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The Big DIY Timeline is rather out of date at this point, and kind of sparse to boot. So I went through various timelines, and created this monstrosity. Colors Space Marine Foundings Events in the Imperium Events involving Chaos Events involving the Eldar Events involving Orks Events involving Necrons Events involving the Tau Events involving the Tyranids Octavulg-Approved Ur-Timeline The Imperium and the Space Marines The Horus Heresy Ends 014.M31 C:SM 5e at 14 says the death of Horus was seven years before the Second Founding. 2nd Founding 021.M31 Date is given as 021.M31 in the Final Liberation Game Manual at 76 and in C:UM at 13. Seven years after the death of Horus (C:SM 5e p 14). The Legions are broken up and just over 400 chapters are created (C: GK at 7). Most of these chapters still serve today (BRB 6e at 168). Corax Disappears P: 022.M31 IA: RG says about a year after the Second Founding. Rogal Dorn Dies P: 025.M31 IA: IF says “soon after” Corax disappeared. Fighting a Black Crusade that never materialized. Jaghatai Khan Disappears P: 84.M31 IA: WS says about 70 years after the Siege of Terra. Fighting Dark Eldar Guilliman Falls P: 121.M31 IA: UM says Guilliman lead for the next hundred years after the Codex was pronounced. Russ Disappears P: 662.M31 IA: SW says Bjorn is awoken to tell the tale once every 1000 years. Assuming they do it on the anniversary of Russ’ disappearance (as opposed to some other event), that would point toward this being the year in question. Abaddon’s First Black Crusade 781.M31 C:CSM 3e Rev at IBC, C:CSM 6e at 22. Abaddon recovers Drach’nyen (C:CSM 6e) Vulkan Disappears P: 800.M31 IA: S says he disappeared some thousand years after his Legion was founded. 3rd Founding 001.M32 Founded on the first day of M32 per WD97 at 39. The Ecclesiarchy E: 200.M32 BRB 6e at 169. The Cult of the Saviour Emperor has been growing in power. In this millenium, it is declared the state religion of the Imperium. A few centuries later, an Ecclesiarch is a High Lord, and 300 years after that the post is permanent. Veneris II E: 400.M32 BRB 6e at 169. Veneris II becomes the first Ecclesiarch to serve on the High Lords of Terra. The Beast Arises 544.M32 Orks rampage across the Imperium, at great cost to the Space Marines. BRB 6e at 168. The Beheading 546.M32 BRB 5e at 124. The Grand Master of the Assassins kills all the High Lords. The Imperium descends into anarchy. Reunited 646.M32 BRB 6e at 169. Over fifty Space Marine leaders convene and create new High Lords. Abaddon’s Second Black Crusade 597.M32 C:CSM 3e Rev at IBC The Ecclesiarch E: 700.M32 BRB 6e at 169. The Ecclesiarch becomes a permanent member of the High Lords. 4th Founding and the Astropath Wars P: 888.M32 IA 10 at 114 suggests a founding during the Astropath Wars, which took place in 888.M32 (BRB 5e at 124). Abaddon’s Third Black Crusade 909.M32 C:CSM 3e Rev at IBC The War of the Sun and the Moon M33 C:DE 5e at 20. Commoragh’s Solar Cults fight the city’s noble houses for control for several centuries, ultimately losing. The War of the Confessor 077.M33 BRB 5e at 124. The Adeptus Ministorum adds many key shrine worlds to its holdings (BRB 6e at 169). 5th Founding P: About 220.M33 220 or 221.M33 is the founding of the Howling Griffons (C:CSM 3e Rev at 63). The number is not recorded. The Dark Angels geneseed was not used in this founding per C:DA 6e at 22. 6th Founding E: Mid-Late M33 The Dark Angels’ geneseed was not used in this founding per C:DA 6e at 22. Abaddon’s Fourth Black Crusade (The Devastation of El’Phanor) 001.M34 C:CSM 3e Rev at IBC 7th Founding E: Late M33/Early M34 If this founding was in M33, the Dark Angels geneseed would not have been used per C:DA 6e p 22. The Pale Wasting Early M-34 BRB 6e at 169. A score of Space Marine chapters and an unknown number of others are lost against a great threat from beyond the Ghoul Stars. 