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The Lost Legions We all know that originally, there was no story for the lost Primarchs; that they were both meant to be a mystery, even if the original reasoning behind it is still debated. However, there has been a shift in how GW has been dealing with the lost Primarchs and their legions recently that’s led me to believe that they have decided internally on what exactly happened to them and when. They are simply keeping it to themselves; possibly forever, or possibly for some future release. Based on the evidence I’ve found, sometime before the release of HH 2nd edition, they decided internally not only the fate of the lost Primarchs, but (at least the broad stokes of) the stories of their Legions as well. What started me on this trip down this giant rabbit hole was a rather innocuous little retcon. A simple conversation between Big E and Corax upon his discovery. Originally the 2 lost Primarchs had already been lost by the time Corax was found, however, the much more recent official timeline places the XI Primarch being discovered in 927 M30, 5 years after Corax’s. This stood out to me because why would they bother to change something this minor? If the book had come out second, I could see it as a little lore slip, but this was an official timeline done long after the book, so they would have known they were changing it. So, why change it if they didn’t have a reason to do so? It would make sense if the XI Primarch HAD to be found after Corax for a future story to take place. As such, any references to the Lost Primarchs before the release of HH 2nd edition, are treated here as having possibly been retconned in favour of more recent lore on the Lost Primarchs. I know that is a bit of a stretch on its own, but it’s what sent me off on my deep dive and I found a lot. We’ve been getting so much new lore on the end of the Unification Wars and the Solar Reclamation, as well as some tidbits directly about the lost legions and their Primarchs. All taken together, they start to paint a picture, not so much about the Primarchs which are often the focus, but about the Legions that they led. We know that they took part in the Unification Wars, the Solar Reclamation and the Great Crusade, and as GW fills out the lore of these eras, there are intentional gaps that can be found that perfectly fit one or both of these Legions. So, if you’re still with me after this long intro, I hope you get as much enjoyment out of reading it as I did researching it. The First Founding / Unification Wars Thanks to recent 30k lore, we’ve gotten a pretty complete breakdown of the founding of nearly all of the Space Marine Legions and more specifically, the populations & cultures from which they drew recruits. For everyone’s reference, they are as follows (I’m going to use their future Legion names for ease of understanding): 1. Dark Angels: All of Terra. 2. (See Below). 3. Emperor’s Children: Europan Hives. 4. Iron Warriors: Oro Plataeu of Sek Amerak. 5. White Scars: Thulean Basin and other Nomadic Tribes. 6. Space Wolves: (Trifoil, see below). 7. Imperial Fists: All of Terra, overlapping other recruitment grounds. 8. Night Lords: Prison Complexes across Terra. 9. Blood Angels: Mutants from across Terra that no other Legion would take. 10. Iron Hands: Quavateen Plate Cities, The Blocs of Solus Stelax, but Primarily Albia. 11. (See Below). 12. World Eaters: All of Terra, recruits were the most aggressive. 13. Ultramarines: Newly Conquered Zones: Mid-Afrik Hives, Reavers of the Caucus Wastes, Maglev Clans of Panpocro, Saragon Enclave. 14. Death Guard: Old Albia. 15. Thousand Sons: Achaemid Empire, Koshi Domain, Enclaves of Ouse. 16. Luna Wolves: Jutrugan bowl and Samastia Sub-plate Slums. 17. Word Bearers: Newly Conquered Zones, (See Below) 18. Salamanders: (Trifoil, see below). 19. Raven Guard: Xzerek Tribes of the Asiatic Dust Field. 20. Alpha Legion: (Trifoil, see below). Everything that is directly stated above covers most of Pre-Unity Terra, with a few notable exceptions, so lets take care of those one by one. Word Bearers: Unlike the Ultramaries, while having the same recruiting style of coming from obliterated opposition states, the Word Bearers recruiting grounds are not directly stated. However, there are a few notable regions that are not on the Ultramarines tally that heavily resisted unification. So we can reasonably assume that they drew their recruits from Ursh, the Yndonesic Bloc, and the Pan-Pacific Empire. Not only were these some of the areas most heavily exterminated, but they also boarder each other, giving them a somewhat consistent recruiting zone. The Trifoil: While their origins technically remain a mystery, it is easy to take these off the list: - The Space Wolves were very likely primarily recruited from the Nordyc conclaves. They’re the space vikings, it’s pretty obvious. - The Salamanders were very likely recruited from Hy Brasil. The military force in the region was known as The Dracos and they wore green scaled armour. Not terribly subtle. In addition, Malcador and Big E were not fans of the leader of Hy Brasil Dalmoth Kyn and Malcador specifically did everything he could to prevent the man form gaining a seat as part of the High