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  1. http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/363589-ia-bloodmoon-hunters-chapter-ig-2020/ First off, Above is the Index Astartes for the Bloodmoon Hunters that I have been off and on working. I have links in there to the other pages in which I have worked on them including the Warhammer 40k homebrew wiki. The only rules I have developed with thank to the RPGers of Bolter and Chainsword have been for the PBP board. Special thanks to Mazer Rackham and Commissar Molotov for the rulesets I do have as it was mainly them with the ideas. Deathwatch Bloodmoon Hunters Attack Pattern: Prey in Sight (NOVAMARINES ATTACK PATTERN: WEAK SPOT) Bloodmoon Hunters Solo Mode Ability: Hunter's Camouflage (Raven Guard Solo Mode Ability: Master of the Shadows) Bloodmoon Hunters Defensive Stance: Predator's Plan (BLOOD RAVENS DEFENSIVE STANCE: BATTLE KNOWLEDGE) Chapter Demeanor: Hunter's Focus +5 Intelligence and Perception Primarch's Curse: From the IA: "This is because one of the unusual traits of Bloodmoon Hunters Astartes, which may derive from an unforeseen mutation within their gene-seed, is that every Hunter possesses a near-genius ability to observe, memorize and adapt to any situation. This is what makes each a Hunter of unparalleled ability, for even the smallest signs can be tracked." So if a Bloodmoon Hunter endured mental trauma (and failed a save), they would spiral into some kind of OCD, given the fact they are superhuman, everything is turned up to 11 after all. (Thanks Mazer specifically for this) RELICS If your army list led by a [bLOODMOON HUNTERS] WARLORD, you can, when mustering your army, give one of the following Chapter Relics to a [bLOODMOON HUNTERS] CHARACTER model from your army. Named characters and Vehicle models cannot be given any of the following Relics. Note that some Relics replace one of the model’s existing items of wargear. Where this is the case, you must, if you are using points values, still pay the cost of the wargear that is being replaced. Write down any Chapter Relics your models have on your army roster. TEORAINN A Relic Stalker Artifex Pattern Bolter fitted with a suppressor unit to dampen its sound and muzzle flash, and an optical sight to augment the user’s aim, use of a Dark Eye nightscope that greatly enhanced the weapon's accuracy during nighttime operations. Teorainn is engraved with sigils of disruption that destabilise a psyker's connection with the Warp. Teorainn has accuracy and power unrivalled in other Bolters of its size and integrates a Fire Selector as well as a Targeter. ''Teorainn'' fires glittering rounds imparting freezing payload as they explode deep in the flesh of their victims using unknown technologies to make it's ammunition this way... [MODEL] only. Rule … has the following profile: Weapon Range Type S AP D [TEORAINN] x x x x x Abilities: Rule EICLIPS NA GEALAÍ A Relic Pistol that fires micro-atomic munitions that draws power from a planet's magnetosphere to form the unique ammunition as it fires. The munitions that leaps from its muzzle can reduce a man to a blackened shadow in a solar second and can cut holes in a heavily-fortified Aquila Stongpoint if necessary. The bulk of the barrel is surrounded by coils of conductive material, these coils generate an electromagnetic field oriented along the barrel. the micro-atomic munitions are sped to just short the speed of light. [MODEL] only. Rule … has the following profile: Weapon Range Type S AP D [EICLIPS NA GEALAÍ] x x x x x Abilities: Rule FUILPHLASMA A Plasma Pistol that was used by an Master Raknor on a now lost Agri World against the Tau. Under the leadership of Blood Warden, the Master of 3rd Hunt Company, Blades of Fulsom, his men held the line against a massive Tau incursion in which the Master lost his life and so did most of the Hunting party. It was a pyrric victory but his heroics in sniping a TY7 Devilfish with this Plasma Pistol held the lines for Astra Militarum support turning the tide at that time. [MODEL] only. Rule … has the following profile: Weapon Range Type S AP D [FUILPHLASMA] x x x x x Abilities: Rule SÍCEACH-BÁS A Power Sword etched with silver, hand-inscribed hexagramic wards and edged in Blackstone. The creation of this unique sword is unknown, but it seems for have incorporated Xenos techniques. It has known to be drenched