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++The Feast of Blades 42,016++ Hello, and welcome to the Feast of Blades competition, in which your ETL-vowed character models fight in an Arena of Death to the not quite death, in order to be crowned the kind of the arena, and champion of the forum. There can be only one. What is the Feast of Blades All those bearing the heritage of Sanguinius are allowed to compete for the honour of their chapter, and it would be great to see many canon successors and home grown chapters enter. In the event, Blood Angels players chose a champion that they have vowed and painted for the ETL (only completed vows will be allowed to fight), and these will fight against one another (I will be rolling the dice) in a knockout style tournament, until there is only one model remaining: The Victor. The Feast of Blades Challenge is an idea pinched from Chaplain Lucifer on the DA subforum (with permission). The original thread can be found here, but I have modified them slightly for the BA. The idea is that we have a little friendly rivalry, support our champions, and gain glory. As I roll the dice, I will be narrating the fight, adding a little flavour to the proceedings. To help me out on this, your character needs a name and a story/title. Go nuts, this is your chance for your Champion to gain glory everlasting. How can I participate in the Feast of Blades? It's quite easy. The key thing is that your champion must have been vowed and painted as part of ETL 2016. A failed vow on the champion means that he will be disqualified from the FoB - painted models only! A champion may be any non-unique model with the 'Character' type, including sergeants, and excluding codex-named characters, of up to 160pts, chosen as normal from the codex. Register your interest in the thread by commenting, posting a photo of your model/link to the ETL vow your champion is in, with a list of the wargear they are taking: Additional Character Rules You may choose a single sergeant from any unit entry if you wish, but he will be at a disadvantage in the wound stake, this is compensated by the below: Purchasing re-rolls: Like in goo old Blood Bowl, Rerolls may be purchased by characters at a cost of 15points each. This is to even things out betwen characters. A captains experience gives him better WS, more attacks, etc, but a sergeants experience lets him predict the enemies movements, dodge their attacks, etc. Rerolls are used sequentially for each failed roll a character makes, so if you buy 2 rerolls, rapid fire a bolter in the first turn and miss both, then that is both rerolls gone. Example characters: Chaplain Lorenzo: Valour's edge, digital weapons, 2 rerolls 150pts Captain Castigon, Warden of the North Gate: Relic Blade, Grav Pistol, storm shield, Artificer Armour 160pts Vanguard Veteran Sergeant Vincenzo: Hand flamer, Lightening claw, storm shield, jump pack, 7 rerolls, 160pts When does it start? The Feast of Blades event will start immediately after the conclusion of ETL 2016, so you have plenty of time to paint your champion, but not much time left to vow for ETL! Models vowed/completed for ETL 2016 before this post are valid, just add the link as normal. Arena of Death rules: I will be the GM. Any decision I make is final, and mostly based on gut feeling 160 points limit. No named characters The instant death rule is modified to cause D2 wounds instead. Any character from Codex: Blood Angels is allowed, from a 1W Sgt to a Company Captain, at the cost listed in the appropriate datasheet in the codex. Characters with special rules will always try to use them to their advantage. In case of odd numbers I will have a stand in character ready. First pairings are random, further parings will follow a bracket scheme. Make an awesome Champion to duke it out with your fellow Frater's Champions Characters and perks Sgt and Vet sgts of any kind will have "rugged and experienced" rule. You don't get to Vet. Sgt by dying easily so 1W characters will have a special 6+ save that can be taken in addition to other saves (in the same manner as a FnP roll). Librarians, before battle will always roll on a table or tables chosen by the player. Librarians will always use 1 dice of the dice pool to try and cast Force power. Jump packs give a +1 to initiative rolls to see who goes first. If one model has 2 different CC weapons, the attacks will be split evenly between both or at user's discretion upon submitting entry. The Fight Contestants start 18" from each other. To see who goes first a D6 and added the characters Initiative. The model going first will get to move, shoot and assault. The model being assaulted can overwatch at full BS. However if assault fails the model that overwatched can't shoot on his shooting phase. Combats will be resolved just as a normal 40K combat until one model is left with 0 wounds. How will I know the results? A battle report after each battle will be written describing the battle. Questions? If there are any questions that I did not clarify enough or doubts you have I will add to the FAQ. Additional Character Rules You may choose a sergeant from any unit entry if you wish, but he will be at a disadvantage in the wound stake. ENTERING: If you have already made an ETL vow: You can either use a character from your current or a previous vow, or 2) complete that vow, then re-vow with your Feat of Blades character If you have not made a vow in ETL 2016 yet: Then you have 1 week to vow make the most badass character for 160pts you can, before the ETL. You then have until around August 15th to paint them up. