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  1. Hello! I’m new here and a returning player to 40k. I’m starting a new space wolves army, and thought I’d make a thread to document the process. I’ve chosen the Stormwolves Great Company and my first model conversion is a Primaris in Gravis Armour interpretation of the Wolf Lord Bjorn Stormwolf. Forgive the blu-tac handle on his noggin.
  2. Hiya, Blood Angels player here, but I figure this applies across most Astartes subfactions. I've got two Lieutenants (not Primaris) and are they any good? I've fielded them a couple times and I have no real opinion on them. They make a good, cheap HQ option.
  3. As the title says. I was wondering if there is an argument for using wolf scouts right now as I don't really see them in any lists. I guess their viability is restricted because they don't have the 'normal' infiltration rule Codex scouts have (so they can't really act as a screen). On the other hand they could do suicidal attacks from any board edge, but would there be situations in which that would be efficient
  4. Just wanted to give a heads-up, that there are some relatively new bits available from maxmini. Particulary a wolf skull helmet, which might be interesting for people who want to add some Deathsworn flavour to 40k without having to buy the whole kit from forgeworld: https://maxmini.eu/feral-knights-helmets-bits I also like these new shields: https://maxmini.eu/northern-tribe-shields-bits All a matter of personal taste, of course
  5. A thread meant for my meandering interests in the Heresy, whether it be posting models, fluff or whatever strikes me. to start the ball rolling... Raven Guard Part 1, Moralltach 1 “…so cousins of the XIX, it’s with deep regret that the Warmaster calls you home. The Astartes Treachery is deeper than Lord Lupercal dared believe and reaches the Throneworld itself. Despite numerous pleas and envoys from Lord Lupercal, the Emperor remains silent and distant. A dictatorship of bureaucrats rule in his name, with the traitorous Custodes and the twice damned Dorn must be the cause of His silence. Many Legions have turned from the Great Crusade and spread lies about our cause. Guilliman has declared himself free of any previous oath, and even now Lords Angron and Lorgar wage war to reclaim the Five Hundred Worlds of Ultramar for Mankind’s Empire. Though our Warmaster brought the might of seven complete Legions against your sire and his fellow traitors Vulkan and Ferrus Manus, Corax cast aside his allies to escape our vengeance. The Serpent of Medusa has been slain by the illustrious Lord Fulgrim and Dragon of Nocturne was obliterated on the battle field. After leaving his Legion on the field of battle, Corax has returned to Deliverance and now uses illegal genetic research to create monsters from what’s left of his Legion. The Lion, the Khan, Russ and Sanguinius. All have turned from the ideals we fought to preserve. The Lion rages across the Thamas system, while Lord Kurze struggles to halt the massacres. The Khan has disappeared and answers nobody’s calls, but his presence at shattered Prospero is an ill sign. Poor Prospero, the center of knowledge and a beacon for all sciences. Now nothing more than dust and ash, a planet of dying dreams, killed by the mongrels of Russ. Sanguinius has disappeared as well, but our last reports had him in alliance with the Battle King of Ultramar. This is why we seek your aid. Corax showed his jealously of our Warmaster by casting in you into the darkness of the galaxy. In his pettiness, he saw your loyalty to the Great Crusade and its master as a betrayal to him. Now is the time to show your strength! Return to the realm he denied you and prove yourself free of any such disloyalty! The Warmaster once valued your strength, and in this dark time, he knows he can count on the loyal, rejected sons of a traitor to do what is needed to save the future of Mankind. For the Warmaster! For Mankind!” With a clatter the holographic image of Commander Aziekol of the Sons of Horus pounded his gauntlets, palm overlapping to the center of his torso, forming the pre-Corax salute of the Raven Guard. The image faded into the projector, leaving three figures silence and full of questions. This was the latest in a series of messages to reach them, each beseeching their return and casting somebody else as the traitor. The messages had created a stir in the far roaming Nomad-Predation fleets of the XIX. Many had already declared for the Warmaster and disappeared into the Warp or simply went further into the void, but the many messages presented conflicting information. The remnants of three Nomad-Predation fleets had come together to decide what their fates would be. The first to break the silence was Strike Captain Baen of the 17th Fleet, commander of the largest fleet present. The long years of warfare and little reinforcement left him with a single Battle Barge and several Strike Cruisers. Strike Captain Baen once commanded thousands of Legionaries, but now had less than 700 Brothers under his command. “The Warmaster had always treated us with respect, and was fairer than the convict.” The emphasis on convict left little doubt to who Baen referred to, the word positively overflowing with hatred from years of bitter rejection. “And I mean no offense by that word Brother Donal. I know you are of Deliverance, but if you cared for his commands you’d shackle your gifts. I think it is past time to return to the Ravenspire and purge those not loyal to the Great Crusade. The Warmaster has called us home.” The second figure in the room nodded his acceptance of Baen’s apology and poor word choice. Brother Donal Moralltach was gifted with the powers of the Warp and had been among his Legion’s Librarius, before a directive from Deliverance had ordered it to be dismantled and the Librarians redeployed in the Legion. Moralltach had rejected this command, and repeatedly refused to be equipped with a psychic hood. Being cast out into the void allowed this betrayal to take place, and his fellow Legionaries had seen the command as another insult from a distant, uncaring