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  1. Greetings Frater, I'm a fairly long time member but infrequent poster to Bolter and Chainsword, and you'll find a few of my plogs littered around the various sub forums. I'm embarking on a new project for 2018; the Carcharodons! This will be for my local club's summer tournament which has some quirky rules and missions (1250 points, single faction keyword, no Imperial or Chaos soup), and I'm hoping to build something both fluffy and effective. According to the Badab War book, the Space Sharks are Raven Guard successors so I'm making this my home for the plog; I certainly intend to use the RG rules for the army. Any way, every plog needs pictures, so here are a couple of shots from a few Sharks I painted a couple of years ago: Tactical Marine: The Red Brethren And finally something new; a Librarian with an overriding desire to whack stuff with an Axe! Thanks for reading and I'll post both hobby updates, lists, cunning plans, etc. as the whim strikes!
  2. http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j195/Holy_Milkman/Carcharodons_Livery_zps6bcebda2.jpg Carcharadon Astra Hello my name is Squeaky, and i have been doing Carcharadons for a while now. I thought it would be a good idea to set up a thread where all the space shark/Carcharadon players can pool their knowledge of the chapter. Though please, no "who they are a successor of", as there already is a forum open for that discussion. If you wish to add your 2 pence here is the link. http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/288372-carcharodons-raven-guard-or-night-lords/ I'm not entirely sure where to start, so I will give a brief history for those of you that don't know about them. The Carcharadons are a fleet-based chapter who exited the realm of myth and legend when they entered the Badab War. The Maelstrom Warders and Loyalists were both shocked when the sharks' flag ship Nicor warped in to real space accompanied by several smaller vessels of varying ages almost a catalog of the past. After a tense moment of hailing the Nicor, the sharks made there loyalty's known. Carving a bloody path though the Mantis Warriors and leaving Badab Prime an inhospitable husk. Engraving mistrust and doubt about there purity among their fellow battle brothers, thanks to the brutality they displayed and black and white mentality towards friend and foe. The Chapter Name: The Carcharodons................................................ Founding: Unknown............................................................................................ Chapter World/Deployment: Unknown/ Thought to be Nomad Prederation Fleet(s)......................... Fortress Monastery: Unknown..................................... Gene-Seed (Predecessor): Unknown, some gene-seed indicators point to Raven Guard [unconfirmed]...... ​Known Descendants: None - Sources unreliable......................... Ghosts of the beginning The 7th Battalion of the XIX legion http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140413180416/warhammer40k/images/b/b6/XIX_Legion_Vet.jpg (During Istvaan III / Istvaan V) "As with most of the Legions, there were other elements detached to serve elsewhere. A small number, mostly Terrans of the Legion of old, had been assigned to serve beyond the fringes of the Imperium, some in independent "nomad predation" fleets (...) One of these fleets was in fact commanded by the Legion's former commanding officer -Shade Lord Arkhas Fal- on the direct order of the Primarch when Corax took over the Raven Guard. What became of the Shadow Lord, his fleet and the other elements may never been known, and the fact that Corax appears to have made no effort to recall them suggests they were considered a body apart from the bulk of the Legion" This appears to be Forge World more or less telling us the Carchardons are of Raven Guard in origin Though appearance and the brutality the Terran born marines displayed. Chapter Tactics Notable Campaigns Their Apperance Known Names Characters of the Chapter The Fleet Tattoos Styles and Ideas Old and New WIP of Carcharodons Astra 1.CHAPTER TACTICS Tactically, during the Badab War, the Carcharodons operated almost exclusively as a rapid-strike force, disdaining any kind of protracted engagement whenever possible, preferring to approach their targets either with extreme speed or by stealth, which allowed them to strike with the element of surprise on their side whenever possible. Those few who observe a Carcharodon assault and live would be forgiven for assuming that they are mindless berserkers, unconcerned with tactics or planning. In fact, the Carcharodons rely on a series of tactics that at their heart are both simple and reliable. Though the Carcharodons seem both competent and familiar with armoured vehicles, the core of their tactics rely on large detachments of mobile Space Marine infantry. In this way, the Carcharodons make use of the bloody prowess of their combat brethren to carry the day in battle. The Carcharodons often endeavour to be the initiator of combat actions and prefer not to fight on the defensive. Tactical operations often begin with a Battle Company using its integrated Scout Marine forces and other reconnaissance units such as Land Speeder and Bike Squads to probe enemy positions and identify weak points and any