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A Champion Arises Captain Castigon*, Warden of the North Gate: Relic Blade, Grav Pistol, jump pack, 1 reroll 160pts The roaring of the chamber was deafening as the captain strode into the arena. Castigon's baleful bionically enhanced eye scanned the room, looking for a worthy adversary. Almost all of the Scions of Sanguinius were represented at the fest, even some brothers thought lost, and welcomed with pause. "Who accepts my challenge? Step forth and speak thy name!" He bellowed, his osmotic grill/vox caster amplifying his voice thunderously. The room quieted at his call, silent, bar the whirr of powered armour, and thudding footsteps approcaching..."I accept..." *Although currently unvowed, Castigon will be part of my second ETL vow, and be the ringer in case of uneven numbers. By the end of ETL, I want cool photos of painted characters for the competition. Entrants: 0: Captain Castigon of the Blood Angels (Xenith) 1: Captain Gallan of the Lamenters (Boudan) 2: Scout Sergeant Kholl Grann of the Blood Owls (Captain Helion) 3: Chaplain Pontius Contristatus of the Angels Sorrowful (Nicodemus) 4: Brother Librarian Slantien Forcells of the Blood Angels.(Mightykin) 5: Veteran Sergeant Dantorial of the Blood Angels (EDC) 6: Librarian Sandriel of the Flesh Tearers (Slangwhanger) 7: Reclusiarch Hazriel the Oathsworn of the Carmine Blades (Dont-Be-Haten) 8: Sergeant Lorenzo of the Blood Angels (Jolemai) 9: Chaplain Cassius Octavius Nero of the Blood Angels (Lasuria) 10: Veteran Vanguard Sgt Trous of the Scarlet Mantle (Grazcruzk) 11: Captain Lazare of the Blood Angels 5th Company (Appiah5) 12: Epistolary Castiel of the Blood Angels (RedemptionNL) 13: Chaplain Darr'knight of the Sanguine Vision (Charlo) No pict available 14: Vanguard Vet Sgt. Brutus of the Blood Revenants (Brother Lemartes) 15: Captain Zedrenael of the Blood Angels 8th Company (SM1981) 16: Epistolary Fayyad of the Sanguine Blades (Chapel XIII) 17: Veteran Sergeant Andreas of the Blood Angels (Spagunk)
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- Blood Angels resource topic
- Blood Angels events
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Overview of the RTS Welcome to the third incarnation of "From Rage to Salvation" the Blood Angels sub-forum’s painting event! We all have that half complete army, the squad you always wanted to expand; the Death Company jump squad that was left half-done. The Librarium Painting Competition and the E Tenebrae Lux built on that with competitive incentives for painting new additions by challenging the other forums. However, there are those who did not participate, those who failed their vows, and those who did not vow as much as they had hoped to. The "From Rage to Salvation" event will provide us with an incentive to complete these half done projects and to keep the inherent artisan flame inside us burning for longer. In its simplest form, this is a casual event that will allow us to complete our old projects and/or begin afresh in a stress-free setting, all at a time when the Blood Angels need both enthusiasm and loyalty from Frater new and old alike. For those new to the event, welcome! Should you be interested, the servitor-thralls have unlocked transcript logs of the first and second event and these can be found here and here respectively. To our veteran participants, welcome back! Spirit of the RTS Just like the ETL, there is a set of unwritten rules for self-regulation amongst the Frater. Like any painting competition on the B&C, they exist to help you all to improve your technique and the standard of your painting, be it asking and giving advice and generally improving your painting regardless of your skill level. Bear in mind that one shouldn’t compromise their skill level during this competition - it’s better to do a smaller vow painted to the best of your ability than a large sub-par job (according to your own personal standards of which you are the only judge). A good example of that is basing. The fact that doing bases is not compulsory for a Primary Vow in the RTS is for the benefit of those who do not yet posses the skill of doing proper basing or have yet to decide on what scheme they wish to use. If, however, you do posses the skill and you will not consider the model complete unless you base it then it is expected that you do base it. In short, this event aims to help you achieve something you can be proud of. Something you can say that the RTS helped you complete and quality over quantity will always be preferred. In addition to completing those half done jobs, the purpose of the RTS is also give the opportunity to people to paint their minis how they like them, not necessarily according to GW doctrine- it’s all about creativity and imagination. As such, it is possible to see some unorthodox painting/modelling - such as World Eaters Legion Rampager Squad suitably converted to Flesh Tearers Death Company or Stormcast Eternals as Hammenators/BA Daemons (see below). All these are totally welcome and well in the spirit of the event. However, if people are using the count-as to just paint totally unsuitable models (using Space Marines Tacticals to represent Blood Angels Tacticals for example) then this works against the principle of the RTS. After all, the RTS is all about faction loyalty to that of the Blood Angels. Another point (that is actually part of the official rules) is that it is expected that you start work on your entries after you submitted your vows and not before. Similarly, one should not mock the competition by entering (for example) a Tactical Squad needing only their eye sockets painted as a Primary Vow, and so on. Lastly, the RTS is an opportunity to paint your army while having fun interacting with other Frater within the BA community. There is an element of friendly competition – which is intended and