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Wispy last won the day on August 23 2024

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  1. lost in this is he is an astartes that needs a comfy bed roll.
  2. if Lion shared jetbike technology it was because he wanted to do some strategy with jetbikes from the Legion days but couldn't because there wasn't enough jetbikes to go around. Cawl would wake up one day with a gift wrapped stc from anonymous donor outside his door. Immediately after Cawl setup jetbike manufacture - but before he notified any Adeptus Astartes chapter of the jetbike's existence and forthcoming rollout - he'd get a strange resupply request from the Dark Angels for the new Jetbikes, first in line.
  3. In general I feel like the Heresy Blood Angel line is ugly.
  4. are they even grey hunters if they don't get two special weapons or CCW? would be easy for an upgrade sprue to cover, like how the Black Templar covered Initiate shotguns or the Dark Angels one covered Plasma cannon Termies. Slip a pyreblaster and a plasma incinerator in there. or a new fandangled helfrost blaster, lol.
  5. If they do totally awesome Elite kit like the Inner Circle companions (which is rumoured) that I can mix and match parts from, it's no problem. Primaris Blood Claws and Grey Hunters existing in the rules again would be the important part.
  6. It's defensible because hurry up and get to my army you Nottingham mfers
  7. the thing is while it might be a little bit premature to do a new Intercessor kit it is definitely time to do a new Tactical Marine Kit, so consolidating both kits to a single "Bolter Marine Troops" kit with a few extra special weapons makes sense.
  8. If you put Transfigured's head on 40k Angron's body, you'd have one good Angron total.
  9. also i'll add there isn't a space wolf army on the planet that hasn't used some sort of fur cloak or axe from Age of Sigmar or fantasy.
  10. why did they think this would be a good idea i expect this will be reversed rather quickly but that it even came up... just... myopic. poor judgement. out of touch. maybe even a little cruel.
  11. wish i could say it surprises me but this is maddeningly typical. RTS is a really tough business to be in. even the industry leaders don't want to be in it anymore.
  12. that's why i say start out with a remake or remaster before doing a sequel!
  13. eh, the LoTR bubble did burst on them, so unless you sold right away that's probably a loss.
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