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Lord_Ikka last won the day on August 11 2024

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About Lord_Ikka

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  • Location
    Greeley, CO
  • Interests
    Wargaming, reading, gaming, history.
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  • Faction
    The Holy Ordos

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  • Armies played
    DA, Primaris SM, Knights, Necrons, Inquisition stormtroopers (Scions)



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  1. Moridyn will join Squad Mode, but make no actions- worried that a frag grenade at such close range would be unwise for him being as damaged as he is. Plus, maybe we can get captives from the Corsairs if they aren't entirely destroyed...
  2. Well, I kinda want the Traitor Esoterist Consul from HH anyway....
  3. I, Lord_Ikka, vow to complete two Kill Teams of Chaos Space Marine Legionnaires, from the Ebon Word Chapter of the Word Bearers, to be fully painted and based by the 31st May 2025, and to provide at least minimal fluff/background for them. May the Lords of the Warp curse me to darkness and ruination should I fail! Ok, I'll throw my hat in the ring- I had some CSM that have been in my pile o' potential for awhile and this will be perfect for that. I was going to do one 10/11-man Kill Team, but looking at the current rules it seems that CSM is limited to 6-man squads. Guess I'm doing two now. Pics will be incoming- I have 11/12 of the models already built and undercoated, but need to order the last one (it's not really getting new models if its only one, right? ). Note- I don't play Kill Team, so my teams will not exactly be WYSIWYG, but they should be visually distinct in their Archtypes- I'm using both HH Despoiler squad models and the old Dark Vengence Chosen models for the majority. These will be my own chapter of Word Bearers, the Ebon Word, who are supposedly following Abaddon in the Black Legion. Their armor is WB norm, with the left arm in BL colors. Kill team 1 (Placeholder name) Chosen w/daemon blade and plasma pistol Butcher Shrivetalon Warrior Warrior Warrior Kill team 2 (Placeholder name) Aspiring Chamption w/power maul and tainted bolt pistol Balefire Acolyte Gunner w/meltagun Heavy Gunner w/chaincannon Warrior Warrior
  4. Yeah, I must have missed that. Ok, well lets just have him in his armor and the perfidious Xenos got lucky so far... I'll update my last IC post with Moridyn's action in that case.
  5. I don't think that Kirby ever hated his customers, he just had a fundamentally flawed view of what he was selling. He thought GW was like Agora Models, in that the primary reason people were buying models were because the models were fantastic. He didn't view the game portion of the business as the driving force for purchasing, as the literal bedrock of the company. His view was always "physical models over rules", probably because the margin on rulebooks/codices is not nearly as good as that of the models. I personally think Kirby was both very good and very bad for GW- he lead the company through the 90s to become a global sensation rather than regional, but he also presided over the 00s/early '10s version of GW that really had a negative outlook on community engagement/support. **Knowingly off-topic, but perhaps pertinent to some frater** - The book Slaying the Dragon by Ben Riggs documents the rise and fall of TSR, the original company that published/designed DnD. The fall is particularly interesting, as the last CEO made some similar decisions to Kirby in the sense that she didn't view the core DnD game as the primary attraction to customers. It is a good read, I recommend it to anyone who wants to see an inside look at a company/industry strikingly similar to GW in ways (remember, GW technically started as a distributor for DnD in England).
  6. Huh - have I been reading all FFG Crit damage stuff wrong, or is it just DW? Whoops. Well, I guess Moridyn doesn't take any Crit damage, as he only went to 0 Wounds? That seems odd.
  7. Well, Moridyn may or may not make it- it all depends on the Crit Damage roll...
  8. Moridyn Moridyn shudders as the xenos fire riddles his body, shredding the makeshift armour and driving monomolecular discs deep into his transhuman flesh. He grits his teeth and returns their fire with his own, letting the shotgun dispense the Emperor's wrath.
  9. Alright, Dec vow finished (aside from the three Rogue Trader entourage members - 2 Death Cult Assassins and a Medic). Completed - 1 Navigator, and 12 Imperial Agents (1 Mystic Stave, 3 Eviscerators, 1 Multi-melta servitor, 1 heavy bolter servitor, 6 regular/plasma pistol agents), 2 Necromunda statues (posted above). That makes 208 models painted this year. Not as good as last year, 236, but better than the two previous years, 174 and 194. I'll try to get the full amount pics up here in a couple of days.
  10. =][= Locked for a cool-down. When re-opened, remember to keep all comments respectful and on-topic. =][=
  11. Ok, I did finish something for December, the two statues, but just didn't post them yet for some reason. I'll try to get some of the Imperial Agents finished tonight to sneak in Overtime, but who knows....
  12. I mean, most tournaments I've been to rule the first floor of all ruins as LoS blocking, so this is a good way to show it.
  13. Moridyn Moridyn spits blood inside his helmet as the burning xenos weapon hits him. Then the nimble bladesman slices into his leg. Roaring, he swings the shotgun's chainblade at the eldar.
  14. Possibly interested. Have to look at my bitz/pile o' potential...
  15. That makes sense, he charged but no wctual attack moves. Ugh, was looking at his bolt pistol characteristics because I put that above the shotgun...
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