Lords of Terra. In universe in makes sense that they would hide that fact that such an accomplished Astartes Legion was from this part of Terra to keep him from using it for political clout. - The Alpha Legion, depending on what lore is “true”, were either the first or the last, but either way, they had very small recruitment numbers that likely were pulled across all of Terra so that it would be easier for them to infiltrate. Either that, or if they were the first, they could have come from the Emperor’s origin territory of Himalaysia. Discounting a few zones that only fell after the creation of all the Astartes Legions, like The Ethnarcy, Orioc, and Urartu, that leaves with only two Terran polities, Merica and Sa’ Afrik; and two legions, the II, the XI. For reasons that we’ll get into as further things fall into place, I believe that the II Legion was founded in Merica, and the XI in Sa’ Afrik. While both of these regions have VERY little told about them despite being huge nations on pre-unity Terra, we do know a few tidbits here and there. One of the things that always struck me as odd was that while they could carry out any type of warfare, each of the Legions seemed to be created for a specific specialist purpose or function, things that were necessary for the coming crusade. Yet, no Legion was a specialist in void warfare, and specifically ship to ship engagements or zero gravity engagements, something that would be incredibly vital in the Crusade to come. While some like the Imperial Fists and Iron Hands boasted great fleets, sealed environment combat wasn’t their MO. One of the few things we do know about Merica, is that it was in a comparatively decent state during the age of strife, consisting of many hive cities literally insulated from the radiation soaked world. Their internal lives were so well off, they were known to throw extravagant parties and dances. I think that it can be reasonably inferred that the people of this polity would have had a special knack for living and fighting in the confines of sealed environments and that is what ended up being the general operational style of the II Legion. Much like our current knowledge of the II and XI, much less is known about Sa’Afrik than even the traces we know about Merica. All that is known is that it the World Eaters helped to conquer them, but were pulled back before the conquest was done. Nothing is said about their weapons or style of warfare other than that they were heavily entrenched and were able to put up a good fight against one of the most vicious Astartes Legions. While this last bit is very much supposition on my part, it does help answer a few questions later, which is how I came to the possibility. I think that the XI legion were seekers. Where the White Scars were explorers, the Alpha Legion spies, the Imperial Fists builders, ect... the XI’s job could have been to recover lost technology from before the Age of Strife and either re-purpose it for use in the Imperium; or, if it were too dangerous, destroy it. However, unlike the Iron Hands who coveted all technology, or the Thousand Sons, who coveted all knowledge, I think this was likely more specialized. The Emperor knew of so many useful tools and dangerous threats across the galaxy, it’s not unreasonable to assume that a legion was specifically tasked with locating and securing them. This is MUCH more of a stretch than the rest of this, and is more of a gut feeling, but it does line up with a few other missing pieces later on, so while circumstantial at best, this is my educated guess as to the nature and purpose of the XI. The Solar Reclamation Much like the latter days of unification, we’ve recently been given quite a lot of lore on the Solar Reclamation and what each legion was doing during this time period. So, much like with their founding, the truth can be found in the parts that are suspiciously absent from the records of the Solar Reclamation. However, there isn’t quite as much information on the Solar Reclamation, so we’ll have to fill in a few gaps with educated guesswork. For overview, here is what each of the legions were up to during this time period: 1. Dark Angels: Posted at the rim of the system in the Ort Cloud to prevent any enemies of unity from escaping into the wider galaxy. 2. (See Below) 3. Emperor’s Children: Primarily leading unaugmented troops. 4. Iron Warriors: Suffered heavy losses during the pacification of Venus. 5. White Scars: Not listed, but believed to be aiding the Dark Angels in the Ort Could. 6. Space Wolves: Kept in reserve during unification and Solar Reclamation. 7. Imperial Fists: Pacification of Luna and Defence of the Saturnine Ordos. 8. Night Lords: Focused on keeping already compliant populations on Terra in check. 9. Blood Angels: Conquest of Neptune, suffered minimal losses. 10. Iron Hands: Purgation of the Xenos “Scythers” and “Lyasx” confirmed to be their only major engagements during this time. 11. (See Below) 12. World Eaters: Kept in reserve during the Solar Reclamation. 13. Ultramarines: Pacification of Luna. 14. Death Guard: No records of their conflicts during this time, but they were confirmed to be active. 15. Thousand Sons: Founded during the Solar Reclamation, no record of being used during. 