target with strategic value. Once identified, the main Carcharodon forces hit these points with overwhelming attacks, eschewing preparatory bombardments or armoured spearheads in favour of complete and overwhelming surprise. They may use Drop Pods, Thunderhawks, or massed teleportation to make these attacks, and the assaulting forces are often a mix of Tactical and Assault Marines, as well as TerminatorVeterans. Depending on the success of these assaults, the Carcharodons usually follow two responses. If the targeted positions prove well defended, the Carcharodons withdraw. These withdrawals happen almost as quickly as the prior assault, and the Carcharodons fade from the battlefield like ghosts. They patiently re-evaluate the strength of the enemy positions, then launch another lightning assault at a different point they perceive to be weak. Eventually, one of these assaults succeeds, and then the Carcharodons press the attack to the hilt. Once they commit fully, they dig deep into the enemy's vitals, endeavouring to do as much damage as possible (especially to vulnerable rear areas) as quickly as possible. At this point, the full fury of the Carcharodons is all too apparent, and little survives this stage of the assault. The Carcharodons prefer fighting at close range, either attacking with point-blank weapons fire, or in melee when they have broken through the enemy line. There is one other interesting and somewhat disturbing detail about the Carcharodons’ assaults. Their battles are conducted in complete silence. Any commands from the Chapters’ leaders are transmitted over a locked and encrypted Vox net, and the Battle-Brothers abstain from issuing any word or sound to friend or foe. To see such carnage enacted without a word or cry is chilling, to say the least..... RULES..... http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/Downloads/Product/PDF/F/FWchaptertactics.pdf Until their sudden arrival in the midst of the Badab Wars, the sinister Carcharodons Chapter was little more than a half forgotten legend, a terror of the outer dark who many doubted existed until their bloody return. Their actions during the battles to depose the Tyrant of Badab re-established their reputation as chilling agents of slaughter and destruction, fit only for the task of eradicating the enemies of the Emperor far from the witnessing of sane men and women. Reavers of the Outer Darkness:All models with Chapter Tactics (Carcharodons) gain the Fear special rule. In addition, any model in a Tactical squad with the Reavers of the Outer Darkness Chapter Tactic special rule may exchange a boltgun they are already equipped with for a close combat weapon (eg, chainsword/combat blade) for free or be equipped with an additional close combat weapon for +1 point per model. Such changes must be represented on the model. Blood Hunger: All units with Chapter Tactics (Carcharodons) gain the Rage special rule after they have either destroyed an enemy infantry unit (of any type) in an assault or forced one to Fall Back. Place a suitable marker on any unit that gains the Rage special rule due to Chapter Tactics (Carcharodons) to indicate this has occurred. When one of these marked units makes a Consolidation move, it must move towards the nearest enemy unit that it is capable of damaging in an assault. A Space Marines force which uses this Chapter Tactic may only ally or be allied with other Imperial armies, and in all cases their relationship is that of Desperate Allies (see page 112 of the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook). TYBEROS THE RED WAKE RULES (Page 4!) 2.Notable Campaigns The Canticle of Cassandria [Circa M37] (7th Black Crusade) Within the eponymous Sainted Sisters' highly mythologized and oblique account of the wars of the 7th Black Crusade is found mention of a "grey clad" Space Marine Chapter who came from "the outer night" to aid the Imperium, and whose "Jagged maw did swallow the stars..." and whose "...black gaze did mirror the void of oblivion". In the course of the canticle this Chapter's ships set upon abaddon's forces following the disastrous defeat and routing of the Blood Angels at Midian and attacked the pursuing forces as Saint Lev writes: "... fell upon the servants of the skulled one with great fury from the darkness, unseen as the beast that lurks beneath the black waters, death for death, blood for blood... thus were the sons of Sanguinius bought respite, and did turn back the damned traitors of the false gods driven unto their ruin". Images of these events can be found upon the walls of the crypt world of Hypasitis created to house the honoured dead of that war, depicted in repeated fresco and bar relief, but curiously the faces of the intervening Space Marines there depicted are obscured with featureless discks of black obsidian. The Report of Explorator Fleet Hydrax-Lamda [22.0 M41] During a ranging expedition into the vicinity of the area of space near the Warp/Realspace anomaly known as the Storm of Magnus, Explorator Fleet Hydrax-Lamda-15 encountered a large Ork terror ship dead in space and set a drift. Showing signs of heavy battle some time within the last few Terran years, the corridors and vaults of the ship were strewn with hundreds of Ork remains, most having died of massive physical trauma consistent with chain weapons and blade injuries as