Lord. A voice box boomed across the room as the third figure as the metal form turned to look at both Baen and Moralltach. Honored Atticus had been among the first of the Raven Guard to leave Terra, and many worlds had claimed a piece of his life blood. It was only during the eradication of the xeno Eldar worldships had his body passed beyond the skills of the Apothecarium to heal. Atticus refused death however, and his dying mortal frame was placed in the Contemptor Dreadnought that now served as his life support unit and suit of war. Honored Atticus and Moralltach had fought alongside so frequently these last few decades that their separate fleets were a single fleet for all practical purposes, though honor and tradition had demanded they recorded their accomplishments separately. Together they commanded just under 117 Legionaries and three strike cruisers. “It is my opinion that if the Emperor is silent, and so many of his sons turned from their oaths, our only option is to drive to Terra itself and resolve this. The Emperor can handle any of his gene-forged children, if he is free to do so. To give the Emperor his voice would do more than killing any number of soldiers.” “Very well put, Honored Atticus, but the Warp denies us the road to Terra. The storms grow stronger, and despite our navigator’s efforts and Brother Donal’s insistence, the only stable path head to the Warmaster. It is so decided. Return to your ships and prepare for the journey home. The Raven Lord has turned from Terra’s dream, it’s time to become his nightmare.” With a curt nod to each nod to both Moralltach and Honored Atticus, Baen left to his preparations. A Thunderhawk returned Moralltach and Honored Atticus back to their command ships. The trip had been silent, as Moralltach was deep in his own counsel and Honored Atticus knew better than to try and pry answers from the withdrawn figure. With a comradely rap against his armored torso, Moralltach left the Thunderhawk to his own ship. Despite the messages received, Moralltach was very troubled by the missives from the Warmaster. Much had not been said, and the Warp seemed to wax and wane around him. The cawing of distant ravens sometimes broke through his mediations, but the fierce tides of the Warp silenced them. It was in relative silence that Moralltach brought his fleet alongside that of Honored Atticus. The larger fleet of Strike Commander Baen was still positioning itself to enter the Warp when the private comm-link broke through Moralltach’s preparations. “Now you have to listen to me little brother.” Moralltach smiled at that, for it was an old joke between Honored Atticus and himself. When Atticus was still flesh and blood they were as different as night and day, and it was by Moralltach’s counsel that Atticus escaped death so many times. It was when the bloodlust overpowered such restraint that Atticus fell to the Eldar witch’s blade, and since then the two each called the other ‘little brother’. “Baen is allowing his bitterness to color his judgement. You saw that as much as I, and we both know this strike at Deliverance is to quench his desire for vengeance than any practical purpose. Yet you stayed quiet.” The question was heavy in Atticus’s words despite it not being voiced aloud. For a long moment Moralltach was silent, but finally found the words to speak. “I agree that this strike is folly, but I disagree with heading to Terra itself. For many weeks I have been troubled by the messages we received and the evidence presented by them. I think we need to see this Istvaan with our own eyes, make our own decisions.” “Truly, you think the dead world is the correct course?” This time the question was blunt, no subtly in the voice box. “If that’s your desire, then to Istvaan we go. Let us visit Death and then decide who deserves it.” “Brother Donal, Honored Atticus. Why are your ships not placed on my exit route?” The voice of Strike Captain Baen came across the ships voxspeaker. “I’ve received further calls for aid from the XVII. They are being pounded by the so-called Battle King and have requested aid. It would be a fine gift to the Warmaster for our arrival to save his loyal soldiers.” Honored Atticus responded first “Forgive our delay, but Captain Moralltach and I have agreed to go to Istvaan itself, and see what has happened with our own eyes.” “Your own eyes?! You’re a collection of bolts and scrap holding together a dead man. I’ve allowed your constant delay long enough. Either move your fleet to my coordinates or be designated as a traitor to the Warmaster.” The words of Strike Captain Baen were matched by the actions of his fleet. The Battle Barge Death from Darkness turned to face the smaller strike cruisers, and the message couldn’t be clearer: join or die. Over the private commlink Honored Atticus called for Moralltach. “It’s as you feared, Baen has lost himself, and wants us to join him in damnation. Execute Plan Flight 5-X.” “Are you certain? Flight 5-X would mean…“ Moralltach began, but was quickly cut off by the hails of Death from Darkness. “Have you reached a decision?! Declare now, or die a traitor’s death!” The weapons of the Battle Barge trained on the smaller fleet, and Moralltach knew it wouldn’t take much effort for Strike Captain Baen to destroy the combined fleets. “For the Emperor!” came across the vox link. The fleet of Honored Atticus surged forward to engage the Battle Barge, opening fire as they raced to death. “Moralltach, better run fast as we’ll only buy you minutes. Ave Imperator, Victory or Death.” Shutting down all vox links, Honored Atticus brought his two ships to engage the Battle Barge and block Moralltach’s command ship from Baen’s fleet. “All souls, prepare for immediate entry into the Warp.” Moralltach released the ship’s vox speaker, and looked towards his bridge crew. “Let’s hurry now, death is behind us” The Strike Cruiser left the battle, quickly enacting the plans Honored Atticus insisted they form months ago. Istvaan’s coordinates were already plotted, the path prepared. With a slight lurch and shame settling in his mind, Donal Moralltach took his ship into the Wap.
