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  1. I have updates for my three chapters, some presented as in-universe documents, some not. I have provided links to the initial articles, as opposed to reposting three articles. Thunder Coyotes Record of Interactions with Chapter, Dawn Blades, 'Co-located' Fleetborn Chapter in Area of Operations Envoy dispatched to Battle Barque for purposes of introductions. Envoy received cordially and appropriately, though prevented from full tour of present chapter fleet, excused as current hyperkinetic war footing, with no time for such things. In recompense, a finely wrought power axe is gifted to the Thunder Coyotes, in addition to the typical gifts demanded by the chapter's traditions and an envoy of their own. Thunder Coyote Envoy reports that Ultima reinforcements have been delivered to the Dawn Blades. A degree of classism and a superiority complex begin to assert themselves. Envoy reports that nearly half of initial reinforcement group is discreetly bundled off to the Deathwatch for 'not being up to chapter standards.' Coyote Recce team identifies covert Dawn Blades chapter facility on surface of Ocrod Secundus. Facility is locked down tightly, and data-security nets prove impossible to penetrate. Physical penetration is attempted, but foiled by a squad of Dawn Blades performing an ' urban operations training exercise' about the area of the facility. Coyote force delivered to Qoslomoya with diplomatic but slightly excessive haste. The Dawn Blades envoy feigns ignorance of the facility and refuses to speak of the matter. Joint combat operation undertaken by Dawn Blades and Thunder Coyotes against Chaos incursion and warp rift. The chaplains and hymns of the chapter prove particularly effective against the daemonic assault, and combined with the psychic might of both chapter forces are able to force the micro-rift closed, followed by a declaration of Exterminatus on the affected planetary populace by the Dawn Blades Saisho-Shinsengumi, operating on the authority of his leige-lord. Protests that he does not have such authority by Thunder Coyote officers are quelled by a communique from the Shogun, confirming that he has delegated that power to his champion while he tends to Inquisitorial matters, and guarantees that all such incidents are reviewed after the fact. Reports of increasing hostility between the Firstborn and Rubicon marines and the original Primaris Paradigm marines reach the Thunder Coyotes' ears. The chapter lodges a formal protest to the treatment of the Primaris Paradigm troops, which is summarily dismissed as relating to internal chapter matters. Following a report of open violence between the factions in the Dawn Blades, the Coyote envoy is recalled from the chapter, and recommends that the Dawn Blade envoy return to his own brothers for the time being. No further official contact is had between the chapters for multiple decades, though Recce teams continue to keep tabs on their cousins. A Tyranid splinter fleet requires the two chapters' cooperation as ordered by the Sector Governor. The Tyranids actively avoid the Dawn Blades chapter barque for reasons unknown, but happily attacks the other vessels in their fleet. Omega Cohort The Arrival of the Unnumbered Sons, and the Salvation of the Omega Cohort Primus Apothecary's Annual Report, Collating Data-Trends and Fitness Reports for the Chapter: Lord Tigumedes, I will mince no words. It is my great pleasure to report to you that this new Primaris Paradigm has delievered to us an innumerable amount of more compatible candidates for ascension. The gene-stocks that the Ultima Crusade has brought to us, alongside five-score and still ten more full-blooded Primaris descendents of our Lord Corax, have proven impeccable in nearly all respects. The Mucranoid Gland still retains its atypical coloration, but this is no great loss. Our integration rates have skyrocketed to easily triple or even quadruple their pre-Crusade levels. Additionally, the incidence of the synesthesia affliction has fallen drastically, to perhaps twelve in one hundred successfully ascended Neophytes from nineteen of twenty previously. By miracle, we have been saved, praise the Emperor. It is my strong and immediate recommendation that all Whisperers be tested for compatibility with the new Black Carapace, if age permits, and implanted with all possible haste. Additionally, based on my observations of the new Primaris troops, all current Silent-Speakers, including yourself, my Lord, are recommended to undergo the Rubicon Primaris. It cannot be denied that the process is dangerous (first reported with a six in ten casualty rate, now improved to I believe about fifteen out of one hundred), but the combat benefits and down-the-line durability in my medical opinion drastically outweigh the casualties we are certain to lose to the operation. I will perform your surgery yourself, should you consent to it, as the primary surgeon. Attached please find my complete data-reports, and related addenda. Signed, Chief Apothecary Saniel, Omega Cohort. Greeting Address to the Legio Bolter and Chainsword staff, Chapter Master, Omega Cohort: Hail, cousins. I have entrusted this