well as bolter shell impacts. In the central gun-deck chambers of the ship where the main fighting appeared to have taken place Ork remains had been deliberately piled several meters high and into the summit of the mound an Aquila-topped standard had been placed and on the black standard emblazoned on it was a huge white silhouette of a watery predator. Badab War [910.M41 - 913.M41] Arriving without warning in 910.M41 the sudden appearance of the Carcharodon's Chapter fleet on the edge of the Golgothan Wastes, initially caused alarm for both the Loyalist and Secessionist forces operating within the Maelstrom Zone. An unidentified, fire-blackened Space Marine Strike Cruiser identified itself with ancient, though still valid, Imperial authorisation protocols. The unidentified Space Marine force had come to offer its aid to the Loyalist cause against the Secessionists, claiming to have come in answer to a summons from Terra itself. They identified their Chapter as the Carcharodons Astra, using the ancient High Gothic form of their name (or the "Space Sharks" in Low Gothic), and formally requested the Loyalists' permission to enter the war zone and draw blood. Upon their arrival, the Carcharodons' Force Commander Tyberos presented the Inquisitor Legate in charge of prosecuting the Badab conflict with Notices Patent provided to the Chapter affirming the rights and titles issued to it by several High Lords of Terra and Inquisitors now long dead. Tyberos even submitted himself for psychic probing and gene-sampling. The Inquisitor Legate vouched for the Carcharodons. Lord High Commander Carab Culln of theRed Scorpions, the Magister Millitant or supreme commander of all the Loyalist forces, accepted the Carcharodons into his line of battle, although he was still wary of their loyalties and their deviations from theCodex Astartes during their long voyage beyond Imperial space. The Carcharodons were initially deployed to the Endymion Cluster after their return to Imperial space, the territory governed by the Secessionist Mantis Warriors Chapter, rather than to the Badab Sector. They systematically annihilated planets in the Cluster known to have harboured the Mantis Warriors to force that Chapter to stop using their hit-and-run tactics and mass their forces in defence of these worlds, a strategy that spared the Carcharodons from having to pursue them across the Cluster to places where their foes held the advantage of support and local knowledge. In 913.M41, during the final battle of the Badab War on Badab Primaris, the homeworld of the Renegade Astral Claws Chapter and Lufgt Huron, the Tyrant of Badab, the Carcharodons sabotaged the ancient atomic and geo-thermal reactors which powered the world's hive cities and fed its hungry planetary defence batteries with energy. This resulted in a planetary tectonic upheaval, with entire hive city sectors collapsing into yawning chasms that opened up in the ground beneath them, replaced by seas of molten lava. After the death of Badab Primaris, the remaining Secessionists from the Astral Claws, Executioners, Mantis Warriors and Lamenters Chapters were put on trial before a specially convened Consistorial Court of their peers in the Adeptus Astartes. Before departing the Maelstrom Zone for good, the Carcharodons Chapter fleet returned to the Endymion Cluster. There, with the agreement of the Fire Hawks, they struck at the Tranquility System, whose worlds were once the primary recruiting and training grounds of the Mantis Warriors. From these worlds they harvested an entire generation of recruits to renew their own losses, forcing those they selected to fight to the death to prove their worth in order to survive as Carcharodons Neophytes. Thus paid in blood, the Carcharodons fleet departed, the last known sighting of them made by an Explorator augury-beacon, which marked them tacking course through the Warp, ascending above the galactic plane and into the blackness of the outer void once more. The current whereabouts and operational activities of the Carcharodons remain unknown. The Corcryan Massacre [910.M41] The event that became known in Imperial records as the Corcyran Massacre was discovered by an Imperial Navy patrol in 910.M41. The wreckage of a smugglers' base was discovered in the dust wastes of the forlorn world of Corcyra II. Within the base was a nightmarish scene of carnage and destruction rarely witnessed before by men. A bloody battle had been fought between two sub-company-sized forces of Space Marines from the Executioners and the Carcharodons Chapters. These two Chapters, both infamous for their savagery and unyielding stances towards their foes, had fought each other to mutual annihilation. The base around them was ripped apart, its former inhabitants now mouldering into dust. Many of the bodies of both sides showed signs of having fought on despite suffering horrendous wounds, severed limbs and massive trauma that should have felled even an Astartes, and several were found locked in deathly, gore-splattered embraces, striking at their foes with their last ebbing strength. It is not known which Chapter's last warrior survived to the end to claim a bitter victory. Neither Chapter has acknowledged any survivors of the massacre living to tell of what happened at Corcyra II. For more Information at this time Wikia: http://warhammer40k.wikia.com/wiki/Carcharodons Lexicanum: http://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Carcharodons#.U6jMOvldWSo 3.Their Appearance http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j195/Holy_Milkman/SharkWeapons_zpsa1bc4a1b.png The armour of the Carcharadon is a dark grey with back shoulder insets, usually with hand painted symbols of watery predators, skulls, and other unusual designs. The rare few that have seen a carcharodon out of their armour notices the pale grey complexion and obsidian black eyes. As well as their armour being decorated, the skin of many carcharodons share similar designs that is painted on their armour. http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j195/Holy_Milkman/SharkTerminator_zps1fc4d4d1.png Most of the designs are inspired by the varied Polynesian tatu art. Each island has its own style of tattooing so Hawaiian,Tahitian, Samoan, Maori, Marquesas. Its hard to tell them apart as the lines have started to blur and each tattoo artist tends to have their own style. But most people settle with Maori when deciding on doing their own art work as it follows the contours of the body more. War Gear Those Carcharodons who have been seen, weld arms of ancient providence. They are far more likely to carry weapons such as the ancient Phobos R/017 Pattern Bolter or the Mark V Heresy pattern power armour. It is likely this is a by product of the Chapters long isolation. 4.Known Names The Carcharadon's don't appear to have names/squad markings in the fluff (Imperial Armour Vol.9) but thanks to forge world we have an idea of what to call our sharks, and I thought I'd share the meaning/origins of each. Most of the names on the Forge World Transfer sheet are mythical monsters or savage beasts. Bahamut Bahamut (بهموت} is a giant omnipotent creature in Arabian mythology, sometimes described as a dragon or snake. Bahamut rides on a giant whale creature called Liwash that resides in a vast sea, the Adwad. He supports a huge bull named Kuyutha who supports a rock of ruby, atop which stands an angel who supports the seven heavens. Later, Bahamut was identified with Liwash and became a huge fish hence the biblical tradition. Drekavac Drekavac comes from the souls of children who have died unbaptised.[2] The creature is not consistently described. One description is that its body is dappled, elongated and thin as a spindle, with disproportionately large head;[2] yet another is that it is some kind of bird;[3] a modern find of a supposed drekavac body looked like a dog or a fox, but with hind legs similar to those of kangaroo.[4] It may also appear in the form of a child[2] and call for people passing near the cemetery to baptise it. The one feature everyone agrees about is its horrifying yell. Lusca The lusca has been described as either a multi-headed monster, a dragon-like creature, a cross between a giant shark and an octopus or a kind of evil spirit. The Lusca is said to grow over 75 feet (23 m) long, or even 200 feet (61 m) long. Other descriptions also mention that it can change colour, a characteristic commonly found in smaller octopuses. Quintus Too many to pin point who they mean but It's a common Latin forename. Valac According to the Dictionnaire Inferna, Valac is the mighty Great President of Hell having thirty (thirty-eight to other authors) legions of demons under his command. Nicor In Teutonic mythology, Nicor are malignant water monsters who drown people. According to Scandinavian mythology, Odin takes on the name of Nickar or Hnickar when he acts as a destroyer. Under this name, he appears as a kelpie, the devil-horse of the Scots, & frequents the lakes & rivers of Scandinavia where he causes tempests, hurricanes, & hailstorms. On the Isle of Rugen, he likes to torment fisherman, capsize their boats, and throw them almost to the tops of the highest fir trees. Mergow I think this is right but with a different spelling If you know I'm wrong let me know. Morgawr (meaning sea giant in Cornish), is a plesiosaur-like cryptid purported to live in the sea near Falmouth Bay, Cornwall. It has been photographed and even caught on tape.[citation needed] First sighted in 1906,[1] various theories have been proposed for as to the identity of this sea serpent, ranging from a hoax or mistaken identity, to the suggestion that the creature is a surviving species of Plesiosaur or that it is a previously undiscovered species of long necked seal. In the absence of a carcass or a living specimen, identity explanations depend only on eyewitness accounts and low-quality photographs. Resheph Resheph (Rašap, Rešef, Reshef; Canaanite/Hebrew ršp רשף) was a Canaanite deity of plague and war. In Egyptian iconography Resheph is depicted wearing the crown of Upper Egypt (White Crown), surmounted in front by the head of a gazelle. He has links with Theban war god Montu and was thought of as a guardian deity in battle by many Egyptian pharaohs. Although the iconography of Resheph shares the gazelle with that of the Egyptian-Canaanite Shed, Izak Cornelius writes that "the rest of the attributes are totally different." [1] According to myth, Resheph exerted a benign influence against disease. Astra Latin for stars Ferrox Latin for fierce Varcolac Varcolaci are often described as: dogs, always two in number animals smaller than dogs dragons animals with multiple