8th Founding E: About 400.M34 Mid-M34 per IA 10 at 64. However, this will compress the next several foundings incredibly. Since this period is the Nova Terra Interregnum, it is possible that both the Ur-Council and the High Lords created Foundings in this period, and that they were later renumbered. The Howling 401.M34 BRB 5e at 124. The Black Templars kill an alien psychic, burning out a billion astropaths and causing the loss of millions of ships. Entire sub-sectors slide into anarchy. 9th Founding E: About 530.M34 - 10th Founding E: About 660.M34 IA 9, p 54 says mid-M35. This compresses the next eleven foundings into 500 years or less (vs. 3000 for the previous seven). This has thus been completely ignored. 11th Founding E: About 790.M34 - 12th Founding E: About 920.M34 - The Moirae Schism M35 BRB 6e at 170. A heretical faction of the Machine Cult that believes in prophetic messages within the Astronomican arises. It takes two millenia to fully wipe it out, and Space Marines, Titan Legions and Forge Worlds are all swept up in the schism. The Coup of High Commoragh M35 Commoragh’s Solar Cults fight the noble houses for control for several centuries, ultimately losing. C:DE 5e at 20 Explorators Discover Tiamet M35 C:Ty 4e at 24. Explorators discover what is now recognized to be a world infested with Tyranids. The world is bombed several times, but the denizens are never wiped out. This likely introduced Genestealers to Ymgarl. 13th Founding E: About 050.M35 This is the only founding for which the Adeptus Mechanicus does not possess original geneseed records (C:UM at 8). The Armageddon 3 Website included a communique from 013.M36 referring to the Exorcists as being in training following their founding. IA 10 at 124 seems to claim late M35/early M36, which carries the same problem. The highly-flawed IA: Emperor's Shield claims a founding date of M40 for the Exorcists, moving them out of the 13th Founding altogether. All of this has thus been ignored, since I refuse to have the 13th Founding within a century of the 21st (let alone AFTER it, as it might end up being). Beginning of the Nova Terra Interregnum E: 100.M35 The Ur-Council of Nova Terra rejects the Ecclesiarchy, assuming rule over most of Segmentum Pacificus. Billions die in the war. BRB 5e at 125 says that this period lasted for over nine hundred years (as does BRB 6e at 170), and if it goes much past 975.M35, it runs into the Age of Apostasy. And the Imperium can’t be split in half twice at the same time. 14th Founding E: About 180.M35 - 15th Founding E: About 320.M35 - 16th Founding E: About 460.M35 - 17th Founding P: 598.M35 The Tiger Claws are founded at 598.M35 per C:CSM 3e Rev at 7. 18th Founding E: About 700.M35 - The Thaxar Wars 745.M35 The Dark Eldar reveal the location of a Chaos base to Imperial forces, including the Adeptus Astartes, prompting the inconcuslive and costly Thaxar Wars, which last six years. After the eventual Exterminatus, the Dark Eldar swoop in and take what remains. C:DE 5e at 21 Discovery of the Tau 789.M35 C: TE 4e at 4. The Tau are encountered by the Imperium as barbarian tribes on their home world. Warp storms cut the planet off shortly thereafter. 19th Founding E: About 800.M35 - 20th Founding E: About 900.M35 - The Cataclysm of Souls 975.M35 BRB 5e at 125, C:DA 6e at 23. A civil war against the High Lords and Ecclesiarchy,the likes of which had not been seen since the Heresy. Lead by the Ur-Council of Nova Terra. One of their members may have been a Fallen (C:DA 6e). The Hrud Rising 980.M35 C:DA 6e at 23. An uprising of Hrud across the Imperium. The Ultramarines and Dark Angels were involved. 