in the blood of many psykers and witches, it is believed this has forever made the blade a bane of those that use warp powers. Those who wield this blade seem to be immune or heavily resist the abilities of the Warp... [MODEL] only. Rule … has the following profile: Weapon Range Type S AP D [sÍCEACH-BÁS] x x x x x Abilities: Rule Helmet of the Retiring Hunter One of the symbols of the Artificer, Copper circuitry had been inlaid, running from each temple, down the orbital, across the cheek until it ended suddenly on either side of the jaw. The circuits had glowed a continuous electric blue in combat, but when hiding in the dark, they only occasionally showed a brief blue spark running the length of the circuit. The face plate had been carefully worked into the visage of a human skull, with dim glowing bulbs peeping out from cavernous eye sockets. Each is a unique artifact of a full-fledged artificer. To view the glowing skull is to know the death of the machine that is one's body, beckoning for the Bloodmoon Hunters' enemies to retire from this life ever more. [Model] only. Rule … has the following profile: Weapon Range Type S AP D [Weapon Name] x x x x x Abilities: Rule NIMIT A Cyber-Mastiff bound to Master Scáth Hiachóir. A Relic of the Bloodmoon Hunters for this Ancient Mastiff has been a companion of one of the most revered Masters of the Chapter in it's history. Nimit is carefully crafted as a true terror weapon, a massively built and heavily-armored steel construct of considerable bulk. Nimit tracks, hunts, and kills any target loaded into his sophisticated spoor-identifying protocols, equipped with a pair of Gamma weapons in pods mounted on the shoulders, this formidable equipment suite is combined with an insidiously effective training regimen. [Model] only. Rule … has the following profile: Weapon Range Type S AP D [Weapon Name] x x x x x Abilities: Rule LITANIES OF X Unlike other Adeptus Astartes Chapters, the [bloodmoon Hunters] … All [bLOODMOON HUNTERS] ARTIFICERS know the Rights of Detestation (see below). In addition, before the battle, generate the additional litanies for PRIEST models from your army that know litanies from the Litanies of X using the table below. You can either roll one D3/D6 to generate each litany randomly (re-rolling duplicate results), or you can select which litanies the priest knows. When a PRIEST unit from your army recites a litany, replace all instances of the <CHAPTER> keyword on that litany (if any) with the name of the Chapter that your PRIEST is drawn from. RIGHTS OF DETESTATION (AURA) For your sins against the Emperor; False Brother, We Detest Thee. For the shame you bring upon your Gene-Father; False Brother, We Detest Thee. For abandoning your duty; False Brother, We Detest Thee. For embracing mutation; False Brother, We Detest Thee. For worshiping the darkness; False Brother, We Detest Thee. For all these crimes, I cast you from the Emperor's Light. Your name is dead. Your memory is gone to us. False Brother, We Detest Thee, We Cast You Out, We Turn From You. ....Rule.... So this is what I have so far.... Combat Doctrine to help:
  2. This is my main Chapter as it is on 40k Homebrew Wiki. All my art was developed by Algrim and Achilles of 40k homebrew wiki administration. That is the source site, and as a disclaimer all the 40k stuff belongs to GW, etc. (Just to be safe, I make no claims besides being the mind behind my brews.) Nevermind, the image extension is now allowed here. Please look there for the art. Chapter Datafile: Bloodmoon Hunters The Bloodmoon Hunters Bloodmoon Hunter Brother Bloodmoon Hunter Brother Bloodmoon Hunter Journeyman (Raptor School Hunters) of the 3rd Hunt Company ("Blades of Folsom"), 7th Battleline Squad. Date:...............57.M42 Ref:................LBC//TEC7710101 By:.................TechCaptain Re:.................Adeptus Astartes - Bloodmoon Hunters Thought:............"The Blood of the moon looms as shadows deepen in it's red glare." CHAPTER NAME: .............. THE Bloodmoon Hunters FOUNDING: ..................13TH [M.35] Dark Founding CHAPTER WORLD: .............Aigéad Fuil FORTRESS MONASTERY: ........Folsom's Keep and Lebenmali Star Fort GENE-SEED (PREDECESSOR): ...Unknown (Claims to be Iron Hands, Inquisitorial Investigation Ongoing) KNOWN DESCENDANTS: ........."NONE" Primary Data Allegiance: Imperium of Man (Fedelitas