence during the heresy and what happened post heresy as well as what became of them post-heresy in the next post as well as show you some pictures of my current painting work and army progress. For now I will show you a simple conversion of a normal plastic Rhino I have done. I've affectionately dubbed it the Locthrathe pattern MK IC Rhino: https://www.flickr.com/photos/144619247@N08/36376191246/in/dateposted-public/ https://www.flickr.com/photos/144619247@N08/36252888002/in/dateposted-public/ The various weapon options are interchangeable as Rhinos of this period have a lot of options I'd like to include. https://www.flickr.com/photos/144619247@N08/36252804732/in/dateposted-public/ https://www.flickr.com/photos/144619247@N08/36024550450/in/dateposted-public/ Seen here with the Havoc launcher, a personal favourite of mine. https://www.flickr.com/photos/144619247@N08/36421252445/in/dateposted-public/ Even the interior is painted as I think that adds something to vehicles, even if the view is hard to see during a game (I'm a sucker for having the hatch open when the rhino deploys its cargo). Thank you for reading.
  19. Iron Warriors 5th Grand Company This is where we hold them! This is where we fight! This is where they DIE!!!!!!!!!! VIXI: "I have lived" - "I have survived" ​Hi everyone So, a few week ago photobucket chosen to change there terms with out any advance notice. The result of this was, if member wish to keep using photobucket to post on forums, blogs, ebay, etc.... then they where been ask to take the plus 500 & that you had to pay $399.99. So sadly this had a big impact of my last Iron Warrior army log, with over 50 pagies worth of post & updates. Because of this, I'm now starting a brand new army log today, but will link the last one if there any information that is needed. You can find the last army log here, just the image are all down due photobucket. Iron Warriors 5th Grand Company re-born army log http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/242006-iron-warriors-5th-grand-company-re-born-army-log/ You can also find my facebook page here, it just a hobby page & when I got to say events allow me show a few more photos Iron-Daemon Forge https://www.facebook.com/Iron-Daemon-Forge-180193015748679/ So onto the wordy bit, as Iron Warriors are my main force, they mean a lot to me. Just with this been first page & though be a nice intro. ​Collecting ​I've been collecting Chaos Space Marines for over 20 years now. The reason today are the same when I started the hobby in 1996. Cool models, background, way they game & most of all converting models. Converting models has always been the main part of the hobby. I like the challenge & making models "my" own. Also add, it because of White Dwarf 202 with John Blanche art work that really got me wanting to collect Chaos Marines. When I started the hobby 1996, I started near the end of September & I think this was the last month of the Chaos release during 2nd ed 40k. This art work, along with the 2nd ed codex Chaos in general have been a big source of inspiration over these years as well when ever I'm looking for ideas. Here my first ever conversion - Lord for my Black Legion force which was very Khorne heavy There been a lot that help toward idea as well. From a lot of really cool army logs on Bolter & Chainsword, from Dan the Daemon, Brother Heinrich, Brother Nihm, Midnight Runner, Bio, just to name a few. ​Then a lot of the Black Library novels, Storm of Iron which is the most go to novel for all Iron Warriors hobbist. The Bloodquest comic as well about group of exile Blood Angels go to the Eye of Terror & battle on Daemonic planet, just the art work & look of Chaos. ​Iron Warriors ​This is my 6th Iron Warriors force. When I started the topic on this, it was to mark 10 year of collecting & I wanted to start a new force. Part of this was to move away from the old inks & just way my painting was, as well as lot of other reason. Also because I like going to a lot of different events. Pretty much I started collect Iron Warriors back in November 17th 2001, with Warsmith Abhorred Riddick been the first model. ​I started the Iron Warriors for a lot of different reason. With the Index Astartis article from the White Dwarf, as Iron Warriors just got there a few month before I started collect the IV Legion, give background, shown great art work & given some rules to help theme the force. Also I find they suit a lot of my own traits, with me having a forum of autism. Also history wise, siege & trench warfare one of my favorited & days off often go to few castle, there three with in 10 min train/drive from my home. One of my friends converted up some really nice Obliterators for his Thasound Son army, before we had the current models we have today. Also gaming wise Obliterators where complete diffrent from the way they are today & your able to take up to 6 in a single unit. But I've been collecting this version, Mk6 of my Iron Warriors since 2011. The aim, as well as adding cool new models. Was to build update version of past models & character, to carry on there glory & history in future games. A few exsample is one of my main HQ beside Warsmith Abhorred Riddick, is Lord Narach Delau - He was once a Champion as part of my Warsmith bodyguard (when we use to be able to take unit chosen as body guard) & because of how well he'd done in games, during codex 3.5 he was rise to rank of Lieutenant, a lower wound HQ chose & took part in the Medusa V campaign & then brought back to this version in 2012, just with Daemon Prince been a bit more costly in points. Lord Narach Delau, was recently give the Siege Breaker Mace relic when Traitor Legion supplement was release last year. ​All the models in my Iron Warriors force are converted & all have a theme/sub theme to help tell there story. Having a narrative & theme for the armies I collect are very important to me. I've also had my Iron Warriors force feature in the White Dwarf as part of Army of the Month article - White Dwarf August 2013. Really grateful for the help & support from the White Dwarf team & the great care they'd taken with my Iron Warriors. You can not guess how happy I was for this to happen & still a great highlight for me. ​Trophies ​Having a narrative for my armies is really important to me. One of the thing I've been doing with this Iron Warriors force is trophies. Ever trophy you see on my models are base on someone I've game against over the years of collect Iron Warriors in general. So any games that have been really great, I want to rememeber them & this is a great way to do it. It also nice to wind up a few friends from time to time, as there a friend who collect Ultramarine who always get mad when they see a Ultramarine trophy. ​Just this is important to me & really help further make this my army. Events When I started my Iron Warriors back in 2001, it was for my first ever event - Conflict Scotland & what has gotten me to attend event ever since then. For me I like going to a lot of different events. It ether a single day or weekend of gaming, as I don't get to game as often as I'd like to (use to be 15 games per week 2005). It not just that, but for me it really important & main part for me seen all the different armies, the painting & conversion people put into there own collection. Though I will say, I've not gone to as many event as I'd like to over the past few years. This is just due to, I don't care about the win, loss or draw, I'm just there to get those games. But I dislike gaming against Win that all cost player & those who goal are to wipe the oppent in 20 min, deathstar list was one of the main thing putting me off last year. I dislike been told to drop my Iron Warriors because Chaos maybe not the top thing & instead go for Tau or Eldar (anyone know me, know both armies are not for me), I just don't like that mentality. Like wise I had no interest in the ETC or ITC scene, it just not how I wish to enjoy the gaming side of the hobby. ​I prefer going to Warhammer World events like Throne of Skulls, there really great. Everyone just take the list, units & models they like. End of the day it a great weekend & it in the best gaming venue I've been to, with Warhammer World been the great place for the Games Workshop hobby & a place everyone should try get to. I go to a few local gaming club for there tournament, again just like minded people & great to game against. One of my hardest fought games was during Throne of Skulls Nov 2012, against Space Wolves. By turn 4 to turn 7, we ended up with just three models each. With a lot of epic moment, like my Champion Bronn Tal slay a Wolf Priest in a challenge, turn into a Daemon Prince.......only be slay in return by a Space Wolf Lord. Since then, when I made a Power Axe version of Bronn Tal, he had a Space Wolf trophy to mark that great game. As said I originally started my first Iron Warriors force for Conflict Scotland. While the Mk6, this version was been built & getting ready for there first return with Throne of Skulls April 2012. Since then they've went onto a lot of other event, fought a lot great games. One of the recently once was the Boralis Schism campaign weekend that Warhammer World, base after Cadia Fall from the Gathering Storm narrative. I still don't believe in the Imperial propaganda & that Chaos won the campaign in the name of the gods It was a great weekend, with a lot of new trophies to add onto future models. I'm now looking forward getting my Iron Warriors ready for going back down to Nottingham. For Throne of Skulls Dark Imperium in September. Throne of Skulls events are really great & I'm always going to high suggest them, as said there held that Warhammer World. Future When I collect armies, I keep adding onto them, keep adding models I think look cool. So with the Iron Warriors, dispite having over 300 models between my Iron Warriors, Dark Mechanicus, Chaos Knights & Chaos Guards. There also more to add. This topic not only going to cover my Iron Warriors. But I'm going to look into other Chaos faction. Right now I've just started my Nurgle Marines force, thanks to the new Dark Imperium box game. As said it due to the models looking really cool. But it not going to stop there. Right now the Black Crusade project going to be Iron Warriors (Main), Inc: Dark mechanicus, Chaos Guards & Chaos Knights. World Eater/Daemonkin. Theme wise, there old allies to my Iron Warriors. Fought along side each other during the Great Crusade, Horus Heresy, Legion Wars, the Long War. There trusted as far as a Iron Warrior can trust in someone. So idea is that they are currently understrength after taken part in a Blood Crusade on Angelus Prime (Warhammer World biggest display). This will tie in with the Fate of Konor campaign that happen soon Black Legion. I've been wanting to bring back my old Black Legion warband as well, in a all updated version. Theme there a warband sent by Abaddon to make sure mission are done in his name. There not trusted that all. Nurgle. Main part Warband will be Death Guards, but included a few other unit in different warbands. There meant to be on a crusade in Nurgle name, sign shown that they need to be here. Red Corsair. I've not really seen many Red Corsair armies & there a lot of really cool thing you can do. There under Huron order that no one out side them know. It going to be great, convert up fallen Space Marines & base them on a few of my friends Marine armies. Night Lords. ADB Novels pretty much. Background, there just here to cause terror, know that there will be a great fight. Fallen Angels. I use to have Fallen force & really want to get them on the go again. Also Cypher always been my favorited Character. Thousand Sons. After painting a force for my friend. There great models. I'm thinking pick up my first box this Saturday as it seem like it maybe a little while until we see the multi part Death Guards models. I think gaming wise there going to be a power level force. I'm just waiting for new Chaos Marines to get release before some of these start. Like the World Eater. ​Here how the Iron Warriors are looking, this photo was taken Oct last year. Then the Warhammer World display that help a lot with idea toward my Iron Warriors over the past two years So that it for now. Should hopeful have my first update for this log tomorrow with my new Nurgle force. I think that the bottom on my post, I'll try put the Legion down, sort like Key words help if people are wanting to search.