welcome; friendly banter is not only tolerated, but anticipated. That said, this is still intended as light-hearted fun. Please keep that in mind in your exchanges and also that there may be a language barrier or that people can be on a different wavelength. Make sure you use appropriate tone and don’t forget the smileys – they go a long way to give context and remember, B&C rules always take precedence so play nice. Rules for the RTS Below are the rules which govern From Rage to Salvation 2016: Duration Just under three months from September 15th to November 30th, 2016. Participants can join at any time during the lifetime of the event. Entry requirementsAs this is a Blood Angels event, participants must pledge anything relevant to our Faction from any system covered by B&C, chosen from the “Primary Vows” list below. You may pledge as many of these as you wish. Additionally, you may choose something off the “Secondary Vows” list to work on alongside your Primary Vow. You may pledge as many of these as you wish and both this and the Primary Vow must be finished for your vow to be deemed complete. Finally, Secondary Vows can be added at a later date once cleared with me by PM but can't be made without a Primary Vow Models can be at any state of completion when entered, from completely unpainted to almost done! Each vow must be finished before another one is made A vow is registered by declaring your vow and posting a starting picture. It is declared complete when you post a completion picture A vow is made using the following template: Primary Vows Primary Vows are any unit that can legally be chosen to represent a Blood Angels force in the 40k universe at the time of writing: Any legal unit from Faction: Adeptus Astartes Blood Angels Any legal unit from Faction: Legion Astartes Blood Angels Any legal unit from Battlefleet Gothic pledged to the Blood Angels (or her Successors) Any legal unit from Epic 4000 pledged to the Blood angels (or her Successors) Anything from the following list:Cypher Any Cerastus-pattern Knight BA-themed Fortification Any Imperial Titan Marauder Bomber/Destroyer Secondary Vows A Secondary Vow represents all the little extra things that go along with our collections. Things such as pintle weapon choices, magnetisation choices, single Tactical Marines, and so on go here. These can be added at a later date should you wish, but they will need to be cleared with me first via PM. Any unit/model upgrade for those in the Primary Vow category Any extra/alternative weapons for those in the Primary Vow category Artwork for those in the Primary Vow category Fluff for those in the Primary Vow category Bases and/or transfers for those in the Primary Vow category Daemons – only a legal unit of those that can be summoned via Malefic Daemonology Anything from the following list:Any Imperial Knight from Codex: Imperial Knights, Gerantius, or the Obsidian Knight Any Assassin from Codex: Assassins Any Inquisitor from Codex: Inquisition Death Company Death Company As is customary with the ETL, those who fail their vows bear the badge of the Oathbreaker. To tie in the RTS with the ETL, this year the Oathbreakers have been inducted into the Death Company whereby they will receive their own special mission:To fully complete their ETL vows thereby casting aside their rage and attaining salvationThose admitted to the Death Company ranks have been automatically entered into this event. Ideally, they should be carrying the BA Oathbreaker badge in their signatures from the ETL event: Should they complete their vow and attain salvation during (or even before) the event, they are encouraged to pledge something else. Should they fail, damnation and a fate with Astorath awaits... Re-vowing If participants have achieved their target before the end of the three month period they can pledge again. There is no upper limit on vows but any failure will nullify all previous completions. Awards If participants have achieved their target before the end of the three month period they can pledge again. If at the end of the 3-month period they have completed ALL their pledges they'll get the IRATUS DOMINUS badge. If not they have failed Sanguinius and may carry the badge of CARCERES IRA! Behold and feast your eyes on the: IRATUS DOMINUS And the: CARCERES IRA The award is won, and may be carried, when completing a vow but lost if any vow's are incomplete by the end of November. As for the Death Company, if Salvation is attained there may be a secret award lying in wait... Who will shine the most in this display of loyalty to our Primarch and Legion? FAQs Q: How incomplete can something be for a valid entry? A: The rules state that something can be entered from unpainted to almost complete, however, as per the spirit of the RTS paragraph, you should vow something that will earn you the Iratus Dominus award. For example, a Tactical Marine Squad that requires only its eye sockets painted green isn’t a suitable Primary Vow. If in doubt, send me a PM. Examples: Suitable vow: Unsuitable vow: Q: Why is the Imperial Knight a Secondary Vow when the Cerastus Knight is a Primary Vow? They are the same Faction choice. A: Quite correct, they are both Faction: Imperial Knights. However, at the time of writing the Cerastus-Knight Acheron/Atropos/Castigator/Lancer and the Questoris Knight Magaera may be chosen as a LoW choice for a Blood Angels force using a Combined Arms Detachment, whereas the Imperial Knights do not. Q: Given that we can use any Formations we want in our army, with the only restriction being how they interact with our other Detachments/Formations, are Formations permitted for the RTS and if so, what Faction may they be? A: As this is an event with a BA focus, the only Formations allowed