  6. Yesterday I managed to do my first bit of everyone’s favourite hobby. It’s the first thing I’ve managed in months. Second child has really stopped me being able to play, model or paint. Turns out you can post on blogs and forums just fine while holding a baby however. Or play Bloodbowl or Space Hulk on an iPad... So I decided to give FearPeteySodes snow recipe a whirl... Just as i’d suspected it’s amazing advice for doing snow. This is (obviously) a Wolf Scout. These guys were what got me back into Space Wolves. In the 5th edition rulebook there were kill team rules so I started a Space Wolves kill team. The rest is history. On the subject of Wolf Scouts. How about 2 attacks each to represent the fact they are veterans. As I was only making the one unit. I made them Erik Morkai’s Scouts. Scouts being the speciality of that Great Company. Here’s a shot of them with Erik... He needs the snow treatment now too. Here’s a few planned additions to the unit that I never got around to finishing... I image I was wanting to go tank hunting. Combi melta, melta bomb Wolf Guard. Meltagunner. It must have been back when you could take Wulfen Scouts. Genstealer hands and ungor head. Jobs a good un. I’ll be posting anymore progress or just the rest of my Space Wolves here. P.s. if your looking for ‘Making all twelve Wolf Lords’ it’s now in WIP section of thr forge.
  7. Hi, I'm new here, and I wanted to share my Redemptor Dreadnought Rakmus Stormhand pictures. http://i1371.photobucket.com/albums/ag316/Rick_Quigley/11_zpsgf1tvcfk.jpg http://i1371.photobucket.com/albums/ag316/Rick_Quigley/12_zpsu9opnq0z.jpg http://i1371.photobucket.com/albums/ag316/Rick_Quigley/13_zpsoh9t0zxd.jpg http://i1371.photobucket.com/albums/ag316/Rick_Quigley/14_zpsjad7d9lf.jpg http://i1371.photobucket.com/albums/ag316/Rick_Quigley/15_zpskxiwzgbc.jpg
  8. So, after multiple revisions to my Space Wolves Great Company (also watching the entirety of The Pacific and Hacksaw Ridge) I wondered, what would WW2 trench warfare style Space Wolves look like. I am still working that out, however I do know what they sound like. Just like my other post I need to know if this is feasible. When Cadia fell and the Wolves were left crippled, they escaped with as many civilians and Cadian Guard as possible. One such ship was the Arctic Angel. On the course of her return to Fenris she was were harried by Daemons following the Eyes rapid expansion. Every time they attacked they took lives with them, Fenrisian and Cadian alike. The Wolves and Cadians both civilian and soldier fought, of which only the strongest of will, body, and mind remained. For 19 Terran months they hunted daemons throughout the ship wherever they appeared. Despite all odds they persevered. When they came out above Fenris they were beaten, bloodied, but unbroken. The same could not be said for the Arctic Angel as the ship's engines sputtered out leaving them to the whim of Fenris' orbit upon exiting the Warp. The losses during the fall of Cadia were great, so much so that the chapter was desperate for new recruits. Arguments echoed through the halls of the Fang, debates over the tradition of recruiting from Fenris. This on top of the fact no suitable recruits were nearby, and even if there was the newly formed Great Rift made it no easy task reaching them. In low orbit hanging above the world of eternal winter was their answer. Young boys from Cadia raised alongside the warriors and culture of Fenris while fighting daemons to simply survive. An opportunity the Wolf Priests were loathe to pass up. Please tell me if this conflicts with any of the lore or events of the Fall of Cadia. I do know however the Space Wolves can recruit non Fenrisians, they simply don't out of tradition. But in the face of necessity tradition is compromisable. But I could be wrong. Either way I would like feedback, any and all criticism is welcome.