16. Luna Wolves: Pacification of Luna. 17. Word Bearers: No direct Solar Reclamation conflicts listed, but focused most on religious human populations. Could have still been finishing purgation operations on Terra. 18. Salamanders: Critically low on manpower after the Tempest Galleries. Held in reserve. 19. Raven Guard: Suffered heavy losses scouring of the Jovian Range with many recalled to Terra after. 20. Alpha Legion: Small in number, no record of conflicts. Likely in support of other legions behind the scenes. Three main worlds stand out as being absent from these records. Mercury, Jupiter and Pluto. While Mercury and Pluto are barely footnotes in the history of the Solar Reclamation, the rescue and incorporation of the Jovian Void Clans was a major conflict in the Solar Reclamation, yet it is one in which the only Legion participating is listed as the XIX and only for a single bloody engagement. The Jovian Void Clans survived in a handful of settlements and orbital yards in the moons around Jupiter and were in possession of critical infrastructure that had to be taken intact. Given this, I believe that the two Legions primarily in charge of this campaign would have been the II and the XIX. With the second’s expertise in sealed environment combat, and the XIX skill at stealth and sabotage, they were ideally suited to route out the Xenos that had taken control of the clans. While the XIX suffered heavy losses in the battle of Lysithia, the rest of the conflict is shrouded in mystery. What is known is that eventually the Jovian clans were delivered to the Imperium relatively intact, leading us to assume that Lysithia was the largest engagement in this conflict. Mercury is barely a footnote in the Solar reclamation, but we do know that every world was controlled and by some power in the system. The fact that it is completely glossed over makes me highly suspect that it was one of the lost legions that was assigned to Mercury, and I believe it was the XI. What we do know about the planet is that it was a dumping ground for lost technology with raider and pirates scavenging the ruins for anything useful. Knowing what could be found there, the Emperor couldn’t have trusted the task to the Solar Auxillia, it would be too risky, and with the treaty of Olympus only just signed, he would still want to have as much technological independence from Mars as possible. He would have had to send the Astartes in to secure critical assets from Mercury and purge anything that got in their way. The last great conflict of the solar reclamation was another operation shrouded in mystery. The war moon of Sedna at the bounds of the solar system was purged by no less than 8 Legions in 803 M30, though of those 8, only the Dark Angels have been canonically confirmed to have participated. However, as we know what almost all the other Legions were up to at that time, we can determine by process of elimination, who took part in the conflict. 1. Dark Angels: Confirmed canonically to have participated. (Confirmed) 2. (See Below) 3. Emperor’s Children: Scattered about various Imperial Army units leading unaugmented troops. (Absent) 4. Iron Warriors: Suffered heavy losses during the pacification of Venus and likely would not yet have been able to muster a sufficient force yet to be thrown into another meat grinder campaign. (Unlikely) 5. White Scars: Already leading the exploration fleets pushing the boundary of Imperial Space, none left near Terra. (Absent). 6. Space Wolves: Has been confirmed that their first engagement was at Delswaan in 807 M30. (Absent) 7. Imperial Fists: Already suffered heavy losses between the pacification of Luna and the campaigns on Saturn. (Unlikely) 8. Night Lords: Still deployed mostly on Terra at this time, so it’s possible they could have been called out to Sedna, but this isn’t really a Terror Troops style mission. (Possible) 9. Blood Angels: Suffered very few losses during the Solar reclamation, coming out stronger than before. They would be in the perfect position to assist. (Likely) 10. Iron Hands: Purgation of the Xenos “Scythers” and “Lyasx” confirmed to be their only major engagements during the Solar Reclamation. In addition, it is canonically stated that their third major engagement was the Battle of Rust in 807 M30. (Absent). 11. (See Below) 12. World Eaters: They saw little action during the Solar Reclamation and would have been in a good position to assist in this campaign. (Likely) 13. Ultramarines: While they took moderate losses in the battle for Luna, their losses seem to have been small during the rest of the Solar Reclamation. (Possible.) 14. Death Guard: Unknown what they were up to at this time. (Probable) 15. Thousand Sons: While we know that psychic power was used heavily in the battle of Sedna, we also know that the Thousand Sons didn’t start manifesting their psycic abilities until 803, the same year, and are confirmed to have been scattered about the galaxy when this happened. (Absent.) 16. Luna Wolves: Horus was found in 801 M30 and since he wasn’t leading the Senda campaign, it can be infered that the Luna Wolves were not there either. (Absent.) 17. Word Bearers: Little is known about what they were up to at this time, but they did have sufficient manpower, though this would have been outside their direct MO of conversion/compliance operations. (Possible.) 