are those with Faction: Blood Angels. Q: Why are Allies not allowed within the RTS when there are non-BA choices to choose from? A: Allies are not a valid choice for the RTS as this is a BA event. However, there are exceptions. The Primary Vow exceptions are those which can be fielded within a BA-specific Force Organisation Chart. The Secondary Vow exceptions are those which often appear as singular units alongside BA forces and ones which many Frater have in their collections but are considered illegal to paint for the ETL. Q: Why have I been entered into this event without my knowledge? A: If you have been automatically entered into this event it is because you failed your ETL vow. Please note that there have been notifications of a challenge for those who failed since the last month of the ETL. Basically, it gives you an extra four months (1 in the gap between ETL and RTS, and 3 for the RTS event) to complete your vow. Please don’t be offended, we’re all eager to see your vow completed! Q: What do you mean by a BA-themed Fortification? A: Basically, we don't want any old Fortification entered. As this is a BA event, and Fortification needs to be suitably identified/claimed by the Blood Angels. This could be simple as adding transfers to the walls, to a full Baal-flavoured scratchbuilt Bastion. The limits are simply your imagination. Q: What does a sample vow look like? A: Vows can be a combination of things: you could choose one or more from the Primary Vow list, or a selection of choices from the Primary and Secondary Vow list. For example, a vow could be: Tactical Squad Tactical Squad and Bolterback Tactical Squad, transfers for three Tactical Squads, and all three new FW pintle-weapons for a Cerberus. Acknowledgments Many thanks to Taranis for inventing the From Rage to Salvation event for for his blessing as we continue it in his absence. Thanks to the Moderation Team for their blessing regarding the event's revival and for their assistance. Thanks to Charlo and Herald of Sanguinius for their work on the signature awards ...and finally thanks to the B&C and the B&C Frater for being here and thereby having an interest in such things. Hope you all enjoy the event! Vows The Angelic Host What follows are the vows of the Angelic Host. These follow the vow format for non-Death Company Frater and will be separated out into Primary and Secondary Vows where appropriate. The Lost What follows are the vows of The Lost. Note that as they are charged with completing their ETL vows before making any further vows, their vows are slightly different from those who are entering the competition and using the RTS format. Tags /equip modhat The correct use of tags can be found here. Basically, this is a method of making things easier to search to people can gain fast, easy access to your work and that of others. The official RTS tags are: Rage to Salvation RTS RTS 16 ... in addition to all the usual things like Blood Angels, WIP, and so on. If we can remember to add these to our work then that would be great.
Overview of the GBBO: The Finalists Sergeant Harriott Welcome to the final stage of "The Great Baalite Bake Off" - the Blood Angels sub-forum’s premier modelling event! After two months of hard toil the artificers of the Blood Angels and their allies have put the final touches on their creations and downed tools as the GBBO has come to a close. For them, anyway. A whole smorgasbord of creations have been modelled, kitbashed and sculpted and this has been put to the judges of THE FORGE to decide which ones standout above the rest. However, it doesn't end here. Below are the finest of the finest creations and there can be only one winner. Vote for your favourite so we can find the Champion of The Great Baalite Bake Off 2017! What You Can Do Basic information:Poll open until the end of the May 2017 Ten contestants (images below), please view before voting One vote: permanent, public - Note that viewing the poll results before voting will register a null vote! Have to say, the GBBO has been a great success. We've had a plethora of entries (both in and out of competition) and they really show off the modelling spirit of not only the Blood Angels sub-forum but the B&C as a whole and for those interested, the list of completions (with links to each individual entry) can be found here. From the in competition entries The Forge Moderators have kindly pulled up a shortlist of their favourite submissions. It is from this list that we need you, the reader of this thread to vote for your absolute favourite model on display and to help us determine the winner! The poll is open until the end of the month of May so don't delay, vote today! What Are the Awards? The GBBO has four awards on offer. The first two, the participant banner and the completion banner, have already been revealed and claimed by our Finalists. The third, rarer badge is the Finalists badge, and this one can be displayed by the participants below in either their signatures or the avatars should they wish: The outright winner will have their very own badge, to be revealed at the end of the event. All the best to our participants! Acknowledgments Many thanks to Grotsmasha for inventing the Conversion Challenges events and for his blessing that I may run a BA version of it Thanks to the Moderation Team for their blessing regarding the event and for their assistance, with special thanks going to those of The Forge for their work as the external judges Thanks to Charlo for his work on the banner and signature awards. Also, thanks to Bukimimaru for coining the name many years ago! ...and finally thanks to the B&C and the B&C Frater for being here and thereby having an interest in such things. Hope you all enjoy the event!