mouth, such as octopus spirits Etymology In Romanian, vârcolac commonly means "werewolf". It can occasionally mean "goblin". The word vârcolac is a loan from Slavic (Bulgarian varkolak, and vulkodlak, Greek vrykolakas), meaning "werewolf" (etymologically "Wolf's Fur"). The pricolici is another form of vârcolac, also resembling a werewolf. Amon According to the Dictionnaire Infernal, Amon is a Marquee of Hell commanding forty infernal legions. He is also the seventh of the 72 spirits of Goetia. Amon can appear in the form of a wolf with a serpent's tail and vomiting flames. In human form, he has the head of an owl and his beak shows canine teeth.Amon understand of all things past and to come, he procure favor, and reconcile both friends and foes. He is also said to procure love. Urisk An urisk or ùruisg is a goblin of Lowland Scotland Generally the urisk prefers to live in the recesses of distant hills and lonely waterfalls and pools. Every stream in Breadalbane had an ùruisg once according to Watson the Scottish place name expert, and their king was Peallaidh. (Peallaidh's name is preserved in "Obair Pheallaidh", known in English as "Aberfeldy".) It may be the case, that ùruisg was conflated with some water sprite, or that ùruisg were originally water sprites conflated with brownies. Ketos There is alot of origins to this one so il only give a jist of where the name comes from. In the Greek language, the word ketos (Greek: Κῆτος, Kētos, plural cetea Greek: κήτη)—Latinized as cetus—denotes a large fish, a whale, a shark, or a sea monster.[1] The sea monsters slain by Perseus and Heracles were each referred to as a cetus by ancient sources.[2] The term cetacean (for whale) originates from cetus. In Greek art, cetea were depicted as serpentine fish. The name of the mythological figure Ceto is derived from ketos. The name of the constellation Cetus also derives from this word. Dhagon Another I'm not sure on but it has a vague connection to water.... In the 11th century, Jewish bible commentator Rashi writes of a Biblical tradition that the name Dāgôn is related to Hebrew dāg/dâg 'fish' and that Dagon was imagined in the shape of a fish: compare the Babylonian fish-god Oannes. In the 13th century David Kimhiinterpreted the odd sentence in 1 Samuel 5.2–7 that "only Dagon was left to him" to mean "only the form of a fish was left", adding: "It is said that Dagon, from his navel down, had the form of a fish (whence his name, Dagon), and from his navel up, the form of a man, as it is said, his two hands were cut off." The Septuagint text of 1 Samuel 5.2–7 says that both the hands and the head of the image of Dagon were broken off.[6] H. Schmökel asserted in 1928[7] that Dagon was never originally a fish-god, but once he became an important god of those maritime Canaanites, the Phoenicians, the folk-etymological connection with dâg would have ineluctably affected his iconography.[8] The fish form may be considered as a phallic symbol as seen in the story of the Egyptian grain god Osiris, whose penis was eaten by (conflated with) fish in the Nile after he was attacked by the Typhonic beast Set. Likewise, in the tale depicting the origin of the constellation Capricornus, the Greek god of nature Pan became a fish from the waist down when he jumped into the same river after being attacked by Typhon. A few sites to help you find some names Monstropedia is an archive of nearly all the monster, spirits and just weird things you can think of You could look up Ancient Greek gods or actual Shark genus on Wiki or Google. 5.Characters of the Chapter Tyberos the Red Wake Tyberos was presumed to be the commander of the Carcharodons Chapter during their unlooked for and savage intervention in the Badab War, leading his Terminator-armoured brethren in bloody assault after bloody assault from the notorious battle barge Nicor. Tyberos gained a dark fame for his brutal combat prowess and the two unique power weapons with which he carved a path of mangled and shredded corpses through the Secessionist forces. Known as ‘Hunger’ and ‘Slake’ these ancient relic-gauntlets, which combine barbed power blades with an inner maw lined with vicious teeth, are of a pattern and manufacture unknown to the Adepts of Mars. Never seen outside his archaic suit of Terminator armour, his face, when revealed, was a corpse-white nightmare with half the bones of the face exposed in a bloodless grimace, while his eyes were a soulless, depthless black. Those that witnessed him in combat and lived to tell the tale spoke of him as a blood-splattered killing machine moving almost too fast for the eye to see and leaving nothing but mangled and shredded corpses after his passing, yet acting with precise and deadly intention in combat as if every slaughter was cold and calculated beforehand rather than the product of mere rage. The Red Brethren The Red Brethren as they are known, seem to be the elite of the many terminator powered marines the Carcharodons make effective use of. Clad in Tactical Dreadnought armour and brandishing a pair of lightning claws each, Always found close to Tyberos's side in the thickest melee, they display a ferocity only Tyberos him self can supersede. 