18. Salamanders: Still critically low on manpower after the Tempest Galleries. (Unlikely) 19. Raven Guard: Many were lost at Lysithia and even more were mysteriously recalled to Terra afterwards, never to return. As such the legion was very low on manpower at this point. (Unlikely) 20. Alpha Legion: As per usual, we know little about the Alpha Legion, only that this type of massive large scale assault was anathema to their style of warfare. (Unlikely.) Accounting for all the Legions that were confirmed, probable or possible, that gives us: 1. Dark Angels, 2. Night Lords, 3. Blood Angels, 4. World Eaters, 5. Ultramarines, 6. Death Guard, 7. Word Bearers, 8. ? Based on the likelihood of the II being a void combat based legion, it’s almost certain that they participated in the battle for Sedna. In addition, while less certain, it’s certainly possible that the XI were there as well as there could easily be reasons why a couple of the possible inclusions above didn’t participate. This would also explain why the battle for Sedna has so few records, if the Lost Legions played a large role in it’s destruction, it would be impossible to talk about it without bringing them up. The Great Crusade I’m sure this is what a lot of you want to know about. We do have a lot less to go on once we get into the Great Crusade itself as it’s such a vast undertaking that we can’t use the same gaps in the story logic to find the paths of the Lost Legions like we did previously. However, there are a few notable things that stick out that do point in the direction of the Lost Primarchs. Where they were found, where they fought, and possibly how they became known as the Lost and the Purged. We know for a fact that the II Primarch was found in the year 821 M30, only the third Primarch to be found, just after Leman Russ (unless you count Alpharius, but that’s irrelevant here). While it is certainly possible that they were found on an as yet unnamed world, there is a fan favourite planet not far from Fenris that fits the character of the II Legion and the void combat style of the warriors from Merica perfectly. Out of all the known 40k planets, the one that makes by far the most sense to be the home of the II Primarch is none other than Elysia, home of the famed Elysian Drop Troops. We do know canonically, that the Legions belonging to the Lost Primarchs were not punished for the sins of their progenitors, so, following that logic, it makes sense that their home worlds could have been spared as well. Given all this and how fan reception to the idea would go over very well, Elysia is by far the most probable candidate for the II Legion’s Homeworld. While the details have not been elaborated on, we do know that the II and XI Legions both took part in the Rangdan Xenocides, based on the time frame of these, the II Primarch was very likely present, though the XI Primarch had yet to be found. Some have suspected that the II Primarch could have been killed during the Xenocides, but based off evidence to follow, I consider that incredibly unlikely. We know almost nothing about the XI Primarch save that he was discovered in 927 M30, it’s a suspiciously blank time for records of the Grate Crusade, with no major events taking place within +/- 5 Years of that date. Except for one. Also in 927 M30 is the heavily redacted account of the Cryptosi Purgation. Nothing is said about these aliens except that they were “meta-dimensional” creatures. However, in the Dark Heresy RPG, there is a race listed at the Cryptos. While they don’t directly call out to the Cryptosi Purgation, they are described as “etheric, pseudo-plasmic, gas-like” creatures without a solid physical form, which could be due to their meta-dimensional state. These creatures also have the capacity to hide within the bodies of humans, possibly feed of them, and control their actions. While it is only guesswork based on the scraps of information we have, if the XI Primarch was discovered on this world, could it be possible that he was possessed by one of these Cryptos? They are very few in number and wouldn’t have been able to possess the entire Legion, or even a majority of it, only the senior officers from his home world. Even so, if this were true and it was eventually discovered, this would have been a grave enough disgrace to the Emperor and the Primarchs, that the XI would have been wiped from Imperial records and given the moniker of the Purged. Especially if all non-Terran members of the Legion were wiped out, just to be on the safe side. Without the Rangdan Xenocides being a possibility, there is little direct evidence to the fate of the II Primarch. However, there is one slight direction we’ve been pointed in. We know that the II Primarch led an expedition to the Ymga Monolith at some point during The Great Crusade. While the Necrons were far from as active as they are now during the days of The Great Crusade, we do know that Trayzen was around and had an interest in collecting specimens from the Imperium, even entire Gene Seed banks as in the case of the III Legion. It’s not outside the realm of possibility that in researching this anti-warp devise, the