Overview of the GBBO Sergeant Harriott Welcome to the first incarnation of "The Great Baalite Bakeoff" - the Blood Angels sub-forum’s premier modelling event! Be that we game, or simply collect with our models, a HQ choice is one of the most important units we can own. Where you line troopers do the main bulk of the work, it is the Independent Characters that are unique and is often where Frater put in the most effort. Where the (now defunct) Librarium Painting Competition, the E Tenebrae Lux and even our own From Rage to Salvation event build on this with competitive incentives for painting new additions to our forces, these don't really challenge the modeling side of the hobby. In the past, there was a series of Conversion Challenges in The Forge, however, these are currently on hold and there are those who did not participate previously but would have liked to. “The Great Baalite Bakeoff" event aims to provide us with an incentive to build our own HQs and to keep the inherent artisan flame inside us burning for longer. In its simplest form, this is a casual event that will allow us to kitbash our old special characters and/or begin afresh with something new in a stress-free setting, all at a time when the Blood Angels need both enthusiasm and loyalty from Frater new and old alike. For those new to the event, welcome! Should you be interested, the servitor-thralls have unlocked transcript logs of The Forge's Conversion Challenges and these can be found here. Spirit of the GBBO Just like the ETL, there is a set of unwritten rules for self-regulation amongst the Frater. Like any competition on the B&C, they exist to help you all to improve your technique and the standard of your painting and modelling, be it asking and giving advice, and generally improving your modelling regardless of your skill level. Bear in mind that one shouldn’t compromise their skill level during this competition - it’s better to do a smaller vow modelled to the best of your ability than a large sub-par job (according to your own personal standards of which you are the only judge). A good example of that is basing. The fact that doing bases is not compulsory for a Vow in the GBBO is for the benefit of those who do not yet posses the skill of doing proper basing or have yet to decide on what scheme they wish to use. If, however, you do posses the skill and you will not consider the model complete unless you base it then it is expected that you do base it. In short, this event aims to help you achieve something you can be proud of. Something you can say that the GBBO helped you complete and quality over quantity will always be preferred. In addition to bringing those conversion daydreams to life, the purpose of the RTS is also give the opportunity to people to model their minis how they like them, not necessarily according to GW doctrine- it’s all about creativity and imagination. As such, it is possible to see some unorthodox modelling - such as WFB Vampires suitably converted to be Mephiston or Stormcast Eternals as TDA Captains. All these are totally welcome and well in the spirit of the event. However, if people are using the count-as to just paint totally unsuitable models (using Space Marines Apothecaries to represent Blood Angels Sanguinary Priests for example) then this works against the principle of the GBBO. After all, the GBBO is all about faction loyalty to that of the Blood Angels. Lastly, the GBBO is an opportunity to kitbash for your army while having fun interacting with other Frater within the BA community. There is an element of friendly competition – which is intended and welcome; friendly banter is not only tolerated, but anticipated. That said, this is still intended as light-hearted fun. Please keep that in mind in your exchanges and also that there may be a language barrier or that people can be on a different wavelength. Make sure you use appropriate tone and don’t forget the smileys – they go a long way to give context and remember, B&C rules always take precedence so play nice. Rules for the GBBO Below are the rules which govern The Great Baalite Bakeoff 2017: Duration Just under two months from February 6th to April 3rd, 2017. Participants can join at any time during the lifetime of the event. Entry requirementsAs this is a Blood Angels event, participants must make a vow relevant to our Faction from Warhammer 40000. You may pledge as many times as you wish, but each vow needs to be completed before the next one is made You must declare participation a minimum of 24 hours prior to declaring completion. However, I don't mind if you've had a little head start... Participation is registered by making your vow . It is declared complete when you post a series of completion pictures and a parts list A vow is made using the following template: Here is an example of a completion: The finished model is not to be painted; the finished conversion should be bare plastic/resin/metal, however, the small odd-painted piece stolen from a previously painted model is OKVows Vows are any unit that can legally be chosen to represent a Blood Angels force in the 40k universe at the time of writing: Any HQ choice from Codex: Blood Angels Anything from the following list: Captain Karlaen Cassor the Damned Commander Dante Cypher Death Company chaplain Gabriel Seth Lemartes Malakim Phoros Restrictions Bits from plastic kits (such as the Sanguinary Guard box) are unrestricted Upgrade sprues regardless of material and company are unrestricted Adding green stuff (etc) details is not only unrestricted but encouraged, as are full sculpts/scratchbuilt parts Bikes, backpacks, gubbins and vehicles (in the case of the Chaplain Dreadnought, Librarian Dreadnought, and Land Raider Excelsior) bits are unrestricted From existing models in metal/Finecast/3rd party resin/plastic Independent/Special Characters (clampacks), you may only use 25 % of that model. 25 % consists of the following combinations:Head- 0% can be from any existing model 1 x arm = 12.5 %, 2 x arms = 25 % either from the same or separate models 1 x leg = 12.5 %, 2 x legs = 25 % either from the same or separate models Torso = 25 % Awards Upon making a vow you are entitled to carry the participation banner for the event. This you may keep even if you fail your vow. Upon satisfactory completion of your kitbash, you are entitled for carry the completion banner and you entry will henceforth be under consideration for the finals. Behold and feast your eyes on the: GBBO participation And the: GBBO completion The completion award is won, and may be carried, when completing a vow but lost if any vow's are incomplete by the end of the event. Once the doors are closed, the external judges will chose the legal entries that they consider the best, and these will be form a poll in the General PCA sub-forum for Frater to vote who is the overall winner. (There will also be special badges for the overall winner and runners up.) Who will shine the most in this display of loyalty to our Primarch and Legion? FAQs The following FAQs will hopefully answer any question you may have. That said, feel free to PM me or reply below if you have something not covered here. Acknowledgments Many thanks to Grotsmasha for inventing the Conversion Challenges events and for his blessing that I may run a BA version of it Thanks to the Moderation Team for their blessing regarding the event and for their assistance, with special thanks going to those of The Forge for their work as the external judges Thanks to Charlo for his work on the banner and signature awards. Also, thanks to Bukimimaru for coining the name many years ago! ...and finally thanks to the B&C and the B&C Frater for being here and thereby having an interest in such things. Hope you all enjoy the event! Vows List of vows Note that these will be colour coded. Red will indicate a legal completion, green will indicate an out of competition entry. “Normal” colour will indicate an incomplete vow. Tags /equip modhat The correct use of tags can be found here. Basically, this is a method of making things easier to search to people can gain fast, easy access to your work and that of others. The official GBBO tags are:Great Baalite Bake Off GBBO GBBO 17 ... in addition to all the usual things like Blood Angels, WIP, and so on. If we can remember to add these to our work then that would be great.
