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As many of you are aware, I maintain a bunch of review/guide threads for the Blood Angels, specifically those which aren't found within our Codex. A list of those review/guides can be found here. These review/guides are in constant flux; be it the addition of new units or revamping of the older threads as I become used to the more elaborate bbcode available on the B&C. However, one thing I have always wanted to do is add photos to each entry as it's all well and good someone discussing a model but as we all know, a picture speaks a thousand words. Currently, I have a prototype setup displayed here and whilst I'm happy with it, I'm not happy with the photos chosen. Why? Because they aren't Blood Angels - and this is where you come in. What I'm after is a photo of your model (yes, this includes Successor Chapters) which I can place next to the entry on the guide (naturally fully credited). For the background, either white, black or a photographic gradient of some sort is fine and an excellent guide can be found here (and yes, that's for mobile users!) Below is a list of the photos I need for this task (links go to photos in use): Aggressor Squads Assault Intercessors Assault Squad Astorath Astraeus Super-heavy Tank Attack Bike Baal Predator Bike Squad Brother Corbulo Caestus Assault Ram Captain Captain in Cataphractii Armour Captain in Gravis Armour Captain in Phobos Armour Captain in Terminator Armour Captain on Bike Captain Tycho Chaplain Chaplain in Terminator Armour Chaplain on Bike Chaplain Venerable Dreadnought Chief Librarian Mephiston Chief Librarian Mephiston (Legends) Commander Dante Company Ancient Company Champion Company Veterans Contemptor Dreadnought Contemptor Mortis Dreadnought Damocles Command Tank (regular / Deimos) Death Company Death Company Intercessors Death Company Dreadnought Deathstorm Drop Pod (assault cannon / missile launcher) Deimos Pattern Relic Predator (Predator Cannon / Twin Lascannon / Heavy Conversion Beamer / Plasma Executioner / Magna Melta / Inferno Cannon) Deimos Pattern Vindicator Laser Destroyer Devastators Dreadnought Drop Pod Eliminator Squad Eradicator Squad Fire Raptor Assault Gunship Firestrike Servo-turrets Furioso Dreadnought Gabriel Seth Heavy Intercessor Squad Hellblaster Squad Hunter Imperial Space Marine Impulsor Inceptor Squad Incursor Squad Infernum pattern Razorback Infiltrator Squad Infiltrator Squad Invictor Tactical Warsuit Intercessor Squad Invader ATV Land Raider Land Raider Achilles Land Raider Crusader Land Raider Excelsior Land Raider Helios Land Raider Prometheus Land Raider Redeemer Land Speeder Land Speeder Storm Land Speeder Tempest Land Speeder Tornado Land Speeder Typhoon Lemartes Librarian Librarian Dreadnought Librarian in Phobos Armour Librarian in Terminator Armour Librarian on Bike Lieutenants Lieutenants in Phobos Armour Lieutenants in Reiver Armour Lucius Pattern Dreadnought Drop Pod Malakim Phoros Mortis Dreadnought Outrider Squad Predator Annihilator Predator Destructor Primaris Ancient Primaris Apothecary Primaris Captain Primaris Chaplain Primaris Chaplain on Bike Primaris Librarian Primaris Lieutenants Primaris Techmarine Rapier Carrier (graviton cannon | laser destroyer | quad heavy bolter | quad mortar) Razorback Redemptor Dreadnought Reiver Squad Repulsor Repulsor Exterminator Relic Cerberus Heavy Tank Destroyer Relic Contmeptor Dreadnought Relic Deredeo Dreadnought Relic Falchion Super-heavy Tank Destroyer Relic Fellblade Super-heavy Tank Relic Javelin Attack Speeder (lascannon / missile launcher) Relic Land Raider Proteus Relic Leviathan Dreadnought Relic Mastadon Super-heavy Siege Transport Relic Sicaran Arcus Strike Tank Relic Sicaran Battle Tank Relic Sicaran Omega Tank Destroyer Relic Sicaran Punisher Assault Tank Relic Sicaran Venator Tank Destroyer Relic Spartan Assault Tank Relic Terminator Squad Relic Typhon Heavy Siege Tank Relic Whirlwind Scorpius Rhino Rhino Primaris Sanguinary Ancient Sanguinary Guard Sanguinary Notiviate Sanguinary Priest Sanguinary Priest on Bike Scout Bike Squad Scout Squad Servitors Siege Dreadnought Sokar Pattern Stormbird Stalker Sternguard Squad Storm Eagle Assault Gunship Storm Speeder Hammerstrike Storm Speeder Hailstrike Stormhawk Interceptor Stormraven Gunship Stormtalon Gunship Supressor Squad Tactical Squad Tarantula Air Defence Battery (Air Defence Command Platform / Hyperios Tarantula Sentry Gun ( assault cannon / heavy bolter / lascannon / multi-melta) Techmarine Techmarine on Bike Terminator Ancient Terminator Assault Squad Terminator Squad Termite Assault Drill The Sanguinor Thunderhawk Assault Gunship Thunderhawk Transporter Tycho the Lost Vanguard Veteran Squad Veteran Intercessors Vindicator Whirlwind Whirlwind Hyperios Xiphon Interceptor Please reply below with a suitable photo and I'll cross off the list as we go along. Thanks!