II Primarch was ambushed by the Necrons and placed in one of their extra-dimensional prisons. This would have given him the moniker of the Lost, and could even be a way that GW could return him to 41st Millennium if they so desire, they do certainly love making Primarchs. This would also explain why the Legion was still at such high troop compliment when it was absorbed into the XIII Legion, but more on that later. There has long been suspicion that the two redacted lines in 965 M30 and 969 M30 that both read as redacted with a reference to the Space Wolves refer to the two Legions being censured and dealt with by the Space Woves. While this is a still possibility, and was the most probable dates until recently, a new bit of lore relating to the Lost Primarchs calls that into question. There is a scene where Jaghati and Alpharius (my favourite Primarchs) along with Horus confront Malcador about the removal of the Lost Primarchs from Imperial Records. What makes this interesting (aside from the whole scene being fantastic) is that in this scene, the decree has happened very recently. However, we also know that Alpharius wasn’t officially discovered (and thus able to be openly present for this debate) until 981 M30, which puts this into conflict with the previous Space Wolf date theory. This leaves us with two possibilities. Either a) The account with the Space Wolves has nothing to do with the Lost Primarchs (an easy things to state in the future if GW wants), or more interestingly b) The Lost Primarchs weren’t removed from Imperial records until at least 15 years after at least one of them was expunged. This I find fascinating because it would be a very interesting story to discover that they tried to live with the knowledge of what happened to the Lost and the Purged and it was in some way so untenable that it was decided that all records of them had to be erased. That it wasn’t done out of cruelty, but of some unknown necessity. If we look to our possible fates for them, it could have been the shame of the XI and/or the desire for the Primarchs to put the Crusade on hold to search for the II. Fates of the Legions Thanks to recent lore it’s been confirmed that the Lost Legions were spared the judgment that befell their Primarchs and heavily implied that the largest of the two Legions were incorporated into the Ultramarines while the Imperial Fists took on the smaller of the two. I think that these refer to the II and XI respectively and there may be a possibility that we already know some Lost Legion characters... Most of the characters in HH get at least somewhat of a backstory, but for how prominent a character he was for a while, we know absolutely nothing about the past of Aeonid Thiel. We just know that he was a Sergeant with a clear talent that went beyond his rank, and that he had a very non-Ultramarine way of thinking that was enough for him to face official censure. It would make sense for someone who was Lost Legion to be more weary (weather he knew the origin of those thoughts or not) of Space Marines fighting each other. He also has a very good tactical sense when it come to boarding actions and zero-G combat, the most likely aptitude of the II. If there is any character we know that is Lost Legion, I’d place my bets on Thiel. This one if far more of a stretch since, again, we know essentially nothing of the XI Legion, but it’s an interesting idea. I think that it’s possible that Sigismund could be Lost Legion. Hear me out here. We know that the Emperor was able to alter memories en-mass in regards to the Lost Legions, overwriting the perceptions of even the Primarchs. What if everything that we know about Sigusmund did happen, but just not as an Imperial Fist, if his Legion worked closely with the VII until their Primarch was found, then when he was purged they were folded into it? While we never learn what Dorn remembers when his memories are unsealed, it is shocking enough that he asks Malcador to re-seal them, to make him forget... what could be so bad? Could it be because his most elite and honoured warriors of the Templar Brotherhood and his favoured champion Sigismund aren’t actually Imperial Fists? Their famed use of rare weaponry could even be from the XI Legions possible role in seeking out such treasures? It’s a bit more of a stretch, but with how little we know of the XI, it’s still the most plausible angle for any character we currently know being part of them. Also the Black Templar are the only SM chapter with their own codex, it would be an easy way to have a “returned” Lost Legion get a codex without having to make another SM offshoot. Wrap Up So, yeah, that’s the idea. I know Warhammer lore is massive, so if there’s any info on the Lost Legions that I missed, or you have any other theories, please post about them. I love talking shop on these kinds of speculations! :D
That was eventually bound to happen. Inspired by Simison's Halcyon Wardens and Raktra's Berserkers of Uran (as well as Athrawes' II Legion, although in a slightly more distant measure), I have decided to have a go at both expunged legions. Given my perpetually empty wallet, I probably won't be building them anytime soon, but I might be adding a few "transfer marines" to my next IW squad.