Constantus) Chapter Master: Hunt Grandmaster Shasmu Khonsu Size Estimate: 500 to 600 Specialty: Small Unit Tactics, Assassination, Ambushes, Covert Actions, Asset Retrieval, Tracking and Pursuit Actions, and High Technology Battle Cry: "Hunters of the lost." ; "Harvesters of knowledge." Colours: Dusty Dark Red and Dark Grey The Bloodmoon Hunters are a stalwart and dedicated non-codex compliant Loyalist Space Marine Chapter created during the 13th Founding, the so-called 'Dark Founding'. Little is known of this mysterious founding as there are no reliable records that indicate how many Chapters were conceived during this Founding or what became of them. Extant records indicate that the Bloodmoon Hunters were supposedly created during this Founding around the time a recorded prophecy foretold their inception. It is generally believed that the Adeptus Mechanicus might have played a role in the creation of this Chapter, as their inception occurred sometime in early M35, during the divisive and widespread doctrinal conflict known as the Moirae Schism. The Bloodmoon Hunters were known to maintain close ties with the Archmagos of the Cult Mechanicus as well, receiving a wide diversity of arms and weaponry, including power blades and relic weaponry of the finest quality and rare, advanced patterns of armored vehicles and gunships. Chapter History Bloodmoon Hunter Sergeant Bloodmoon Hunter Sergeant Bloodmoon Hunters Sergeant (Lupine School Hunters), 2nd Hunt Company ("Blood Seekers"), 3rd Battleline Squad, wearing relic Mk III Power Armour and armed with a Combi-Bolter/Melta Suspected to be Founded in the 35th millennium as part of the mysterious 13th Founding, the Bloodmoon Hunters were created around a time a prophecy was recorded. "Under the Blood Moon of Harvests, Hunters of the immaterial will find not what they seek but the answer to the question unasked." During the Moirae Schism, the Bloodmoon Hunters were formed with close association to the Cult Mechanicus. The Chapter was given three missions for it's priorities. The first was to guard the warp corridor known as the Sanguis Portus. This was the only stable set of warp routes out to the Fringes of the Ishtar Subsector. This mandate would be the binding chain that kept them beyond the edge of most known centers of power. The second was to support the Fleets being sent into the far reaches of the Fringes. And Lastly the Bloodmoon Hunters were to guard the Ishtar Subsector as a whole. Bloodmoon Hunters have stayed in the shadows for most of it's time. However, the Bloodmoon Hunters and their ways has made impacts on the Eastern Fringe as they combat various Xenos threats and worse threats of heretics that haunt the fringes. During the years leading to the Great Rift, Bloodmoon Hunters performed various hunts earning honor for their Chapter. Even with this they are little known to the majority of the Imperium, records being what they are few hear of their accomplishments. The Great Rift Opens and the Noctis Aeterna cuts off the systems of the Ishtar Sub-sector from each other and the wide galaxy. As darkness descends across the Sub-sector a variety of threats threaten to see it burn in the fires of war. Corruption and Heresy surges within the ranks of the local Ecclesiarchy and Mechanicus. Necrons emerge on Incendius Lux, Delta Lux, and Crucia. The Frontier Worlds erupt into chaos as House Fásacha, the Lunar Venatorii Cavalry Regiments, and Ishtar Rangers struggle to repel a tide of Drukhari, Ork Freebooter, Chaos, and Harlequin raiders. Orks from the nearby Charadon Empire emerge near the Contrador system sparking continuous naval battles. The Penal World of Contrition erupts in revolt, and Khornate cults emerge wherever Penal Regiments are stationed. Finally, the Bloodmoon Hunters chapter sees the Great Rift as the herald of the fulfillment of the Prophecy of Blood, and fervently seek to identify and defeat signs of the prophecy. The Primaris Marines of Cawl have yet to make it as far as the Ishtar Fringe Corridor known as Sanguis Portus but rumor has it a squad of Hellbasters in Bloodmoon Hunters colors have made themselves known among the Unnumbered Sons and are on their way to join their brethren on the Eastern Fringe. As it stands The Comhairle of Fiach has yet to make judgement on the rumors nor on Primaris Marines in general. Like all on the front, they wait for