  9. Part 3 of the ongoing Saga of the Lord Emperor League campaign, a 1K Point League at my FLGS. Previous games I've played in the series, and other information about the Campaign, can be found here: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/341428-angry-goats-iron-hands-battle-reports-1k-league/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- To describe the weather as dreary would have been a grave understatement. Though the mists had appeared quite suddenly, the density of the fog had more in common with a plasteel bulkhead than the water vapor it was supposed to be made of. As the Dreadnoughts of Task Force Valdosta cautiously advanced through the soup, even their advanced sensors were hard pressed to get through the worst of it. Chaplain Dreadnought Valdosta was spending a disproportionate amount of his processing power just trying to keep the gaps in their patrol line from expanding. Communications were in even worse shape, as the fog reduced their effective range considerably. Scout Squad Kiko, normally sent far forward to recon ahead of the Dreadnought Lines, was forced to stay much closer than they would have preferred just to maintain radio contact. Chaplain Valdosta couldn’t help but think that this was an altogether terrible situation for any fighting force to be in. As if on cue Squad Kiko felt, as much as heard, an incredible rumble approaching. With the opaque weather stifling even their gene-enhanced senses, the Scouts were hard pressed to locate the approaching force. It wasn’t until a massive Walker rushed past and nearly knocked over the tower they had been observing from that they were able to attempt to identify the threat. As the Knight, with the barely observable designation of “Crime”, and an escort of hulking bikes flew past their position, Squad Kiko attempted to issue a warning to the rest of Task Force Valdosta. The warning would not come in time. The first inkling of trouble that the bulk of Task Force Valdosta received was the unmistakable sound of incoming fire. Venerable Ancient Repartida barely had time to register the assault before the impacts began to rock his chassis. The massive shells from the Avenger Gatling Cannon demolished the ruins around him just in time for the Stormspear Rockets and Battle Cannon Shells to land. The Dreadnoughts of the Angry Goats are well known for their resiliency, but even they can’t ignore direct impacts from 120mm rounds. Though the Ancient war machine was not fully destroyed, his systems were damaged enough to force a full system shutdown to avoid a core explosion and he would not be battle worthy again without some extensive repairs. Dealings with Knights that the Angry Goats chapter had come across previously had been far from amicable. These consistently violent meetings had soured the entire Chapter’s opinions of what they now considered “rogue elements”. And as this encounter once again began with an unprovoked attack from what should have been an ally, it only proved their distain well founded. With a rage born of centuries of battle, Valdosta ordered his forces to advance. Unfortunately, the Dreadnoughts had become separated in the fog. And either by luck or by design, it seemed like Crime and his Biker escorts had wedged themselves right into that gap. And with Repartida already disabled, what should have been an ideal cross-fire scenario instead turned into a desperate sprint for Task Force Valdosta to reconnect their forces. But these ancient warrior were far from defenseless even when isolated, and their return fire was swift. In a cold and calculated volley of vengeance, Venerable Ancient Orobica fired his Lascannons and Autocannons at the towering Knight. Though several hits connected and caused damage, it was far from enough to slow Crime down. The two Contemptor Dreadnoughts, Saanen and Pyrenean, as well as Chaplain Valdosta all advanced towards the Knight from opposite sides with their respective Assault Cannons and Bolters spraying the Bikers around the Knight’s feet. But between the dense fog and tightly packed ruins, the shots had no noticeable effect. Seeing the potential for his forces to be surrounded, Rune Priest Gudrun ordered a fighting withdrawal to keep his forces away from the running Dreadnoughts. As he gave the order, his eyes blazed and small series of bright blue energy blasts flew from his Rune Staff at the fast approaching Contemptor Dreadnought Pyrenean, scorching the Ancient’s armor. This was just the reveal that Squad Kiko had been waiting for in the dense fog. Upon seeing the glow, the Scouts let rip with a volley from their Sniper Rifles. But as the rounds flew down towards the Bikers, the Fog seemed to swallow them and the impacts went unnoticed by the Rune Priest. What didn’t go unnoticed, however, was the Scouts fire base. Their failed volley was revealing enough that the keen senses of a pack of Grey Hunters that had been lying in wait were able to zero in on their position. And under a hail of Bolter Fire and roar of Chainswords, these Space Wolves sprung from their cover and charged into the Scouts. What happened in that melee was best left to the fog. Angered at the damage his mighty war machine had suffered, Crime unleashed his full volley of shots at the Venerable Dreadnought Orobica. This time, however, the blasted out ruins surrounding the ancient Dreadnought held strong and only some of the impressive rain of