letter to the aide of my predecessor, whom has passed from the Emperor's Service as an Astartes of flesh and blood two months prior to the dispatch of this missive, due to complications with his Rubicon Primaris procedure. Please recieve his Whisperer as my envoy, and accord to him the full honors as deserved. My chapter, as we suspect the Legio knows, has been until very recently ravaged by terrible genetic mutation due to corruption in the gene-seed. Our manpower has been perpetually very thin, and I suspect that had the Ultima Crusade not reached us when it did, we would have shortly died out, unable to replace our power-armor-capable brethren. However, I shall not dwell overmuch on this, for it has been rectified by the grace of Lord Commander Guilliman, and our Chaplaincy has declared us absolved of the sin that we must have committed to have earned such a terrible fate, as evinced by our salvation. The Omega Cohort is pleased to accept the invitation of Daimyo Lenoch to join the Legio Bolter and Chainsword, and will detach for permanent Legio duty a demi-squad of Primaris Paradigm Astartes, and a demi-squad of Firstborn Paradigm Astartes, experienced in stealth operations, for distribution as you see fit. I look forward to cooperation in full with the Legio. Signed, Chapter Master Taeban Ghoststrider, Omega Cohort; Lord Governor Taeban The Protector, Omega Colony. Dawn Blades The Primaris Paradigm, and the Duality of The Rubicons and The Forgechained: The Dawn Blades have a complicated relationship with their Primaris contingents. Contingents, plural, for they have two: the Rubicon Primaris, who are ascended Firstborn marines, and the Forgechained, who consist of the hundred or so Primaris marines that the chapter has received in reinforcement over the past seventy five years or so (and that is a number which has been whittled down by excruciating trials and combat casualties) from the Unnumbered Sons. The Rubicons enjoy full rights as any Firstborn member of the chapter would, and are treated as such by the rest of the chapter. There are around ninety members of the chapter so ascended, distributed fairly evenly over the chapter's companies and leadership, except the 2nd Company, whose only Rubicon member is Lieutenant Shonar, due to aggressive and long-term deployment patterns in the wake of the Noctis Imperium. In contrast, the Forgechained are assigned exclusively to the Forge, and are treated practically as slaves. They do not deploy except under the direct supervision of The Master of the Forge Ceticus Stormmoon, or a trusted subordinate, and have a shoulderpad painted in Techmarine Red surrounded by a chain to signify their assignment. Their 'representative' in chapter matters, such that they are allowed one, is given the title Saisho-Dorei, who has a nonvoting seat on the council of Shinsengumi. However, despite their deep distrust of the fleshlings that were given to them, the Dawn Blades adopted their technologies after a brief chapter-wide debate, if only because it help alleviate their previous materiel shortages. The Redemptor Dreadnought Chassis that accompanied the initial delivery of Primaris was dismantled and reverse-engineered within days, and while the chapter itself often has little use for Dreadnoughts (due to its typical casualties being either easily recoverable with bionics or total losses save geneseed), its weaponry and targeting systems were quickly applied to existing vehicles, improving their combat efficiency over the next several decades by eleven point four percent. A great amount of friction exists between the Rubicons and the Forgechained, it should be noted, as well as between various camps in the Forgechained themselves. The Forgechained look at the Rubicons and see what could be for them, while the Rubicons look down upon the Forgechained as children playing with their father's power swords--dangerous, untrained, and liable to hurt themselves as much as someone else. Despite his own personal distrust of them, however, Stormmoon is as defensive of his Forgechained as he is of his vehicle pool--though whether relegating them to the status of semi-sentient machines is an improvement or a degradation is hotly contested among the Forgechained who actually give a damn about their status. Some of them, it must be noted, are happy to be elevated to the status of machine (these are mostly gene-sons of Ferrus, whom the chapter as a whole claims as their gene-father), while the others, led by the few sons of Vulkan, protest their treatment but recognize that they are still subordinate to the Chapter Master's authority through Stormmoon.
