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  1. Predictions and prophecies speak of a rise in Chaos and Warp activity. Ever-watchful for signs of the Arch-Enemy, the Chapter Master of the Imperial Fists has decreed that his Chapter must bolster its strength to counter the upcoming threat. All battle-brothers have been recalled to the Phalanx to re-arm and prepare for the onslaught. New aspirants have been recruited in the hope that a number of them will complete the full transformation into an Astartes to replace losses caused by the upcoming conflicts. The Techmarines and their Servitors aboard Chapter Forge-Ships work ceaselessly to repair damaged wargear and produce new materials of war. The Chapter Ancients are being roused to better aid their Chapter with their extensive wisdom and knowledge in warfare. The Chaplains, deep within the Reclusiam, prepare their sermons and most holy relics. The Librarians steel their minds against the predations of thw Warp, expecting the surge of malefic psychic activity. The line Astartes, each confined for a short time to their hab-cells, reflect upon the upcoming war effort, each Battle-Brother with vows to their Primarch and the Emperor of Mankind upon their lips. And yet, despite the martial prowess of the Astartes under his command and the great war machines that he has at his disposal, the Chapter Master, ever concious of the Legions of Chaos that lie in wait within the Great Eye, has sent out astropathic hails far out into the galaxy, attempting to reach the ears of the other Chapters who claim to be of the great line of Dorn. The Crimson Fists, Celestial Lions, Excoriators, Executioners, Subjugators, Iron Knights, and even the renegade Soul Drinkers, have been contacted to send their own Battle-Brothers to fight back their traitorous brethren and corrupted followers. After many months of preparation, hundreds of fully armoured Battle-Brothers assemble in the Great Hall aboard the Phalanx, before the Chapter Master of the Imperial Fists. The thousand voices all shout the same words, loud and clear, in defiance to the Warp-filth that spills forth from the Immaterium: "For Dorn and the Emperor!" +] RULES AND VOWS [+ +] GENERAL BANTER [+
  2. Across a galaxy torn apart by conflict and misery, Traitors and Xenos spill forth from their filthy strongholds. The Imperium is weak and these foul carrion birds spy an opportunity to feast upon the rotting carcasses of the Imperium's loyal defenders, torn assunder by a million wars, brought low by treachery and cowardice. Hundreds of billions die with their names consigned to oblivion, their heroic deeds that should shine as beacons of hope and courage are forgotten or ignored. And yet, one beacon has been lit, its glow and warmth slowly expanding, growing in strength with every passing day, spreading promise and fortitude wherever it goes, whatever it touches. Mankind's staunchest and most loyal defenders have not said their last word and rise yet again to raise their blades and shields against this legion of foes, to throw them out of His domain, to cast them down and eradicate their very presence from the stars. Dorn's children have defended the Emperor and the people of the Imperium for over ten millennia. They shall stand firm and spill the blood of their foes for ten thousand years more. Rise, Sons of Dorn! Mankind calls and we shall answer! Raise your shields and stand firm! Raise your blades and let them taste blood! Foes shall be cast down and glory shall be had! Rise, in the name of Dorn and the Emperor! +] Event thread [+
  3. IMPERIAL FISTS EXPANSION V Across a galaxy torn apart by conflict and misery, Traitors and Xenos spill forth from their filthy strongholds. The Imperium is weak and these foul carrion birds spy an opportunity to feast upon the rotting carcasses of the Imperium's loyal defenders, torn assunder by a million wars, brought low by treachery and cowardice. Hundreds of billions die with their names consigned to oblivion, their heroic deeds that should shine as beacons of hope and courage are forgotten or ignored. And yet, one beacon has been lit, its glow and warmth slowly expanding, growing in strength with every passing day, spreading promise and fortitude wherever it goes, whatever it touches. Mankind's staunchest and most loyal defenders have not said their last word and rise yet again to raise their blades and shields against this legion of foes, to throw them out of His domain, to cast them down and eradicate their very presence from the stars. Dorn's children have defended the Emperor and the people of the Imperium for over ten millennia. They shall stand firm and spill the blood of their foes for ten thousand years more. Rise, Sons of Dorn! Mankind calls and we shall answer! Raise your shields and stand firm! Raise your blades and let them taste blood! Foes shall be cast down and glory shall be had! Rise, in the name of Dorn and the Emperor! OUTLINE The Imperial Fists Expansion (IFE) is an event open to all Sons of Dorn, whether in the disant past of M30/M31 or in the dark future of the 41st Millennium, with the aim of getting your unpainted models out of boxes and onto the painting table! You will have just over three months to paint as many models/points as possible. The aim is to paint as many points as you can in that time. While you will only be able to vow Codex-legal units, there will be one small exception that I will cover later on for people who just want to paint a one-off model to test out a colour scheme, join in the fun without committing to paint too much, or both! Reward-wise, there shall be a personal one in the shape of signature banners for each and every person who completes their vow(s) in the given time. For those of you who are new to this, you might want to check out the previous edition of this event to get