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Basically, I am in the process of creating a Salamanders successor chapter that were founded in the 5th Founding. The premise is that they're a flexible Astartes chapter that specializes in specific multiple roles (Anti-Astartes, Anti-Ork, sieging missions, stronghold defense, infiltration, attrition, etc.). The Draken Marauders basically act as a lawful neutral Astartes chapter that try to assist those they are meant to protect. But a thing that I've added is that they assimilated a small Lamenters strike force into their chapter mere years before their Penitence Crusade ended. Is there any way to make this chapter more interesting now that they might've assimilated a "renegade" Astartes chapter into their ranks? Say, how the recruitment process is done as they use both Salamanders and Blood Angels gene seed. Should they have been involved in the Devastation of Baal, as a fraction of the chapter is part Blood Angel? Anyways, here is the base design of a Battleline Marine with a Sergeant The sergeant is inspired by this Iron Hands legionary here These guys were made with the most current version of Chapter Generator found here Lore Revisions #1 I decided to change the chapter badge into the iconic Salamanders legion. I plan to probably add further additions to the badge in the future once I get more skills in art. Anyways, here is an example Tactical Marine and Sergeant to the right I also incorporated how the Primaris Reinforcements are done into the lore. The newly inducted Grey Shields are seen as not true members of the chapter, and as such, only the Chapter's specific squad and rank markings are not painted in grey. Here is an Assault Intercessor and a Assault Intercessor Sergeant to his right (Chapter Generator is quite limited since I assume it is no longer gonna be updated/supported). As such, the new reinforcements will probably all die out ?naturally" (through the process of being to war against the Imperium's enemies), with the recruits inducted into the Chapter by the firstborn attaining the true colors of the Chapter's firstborn. Due to the recent Chapter civil war, the dubbed "Unnamed" are to be hunted by any member of the Chapter. As such, due to the Lotor Killzone being a dead star system due to its sun being sent into an artificial supernova by the traitors (Like how the Word Bearers did to Calth's sun), this lead to the Chapter becoming a more violent and "marauding" Chapter who changed their tactics. As such, the Chapter have a large variety of recruits with a diverse set of skin tones for some. Their Combat doctrine has changed, with two variations for the two set time periods of the Chapter's history - Before, the Draken Marauders defended the Lotor star system with great reverence, as they utilized a variety of defense based tactics in protecting the worlds - Now in present time, they are heavily trained in offensive based attacks, with mechanized infantry breaking through enemy lines, ship-ship boarding parties by close support squads, etc. The bit about the Lamenters being integrated into the Chapter is scrapped. Now, they served as a temporary auxiliary force that later joined their parent Chapter, but after the Civil War, the survivors of the Strike Force secretly adhere to the mission of decimating the traitorous members of the Draken Marauders. The Chapter and Strike Force still keep in touch. Anyways, here is the end of the first of probable many Lore Revisions :)
Hi all. I am trying to create a chapter of my own and sallies as a parent chapter sounds nice. So, i wanted to ask you if there is any do and don'ts for vulkans offspring lorewise. Or if you have any tips on general strong attitudes of the sons of vulkan's heirs. Thank you
Finally bit the bullet and ordered He'Stan to add to my marines. Now the question I have is with 8th edition keywords, how does that technically work for successor chapters. I know in previous editions you could do the 'counts as' workaround, but 8th edition is a bit more locked down when it comes to aura abilities due to keywords. So in the likes of Guillimen (or other ultramarine characters), his aura abilities only effect <Ultramarine> units, but does it also work for successor chapters of the Ultramarine geneseed? Same question goes for He'Stan, While he is Salamanders chapter and his aura is for <salamander> units, do successor chapters still benefit from aura abilities that are locked to chapters? So while my chapter, the Dragoons is a salamander successor, they would be locked out of his aura abilities technically because they are a different <chapter> keyword even though they are successor chapter? I couldnt find anything in my searches (or I could have missed it in a FAQ) that was an official answer. I tend to go in the route of thinking that since successors have access to parent chapters unique vehicles (like BA and their successors have BAAL predators) they should have access to the parent chapter characters without issue, but keywords throw a wrench in the process. I know you can still take He'Stan in the list, but not having access to his aura does suck.