  20. So I signed up for the CoC MKIV a few days ago and as the rules rightfully demand I'm opening my WIP-thread here. My plan until the end of the Call ist to finish the following models for my Iron Warriors army, which are waiting for paint on my desk (maybe some more if I finish these really quick): 1. 1 Defiler with a Reaper Autocannon and a Havoc Launcher 2. 5 Chosen with 4 pairs of Lightning Claws and a Plasmagun 3. 5 Chosen with 2 Plasmaguns, 1 Powerfist, 1 Lightning Claw and Combiflamer and 1 Powerfist and Plasmapistol Of course, these aren't really optimised unit configurations, but they are the miniatures that stood on my desk and I organised them into legal entries for the Call. I hope that's ok as far as the rules go Below you can see the pictures of the actual models. I'm going to start with the Chosen (some still have some old colours visible, so there is some need for another session of base-coating) and am planning to paint the Defiler whenever I might want to do something different than Poweramour
  21. Hi Here is what I have finished in my little army of IV legion Here I have Centurion Delegatus with Power Sword 2x Centurion with Charnabal Blade and Boarding Shield Centurion Forge Lord with Power Sword, Augury Scanner\Nuxio Vox and Plasma Pistol 5 men Veteran's Serg with Power Fist 10 men Tyrant Siege Terminator 5 men Iron Havok with Lascannons Rino Deredeo Pattern Dreadnout with Anvilus Pattern Autocannon Battery Legion Typhon Heavy Siege Tank And Sicaran Battle Tank with Heavy BoltersComing Soon: Heavy Iron Leviathan Dreadnout Contemptor Dreadnout's Deredeo Pattern Dreadnout
  22. Hey all, After a few months using BnC, and a few threads that I started but never really had the motivation to update regularly (normally because they involved armies with difficult or time-consuming paint schemes) I've decided to cut down my posting to just two threads: This one, for my Iron Warriors, and a soon-to-be-made WIP General thread. I'm keeping this IW thread separate because they're bloody easy to paint, and it'll help motivate me to actually create a usable and fully painted army. Hopefully I can give these guys some fluff too. Models here will hopefully be kitbashed/slightly converted to make unique and interesting models. I plan to make Iron Warriors for both 30k and 40k, hopefully making newer versions of characters as various fates befall them and time passes. Some of these men will turn out loyalist, others renegade and others again full blown chaos worshipping traitors. As the models come so will the fluff. Kicking off this thread with Narik Dreygur, a model I got as a one off and enjoyed painting so much that it inspired me to start painting and building more of the IVth legion. And a Veteran Sergeant who I've named Morticus Ghaul And a picture of both together: Let me know what you think with a comment, thanks for reading
  23. ++ COMPLETED ++ Hello, hello! A while ago a friend of mine bought me Imperial Knights: Renegade on the premise I kept one (which I already did and painted) and then did him a Chaos Knight in return. Originally, it was just going to be a funky paint job, but the scope has now increased. He collects Iron Warriors, so with it mostly being a silver paint job with hazard stripes, I felt it needed something more to give it that chaos bang. Firstly, that pesky detail had to go. It was too clean and imperial. Now at the stage where some greenstuff is being blobbed on and shaped. When its dry, it will be sanded down so its thin and then a second layer applied so I can detail it and add things like the rings between the spikes.
  24. Month 16: The IV Legion If you missed last month's competition, and/or would like to learn the rules for this competition, please read the first post here: http://www.bolterand...gion/?p=3850046 If you dare to accept this challenge, please recite the following oath: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I, Brother Chaplain Kage, accept my role in this. I promise to lead the Iron Warriors into the zone of war and conduct them to battle. I will do so no matter the ferocity or ingenuity of the foe. I pledge my strength and honor to the IV Legion. On this matter, and by the Hammer of Olympia, I swear. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's going up a day early 'cause I have to work on my day off tomorrow and wanted to make sure it went up. GLORY TO THE IV!
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