  2. The Omega Cohort Date:.......... 022.45M42 Ref:................LBC//DAI By:.................Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch Re:.................Adeptus Astartes - Omega Cohort Thought:............From the Shadows we Strike The Omega Cohort is a Sentinel Founding Chapter, founded to stand watch against the enemies of the Imperium in Segmentum Tempestus. They are a successor of the Raven Guard, and unfortunately seem to have inherited the chapter's poor luck with genetics. Details are, as customary, in the full report. Origins of the Omega Cohort Founded in late M37, the Omega Cohort was part of the Sentinel Founding, established to shore up the defenses of Segmentum Tempestus against the orks that had plagued the sector in the previous centuries. The first marines of the chapter (and what would eventually become its command cadre) arrived in-system with a massive Imperial force, and descended on the planet with a vengeance. Massive Imperial guard forces were supported by Omega Cohort scouting and sabotage elements, as is tradition for Raven Guard successors. Many Omega Cohort squads found human rebellious elements living in slums undiscovered by orks, and armed, trained, and incorporated these rebels into their plans. After six months, the vast majority of orks were destroyed, their warboss killed, and nearly all orkish infrastructure--inasmuch as they can have infrastructure--was destroyed. Feral orks remained, but they were few and far between enough to not be a bother. Imperial construction crews descended upon an abandoned hive in an overgrown forest, where the chapter established its fortress monastery. Over time, as the mutation in the Black Carapace became apparent, the chapter burrowed deeper underground to get away from noise and clamor of the surface. Geneseed Author Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch is the commanding officer (Daimyo, by chapter tradition) of the Dawn Blades Second Company, and renowned across the chapter for successfully penetrating the Necron tomb world of Seranon to retrieve several Adeptus Mechanicus Magi, at great cost to his company and in spite of the burning enmity between the chapter and the Adeptus Mechanicus. He also succeeded in stealing several pieces of Necron technology for study and analysis by chapter Techmarines and Legio scientists. The moniker 'Phaeron' was added to his title after this feat, in mocking of the Necrons he had defeated--he was their Phaeron, their master. A capable swordsman and a skilled tactician, he fought for four decades in the Dawn Blades Samurai Company before ascending to the rank of Daimyo following the death of the Second Company's previous commander. He visits the Legio Fortress on occasion, though how he is capable is currently unknown by the Legio, as his Strike Cruiser was last noted on the far side of the Noctis Aeterna. The Omega Cohort suffers from two genetic mutations, either one of which on its own would be debilitating, but which combined are nearly catastrophic, made worse by the fact that if a marine has one, he has both--they are linked to the same organ--the Black Carapace. The first of these is a very poor acceptance rate for the Black Carapace, which has resulted in the chapter having a low number of true, full-blooded marines (known within the chapter as Silent-Speakers for reasons which will soon become apparent) and a very large number of what any other chapter would consider aspirants, but are for all intents and purposes Marines, with the lone exception of they lack the Black Carapace (who are known as Whisperers). The second mutation--synesthesia-- is linked to the nervous system, and only manifests in those recruits who have lived through the acceptance of the Black Carapace. It appears as a light in the marine's vision whenever he hears any noise. Minor noises, such as a heartbeat or breathing, create flashes on the edge of his vision. Louder noises, like voices, are reported as creating spots of light, as if the marine had looked at the sun for too long, or stared into a flashbulb. Very loud noises, including gunfire and vox-speakers, flood the Silent-Speaker's vision with light, which while it does not damage his eyes does blind him. While inconvenient, annoying, and occasionally debilitating, it does not damage their eyes. As such, unless a marine was so fortunate as to avoid the mutation (and few in the chapter are, with an incidence rate of greater than 95 percent) the Silent-Speakers communicate with each other and the Whisperers by Astartes battle-sign, helm text communication, and written word. This has led to a tradition of vows of silence upon successful implantation of the Black Carapace, regardless if the Silent-Speaker is afflicted or not. This vow is only excepted for the Chapter Master, Chaplains, and the recruit training cadre, and the Chapter Master has the option to not break his vow (though the current Chapter Master, Nykodai Tigumedes, has chosen to do so as he is not afflicted). Organization In total, the chapter operates approximately 7 companies--1st through 6th, and 10th. The chapter's veteran company (who denote themselves with white vambraces to honor their parent chapter) is made up of roughly 80 percent Silent-Speaker marines, simply because marines who go to battle in armor tend to live longer. The rest of the company is a unit dubbed Umbra Recon, a large squad of Whisperers who have achieved the ultimate capabilities of stealth in the chapter. They are the eyes the Chapter Master depends upon in order to execute high-danger reconnaissance, eliminate critical targets, and generally see but be unseen. No one save the Chapter Master and Umbra Recon themselves know where they are at any given time, even when at the monastery--such is