rounds found their mark. Thinking the Knight momentarily distracted, Pyrenean saw his opening and dashed towards the massive walker. But with a speed that defied his massive frame, Crime swung his guns around at the onrushing Dreadnought. Though his shots largely went wide, enough connected that the Pyrenean was severely hampered as he drew close. But his still functioning Fist immediately slammed into the walker ripping massive chunks of armor and machinery from the Knight. Seeing their fellow Ancient running into battle, the rest of the Dreadnoughts opened fire in support. But for fear of hitting their comrade, only a small amount of shots found their mark. But the combined damage was starting to add up, and the giant Knight was starting to slow. With the allied Knight starting to take significant damage, Gudrun again pulled his forces farther from the Dreadnoughts. And with another warp-fueled attack he tried to end the assault of the nearest, nearly crippled, Contemptor. But luckily for Pyrenean, his ancient frame withstood the blast and he continued on. The Ancients Saanen and Orobica were less fortunate as the Knight split his fire between them. Though they were both still functional, they each suffered serious damage and were slowed in their assault. But no son of Ferrus Manus would let something as simple as being nearly destroyed deter them. Both Saanen and Pyrenean charged into the screening Wolf Guard Bikers, with Techmarine Surati sprinting behind desperately trying to repair what damage he could. Though their movements were sluggish, their sheer strength proved formidable and 3 of the bikers fell to their onslaught. Seeing his brothers fall enraged the Rune Priest, and he struck out at Saanen with his force-charged staff causing some serious damage before he once again pulled his forces away from the Angry Goats. Seeing the immense damage that the remaining Dreadnoughts had suffered, Crime once again split his fire between Pyrenean and Orobica. This time, the already stricken frames of both walkers proved unable to withstand the barrage. They both collapsed from the sustained damage and shut down before their cores could overload. Centuries of pent-up hate for Knights in general, and more than enough built up hate from the current battle, drove Chaplain Valdosta and the severely injured Contemptor Saanen towards the Knight again. But while Valdosta was still too far away from the retreating Knight to get to grips with him, he combined his firepower with Saanen’s to cause some additional damage to the near-crippled Knight. And though his Ion Shields had collapsed by this point, the smoking Knight was still far from defenseless. He was quickly able to prove this as Saanen recklessly charged straight towards the Knight. Even with his targeting sensors severely damaged, it’s no chore to send death raining onto a 15 foot tall war machine running in a straight line directly towards you. And Crime did exactly that. The blast that disabled Saanen, combined with every drop of small arms fire that the remaining Wolves could muster, was enough to send even the well armored Techmarine Surati to the ground. With all of his other Battle Brothers fallen and disabled, Valdosta roared in righteous defiance. He unleashed withering barrage of Assault Cannon fire at the limping Knight as he charged directly towards the remaining Wolves. Crime, it seems, would be punished this day as the Knight finally fell to the Angry Goats assault. In his frustrated fury, Valdosta crushed another of the remaining Wolf Guard in his massive fist. Seeing the carnage before him on the battlefield, Gudrun knew he would have quite a glorious tale to tell. And to make sure he would be around to tell it, he signaled his remaining forces to withdraw. But before he could get to speed, Valdosta sprinted forward and was able to take one final swing at the Rune Priest. Though Gudrun’s armor absorbed the worst of the impact, a sizable chunk of his flesh was now slowly sliding from the claws of the Chaplain Dreadnought’s massive power fist. The Rune Priest would have his glorious tale of victory, but also quite a massive scar to remind him of how close a thing it had been. As the Rune Priest and his forces departed with songs of victory carrying on the wind, the massive wall of fog seemed to follow them away. With his sensors suddenly unhindered, Chaplain Valdosta ran over to check on his fallen Techmarine. Surati, wounded or not, was still the best hope that Task Force Valdosta had to survive until relief could arrive. And though the Wolves had withdrawn, Valdosta knew this was not a victory. He had failed to bring the massive Knight to battle, and his forces had been decimated as a result. His entire Chapter loathed weakness in any form, and the Chapter Master would not look favorably on this failure. The road to redemption for Task Force Valdosta would be an arduous one. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  10. Hail brothers, with the coming release of Ashes of Prospero, we will have 30K Wolves meeting 40K Wolves. As it was revealed, the 30K Wolves don't feel that comfortable with their 40K brethren for several reasons. I think that we might have the same situation when Primaris Marines (who are basically recruited from the 30K and Scouring era) encounter their brothers. So what exactly differs them? I will write down some notes, which came into my mind while thinking about it. Maybe you guys can add something to it? :) 30K Wolves: - The Emperor's executioners theme - More like Vikings - Somehow ruthless, merciless, don't care for anyone - Hunters, chasing down their targets - Wolves as companions - They don't care what others think of them 40K Wolves - Mankind's defenders - The Wolfy Mc'Wolfensson syndrome - Care for mortals, even come at blows with the Inquisition, etc. - Don't care what others think of them - Came to blows with other factions - Hunters, but somehow more like predators IMHO, there are some important things in which both incarnations differ from each other and which could lead to wranglings. I'm curious if we will see more of this "conflict" in the future. Maybe by the Wolfspear or the 13th Great Company? And in the end, if or when Russ comes back? What might happen? In his Primarch novel, we saw that Russ in the end started to see himself and his Legion as the defenders of man, just like the Emperor had always wanted them to be. Does that automatically mean that he is ok with his 40K sons? Can he even be a defender or will he ever be the chasing axe, always dealing the killing blow to the foes of the Imperium? May he have left due to the change of his Legion? Maybe he felt misguided in this "new" Imperium without his brothers and the Allfather? What do you think? Fenrys Hjolda! Kelborn
  11. Beautiful new Wolf style axes from Pop Goes the Monkey on Shapeways https://www.shapeways.com/product/EG5TQ7PCA/double-rotoaxe-hurstwic?optionId=64493007 https://www.shapeways.com/product/QXYLZGPD5/rotoaxe-skohl?optionId=64492825
  12. _________________________________ For Hatred's Sake _________________ ‘...has been slain. I repeat...’ ‘...all Thirteenth Legion forces in the vicinity are to evacuate immediately, contingency Ultio in effect -’ ‘...belay that, the Primarch still lives! Reroute emergency landers to my position – ‘ ‘...say again, my lord, say again – we’re getting interference across all vox channels – ‘ ‘ – have disengaged, I repeat, XII and XVII Legion forces appear to be disengaging. What in the Throne’s name is happening in the heavens? Talon and Victrix flights report atmospheric disturbance like nothing they’ve seen before – ‘ -vox-chatter fragments c. Second Battle of Nuceria, XIII Legion archival log _________________ The destruction unleashed by the advent of Lorgar’s Ruinstorm was without precedent during the apocalyptic wars of the Horus Heresy. Until the war reached the shores of Sol, no other event inflicted as much sheer chaos or systemic disruption across the Imperium. Whole systems were lost to Imperial records, never to be heard from again, and on hundreds of worlds the skies split apart as the nightmarish denizens of the Immaterium poured forth from the roiling, seething tides of unreality now isolating the eastern domains of the Imperium. For those who populated the Five Hundred Worlds, the nascent empire-within-an-empire carved by honoured Guilliman and the XIII Legion, the infamy and treachery of the Word Bearers and World Eaters Legions was all too clear; in this darkest hour the state of the Imperium-that-Was – and the fate of the Throneworld itself – was unclear. Many in the highest echelons of the Five Hundred Worlds and its protectors believed the Imperium to have been irrevocably sundered. During the fateful first weeks of the Ruinstorm’s creation, the XIII Legion counterattack across the Five Hundred Worlds foundered and ground to a halt. Those planets not flensed of life by Angron’s hounds or sacrificed to malevolent powers were where the XIII Legion focussed their efforts of reconquista. Celerax Magna, a densely populated garden world on the western edge of the Five Hundred Worlds, became the stage for a brief but particularly brutal war in the weeks following the advent of the Ruinstorm. Before the Heresy, Celerax Magna had been a navigatory terminus for Imperial fleets and frequently housed members of the Navis Nobilite. Left relatively untouched by the Traitor advance, the survivors of the Navigator houses fleeing the carnage wracking the Five Hundred Worlds sequestered themselves in Celerax Magna’s teeming utopian cities, hoping to avoid the worst of the wars tearing apart Guilliman’s empire. Such a peaceful dream was as naive as it was false. As the Ruinstorm worsened, XIII Legion reserves drawn from censuria companies and VII Legion survivors of the Phall debacle spearheaded a Loyalist force from several Legions intended to secure the terminus, liberate any Navigators that could be located and with their aid forge a safe passage through the Ruinstorm, if one could be found. It was not to be so. The Traitor Legions arrived in force mere hours after the Loyalist vanguard arrived on Celerax Magna, alerted to the presence of the Navigators by powers dark and nefarious. Knowing that they could not count on reinforcement, and that to fail now would be to doom Imperial efforts to escape the Ruinstorm, the vengeful Loyalists readied themselves for a conflict that would be utterly without respite or quarter. The resulting war lasted for seven days without pause and saw the deaths of more than twelve billion souls. _________________________________ For Hatred’s Sake is a narrative doubles event made for the Age of Darkness supplement for the Warhammer 40,000 (7th edition) ruleset, with myself (BrotherCaptainArkhan) as author. In this event, players form teams