proof of the abilities to survive the ends of the Imperium. Homeworld On the former Icy Hive World, now turned Volcanic Death World of Aigéad Fuil in the Damuterr System, a single settlement, protected by void shields exists on this world, has a burgeoning society of techno-barbaric gangs. They are allowed to commit their gang warfare in the trade city as long as they don't attack off-worlders and give a tithe to the Astartes overlords. The Techno-Barbarians use armored vehicles, and scavenge from failed recon teams and aircraft from the wastelands due to the acidic atmosphere. But the risks of these expeditions and the rapidly degrading hulls of the vehicles cause inter-gang warfare, as gangs fight for loot and intact hulls for their own craft.The hardened youth, with an experience of armored warfare and technological expertise are perfect candidates for the Astartes. The ancient hives that eked out a harsh living on the acid-rain soaked planet of Aigéad Fuil was brought into the Imperial Fold, and would be gifted to the Bloodmoon Hunters Chapter for overseeing the warp routes further into the Ishtar Fringes that would become known as the Sanguis Portus, or the Blood Gate. Few others make life out of heavily processed ancient lower hives of hives whose void shields has failed over time. Fortress-Monastery Notable Campaigns Organization Chapter Recruitment The gangs of Aigéad Fuil are monitored for their potential. When a likely candidates, for the Astartes of the Bloodmoon Hunters, are observed they are told that the representatives of the God-Emperor would like an audience and to bring an offering of a hide from one of the great beasts of the wastelands. Once the potential hunter has found a suitable offering and was able to defeat it, the aspirant must traverse to the great citadel of the Hunters of the Bloody Dark in the ravine and cave system that is the entrance of Folsom Keep. To accomplish this they must pass the trials of the Hunters and face the various beasts that hunt the hunters. Once the aspirant has proven capable and clever enough to make it to the entrance their final task is to hunt a group of cyborgs that are under the control of a Master while under the influence of a special cocktail of drugs meant to test the mind of the aspirants. Those able to defeat their enemies or better yet find the mastermind under these conditions are then inducted into the Chapter having proved they are cunning enough in the hunt. Chapter Beliefs Combat Doctrine Inquisitorial Note Some Inquisitors who fight beside the Bloodmoon Hunters notice the Bloodmoon Hunters use similar tactics to ones Traitor Marines have been observed using, and have a similar obsession with hunting. Geneseed Inquisitorial Notation Deathwatch Apothecaries noted unusual divergence in the Bloodmoon Hunters' gene-seed when they in service to the Deathwatch. Notable Members Chapter Fleet Chapter Relics Adeptus Mechanicus Observations Adeptus Mechanicus Rune Priests compared images of Bloodmoon Hunters Chapter relics to those of pre-Heresy Raven Guard, and noted striking similarities. Deathwatch Service The Bloodmoon Hunters are known to be a great source of knowledgeable Masters of the Forge for Deathwatch Outposts. Most Artificers of the Bloodmoon Hunters will spend several years in service with the Deathwatch as a matter of pride. All the Bloodmoon Hunters are trained in the ways of the priests of mars to a larger degree then most chapters by the Techmarines of the chapter. Due to this the Bloodmoon Hunters will offer their kill-team a great amount of knowledge on both imperial and xeno technological works. The relentless dedication with which a Hunter will pursue their objectives makes them ideal for the harder tasks the more humanitarian chapters would struggle to carry out. Artificers trained as both the Spiritual keepers of the Bloodmoon Hunters as well as the Technology masters for their Chapter also provide inspiration and guidance to their Brother Astartes in the Deathwatch when they serve the long vigil. Even Bloodmoon Hunters who are not artificers find it a great honor to be chosen as the representatives to the Inquisition from the Chapter on how to hunt the Alien. Being chosen by the masters for such an honor is an aspiration for many a Journeymen. Chapter Appearance Notable Quotes
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