6.Carcharodon Fleet The Carcharodons fleet, though extensive, is inconsistent in makeup. Within its line of battle are numerous examples of either very ancient, salvaged or extensively repaired vessels. Many fleet-based Space Marine Chapters use the conventional Crusade Chapter pattern (which consciously imitates the example of the Space Marine Legions of old). Instead the Carcharodons follow the rarer, so-called 'Nomad-Predation' pattern. This is used exclusively by Chapters operating for long durations beyond the Imperium's borders, acting as self-contained forces which operate without recourse to the Imperium for support at all. These types of fleets voyage without end, pausing only to attack targets that are within their means to destroy without threatening their own viability as an effective fighting force. Known Vessels or Ships Nicor (Battle Barge) The Nicor was the Carcharodons' notorious flagship during the Badab War and serves as the Chapter's mobile fortress-monastery. Though nothing is known about the vast majority of the Carcharodons’ fleet, certain records unearthed on the Segmentum Pacificus fleet base of Hydraphur detail at least one of their ships, the Nicor. A cadre of archivist-savants in the employ of Battlefleet Pacificus, studying these ancient records in 703.M40, reported that the Nicor was a relic of ancient heritage. Deck plans identified its make as a heavily modified Charibdys-class Grand Cruiser of the Great Crusade and Horus Heresy eras, and if any of its sister ships still exist in the Imperium, they are exceedingly rare. The Nicor is slightly smaller than the traditional Battle-Barges of more conventional Space Marine Chapters, but if the records are to be believed, the ship is both swift and lethal. Its armour is comparable to a Battle Barge but the ship sports far stronger Void Shields, rivalling those of an Imperial Navy Battleship. The ship packs a solid long-range macrobattery broadside, with a forward array of torpedo tubes able to launch conventional plasma torpedoes or the boarding torpedoes favoured by many Space Marines in naval actions. In place of the more common Bombardment Cannons, the archivist-savants found the Nicor appeared to be armed with an unorthodox weapon-system known as a “Plasma Destructor.” Two Tech-priests spent three months in supplication and prayer amongst the Cogitator stacks of fleet archives and determined that such a weapon, though short-ranged, could exceed the sheer destructive power of a Bombardment Cannon’s magma-bombs. Finally, the Nicor’s plans indicated the ship traded traditional Thunderhawk hangar space for a vast array of mass teleporter systems. If the blueprints of these archeotech devices are accurate, these teleporters would not only be able to teleport whole Battle Companies at once, they could do so with a degree of accuracy almost unheard of. In summary, the Nicor is a perfect flagship for the Carcharodons; fast, well-armoured, and utterly lethal in close quarters. Such a ship, if it still sails under their command, could easily prove a match for the heaviest space fortifications the Imperium has to offer. Scyilior (Frigate) The Scylior is a warship known, albeit infrequently, within the Jericho Reach. The ship itself is the rough size and make of a Frigate, similar in design to the Imperial Sword-class Frigate. It does contain powerful, even oversized, plasma drives capable of propelling it at impressive speeds, and appears to trade some of its weapon batteries for expanded hangar bays capable of holding Thunderhawk gunships. The remaining macrobatteries appear to be a medley of types, ranging from the traditional laser-based weapons found aboard a Sword-class Frigate to archaic macrobeamers and magno-carronades. Characteristically, the Scylior has never allowed non-Carcharodons aboard her, and only identifies itself by name, never by Chapter. That she belongs to the Carcharodons at all is conjecture. Nevertheless, the ship has been sighted in the Reach at least twice since the beginning of the Achilus Crusade. Long range Imperial Navy patrols reported a ship matching its description off the Black Reef, engaged with two Tau Defender-class Escorts. Though outnumbered, the Scylior managed to cripple one with macrobattery fire and ram and board the other (with the results one would expect from a Space Marine boarding action). Even when its task is transport, it seems the Scylior is unwilling to pass up a chance for blood. Recently, Inquisitor Adrielle Quist unearthed some information from Watch Fortress Erioch’s data-vaults pertaining to a possible origin of the Scylior. A ship matching her description named the Prowler was reported to have hunted the space lanes of the Jericho Sector many millennia ago. According to the crumbling data-tape, the Prowler vanished with a number of other pirate vessels during a decade of “mysterious disappearances” amongst reavers plaguing Imperial shipping. +++ No other.. :known/:cataloged/:recognised/Vessels.. +MATCH CHAPTER+ +Carcharodons+ +Carcharodon Astra+ +++...... 