21st Founding 991.M35 Goes horribly wrong in 991.M35 per BRB 6e at 170. "On the cusp of M36" (IA 9, p 106). Cursed Founding. Largest founding since the Second (???). Took place before the Age of Apostasy, which began within the first century or two of M36. The Kabals Ascendant M35-M36 The Kabal system slowly supplants the noble houses of Commoragh, under the rule of Asdrubael Vect. Vect begins his conquest of the other Dark Eldar cities of the Webway. C:DE 5e at 20 Hive Fleet Ouroboris M36 C:Ty 4e at 24. Hive Fleet Ouroboris attacked the Helican sector at some point prior to this, and was fought off by an Imperial Crusade. The War of Recovery 104.M36 BRB 6e at 170. A war to recover STC patterns from xeno-held human colonies in the Mortuam escalates over the course of a century. The Mechanicus are eventually victorious. The Age of Apostasy Begins 200.M36 BRB 4e at 98. Goge Vandire assumes multiple High Lordships and begins his reign of terror. End of the Reign of Blood. Formation of the Sisters of Battle and the Ordo Hereticus 288.M36 ??? The Plague of Unbelief 310.M36 BRB 5e at 125. A plague of heretical rebellion strikes the Imperium. Most notable among these is Bucharis, Cardinal of Gathalamor, who creates an empire stretching from Bakka to Fenris (a Fallen was his lieutenant – C:DA 6e at 36-37). He comes into conflict with the Space Wolves, and is eventually brought down by sparking a loyalist rebellion against his rule (???). The Green Death 437.M36 An Ork invasion of an Ecclesiarchal system is corrupted by Nurgle, allowing the Death Guard to conquer it. C:CSM 6e at 23 The Black Crusade of Jahar the Lacerator 599.M36 C:Gk at ??? Abaddon’s Fifth Black Crusade 723.M36 C:CSM 3e Rev at IBC The Great Degeneration 836.M36 C:CSM 6e at 23. The aftermath of the violent xenocidal Quietus Campaign sees the Annihilators chapter fall into blood psychosis, then to Chaos. Abaddon’s Sixth Black Crusade 901.M36 C:CSM 3e Rev at IBC Approximate end of the Age of Apostasy P: 001.M37 BRB 5e at 125. Wrath of the Chaos Sun 010.M37 BRB 6e at 170. The star Maxil Beta explodes, and worlds for hundreds of light years succumb to possession and mutation. The Grey Knights, a dozen other chapters and countless other forces are involved. The Great Cull 020.M37 BRB 6e, p 170. The High Lords begin a “systematic extermination” to ensure that “such a corruption of faith can never occur again.” The Ecclesiarchal Purges 321.M37 C:CSM 6e at 17. Saint Basillius the Elder leads efforts to purify the Segmentum Solar of impurity. The Inquisition, Ecclesiarchy and several Space Marine Chapters all cooperate in the effort. The Abyssal Crusade 321.M37 BRB 5e at 125, C:CSM 6e at 23: In the wake of Warp Storm Dionys, which swept across the galaxy, mutation is rife. Saint Basillius finds thirty Space Marine chapters whose home worlds lay in the path of the storm wanting. The “Judged Chapters” all undertake a penitent quest into the Eye of Terror. The Occlusiad Begins 550.M37 BRB 5e at 125. For ten years, the northwestern fringe is ravaged by rogue Tech Priests who can snuff out stars. Their leader, the Blind King, is killed when his ship, hidden in the warp, is discovered by the Imperial Navy. 22nd Founding About 555.M37 The Dark Hunters are described as founded in the "dark days of the Occlusiad" (C:SM 5e at 26). The Occlusiad War is from 550.M37 to 560.M37 (BRB 5e at 125). Their founding number is not specifically mentioned, but there's only one option. The Lost Crusade 754.M37 BRB 6e at 171. Menials across the Imperium take ship for Terra, hoping for a better life. The majority of their ships are lost in the Warp. Abaddon’s Seventh Black Crusade (The Ghost War) 811.M37 C:CSM 3e Rev at IBC The Tau Expand 893.M37 C: TE 6e at 28. The first alien races join the Tau Empire. The first, the Poctroon, are wiped out by virulent plague, but the Nicassar survive to this day. The Destruction of Shaa-dom 984.M37 The city of Shaa-dom is the last Dark Eldar enclave not under the control of Asdrubael Vect. It is destroyed when an Imperial battleship crashes into its heart, destroying its ruler and releasing hordes of daemons into the city through the resulting Warp rift. C:DE 5e at 22 Abaddon’s Eighth Black Crusade 999.M37 C:CSM 3e Rev at IBC 23rd Founding Late M37/Early M38 Late M37 per IA 9 at 