of two to take on opposing teams battling for the fate of Celerax Magna. During the chaos and confusion of the Ruinstorm, the members of many Legions from both Loyalist and Traitor allegiances arrived in the domain of the Five Hundred Worlds, some by chance, some by darker design. Teams will face off across three themed scenarios, attempting to decapitate rival forces, capture valuable information that will enable them to locate the Navigator survivors who may be critical to the war effort, and finally enact their escape. This log will document the weekly buildup to the event itself, with army pictures, lore, force dispositions, themed scenarios and finally battle reports detailing the final hours of the garden world Celerax Magna, and the fate of the warriors fighting over it. _________________________________ Belligerents Loyalist force disposition VI Legion Pale Hunters VII Legion Mountainfire Company XI Legion Task Force Cornelius XIII Legion The Black One Hundred [Legion identifier missing] Strike Force Black Mamba [Legion identifier missing] First Sphere _________________ Traitor force disposition III Legion Third Company Elite VIII Legion Pythius Strike Force VIII Legion The Painted Exiles XIV Legion Death Guard XVI Legion Sons of Horus V Legion White Scars _________________ Next update: Event Rules
  13. Having finally got my hands on Inferno and reading the Space Wolves section there is mention of the Trefoil of legions which were formed in greater secrecy than the rest. Those being the aforementioned Wolves, as well as the Salamanders and Alpha Legion. The need for secrecy with the Wolves seems plainly obvious, they were the executioners, designed and trained to kill/destroy whoever the Emperor decrees, even if that is other legions or members of humanity. The Alpha Legion are a legion all about secrecy so why should their creation be any different? Although I question what about their founding required an extra level of secrecy. Based on the Wolves secrecy it is likely because it was some sort of end game requirement that the Emperor needed the Alpha Legion for that other legions couldn't know about. So the only thing I can think of is that they were maybe to be designed as a secret police either for the purpose of infiltrating the other legions and keep the Emperor abridged of any dissent or problems that could need addressing by the "Executioners". Or they were to be the secret police across the galaxy, using their ability to recruit human operatives to keep the human populace in line. So two of the three make some arguable sense for their secrecy, but what was the Salamanders legion job that required that extra level over the others? Can understand if Vulkan needed extra secrecy what with his Perpetual nature and all. But that trait doesn't seem to have exactly transferred to his sons. So what about the legions foundation required them to be kept secret from the others? Does anyone have any opinions to the idea? Or other opinions on the Alpha Legion?
  14. When the Sanguinary Guard models came out years ago, I had a flash-back (no pun intended) to the Movie Flash Gordon and Brain Blessed as the king of the Hawkmen. As I remembered it they were Viking types with wings, draped in furs. Well in reality they were covered in golden feathers and look so camp in their tight little shorts: Not put off by this I stuck with the image in my head and started building up some ideas for poses and weapons for a squad of Winged Space Wolves using the these jump packs: The thing that stopped me completing the project was the colour scheme for the wings. In my head they Space Wolves use Ravens a lot, so black on the feathers seemed the best option, but I think a large section of black against the baby-blue of my 40k Wolves would look rubbish. I wanted the frame of the wings to be bronze/brass like I use for trim of most of my wolves. I saw this pic recently (sorry for using someone else's pic, but don't know where it came from) and I like the this colour combo: Just wanted to see if anyone else had done similar - I've not really found any images of anyone doing the same idea so far. And also what people though of the wings colour
  15. Hey folks, Wanted to know if anyone had purchased this guy, from the pictures he looks pretty amazing and less than half the price of the Forge World model: https://wargameexclusive.com/shop/space-warriors/imperial-wolves-prime-limited-edition Any thoughts?
  16. The end of another week has arrived. I hope it treated you well ... Or well enough ... Either way how about a brand new Glacial Geek Battle Report to wish it well or good riddance?! https://youtu.be/-m0qG-CXq3o This week my Deathwatch takes on the Space Wolves! Mistaken identity can cause some social awkwardness, but when that mistake points the finger at a supposed xenos threat, it can cause far worse. So when a pack of Wulfen are mistaken for aggressive Xenos invaders, the Deathwatch are dispatched to help purge the planet of the alien scourge. The Space Wolves are obviously not going to stand by while this happens and, perhaps more importantly, can't let the Inquisition know about the existence of their hirsute brethren. Will the Shield Who Slays be able to cleanse this planet of the Wulfen and report back to the Inquisition about their existence, or will the All Father look kindly upon the Boys from Fenris and aid them in their battle? Watch and find out!