7.Tattoo Styles and Idea's Thanks to Growler with the vast insight to Hawaiian culture and 200plus for telling me about Moari culture and their use of obsidian. So I apologise on the sparsity of knowledge on the other islands at the moment. Cook Island Tattoos The tattoos in the Cook Island included markings associating the wearer to his or her tribe. Tahitian Tattoos In Tahiti, tattoos were inked on the basis of social standing and ranking. Only tribe members belonging to the upper class were tattooed. These tattoos were inked all over the body, and sometimes on the face. Marquesas Tattoos The art of tattooing is a very important aspect in the culture of this island. Tattoos were worn to enhance physical appearance, signify the passage of life, and to show the ranking of a person in the tribe or society. Hawaiian Tattoos and Culture Hawaiian tattoos were etched for a person's identification or simply as a fashionable work of art on the wearer's body. The tattoos were believed to protect the wearer from mishaps. These tattoos were also inked to honor the dead, who were close to the wearer. Facial tattoos were explicitly and exclusive for those who were "outcasts" or "Kauwa". If one had a facial tattoo, they were likely a war captive from the opposing group, a criminal, a social outcast or someone deemed "untouchable" by the aristocratic class within their tribal system. Tattoos were very personal in nature to Hawaiians and reflected symbols of totemic or guardian like spirits or deities, in Hawaiian; "Aumakua". For instance, a shark represents a navigator or pathfinder as in their mythology and story telling histories as they were guided across the ocean to what would eventually become known as the Hawaiian Islands. In the Hawaiian language, a "w" is pronounced phonetically as a "v"; also like most phonetic languages, each vowel represents an individual syllable as they are not "combined" to form variations from the basic 'A=Ah', 'E=Eh', 'I=EE', 'O=Oh', 'U=Oo' (unlike the German pronunciation of 'Oh' in this circumstance) vowel sounds. (Some of this is direct quotation of Growler67 so thank him for the knowledge you are now blessed with) Maori Tattoos and Culture The Maori tattoos of New Zealand, have distinctive spiral designs, which signify strength, courage, social status, and passion. The tattoos contain markings and reveal the ranking of a person, and also signify the wearer's passage of life. Weapons of the Maori Obsidian, often termed volcanic glass, was of considerable importance to the early Maori who used it for his weapons and implements. The major source of this stone was Mayor Island, but it necessitated canoe transport. Obsidian is a natural glass formed from lava which has undergone extremely rapid cooling which prevents the formation of a crystalline structure found in other rocks. Chemically, obsidian has the same composition as granite and most of it is black but occasionally it is found in grey, green, brown or red colours. When broken into thin pieces, however, obsidian is almost clear, except for a fine sprinkling of dusty grains. In the black variety these grains are Magnetite (magnetic iron ore) and when this has been oxidized to Hematite [haematite – E] it results in obsidian having a brown or red colour. Apart from New Zealand sources, obsidian is found in many volcanic parts of the world. Owing to its compact and uniform structure it could be chipped and flaked into pointed and sharp edged objects used by primitive man. The art of spalling off blades of obsidian six inches or more was highly developed by the ancient inhabitants of Mexico. The American Indian of every tribe worked up arrowheads, spearpoints and knives. Obsidian is said to be named after a person Obsidius, who, according to legend, first found it in Ethiopia. The "arrival" of obsidian in New Zealand, according to Polynesian Mythology, was the outcome of a dispute between, Poutini, (greenstone) and Whaiapu (obsidian). For a long time they had rested in the same place (Hawaiki) but Hine-tua-Hoanga, to whom the stone Whaiapu belonged, became enraged with Ngahue and his stone, Poutini. At last she drove him out and Ngahue departed taking his greenstone. Ngahue landed at Tuhua (Mayor Island) but Hine-tua-Hoanga followed him and again drove him away. After a call at the North Island, Ngahue settled at Arahura (West Coast South Island) whilst Hine-tua-Hoanga remained on Tuhua. It is well known that the Maori used greenstone (Nephrite) for his weapons and implements. Because of the remote South Island locality of this material it is possible that Nephrite and Tangiwai were not discovered for several centuries after the settlement of New Zealand. By contrast Mayor Island in the Bay of Plenty was virtually in the path of the Polynesian travelling to New Zealand. Obsidian has been found in the earliest "Moa Hunter" camps so that its importance during the very first period of inhabitation is considerable, even if over-shadowed by the later era of greenstone implements. Obsidian was known to the Maori as Tuhua, the name they also gave to Mayor Island. According to traditional history there were four types of Tuhua. These were: (A : Tuhua, which is black. This was used by the Moa Hunters for cutting up the Moa. (B : Waipu, which is of a light colour, used by the people to cut themselves when they were crying for the dead. (C : Panetao, which is green, and was used for the same purpose as Waipu, but when the dead was a Chief. (D : Kahurangi, which is red and used when the dead were head Chiefs or Priests. Panatao, was also used when the dead were children and the same was used to cut human hair. The Moa Hunters carried a block of Tuhua with them and chipped off pieces as it was needed because once used it was not used again for any other bird or anything else but left at the spot where used. Other Maori names given to obsidian were: Whaiapu (in the myth) or Waiapu; Mata another name was also used to refer to flint or quartz. Williams in "A Dictionary of the Maori Language" states Mata:- 1) Flint, quartz or obsidian, used for cutting. 