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  1. CSM 10th edition Maulerfiend This is a topic about Chaos Space Marine Maulerfiend in the 10th edition. Do you use them? How are you using them? Do you think they perform well How do you equip them? Is there a detachment that they are extra crucial? Other Unit of the Week for Chaos Space Marines can be found in the link below. Chaos Space Marine Unit of the Week Links
  2. CSM 10th edition Chosen This is a topic about Chaos Space Marine Chosen in the 10th edition. Do you use them? How are you using them? Do you think they perform well How do you equip them? Do you use any transports with them? Do you attach any characters? Is there a detachment that they are extra crucial? Other Unit of the Week for Chaos Space Marines can be found in the link below. Chaos Space Marine Unit of the Week Links
  3. CSM 10th edition Chaos Lord This is a topic about Chaos Lords in the 10th edition. Do you use them? How are you using them? Do you think they perform well? How do you equip them? Do you attach them to any specific unit? Is there a detachment that they are extra crucial? Any Enhancements that you like to use with them?
  4. CSM 10th edition Legionaries This is a topic about Chaos Space Marine Legionaries in the 10th edition. Do you use them? How are you using them? Do you think they perform well How do you equip them? Do you use any transports with them? Do you attach any characters? Is there a detachment that they are extra crucial?
  5. +++Unit of the week+++ Cultists How do you use Cultists? Marks Attached Character Equipment Role This is a discussion about Cultists in the 10th edition index. Tell us your tactics, fun facts, your experience with them, and other things that are interesting with Cultists. Cpt. Danjou
  6. +++Unit of the week+++ Chaos Bikers How do you use Chaos bikers? Mark Role Equipment This is a discussion about Chaos Bikers in the 10th edition index. Tell us your tactics, fun facts, your experience with them, and other things that are interesting with Chaos Bikers. Cpt. Danjou
  7. There's only a little bit of discussion about the Mechanicum on the forum, so thought we should start a dedicated Tactica thread! With the Red Book starting to make it's way into our hands now, it is the perfect time to discuss what they can do, both on their own and as Allies. Major changes are listed here: http://www.belloflostsouls.net/2015/09/mechanicum-taghmata-codex-changes.html As expected, the Castellax increased in price - they were a bit too cheap before, but they're still worth it. Ordinator getting Armourbane is nice! They've allowed the Magos Dominus to join Monstrous Creature units, with some caveats. Mechanicum Land Raiders have changed massively - I expect a model to be released for the "Macroarid Explorator", and pity anyone who has to change their weapon-loadouts now. Edit: this is all conjecture until we have the book in hand, but it seems legit.
  8. I figured I start this thread since no one else has, granted these are mostly my observations since my 30k experience is limited. So please, if you have suggestions post it. I'm still fully building my SOH army is I am by no means the authority on SOH Tactics. First Discussion: Troops Choice Reavers vs Tactical Marines It seems better to take Maloghurst than ROW Black Reaving to have Reavers as troops but are Reavers as Troops better than the 20 man blob of Tacticals with apothecary ? 20 tactical marines w. Vox and sergeant w. PW (maximize merciless fighter) and artificer armor for 280 The best tactical load out can be discussed in length but I am just looking for a baseline to compare Reavers Vs 15 Reavers w Banestrike Bolters Cheiften w. PW and artificer armor runs 380 So for 100 more points you get five less marines, lose the ability to re-roll failed morale but gain outflank and AP 3 Bolters with precision shot. It seems as if instead of replacing Tacticals for Reavers as the troops backbone they do a better job complementing each other on the battlefield. As the Tacticals slogg upfield towards an objective the Reavers come in on what seems to be Turn 2 with the ability to re roll 1 on reserves, to claim a midfield or backfield obj and support your army by getting in their shorter range ap 3 precision shots. What do you guys think? Have you ran purely footslogging Reavers or have you paired Tacticals and Reavers or do you find it better to give them rhinos or assault packs? (This post is in pieces because my iPad likes to time out before I post)