The following list is all the lingo/shorthand that BA players use for their stuff. If you see something missing, reply below and I'll add it! ABC - Always Be Charging list. Basically all out assault with DC, SG, RAS Assback - Razorback with twin-linked assault cannon Autolas - Predator with autocannon and lascannon sponsons B&C - The Bolter & Chainsword website B&Z - The Blood & Zeal event on the Bolter & Chainsword website Baalcador - 30k only, this is a Malcador Heavy Tank fully fitted out with Iliastus-pattern assault cannons Bangles - Amalgation of the word Blood Angels BEL - Behind Enemy Lines (Secondary mission, 9th ed) Blade - Blade of Sanguinius, secondary mission, 9th ed Blood Rodeo - A list using bikes to screen our jump troops, often with Devastator support Bolterback - Razorback with twin-linked heavy bolter Chuck Norris - Captain Tycho during the 5th edition Codex era Dakkabaal - Baal Predator with assault cannon and heavy bolter sponsons Dakkapred - Predator with autocannon and heavy bolter sponsons DC - Death Company DCD - Death Company Dreadnought DFA - Death From Above (secondary mission, 9th ed) ETL - The E Tenebrae Lux event on the Bolter & Chainsword website Exploding Dice - When a specific dice roll generates further hits/wounds Flamerbaal - Baal Predator with flamestorm cannon Flamerback - Razorback with twin-linked heavy flamer Flying Circus - A list centred around multiple SG units with optional DC, RAS, and VAS units Fragioso - Furioso Dreadnought armed with a frag cannon FotL - Fury of the Lost (or simply, Fury), secondary mission, 9th ed GBBO - The Great Baalite Bake Off event on the Bolter & Chainsword website GEQ - Guard Equiavalent units added for completion as it comes up a lot in tactica discussion for us Godhammer Land Raider - Incorrect, commonly used to describe the "normal" Land Raider which is a Land Raider Phobos, godhammer is the pattern of lascannon Golden Shower - Null deployment tactic used in conjunction with Nipplewing Infernobaal - Baal Predator with flamestorm cannon Hammenators - Terminator Assault Squad armed with thunder hammers and storm shields Hellfire Dreadnought - Missile launcher and twin-linked lascannon Dreadnought (Dawn of War fame) Honour Guard - A now defunct unit, it refers to a Command Squad today JAS - Jump Assault Squad Land Raider Phobos - correct pattern/name of the "normal" Land Raider nb: this isn't "Godhammer" as described above Lasback - Razorback with twin-linked lascannon Lasplas - Razorback with lascannon & twin-linked plasma gun Lasticals - Tactical Squad with a lascannon LRC - L and Raider C rusader LSS - Land Speeder Storm Meltaback - Infernum-pattern Razorback (it has a multi-melta) Meltacide - RAS with maximum melta weaponry in a Drop Pod MEQ - Marine Equivalent units (so basically a 3+ save) MSU - Multiple Small Units Nipple Armour - Artificer armour worn by Sanguinary Guard, Dante, Tycho (and others) Nipplewing - A list focusing on Dante and Sanguinary Guard PDF Dex - Our 4th edition Codex Plaserback - Razorback with lascannon & twin-linked plasma gun Predator Annihilator - Predator with twin-linked lascannon turret Predator Destructor - Predator with an autocannon turret Psycho Tycho - Tycho the Lost RA - Relentless Assault (secondary mission, 9th ed) RAS - Regular Assault Squad Rifleman - Twin autocannon Dreadnought RBD - Retrieve Battlefield Data, secondary mission, 9th ed RND - Retrieve Nachmund/Nephilim Data, secondary mission, 9th ed RTS - The From Rage to Salvation event on the Bolter & Chainsword website Steel Rain - Null Deployment tactic with Drop Pods Dawn of War fame Sternicide - Sternguard Veterans with maximum melta weaponry in a Drop Pod TAC - Take All Comers force/build TEQ - Terminator Equivalent units TFC - Thunderfire Cannon Trilas - Predator with twin-linked lascannon and lascannon sponsons VAS - Veteran Assault Squad otherwise known as Vanguard Veterans Ward Dex - Our 5th edition Codex basically anything written by Matt Ward * I refuse to acknowledge "Bangles". Don't even go there!!! Generic 40k lingo (external link, Frontline Gaming)
From the album: BA Event Database
From the album: BA Guide Images
From the album: BA Guide Images
From the album: BA Guide Images
From the album: BA Guide Images
From the album: BA Guide Images
From the album: BA Guide Images
From the album: BA Guide Images
From the album: BA Guide Images
From the album: BA Guide Images
From the album: BA Guide Images
From the album: BA Guide Images
From the album: BA Guide Images
From the album: BA Guide Images
From the album: BA Guide Images
From the album: BA Guide Images
From the album: BA Guide Images
From the album: BA Guide Images
From the album: BA Guide Images
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From the album: BA Guide Images
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From the album: BA Guide Images
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From the album: BA Guide Images
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From the album: BA Guide Images