their skill that no one else in the chapter can find them, unless they want to be found. The second company is also made up of almost entirely Silent-Speakers, with the exception of two attached recon squads from 6th company and the Whisperer assigned as the captain's Lieutenant. It numbers about 100 marines, counting the attached squads of 6th company. Third, Fourth, and Fifth are battleline companies mainly composed of Whisperers, though specialists like Librarians, chaplains, and some of the captains are Silent-Speakers, with Whisperer assistants. Sixth Company is not a true company in that it never operates as a single unit except in times of the entire chapter deploying together. Instead, it operates much like a typical reserve company, attaching squads to the other companies to provide reconnaissance and sabotage support. It has a captain but no other officers, and depends on the company it supports for medical, spiritual, and psychic support. The Recruit Company functions exactly as normal as it would in any other chapter, save that it only has one full-blooded marine in it, the Senior Instructor Sergeant, who never deploys except on training operations. Homeworld The Omega Cohort, once they were founded, overtook the recovering hive world of Septim Regin, which had been ravaged by orks, and renamed it the Omega Colony. They settled on the world and began holding recruitment trials almost immediately, recruiting from the Imperial insurgent forces that had resisted the ork invasion and occupation for nearly a century before the chapter was established. For a hive world, the planet is--or at least was--remarkably temperate due to a century of no industrial output, and abandoned hives sprawl for miles, often close to the edges of not-yet-exploited and feral-ork-infested-forests. Recruits spend a month in the wilderness surrounding the fortress monastery to reach it, where they are taken in and tested for compatibility with the geneseed, and then again for compatibility sans Black Carapace, to determine whether there is any value in training the recruit. Those who are not compatible with any organs are conscripted as chapter serfs, as is Astartes tradition. Orbital defenses consist of several platforms manned by these serfs, as well as the Omega Shield Platform which orbits directly above the fortress monastery, armed to the teeth with hundreds of point defense batteries and missile silos to intercept enemy ships and projectiles. It is also equipped with a powerful void shield generator, shadowing the fortress monastery with layers of shielding as well as its numerous weapons (It also functions as their orbital resupply dock. I chose not to point out the inherent weakness in putting so many valuable eggs in one basket, if only because I knew I would be ignored. Even a Tyranid invasion hadn't been enough to shift the platform from its position, though many of the smaller platforms fell victim to the swarms. What would a 10th legion successor's opinion matter in the face of such evidence?). The world itself produces copious amounts of wargear for the chapter, including parts for both power armor and carapace armor, weapons, munitions, rations, and the countless other war-materials any Space Marine chapter needs to wage war. More complex systems like tanks, aircraft, and specialist armors are produced by a nearby forge-moon, which owes its current survival to the chapter after it was nearly invaded by orks from the then-infested planet of Septim Regin as well as defending it against Tyranid invasions. Combat Doctrine The Omega Cohort operates as many Raven Guard successors do, with large stealth operations supported by veteran Astartes. The only major difference is that these operations tend to be more carefully planned than normal, as more lightly-armored troops require that the enemy be eliminated in order to prevent mass casualties. They are not always successful, which gives rise to the chapter's high attrition rate for Whisperers, but on the whole it is an effective stratagem. When protracted battles, such as sieges, are expected, the chapter tends to employ long-range weapons to whittle away at the enemy, be they attacking or defending. It should be noted that the Omega Cohort's Silent-Speakers, while they don't appreciate being in voidships overmuch due to all of the sounds that a ship generates at all hours of the cycle, do appreciate the quietness of space, and if given the chance will leap for the opportunity to take a boarding fight to the hull of a ship to be in the silence of the void. 1st company especially, with access to both Terminator and Centurion armor, takes advantage of this every chance they get (occasionally even disregarding the optimal solution for a moment of true, blessed silence).Those Omega Troopers who do not have the Black Carapace, and are not currently deployed as scouts, will don full-body carapace armor to provide themselves better protection against enemy fire. The armor is provided by a trusted manufactorum on the Omega Colony, which has commensurate resources allocated to it to account for its increased importance. Interaction with the Legio The Omega Cohort currently does not have any members attached