  9. Join this cabale, brothers and sisters. Let us pool our knowledge as to better smite our enemies! Looking at our arsenal of weapons it becomes quite obvious that we are very capable at demolishing MEQs with Inferno Bolters, Tzaangor Blades and a myriad of other ways. But tanks, vehicles and MCs are a different story. Neither our Troops nor our Terminators are really effective against those. Glimpsing over to the Death Guard or vanilla CSM we can see that they can take (Combi-)Plasmaguns, Melters, Blightlaunchers etc. in their troop and Terminator units, making them way more flexible. So we have to look for other ways to dispatch of those pesky Leman Russes, Imperial Knights, rigid Ork constructs and Space Marine vehicles. I want to compile our knowledge and experiences with our different anti-tank weapons/units in this thread to get a better understanding of those. I'll start with my humble contribution: (Hellforged) Predator I don't own a normal Predator but instead play a Hellforged variant with a Plasma Destroyer (2D3 S7 AP-3 D2 shots without "Get's Hot") and Lascannon sponsons. Performes well as a tank hunter but is often the first thing to get blown to bits on my opponent's turn. The degrading profile also stings. Which takes me to my favourite AA unit. Helbrute Now that our Exalted Sorcerers provide a re-roll of 1s to-hit a rifleman dread with a Missile Launcher and Lascannon combo is very attractive. It is also almost 50 points cheaper than the Predator and never degrades. WIth the Fire Frenzy stratagem, it can also throw out 4 Lascannon and 2 Missile Launcher shots which is more than a Land Raider can shoot. I also like to change out the Lascannon for the Plasmacannon. Most vehicles are T7 so it still wounds on a 3+ and the damage isn't as swingy as on the Lascannon. The nearby Exalted will keep the Helbrute from overheating and even if he does this might trigger his Crazed rule to let him shoot again. It is paramount however, that you take at least two Helbrutes since they aren't that tanky. Maulerfiend Love the model. As with anything that needs to cross the field to get into CC you need to run this beast either in pairs or with other CC distractions (like the Mutalith, a CC Helbrute etc.) so that at least one or two of those units make it into close combat. Once there pop the Daemonforge stratagem and enjoy the show as the Maulerfiend rips apart whatever you send it against. I also strongly urge you to take the Lasher Tendrils and NEVER the Magma Cutters. The former not only look more badass they also help the fiend to dispatch infantry while the later is very unreliable with only two shots. Forgefiend In almost any other Legion this might be meh at best. But with our ability to buff it up with Flickering Fire, Prescience and Daemonforge it can put in some serious work! The volume of fire is good enough to deal with MEQs and it can shred tanks! So far these are the units I have tried. Feel free to add your experiences. Maybe some of you can enlighten us on our Forgeworld options?
  10. So taking a cue from the prepping for death guard post I think we should start a series of threads each discussing facing off against some of these new army books as they come out. This time: upcoming Craftworld eldar. What we know so far: https://www.warhammer-community.com/2017/10/17/craftworld-focus-Ulthwé-oct-17gw-homepage-post-3/ https://www.warhammer-community.com/2017/10/16/craftworld-focus-iyanden-oct-16gw-homepage-post-3/ So to get started lets talk about your experiances with the index eldar so far.
  11. I was musing my way through a 500pts list when I remembered my Mandrakes (still in cellophane, before you ask...). They seem quite useful, albeit not particularly cheap. With their shrouded rule they have a little bit of resilience so could do well as a unit to pop up unannounced to send some baleblasts somewhere your opponent doesn't want them (you get a few shots so can fish for those 6s too) and to top it off they're fairly swift with an 8" move and no slouches in combat with their number of attacks so they can follow it up with some combat if you need. If you wanted more MSU sounds best to get the most from their rules by targeting different units potentially. Extra numbers would be good to absorb return fire as well as extra shots. Has anyone used them in 8th yet? Special bonus question: my DE are pale skinned, should I still stick with the classic dark skin? I'm thinking a more charcoal colour...
  12. Controversial title, I know, but consider it for a moment. What does Calgar bring to the table that Guilliman doesn't? Teleportation really and a discount. Oh and he can get inside a transport. What does he bring that's useful regardless of comparison to Guilliman? Let's look at Calgar: - He has 7 wounds and can't be targeted by most units firepower unless he's the closest model. He also halves all wounds rounding up. This is all adds up to a very tough character who will likely be standing come the end of the game. - Decent shooting attack. - Powerful close combat ability. - Grants 2 additional Command Points. - He can Teleport. - Chapter Master Aura. Now, reviewing his abilities and stats, putting him with a large unit of Terminators is a great choice. He can get stuck into close combat straight away this way and has a unit escort to protect him that is also very tough. All for just 200pts! Personally I find points to be tight whenever I build a list and the 160pts discount over Guilliman whilst maintaining powerful attributes and offensive capabilities means I think Calgar is competing with Guilliman as best choice for Ultramarines armies leader. A budget Guilliman though that under states his amazing potential.