74, Early M38 per IA 10 at 132. "The Sentinel Founding, created to aid the Imperium's defences in numerous ill-starred and vulnerable regions of the galaxy (IA 10 at 132)." "Generally believed to have been one of a series of linked foundings around this period designed to repair the power and reach of the Imperium's Space Marine forces which had suffered considerable losses in the preceding millenia." Judgment of Basillius 112.M38 BRB 6e at 171. The survivors of the Abyssal Crusade return, having purged over 400 worlds. The Master of the Vorpal Swords declares Basillius to be a false idol. Basillius is executed, and his worship stamped out. The Dominion of Fire Mid-M38 C:CSM 4e at ??? Abaddon’s Ninth Black Crusade 573.M38 C:CSM 6e at 23: Abaddon invades Antecanis, near the naval fortress of Cancephalus. Cancephalus and Antecanis are drained dry by the seventeen year war that follows, leaving the sector vulnerable. Grim Harvest 666.M38 BRB 6e at 171. The remains of the Lost Crusade exit the Warp near Terra. The Inquisition launches a cover-up of the twisted, wrecked fleet of abominations. Hive Fleet Collossus Appears Late M38 C:Ty 4e at 25. The ships of what are probably the Zoats appear in the Segmentum Tempestus and Ultima. They can communicate with the Imperium, and claim to be fleeing their oppressors. The Kroot 844.M38 C: TE 6e at 28. The Tau ally with the Kroot. Abaddon’s Tenth Black Crusade (The Conflict of Helica) 001.M39 C:CSM 3e Rev at IBC. Abaddon apparently took a millenium off. Second Sphere 018.M39 C: TE 6e at 28. The Tau begin their second phase of expansion. Stingwings 053.M39 C: TE 6e at 28. The Tau absorb the Vespid. The Redemption Crusades 131.M39 BRB 6e at 171. A great, Primarch-like hero appears in each Segmentum. Their crusades push the borders of the Imperium to their greatest extent in 500 years. They disappear 50 years later. The Zorastra-Attila Wars P: 176.M39 C:Ty 4e at 25. Hive Fleet Collossus is declared Xeno Horribilis. The aliens attack the Imperium, and war rages for 50 years. Abaddon’s Eleventh Black Crusade 301.M39 C:CSM 3e Rev at IBC. 24th Founding E: M39 - The Fall of the Emperor’s Swords 198-485.M40 C:CSM 6e at 24: The Alpha Legion manipulate the hive gangs from which the Emperor’s Swords recruit, seeding them with subconscious triggers. When the Alpha Legion attacks the Chapter’s home world three centuries later, the chapter disintegrates into factions, many of which join the Alpha Legion. The Chapter and their home world are destroyed. The Thieves of the Ice Mists 616.M39 The Dark Eldar’s Haemonculi kidnap Space Wolf recruits, performing cruel experiments on them in a base in the north of Fenris itself. C:DE 5e at 22 25th Founding M40, latter half Date per IA 9 at 94. Establishes chapter number 888 (WD 98 UK at 38). The Macharian Conquests 995.M40 BRB 5e at 125. Solar Macharius conquers a thousand worlds, which fall into chaos and infighting after his death. It takes seventy years and a hundred Space Marine chapters to restore order. Abaddon’s Twelfth Black Crusade (The Gothic War) 139-160.M41 C:CSM 3e Rev at IBC. The First Armageddon War 444.M41 C:CSM 3e Rev at IBC; C:CSM 6e at 24: Angron invades Armageddon, and is met by the Space Wolves and Grey Knights. The Tears of the Emperor 500.M41 BRB 6e at 171. Visions of the Emperor weeping sweep the Imperium. 26th Founding 738.M41 Date is given as 021.M31 in the Final Liberation Game Manual at 77 and in C:SM 3e at IBC. The Damocles Crusade against the Tau 742.M41 The first real contact between the Tau and Mankind. C: TE 4e at 8. The retreat of the Imperial forces ends the Second Sphere Expansion: C:TE 6e at 29. The Silent King Returns 744.M41 C:N 5e at 24. The Silent King, ruler of the Necrons, returns to the galaxy and begins awakening Tomb Worlds. Hive Fleet Behemoth arrives 745.M41 C:Ty 4e at 6. This is the first recognized attack by Tyranids. The Constantinus Iconoclasm 746.M41 C:CSM 36e at 24: Sergeant Constantinus