a feel of what it shall be like (ie. heaps of fun). For the veterans... welcome back, battle-scarred Astartes! RULES The rules for this event are simple: 1. VOWS Every participant on either side must make at least one (1) and up to a maximum of seven (7) vows. Each of these vows must have at least one (1) and up to four (4) Codex-legal units. There is no limit on points. To be accepted, the vow must be posted in this thread using the following format (minor variations accepted): It is crucial to note the following things: If you fail to complete one vow, then all previous vows are considered void and do not count towards the final points total; You must start work on your vow after having submitted it. Miniatures that are entered into the challenge must be unpainted, undercoated, or in the very early stages of painting. If you are unsure whether or not your models qualify for entry, please ask. A vow must be completed before another is made. Also, once submitted, a vow cannot be modified in any shape or form so think before you pledge! 2. VICTORY Once the event is over and the dust has settled, for all of those who have successfully completed all of their vows, there shall be a signature banner celebrating their personal success and the upkeep of their promise. Wear it with pride as you continue your activities here on the Bolter & Chainsword! DEADLINES START DATE: Wednesday 27th September 2017 END DATE: Saturday 7th January 2018, at 18:00 GMT All deadlines shall be strictly observed. Make sure you give yourself enough time to post your vows and then complete them to avoid any disappointment! There shall be no exceptions! LEGAL UNITS Each vow must be made up of at least one unit from the latest Codex: Space Marines (8th Edition), Index: Imperium 1, Imperial Armour - Index: Forces of the Adeptus Astartes, or the relevant Forge World Horus Heresy books and dataslates. These can be mixed and matched but their source must be clear. If you have any doubts, please ask. There is one exception to this rule for the people who just want to join in for a bit of fun without painting masses of models: You can vow a single, infantry-sized model (in power armour and variants or Terminator armour) of your choice as your first vow. No other units can be pledged in this first vow and you can only make such a vow once during the whole event. Whatever the wargear choice, model in game terms, etc. this entry will always have a fixed value of 50 points. This is to give people the opportunity to model and paint a one-off model of their choice while also allowing them to contribute to the overall effort. Deathwatch The question has come up a couple of times whether Dornian Deathwatch members are allowed or not. While you cannot use the Deathwatch units from Index: Imperium 1, most of them have equivalents in Codex: Space Marines so if you'd like to paint up a unit in Deathwatch colours which is made up 100% of Imperial Fists and/or successors, feel free to do so! IMPORTANT: It goes without saying that all models must represent a member of the Imperial Fists Chapter/Legion or one of their many successors. It also goes without saying that all vowed models must respect WYSIWYG as much as possible. Last but not least, your models must be anywhere between a 'still-in-box' state to assembled and basecoated with the main colour to be accepted. If unsure, please ask in this thread or PM me. TROPHIES Since we are running this event at the same time as the Xenos Community Event/Xeno Files and the 10th Edition of Call of Chaos, I figured I'd re-include trophies taken from IFE IV. Trophies are a way to add detail to your models while also giving you a small points bonus for the overall points score. The given bonus will be a +10% point increase (rounding down) for the trophy'd unit when we do the totals at the end of the event. To be eligible, at least 50% of the unit's models need to have a trophy. For example, in the case of a Dreadnought unit made up of one Dreadnought, you only need to add a single element to the Dreadnought's base (a split helmet, for example) for it to be considered trophy'd. However in a five-man Tactical Squad, three of the five models need to have a trophy for the unit to be considered trophy'd. In the case of a ten-man Squad, at least five models must have a trophy. A trophy can be one of the following (non-exhaustive list):The helmet of a fallen warrior; A banner that has been cast down; The burning remains of armour/a vehicle; Etc It goes without saying that these trophies must represent filthy traitors and xenos. BANNERS 300 x 100 px http://bolterandchainsword.com/uploads/gallery/album_12908/gallery_45765_12908_58195.png 33 x 100 px http://bolterandchainsword.com/uploads/gallery/album_12908/gallery_45765_12908_1745.png IMPORTANT STUFF Out-of-competiton vows There could be cases that what people want to build/paint cannot be reconciled with the rules posted above. For example, some might want to do crazy conversions or scratch builds; others might want to paint miniatures from other gaming systems, such as Epic, BFG, etc; some might miss the deadline for joining in; or some want to paint models which aren't included within the allowed Codecies and books. With that in mind, out-of-competition vows are allowed but their points shall not be counted towards your total at the end of the event! You are expected to finish your vow(s) however so make sure you get them done by the deadline! If unsure... I could put whole list of other things here but most of that is common sense. However, if you have any questions concerning anything that might be unclear or not mentioned in the post above, please do not hesitate to ask by posting or by sending me a PM! The most important rule of all Have fun! For Dorn and the Emperor!
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