to the Legio, though I suspect they could be convinced. They would likely attach a Whisperer, given the rarity of a marine who has managed to both survive the implantation of the Black Carapace and be fortunate enough to not be plagued by synesthesia (as of now I believe the current count is two, the chapter master and the main recruit trainer). Now that I hear rumors of Primaris marines reaching the Cohort, however, and reinforcing them with untainted genestock, it is quite possible that a Primaris Omega trooper would be detached to the Legio, possibly accompanied by a Whisperer as tradition dictates (all representatives of the chapter are either Whisperers or Silent-Speakers accompanied by Whisperers as a translator). In either case, it my hope that they join the ranks of the Legio, if nothing else to learn how to properly interact with other Imperial institutions. Notable Personnel Chapter Master Nykodai Tigumedes: lord of the Omega Cohort and Imperial Governor of the Omega Colony, Nykodai Tigumedes is a grizzled campaigner and veteran of three centuries of war against the enemies of Man. Direct ruler of the chapter planet, he is more often than not found in the planetary capital, where the chapter maintains an office for administrative duties. However, when needs demand it, he leaves the care of the planet in the hands of his Whisperer and strides to war in a hybrid of Terminator and Centurion armor, armed with twin Assault Cannons and a rack of missiles. (Having seen this used to great effect against a rather large feral ork tribe, I can personally attest that this is one of the most destructive and fearsome wargear loadouts I have ever seen in the hands of a single Astartes). He is fortunate enough to not have synesthesia, a stroke of fortune that allowed him to live long enough to become the Chapter Master. He does not keep the vow of silence, as he is permitted, but he is noted to be a naturally quiet individual. Senior Instructor Sergeant Alexios Siris: While not a captain, Senior Instructor Sergeant Siris is unquestionably the one in charge in the 10th company. He oversees all recruit training, and is the initial judge of worth whenever a recruit arrives at the fortress monastery. A Silent-Speaker who is not silent, the Senior Instructor Sergeant is one of the loudest, most foulmouthed marines in the chapter, which he uses to great effect for motivating his recruits. Personal Notes and Addenda I have observed that the Omega Cohort has evolved something of a death cult. They have a belief that the God-Emperor of Mankind cursed them for some past misdeed, as the genetic mutations only arose a few centuries after the founding of the chapter (Having scoured their history, I have not found anything that gives me the impression of a great misdeed, as their past is nigh impeccable, but I do not claim to have the breadth of knowledge or wisdom that the Solis-Imperator does). As such, their chaplains preach a belief of death in service, glory to the God-Emperor, and an overall theme that they are worthless except for service. Silent-Speakers willingly subject themselves to what any self-respecting chaplain would call rants without their helmets, allowing for their vision to be flooded with light, in what I am told is an approximation of the God-Emperor's brilliance. Whisperers, and any guests in attendance of their services, have massive floodlights shined upon them to simulate the experience that Silent-Speakers undergo (as I learned to my own chagrin. The light was enough to wash out my augmetic before it could compensate.). With any luck, fresh gene-stock from the Ultima Crusade will rid the chapter of its belief and its curse, but only time will tell. In lieu of personal armor for a Whisperer to affix service studs to, medallions are instead awarded to marines in the chapter. They are permitted to carry two medallions onto the field of battle, whichever they decide hold the most significance for them, whilst the rest remain in the marine's quarters, displayed however the marine sees fit. Every marine, upon completion of recruit training, is issued the God-Emperor's Challenge coin, to represent their acceptance of the God-Emperor's call to serve their fellow man. Any Omega Trooper without his God-Emperor's Challenge coin on his person is ridiculed and mocked for having misplaced what is viewed as the physical manifestation of the God-Emperor's will, and the marine's willingness to stand up and fight. Other medallions may be awarded for various accomplishments throughout a marine's lifetime, and often accompany official Imperial awards like the Marksman's Honor. Chapter Icon: Admin/notes: 10/15/19: Only partially filled out for now, but I'm paranoid that I'll lose my work, so I'll be coming back to this later (maybe even later today, but we'll see). 10/17/19: partially updated to reflect discussion. 10/18/19: partially updated to reflect discussion, and added image 10/22/19: updated the rest of the unfilled sections, added Personal Notes and Addenda and Notable FIgures10/23/19: added color scheme and rearranged doc slightly (many thanks to the good Chapain for fixing my code!)
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