This first post to be used for the various incarnations that appear until (hopefully) I get it right Amber Dragons: Defenders of Cuyahoga[/skullheaderhalf] Origins[/skullheaderhalf] The origins of the Amber Dragons date back to when a small survey team of Amber Dragons Space Marines rediscovered a small world relatively untouched by the Imperium. A death world covered in flora and fauna of all shapes and sizes, the natives were the remnants of an advance colony from millennia ago. The colonists' ship had fallen foul of the Planets unusual gravity well and they fell from the sky, crashing in a region that was relatively safe from predators. It was soon established that there was little in the way of food or water sources, meaning that to survive they had to venture further and further afield. In time, the technology they could salvage from the ruins of their ship broke down permanently, meaning that they had to be more and more resourceful and make the best use of more primitive weapons. Swords, axes and bows and arrows became essential tools to hunt. Most of the knowledge that they had brought with them was lost, but smithing and working iron were skills that were kept through dint of continued use. Over the millennia, even these skills were mainly lost due to the natives inability to mine and process the ores needed to make such weapons. Eventually, the tribes resorted to weapons made with flint, axes, spears and bows and arrows, as the remaining metals were too rare and precious to squander needlessly. By the time the world was discovered again, there were over twenty clans of varying sizes, scattered across the planet's surface, each distinct from each other. Whilst most were fairly diplomatic with each other, inevitable disputes led to conflict. It was upon one of those times that the Amber Dragons made contact. The arrival of the Amber Dragons The Amber Dragons were originally a fleet based Chapter, recruiting from worlds they encountered along their way. The world of Cuyahoga was one world that they visited. Initial contact was strained due to the natives unable to understand what they were saying. Once this barrier was overcome, the Cuyahogans told the Marines that they were beset upon by people who looked like daemons, who attacked regularly and stole people off into the night. According to rumour they were unnaturally tall, with thin faces. Intrigued, a squad was sent out to investigate. The squad never returned alive. Their bodies had had their progenoids removed, their corpses piled unceremoniously in a heap. It took three months, but finally the Marines found a Xeno artefact. An Eldar webway gate. Whilst such devices were rare in Imperial space, this one looked nothing like ones previously seen. It was twisted, and evil. Sickly runes glowed along its surfaces, slowly at first, but over time the gems glowed brighter and brighter. The Marines steeled themselves for what was to come, but they were not prepared for the onslaught. Dark Eldar emerged from the gateway, hunting for prey met the Marines with grim determination. But the full force of the Amber Dragons was mustered, and the Cabal was wiped out. The device was sent away for study by those who would sully their eyes with such evil constructions in service of the Emperor. There are still some occasions of raids committed by Dark Eldar, although thus far every attempt to locate further Gateways have been met with no success. The Chapter Master petitioned the High Lords of Terra for the right to settle on this worlds moon and use it as a recruitment world. After many years of waiting, permission was finally granted. Once they had established themselves amongst the tribes, representatives of the Chapter taught them about the Emperor, of his sovereignty, the Imperium. They alsoshowed them how to find and process metal far more successfully than they had previously. The Amber Dragons were mindful that giving them too much knowledge would change their civilisation too fast and would make their customs and ways redundant. But a fair balance was eventually found, and for some time, all of the tribes prospered like never before. However, tensions amongst the tribes, largely unknown to the Chapter had grown. The tribes had grown substantially over those years and territories started encroaching upon on another. Disputes over territory boarders became rife. In desperation and avarice, many resorted to using metal to forge weapons specifically to attack their neighbours. Within months, four tribes were exterminated or had become the slaves of others as the spoils of war. When the Chapter realised what was happening on the world below, they summoned the leaders of all tribes, ordering hostilities to cease, that all slaves should be released. A few refused, and were shown the error of their defiance. Chapter Master Percutias then gave an impassioned speech to the representatives, that should they combine their efforts they would never starve again, their boarders would be safe. And that they would be better able to serve the Emperor. Reluctantly, the Leaders acquiesced, but even so, the feuds occurred. A solution was made, that would allow tribes to air their disputes, garner neighbourly competition and most importantly, allow the Chapter to recruit. The [insert cool name] was formed to air any disputes that might arise. Whilst it is traditional to be held once a year, if a dispute is of great significance or when the need to recruit is a high priority, it can be called more often. This is an opportunity for warriors of the various tribes to show their Astartes protectors their mettle, the young especially as the honour of being chosen is one too great to pass up. Doctrine[/skullheaderhalf] Due to their relatively low numbers, Amber Dragons are best suited to a support role. Whilst they lack many bikes and Land speeders, they are still able use swift attacks against the enemy. Meltas and Flamers are favoured by squads, as they are with Dreadnoughts. Amber Dragons are readily able to take an objective and hold it against any foe they encounter. As is the want of any Son of Vulkan, the ability to create and maintain weapons to a good standard. Because resources on the Planet are at a premium, the indiginous population are able to make crude, but reliable weapons with the most basic of materials. This ability is lauded by the Amber Dragons as a way of following the example of their honoured Primarch Vulkan. [skullheaderhalf=990000]Organisation They were founded in the 12th Founding and follow the teachings of Vulkan and the tenets of the Promethean Cult especially. [skullheaderhalf=990000]Geneseed They have the Geneseed of Vulkan. As true sons of Vulkan, they have shared traits with that of their Older brethren, the Salamanders. Whilst their eyes do not glow as fiery a red and their skin as not as dark, they are still untypical of the native Cuyahogans. [skullheaderhalf=990000]Battlecry "For Vulkan!" "Ad incudem bellum!" - Unto the anvil of war!