+++ FROM RAGE TO SALVATION+++ OVERVIEW Welcome to "From Rage to Salvation" the Blood Angels's painting event! We all have that half complete army, the squad you always wanted to expand, the Death Company jump squad that was left half-done. The Librarium Painting Competition and the E Tenebrae Lux built on that with competitive incentives by challenging the other forums. There are many who did not participate, other’s who failed their vows and even more did not vow as much as they had hoped to. The "From Rage To Salvation" will provide us with a incentive to complete our half done projects. This is simple, low level event that I hope will allow us to complete our old projects and start new ones at a time when the Blood Angels needs both enthusiasm and loyalty. RULES Duration: 3 months from September 1st to November 30th, 2013. Participants can join at any time during the life of the event. Entry requirements: As this is a Blood Angels event, participants must pledge Blood Angels (or Successors) units from any system covered by B&C. So 40k, Forge World (Horus Heresy & Imperial Armour lists), Epic, BFG are all welcome! Models can be at any state of completion when entered, from completely unpainted to almost done! Re-vowing: If participants have achieved their target before the end of the 3-month period they can pledge again. AWARDS: If participants have achieved their target before the end of the 3-month period they can pledge again. If at the end of the 3-month period they have completed ALL their pledges they'll get the IRATUS DOMINUS badge. If not they have failed Sanguinius and may carry the badge of CARCERES IRA! Behold and feast your eyes on the: IRATUS DOMINUS And the: CARCERES IRA The award is won, and may be carried, when completing a vow but lost if any vow's are incomplete by the end of November. Who will shine the most in this display of loyalty to our Primarch and Legion? The Angelic Host. SnorriSnorrison. A Reclusiarch, a Stormraven Gunship, 2 Sanguinary Priests and a unit of Death Company. Completed Gondow. Mephiston, Libby in Termy armour and a Tactical squad. Completed 5 Sternguard. Completed 5 Death Company.Completed Xmercx. Furioso Dreadnought w/ Frag cannon and heavy flamer. +1. Completed One Drop Pod.Completed 5 Death Company.Completed 5 Death Company and a Chaplain. Completed Captain Tycho. Completed Mandaloriano. A Death Company, a Tactical Squad and a scout squad. Incoming Taranis. 10 Scouts and 10 Assault Marines. Completed A lamenter Captain. Completed Axun. Two full RAS. Incoming Gydeon. Two Bikes, Three Steeds a piece. Incoming Sockwithaticket. 5 Assault Marines and 1 Reclusiarch. Completed Jiron. A Scout Squad +1. Incoming Wolf_Pack. 10 Sternguard, 5 Tactical Terminators and 10 Assault Marines. Completed Father Mapple. 1 Reclusiarch, Lemartes, Guardian of the Lost, Astorath the Grim, a Stormraven and 7 Death Company. Incoming Captain BrightBlade. Two five man devastator squads, A Baal predator, a chaplain, Librarian, a 10 man assault squad, and two priests with jump packs. Incoming redhorse. Storm raven, two Predators, two librarians and a drop pod. Incoming Vorganov. Assault Squad, Sanguinary Priest and Flesh Teares Terminator Squad. Incoming MadGreek. A squad of Sanguinary Guard.Completed Captain Straton. Completed FashaTheDog. One Terminator Librarian. Completed Phadeout. 2 Assault bikes with multi-meltas. Incoming Crusader Bob. A Death Company Squad.Completed The Sanguinor and Astorath the Grim. Completed Commander Dante and Captain Tycho. Completed Brother Maxwell. 5 man Devestator Squad. 1 Reclusiarch with Jump Pack and 1 Storm Raven. Incoming The Milkman Of Baal. A Games Day Cpt, a Stormraven Gunship, 5 man Vanguard Squad, 10 man Dev squad and finish 1x 10 man tac squad, 1x 5 man dc bolter and a Landraider. Completed Pyro X. A Reclusiarch and to finish a death company dreadnaught and DC Rhino.Completed Zynk Kaladin. Finish the badges and build Lucian, 2nd company captain. Completed 4 Death Company marines. Incoming Jolemai. One Stormraven and one Bolterback. Incoming Stonedog. A Librarian, Two 5 man Squads of Assault Brothers and Two Sanguinary Priests. Incoming SevenExxes. An Honour Guard and Stormraven. Incoming Kanis. 5 Sternguard, Astorath the Grim and a Rhino. Completed Jakbal. a unit of Sanguinary Guard, Captain Tycho and a Blood Angels Chaplain.Incoming Res Ipsa Loquitur. Chief Librarian Mephiston, Lord of Death. Incoming Papa Lazarou. One Baal Predator. Completed T4play. Three Baal Predators. Completed BLOOD ANGELS, UNLEASH THE RAGE!