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- Lost Legions
- Second Legion
- (and 5 more)
I confess I'm not sure where exactly this is going. Came back from work, had a free moment, and was surprised to see a bunch of replies on a half-baked idea for an alternate universe. But, who am I to stand between hobbyists and their passions? So, here's the 'Lost Brotherhood' universe. Instead of the traditional 18 known legions, the Emperor has been given the strange fate of having legions only from the ranks of B&C's the Lost and Forgotten. I know we have roughly 10-11 legions. If anyone has a Missing Legion somewhere hidden in your past, feel free to post it. Also, apparently, a few eager members have already grabbed legion numbers. Here's what we have so far. And, if I may make a suggestion? I believe the Lightning Bearers should deserve the title of the First Legion. As for my Halcyon Wardens, I call Fifth Legion. Nominally Loyalist: Alexandros Darshan VonSalim (Psyker, Shield-master, Diplomat, Friendly, Pro-xeno) Niklaas (Muggle, Siege/Stealth Ops, Craftsman, Snarky, Anti-Xeno) Hectarion Mycenor (Muggle, Berserker, All-Rounder, Calculating, Anti-Xeno) Azus (Muggle, Ninja, Saboteur, Bipolar-sanity, Anti-Xeno) Daer'dd Niimkiika (Muggle, Heavy Assaults, Master Smith, Boisterous, Anti-Xeno) Yuchau (Muggle, Fleetmaster, Air Superiority, Fanatic, Anti-Xeno) Pionus Santor (Muggle, Apothecaries, Support Ops, Chaotic Good, Anti-Xeno) Nominally Traitor: Alexos Travier (Psyker, Raider, Scientist, Unstable, Anti-Xeno) Icarion Stormborn (Psyker, Divination-Master, Martial Artist, Mystical, Anti-Xeno) Raktra (Muggle, Raider, Opportunist, aggressive, Anti-Xeno) Koschei (Pariah, Anti-psyker, Resilient, Idealist, Pro-Xeno) K'awil Pakal (Pariah, Raider, Psy-warfare, Cranky, Anti-Xeno) Sorrowsworn Morro (Muggle, Oceanic Warfare, Geneticist, Focused, Anti-Xeno) Nominally Revolutionaries: Jade General (Pariah, Medical Experts, Martial Artists, Aloof, Anti-Xeno) Kozja Darzalas (Muggle, Heavy Infantry, Aspiring Royalty, Haughty, Anti-Xeno) Nomus (Muggle, ???) Nominally Neutral/Renegade: Gwalchavad (Pariah, Ranged Warfare, Martial Artist, Peacekeeper, Pro-Xeno) Andezo Samedi (???) Primarch Discovery List: 1st- Icarion [805.M30] 2nd - Alexandro [829.M30] 3rd - Leman Russ [847.M30] 4th - Daer'dd [855.M30] 5th - Niklaas [863.M30] 6th - Kozja [871.M30] 7th - Pionus [872.M30] 8th - Nomus [887.M30] 9th - Hectarion [888.M30] 10th - Morro [894.M30] 11th - Koschei [900.M30] 12th - Alexos [902.M30] 13th - Azus [909.M30] 14th - Andezo Samedi [914.M30] 15th - Gwalchavad [917.M30] 16th - Raktra [917.M30] 17th - Yuchau [933.M30] 18th - K'awil [947.M30] 19th - Magnus [966.M30] 20th - Jade General [974.M30] The Vizenko Prosecution Pro-Genetics Kozja (Wants to create the One True Legion) Jade General (Wants to create Pariahs) Alexos Travier (Cloning Marines) Sorrowsworn Morro (Improve Astartes) Raktra (Better Astartes) Neutral/Undecided Koschei Pro-Purity THE EMPEROR! Alexandros VonSalim Pionus Santor Daer'dd Niimkiika Hectarion Mycenor Azus Legion Sizes Lightning Bearers: 250,000 (?) [Traitor] Halycon Wardens: 240,000 [Loyalist] Eagle Warriors: 187,000 [Traitor] Crimson Lions: 180,000 - 200,000 [Loyalist] Scions Hospitiliar: 150-170,000. [Loyalist] Godslayers: 163,000 [Traitor] Warbringers: 160,000 [Revolutionary] Iron Bears: 160,000 [Loyalist] Wardens of Light: 157,000 [Neutral] Fire Keepers: 150,000 [Loyalist] The Drowned: 140,000 [Revolutionary] Predators: 130,000 [Renegade] Dune Serpents: 97,000 [Loyalist] Void Eagles: 92,000 [Loyalist] Jade Legion: 30,000 [Revoultionary] Grave Stalkers: 10,000 [Traitor] Berserkers of Uran: ??? Emperor returns to Terra: 000.M31 Date of the Day of Revelation: 031.M31 Icarion's Defeat: 058.M31
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