2) Matu-Waiapu, a stone found at Waiapu near the East Cape. 3) Mata-Tuhua, obsidian from Mayor Island. 4) Mata-Kautete, saw-like weapon, made of flakes of obsidian or sometimes shark’s teeth, fastened to a wooden frame.In the book "Dictionary of Maori Place Names" (A.W. Reed), Whangamata is stated to have been so called as it was the harbour (Whanga-) where obsidian (Mata) was washed ashore from Mayor Island. It is difficult to understand how obsidian, being a heavy rock, could be washed ashore, perhaps it was the harbour where obsidian was brought ashore by Maoris or as Mata has other meaning such as "headland", the name Whangamata may not refer to obsidian. Taken from Obsidian by Gary Staples Samoan Tattoos A Samoan tattoo, is like a documentation, telling the story of the person who sports the tattoo. It contains rank, age, and social standing. These tattoos are large and complicated. They are adorned by both men and women. Easter Island Tattoos Tattoos worn by the people of this island have religious significance. It is believed that these tattoos make the skin blessed, so that the wearer can communicate with God. Tonga Tattoos Tonga tattoos, are very similar to Samoan tattoos, telling the life story of the wearer and showing his ranking in society and his age. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8.Old and New WIP If I missed yours then Please PM War Heads http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/291628-carcharodons/ Mr.Malevolent http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/249364-carcharodon-astra-lpc-2012/ paz http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/235394-lifeless-eyes-black-eyes-like-a-doll’s-eyes/ talonatreyu http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/291842-carcharodon-astra/page-4 I will try and think of more to add to this in the meantime here are a few WIP Carcharodon threads you may get inspiration from If I put your plog up and dont want it here PM me and il take it down or on the flip side if I missed yours I'll add it if you so wish.
  3. UPDATE: September 2, 2017. Images have been (mostly) restored. ++++++++++++++++++Predation fleet Mako++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++Inbound astropathic contact++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++Source+++ Megalodon Infernus Council+++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++Level++4++request++++++++++++++++++++++ +++Contact of Tyranic elements reported dispersing from Hive Fleet Leviathan.+++ +++Multiple Xenos and Imperial planets reported infested/consumed+++ +++Track of current path leads into critical systems.+++ +++Forge world Ferrax IX listed as possible target.+++ +++Hive world Skaldjaeger selected for chapter replacement.+++ +++Recruitment processes begun.+++ +++Carcharodon predation fleet Mako, Vulpinus, Paucus assigned to probe and deter Tyranic destruction of Ferrax IX.+++ ++++++Astropathic contact limited due to Hive mind.+++++++ ++++Physical rendevous possible at Hallidax system.+++++ +++++++++++++++++++++Slay the beast.++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++end communication.++++++++++++++++++ Fleet Commander Marcus Pluvius paused as the transmission ended. The slow babble from the astropath repeated scattered parts of the message as its mind unwrapped from the burden of such long range contact. Skaljaeger and Ferrax IX repeated in a loop becoming nonsense as they melded together as a jumble of syllables. The attending servitor hefted the astropaths limp, blind body with a mechanical rattle. a slow hiss of hydraulic power being used as they rose and turned to exit the room. The doorway slid silently open as they exited, the darkness of the commanders council chamber pierced by the bright lights of the outside hallway. "Tyranids." More xenos filth to destroy. A never ending wave of the feral, mindless hordes that seemed to push ever closer into the borders of the Imperium. Uncaring of what species inhabited a planet, they were ruthless and efficient at their task. Single-minded of purpose. Six thousand years and they were still the same implacable foe. But, they were predictable. Mindless monsters that rushed headlong after their next meal. Slowly rising towards his command console, a green orb lit up as he pressed his pale, sinewy hand onto it. Glowing to life, the command console displayed a holographic projection of nearby space. with rapid movements the movements of the recorded Tyranic infestations appeared. Red lights flooding across his star-map. The updated charts showed a clear path of predation leading towards the valuable forge world of Ferrax IX. The data instantly shared among his fleet data-system. Three small blue dots among the horde of red displayed. Three predation fleets assigned to a single task. These xenos have brought the wrath of humanity upon themselves. And fresh recruits awaiting afterward. Already the young of Skaldjaeger were discovering the truth of life among the stars. Kill or be Killed.
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