Overview of the RTS Welcome to the second incarnation of "From Rage to Salvation" the Blood Angels sub-forum’s painting event! We all have that half complete army, the squad you always wanted to expand; the Death Company jump squad that was left half-done. The Librarium Painting Competition and the E Tenebrae Lux built on that with competitive incentives for painting new additions by challenging the other forums. However, there are those who did not participate, those who failed their vows, and those who did not vow as much as they had hoped to. The "From Rage to Salvation" event will provide us with an incentive to complete these half done projects and to keep the inherent artisan flame inside us burning for longer. In its simplest form, this is a casual event that will allow us to complete our old projects and/or begin afresh in a stress-free setting, all at a time when the Blood Angels need both enthusiasm and loyalty from Frater new and old alike.For those new to the event, welcome! Should you be interested, the servitor-thralls have unlocked transcript logs of the first event and these can be found here. To our veteran participants, welcome back! Spirit of the RTS Just like the ETL, there is a set of unwritten rules for self-regulation amongst the Frater. Like any painting competition on the B&C, they exist to help you all to improve your technique and the standard of your painting, be it asking and giving advice and generally improving your painting regardless of your skill level. Bear in mind that one shouldn’t compromise their skill level during this competition - it’s better to do a smaller vow painted to the best of your ability than a large sub-par job (according to your own personal standards of which you are the only judge). A good example of that is basing. The fact that doing bases is not compulsory for a Primary Vow in the RTS is for the benefit of those who do not yet posses the skill of doing proper basing or have yet to decide on what scheme they wish to use. If, however, you do posses the skill and you will not consider the model complete unless you base it then it is expected that you do base it. In short, this event aims to help you achieve something you can be proud of. Something you can say that the RTS helped you complete and quality over quantity will always be preferred. In addition to completing those half done jobs, the purpose of the RTS is also give the opportunity to people to paint their minis how they like them, not necessarily according to GW doctrine- it’s all about creativity and imagination. As such, it is possible to see some unorthodox painting/modelling - such as World Eaters Legion Rampager Squad suitably converted to Flesh Tearers Death Company or Stormcast Eternals as Hammenators/BA Daemons (see below). All these are totally welcome and well in the spirit of the event. However, if people are using the count-as to just paint totally unsuitable models (using Space Marines Tacticals to represent Blood Angels Tacticals for example) then this works against the principle of the RTS. After all, the RTS is all about faction loyalty to that of the Blood Angels. Another point (that is actually part of the official rules) is that it is expected that you start work on your entries after you submitted your vows and not before. Similarly, one should not mock the competition by entering (for example) a Tactical Squad needing only their eye sockets painted as a Primary Vow, and so on. Lastly, the RTS is an opportunity to paint your army while having fun interacting with other Frater within the BA community. There is an element of friendly competition – which is intended and welcome; friendly banter is not only tolerated, but anticipated. That said, this is still intended as light-hearted fun. Please keep that in mind in your exchanges and also that there may be a language barrier or that people can be on a different wavelength. Make sure you use appropriate tone and don’t forget the smileys – they go a long way to give context and remember, B&C rules always take precedence so play nice. Rules for the RTS Below are the rules which govern From Rage to Salvation 2015: Duration 3 months from September 1st to November 30th, 2015. Participants can join at any time during the lifetime of the event. Entry requirements As this is a Blood Angels event, participants must pledge anything relevant to our Faction from any system covered by B&C, chosen from the “Primary Vows” list below. You may pledge as many of these as you wish. Additionally, you may choose something off the “Secondary Vows” list to work on alongside your Primary Vow. You may pledge as many of these as you wish and both this and the Primary Vow must be finished for your vow to be deemed complete. Finally, Secondary Vows can be added at a later date once cleared with me by PM. Models can be at any state of completion when entered, from completely unpainted to almost done! Each vow must be finished before another one is made. A vow is registered by declaring your vow and posting a starting picture. It is declared complete when you post a completion picture. A vow is made using the following template: Primary Vows Primary Vows are any unit that can legally be chosen to represent a Blood Angels force in the 40k universe at the time of writing: Any legal unit from Faction: Adeptus Astartes Blood Angels Any legal unit from Faction: Legion Astartes Blood Angels Any legal unit from Battlefleet Gothic pledged to the Blood Angels (or her Successors) Any legal unit from Epic 4000 pledged to the Blood angels (or her Successors) Anything from the following list:Cypher Any Cerastus-pattern Knight Fortification Any Imperial Titan Marauder Bomber/Destroyer Secondary Vows A Secondary Vow represents all