"I have lost brothers, aye, and wept over their graves. Good men deserve tears to mark their passing. Even the Emperor weeps when His warriors fall. Royal thralls gather that mourning dew in blessed vials, to be treasured as relics forevermore. Regret is weakness. Guilt is weakness. But sorrow? Sorrow is a chamber in any soldier's heart. Sorrow is felt even by the divine."
— High King Arucatas, Chapter Master of the Emperor's Spears
"Skovakarah uhl zarûn! Skovakarah uhl zarûn!" ("Redden the earth!") - Warcry of the Emperor's Spears
Hello all of you uptight snobs. I'm starting this thread here as a more Narrative log for my Emperor's Spears and unfortunately it has to go here
I had always wanted to do a melee Chapter, as my Dark Angels are the "shooty" Marines. I didn't want Blood Angels or Space Wolves, as there's multiple players at my FLGSes of both of those chapters. And Black Templars... Well, My Dark Angels are painted 30k so I'm not doing two Black Space Marine armies
Then I found the thread on the Emperor's Spears being written by the amazing ADB. So, after buying the Collector's Edition, and waiting until the paperback came out to properly read it (because that book felt too good for me to dirty with my grubby hands) and I safe to say, was hooked.
So, I started building a force. These will be my first forays into airbrushing, as the scheme I found (from Tangui Jollivet) several months ago is an airbrushed scheme (and of COURSE his scheme is shown/explained in White Dwarf 460, but he doesn't go into detail how it's done )
The list of my force so far (Red is built, Orange is in progress (primed and progress of painting), Green is completed):
Dark Imperium (sans Gravis Captain: Battleguard (Lieutenant), Battleguard (Lieutenant), Primaris Ancient, 5 Intercessors, 5 Intercessors, 3 Inceptors, 5 Hellblasters)
Know no Fear (Warhost Lord in Gravis Armour, 5 Intercessors, 3 Inceptors, 5 Hellblasters)
Intercessor Squad x10 (to reinforce the squad from Dark Imperium and Know no Fear)
Intercessor Squad x10
Hellblaster Squad x10
Paragons (Sternguard Veterans) x5
Indomitus (Warhost Lord, Paragon Battleguard, Druid (Chaplain), Druid (Judiciar), 3 Paragons (Bladeguard Veterans), Paragon Ancient (Bladeguard Ancient), 5 Assault Intercessors, 5 Assault Intercessors, 3 Eradicators, 3 Outriders)
Recruit Edition (Paragon Battleguard (converted into a Sergeant for Veteran Intercessors), 5 Assault Intercessors)
Command Edition (Warhost Lord (will be converted into a Primaris Chapter Ancient), 5 Assault Intercessors, 3 Outriders)
Assault Intercessors x10
Assault Intercessors x10
Gladiator Reaper
Druid (Primaris Techmarine)
Druid (Primaris Chaplain on Bike)
Redemptor Dreadnought
And here's the first painted Spear:
My dropper bottles will be in next week, so I should be able to start painting them fully soon.