  13. Let’s get this started, shall we? Use this thread to discuss Adeptus Astartes-related tactical topics. I’ll get the ball rolling with this list: Matched Play! Leader: Scout Sergeant - Sniper rifle, boltpistol, frag & krak grenades, camo cloak Combat: Reiver Sergeant - Bolt carbine, combat blade, shock & frag & krak grenades, grapnel launcher Sniper: Tactical Gunner - Heavy bolter, boltpistol, frag & krak grenades Comms: Intercessor - Stalker boltrifle, boltpistol, frag & krak grenades Fire Team (Space Marine Scouts): Scout Gunner - Missile launcher, boltpistol, frag & krak grenades, camo cloak Fire Team (Space Marine Scouts): Scout Gunner - Missile launcher, boltpistol, frag & krak grenades, camo cloak Total 98 points. Things I’m considering and am looking for comments on: An Intercessor Sergeant with a power sword costs the same as the Reiver Sergeant above. I’ll have one on my Command Roster, and intend for them to be swappable depending on whether I’m facing power armour or not. Conventional wisdom has the stalker boltrifle being underwhelming, but I feel that the stalker’s Tactic is actually quite strong. I have enough points spare here that I can take a missile launcher on the Tactical Gunner instead of the heavy bolter, but I’d prefer the option of being able to use Hellfire Shells, as I know I will be seeing storm shield Veterans and Rubrics. Plus I don’t really think I need a third missile launcher… Alternatively, I’m also considering a Tactical Gunner with a meltagun instead of the heavy bolter, just so that this particular configuration has something else to harass at short range alongside the Reiver Sergeant. So what do you think? What are your thoughts on Astartes in Kill Team? Anything you want to try out in a campaign? Have you had a chance to use the exclusive Tactics?
  14. Ok, I'm ready. I took a break from the hobby for a few years to focus on being a dad. With their age, I am able to devote some time to my favorite hobby. On my return, I decided to work on, and play with, my favorite Chapter since 2002. My need to be a special snowflake meant I avoided this through my DIY and eventually building a Raptors force. Still, the RG have always called to me, and I've answered. I have several projects that have waited to be completed, so I'm chewing through those before building a playable army. To start: these models have actually been finished for a few weeks. A tragic error while spray varnishing put them on hold to sharing. Chaplain - a classic from 2nd edition using Azrael's backpack and placed on the new sized base. Due to the left arm having studs, the Chapter badge was placed on the legs. Many thanks to Carlson793 work on Testor's decal paper. Hidden Content "Telion" - a Veteran Sergeant holding Nihilus. I decided to keep the small bases for Scouts. Ultramarine symbols were shaved and in my haste I failed to get an aquila put on the weapon. Oh well. To make the model special to me, the grey on the outside of the cloak is from Ral Partha Ghost Bear Grey - this was the color of my DIY Chapter (and yes, I played the hell out of some Battletech). Hidden Content Ninja Scout Squad 6 - Five metal scouts. By the Emperor these are super detailed and a pain in the to paint (or I suck that much). To link my history with the squad, the green on the grenades is Vallejo Model Color Russian Uniform Green which was used for my Raptors. The squad numbers come from GW decal sheet. Interestingly, the Sergeant's face is VGC Dead White, while the mooks' skin is VGC Bonewhite. I figured their transition to Space Marine would make their skin very pale, but not full white (yet). Hidden Content Thank you for reading/looking
  15. +++ Welcome to Prot's Chapter Keep of all things anti-Xenos. Here you will find the shared tactics, hobby ideas, painting, battle reports and (hopefully) the motivation you need to smite the xenos in the name of the Emperor. +++ +++ The gravest lessons are learned in defeat: What follows are various batreps of (typically 1850 points) in various levels of competitive environments. All battle reports are covered with pictures and a 'play by play' for your perusal. +++ + Tau Frustrations: Going back in time a bit here, this was the first full sized, non-allied, Deathwatch new Codex game vs Tau ITC style 1850pts: LINK + An 1850 Maelstrom game vs. the Orks: LINK + An 1850 Maelstrom game vs. the Eldar. This was not a 'hardcore' Eldar list but shows how nasty even a mediocre list is. LINK + 2 Battle Reports for the price of 1 ! ! !. This is not for the feint of heart. We have the first game against Tau, and the second against the Daemon Tetrad list. 1850 pts. LINK + The "New" Genestealer Cult Codex is chalk full of things that made me instantly jealous of such a well thought out codex. But nonetheless, the Xenos must be confronted. 