the little extra things that go along with our collections. Things such as pintle weapon choices, magnetisation choices, single Tactical Marines, and so on go here. These can be added at a later date should you wish, but they will need to be cleared with me first via PM. Any unit/model upgrade for those in the Primary Vow category Any extra/alternative weapons for those in the Primary Vow category Artwork for those in the Primary Vow category Fluff for those in the Primary Vow category Bases and/or transfers for those in the Primary Vow category Daemons – only a legal unit of those that can be summoned via Malefic Daemonology Anything from the following list:Any Imperial Knight from Codex: Imperial Knights Any Assassin from Codex: Assassins Any Inquisitor from Codex: Inquisition Death Company Death CompanyAs is customary with the ETL, those who fail their vows bear the badge of the Oathbreaker. To tie in the RTS with the ETL, this year the Oathbreakers have been inducted into the Death Company whereby they will receive their own special mission: To fully complete their ETL vows thereby casting aside their rage and attaining salvationThose admitted to the Death Company ranks have been automatically entered into this event. Should they complete their vow and attain salvation during (or even before) the event, they are encouraged to pledge something else. Should they fail, damnation and a fate with Astorath awaits... Re-vowing If participants have achieved their target before the end of the three month period they can pledge again. There is no upper limit on vows but any failure will nullify all previous completions. Awards If participants have achieved their target before the end of the three month period they can pledge again. If at the end of the 3-month period they have completed ALL their pledges they'll get the IRATUS DOMINUS badge. If not they have failed Sanguinius and may carry the badge of CARCERES IRA! Behold and feast your eyes on the: IRATUS DOMINUS And the: CARCERES IRA The award is won, and may be carried, when completing a vow but lost if any vow's are incomplete by the end of November. As for the Death Company, if Salvation is attained there may be a secret award lying in wait... Who will shine the most in this display of loyalty to our Primarch and Legion? FAQs Q: How incomplete can something be for a valid entry? A: The rules state that something can be entered from unpainted to almost complete, however, as per the spirit of the RTS paragraph, you should vow something that will earn you the Iratus Dominus award. For example, a Tactical Marine Squad that requires only its eye sockets painted green isn’t a suitable Primary Vow. If in doubt, send me a PM. Q: Why is the Imperial Knight a Secondary Vow when the Cerastus Knight is a Primary Vow? They are the same Faction choice. A: Quite correct, they are both Faction: Imperial Knights. However, at the time of writing the Cerastus-Knight Acheron/Castigator/Lancer and the Questoris Knight Magaera may be chosen as a LoW choice for a Blood Angels force using a Combined Arms Detachment, whereas the Imperial Knights do not. Q: Given that we can use any Formations we want in our army, with the only restriction being how they interact with our other Detachments/Formations, are Formations permitted for the RTS and if so, what Faction may they be? A: As this is an event with a BA focus, the only Formations allowed are those with Faction: Blood Angels. Q: Why are Allies not allowed within the RTS when there are non-BA choices to choose from? A: Allies are not a valid choice for the RTS as this is a BA event. However, there are exceptions. The Primary Vow exceptions are those which can be fielded within a BA-specific Force Organisation Chart. The Secondary Vow exceptions are those which often appear as singular units alongside BA forces and ones which many Frater have in their collections but are considered illegal to paint for the ETL. Q: Why have I been entered into this event without my knowledge? A: If you have been automatically entered into this event it is because you failed your ETL vow. Please note that there have been notifications of a challenge for those who failed since the last month of the ETL. Basically, it gives you an extra four months (1 in the gap between ETL and RTS, and 3 for the RTS event) to complete your vow. Please don’t be offended, we’re all eager to see your vow completed! Q: What does a sample vow look like? A: Vows can be a combination of things: you could choose one or more from the Primary Vow list, or a selection of choices from the Primary and Secondary Vow list. For example, a vow could be: Tactical Squad Tactical Squad and Bolterback Tactical Squad, transfers for three Tactical Squads, and all three new FW pintle-weapons for a Cerberus. Acknowledgments Many thanks to Taranis for inventing the From Rage to Salvation event for for his blessing as we continue it in his absence. Thanks to Captain Semper, Grotsmasha, knife&fork, Morticon and Warriorfish for their blessing regarding the event's revival and for their assistance. Thanks to Charlo and Herald of Sanguinius for their work on the signature awards ...and finally thanks to the B&C and the B&C Frater for being here and thereby having an interest in such things. Hope you all enjoy the event! Vows The Angelic Host What follows are the vows of the Angelic Host. These follow the vow format for non-Death Company Frater and will be separated out into Primary and Secondary Vows where appropriate. The Lost What follows are the vows of The Lost. Note that as they are charged with completing their ETL vows before making any further vows, their vows are slightly different from those who are entering the competition and using the RTS format.