of the Sons of Guilliman leads a rebellion on the world of Nova Terra, which draws the support of other renegades. The whole sector becomes involved, and the rebellion is ended only by Constantinus’ assassination. The Blood Star Campaign 748.M41 BRB 6e at 172. Increased daemonic activity in the Scarus Sector involves several chapters. Three Chapter Masters die before the threat is ended. The Great Exodus 750.M41 BRB 6e at 172. A strange phenomenon in the Argos system draws six Eldar Craftworlds. Both phenomenon and Craftworlds disappear, but all suns within sixty light years are extinguished, creating the Deadhenge. The Imperial Fleet’s rescue operation saves only a small part of the population, and the area is now a haven for pirates and salvagers. The Zombie Plague 757.M41 C:CSM 6e at 24. The zombie plague appears for the first time after Typhus invades the world of Hydra Minoris. Chapter Losses 765.M41 According to C:SM 3e at 45, at this point 13 Astartes Chapters have been lost in the Warp, 21 to irrecoverable battle losses, 9 to gene-seed failure, 4 to Inquisitorial purge and 16 to “other circumstances.” This timeline is imperfect (among other things, it suggests the Great Crusade lasted for several millenia), but the information remain interesting. These numbers seem low, but may not count chapters which turned traitor but are still extant, or where an Inquisitorial purge was ineffective. The Fourth Quadrant Rebellion 780.M41 C:DA 4e at p 25. A full quarter of the Segmentum Solar rises in rebellion. Chaos cult activity is involved per BRB 6e at 173. Green Tide Over Ultima 797.M41 BRB 6e at 173. Countless Ork invasions rage across Segmentum Ultima. The Black Crusade of Furion E: 800.M41 Belial slew Furion, which earned him a promotion to Master per C:DA 6e at 56 The Irgax Offensive 883.M41 BRB 6e at 344. Space Marines from half a dozen chapters and scores of Imperial Guard regiments fight a Chaos Space Marine attack. A single Dark Eldar attack on the world of Kyobin collapses the Imperial defense across the whole sub-sector. The Necrons Appear 897.M41 BRB 6e at 174. The Necrons destroy a Sisters of Battle outpost, leaving no survivors. This is the first known Imperial contact with the Necrons. The Badab War 901-912.M41 More than a dozen Space Marine chapters are eventually involved in the attempted secession of the Astral Claws (BRB 5e at 127). Second War for Armageddon 941.M41 BRB 6e at 175. Ghazgull invades for the first time, but is repelled by the Salamanders, Ultramarines and Blood Angels. Hive Fleet Kraken arrives 993.M41 BRB 6e at 175. Hive Fleet Leviathan arrives 997.M41 BRB 6e at 175. Third War for Armageddon 998.M41 BRB 6e at 175. Ghazghull invades for a second time. Much wailing and gnashing of teeth. The Sons of the Maelstrom 980999.M41 C:CSM 6e, 25. Thirty-six Space Hulks emerge from the Maelstrom, establishing control over the space lanes of Chogoris, Kaelis and Sessec. The Great Awakening 982999.M41 BRB 5e, p 129; exact date per C:CSM 6e, 25. A wave of psychic energy awakens the powers of many latent psykers. Warp rifts and daemons cause the loss of a thousand worlds. The Night of a Thousand Rebellions 992999.M41 BRB 5e, p 129; exact date per C:CSM 6e, 25. Countless planets are struck with rebellion, and contact is lost with large portions of Segmentum Pacificus. Abaddon’s Thirteenth Black Crusade 995999.M41 C:CSM 3e Rev, IBC; exact date per C:CSM 6e, 25. Unincluded Black Crusades: Black Crusade of Vulkarth, The Host of Tallomin, The Tide of Blood, The Crusade That Killed Dorn, the Blackstar Crusade (M34 per WD246 p 60). I'm trying to keep things that are generally relevant to DIYers. So, basically, large events that chapters could be involved in or big events that would prompt a reaction by a chapter. If anyone can think of anything else that should be on this, I'd be happy to add it. If anyone can find the citations I'm missing (marked with ???s) that would be wonderful.