1850 Maelstrom vs. Tyranid Genestealer Cult. LINK + The Deathwatch put a call into the Assasinorium and take on the Blood Angels with the assistance of the Culexus. LINK + Deathwatch continue using Custodes as an experiment and test a new Black Shield Config vs. Ork Wazdakka Biker Star. LINK + Prot's Deathwatch CAD and Skyhammer take on a no holds barred Tau Stormsurge List. LINK +++ Most of the articles/links below focus on finished models, but there are a few WiPs. +++ + First up a link to our first ever Painting Event. LINK + One of my faves... a Deathwatch Terminator Captain: LINK + Finished (and sold) Terminator Librarian, and Black Spear Strike Force Units: LINK + Added a squad of Painted Custodes: LINK + The squad above sold, so working on some more. Here's a WIP of the new blade I've decided on : LINK + After selling my first Custodes Squad, I knew I had to do another one. They're some of my favorite models in the line right now: LINK + Prot's buddy's Deathwatch army. Here's a couple of pictures of my friend's Deathwatch. The army looks really sharp and he's done it really quickly: LINK + 2017 WIP shot of some contents from the Watchblade Task Force in progress: LINK + 8th Edition and Shadow Wars inspired me to do 2 Figs as fast a possible with a decent standard set to them. LINK + 8th Edition WIP's using a more involved technique beyond Airbrush + Highlight. LINK + Final Veteran (6 man squad) shots of my more detailed attempt at Deathwatch: LINK +++ Below are links to special interest pieces in this thread or outside of it. Various topics including, rules, fiction reviews, art, etc. +++ + The Black Fortress Edition Codex. I take some pictures and discuss the lavish contents of the limited special edition codex: LINK + Deathwatch the novel by Ian St.Martin. This came out around the release of the codex and it has impressed me. Join in on the conversation here: LINK + My Deathwatch Print arrives! I also talk with David Annandale about his book from the Beast Rises series (where this print is from.) LINK ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  16. +++Unit of the week+++ Predator (Annihilator and Destructor) How do you use Fiends? Marks Armament Equipment Role This is a discussion about Predators, both Annihilator and Destructor in the 10th edition index. Tell us your tactics, fun facts, your experience with them, and other things that are interesting with Predators. I combined the both Predators together, even though they have different roles and tactics, as they come in the same box, plus if we are going to manage to get through all the units before the codex drops some units must be combined. Cpt. Danjou
  17. +++Unit of the week+++ Obliterators How do you use Obliterators? Mark Role This is a discussion about Helbrutes in the 10th edition index. Tell us your tactics, fun facts, your experience with them, and other things that are interesting with Obliterators. Cpt. Danjou
  18. +++Unit of the week+++ Exalted Champion This thread is only for tactics for Exalted Champion, not for pictures, there are other places for that. How to best use Exalted Champion? Wargear? Mark? Legion? Which stratagems are worth throwing out? Any solid unit combos?
  19. +++Unit of the week+++ Rubric Marines This thread is only for tactics for Rubric Marines, not for pictures, there are other places for that. How to best use Rubric Marines? Wargear? Legion? Which stratagems are worth throwing out? Any solid unit combos?
  20. +++Unit of the week+++ Master of Executions This thread is only for tactics for Master of Executions, not for pictures, there are other places for that. How to best use The Master of Executions? Warlord trait? Relics? Legion? Marks? Which stratagems are worth throwing out? Any solid unit combos?
  21. +++Unit of the week+++ Raptors This thread is only for tactics for Raptors, not for pictures, there are other places for that. How to best use Raptors? Wargear? Legion? Marks? Which stratagems are worth throwing out? Any solid unit combos?
  22. +++Unit of the week+++ Chaos Lord in Terminator Armour This thread is only for tactics for Chaos Lord in Terminator Armour, not for pictures, there are other places for that. How to best use the Chaos Lord in Terminator Armour? Warlord trait? Relics? Legion? Marks? Which stratagems are worth throwing out? Any solid unit combos? More Units of the Week for Heretic Astartes can be found here ++ Heretic Astartes Resources ++
  23. +++Unit of the week+++ Venomcrawler This thread is only for tactics for Venomcrawler, not for pictures, there are other places for that. How to best use the Venomcrawler? Legion? Which stratagems are worth throwing out? Any solid unit combos?
  24. +++Unit of the week+++ Helbrute This thread is only for tactics for Helbrute, not for pictures, there are other places for that. How to best use the Helbrute? Legion? Which stratagems are worth throwing out? Any solid unit combos?
  25. +++Unit of the week+++ Sorcerer This thread is only for tactics for Sorcerer, not for pictures, there are other places for that. How to best use the Sorcerer? Warlord trait? Spells? Relics? Legion? Marks? Which stratagems are worth throwing out? Any solid unit combos?
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