  17. Hello, fellow kith and kin of the hallowed halls of Russ. My WGPL's (Wolf Guard Pack Leaders, for those not aware) are currently equipped mostly as Storm Shield and Power Fist. I am seeing a great deal of feedback from those that have had a game or more that the WGPL with a Power Fist has become rather decidedly lackluster. I don't want to have to potentially damage painted models, however, barring that, I will need some replacements. I in the past did not like Combi-weapons as they were one shot only on the underslung weapon; that might have changed enough now with the rework of 8th Edition these days. From the recent post about new Codex books by Christmas, I am wondering on another note if our actual 8th Ed. Codex will be out soon, as well. Back to the WGPL's: - What works "Best" and under what situations is that "best" considered to be said "best"? - Are Thunder Hammers a solid replacement? - Are Storm Shields worth it on a PA 1 Wound model? Likely not, what else might work instead? - If I am using mainly Rhinos for my Grey Hunter packs, what is a solid all rounder loadout? I have all my GH packs with 1 Meltagun; I need to get more models to be equipped with MG's, two per pack. I hear Plasma is worth it, I just don't like what rolling 1's will do. Is Str 7 all the time worth a Plasmagun still? I hope this helps others like answers here should help me; also, please, this is for WGPL's for mainly GH and BC packs. Thoughts, feedback, advice,..? I like fluffy lists, however, I can never ditch the urge to try and win, and 8th is shaping up to be a really fluff driven edition. I just need to make sure that my GH and BC packs are performing well, including their WGPL's, thus this thread. Go.
  18. So, I finally got around to taking new pictures of my Space Wolves in their current configuration for 8th edition. Of course, things might change a little bit when the actual codex comes out, and I adjust a few things, but I don't anticipate many changes. I'll hide everything in spoiler tags, so the images don't all have to load every time someone opens this thread. HEADQUARTERS
  19. Ever since I saw the Stormcast Externals I thought they would making pretty good Space Marine Terminators, so with this half idea in my head for well over a year I decided to give one a try. Here is the massive shopping list of items I used to create a single model, I'm going to show some alternatives so you could leave out the Dreadnought, Terminators and Upgrade Pack, but I wanted to show where every item came from: Stormcast Externals Liberators Space Wolves Terminators Space Wolves Wulfen Space Wolves Upgrade Pack Space Wolves Wolf Guard or Space Wolves Pack Space Wolves Venerable Dreadnought Space Wolves Thunder Wolves Cavalry Chaos Marauders Blu-Stuff Green Stuff Furry/Wolves Tabards (Spellcrow.com) Since getting some Blu-Stuff a few months back I've been taking cast from every 'Wolfy' thing I can find on every Space Wolf item I own, this stuff is great as you can even takes casts from painted items without affecting the paint job. If you do this too you can avoid using originals of some critical parts from expensive kits like the Dreadnought. So in a few places I've used my own casts to complete this model. My first cast for this project was from the Wolf Skull found on the Chainsword in the Space Wolves Upgrade Pack. Using two of these skulls made from the cast using Green Stuff I took a Sword from the Stormcast Externals Liberators and trimmed the Quillions down and added the skulls either side. Next I took a Power Sword from the Space Wolves Pack and trimmed the pommel off with the teeth and rune stones. I then removed the pommel from the Stormcast Externals Sword and attached it. To me it looks a little too wide for the sword handle, but I don't think it looks too bad. Now I started on the legs, these are from the Stormcast Externals Liberators, but any Stormcast Externals will do (the ones from the Age of Sigmar box set are a bit more tricky to convert as they have integrated heads and arms, but are still usable). First thing is to remove the chainmail tabard. We still have the leather straps showing, but that will be covered up at a later stage so leave that for now. My first idea for covering up the leather straps and Sigmar Insignia was to use one of the Belt-Buckle/Knife pieces from the Wolf Pack kit and as you can see it looks ok, I'd then just cover any odd bits with green stuff and make it look like fur. But then I remembered I had spare wolf pelt that is from the Venerable Dreadnought's shoulder, so I gave it a go and it looked pretty good, but would need some trimming to sit flush and would also need some filling in on the back of it because it has a diamond imprint in the back of it. Then my better idea was to make a cast of it so I could keep the original for other projects. After a lot of debate I felt the Belt-Buckle/Knife piece looked better, so I hacked the rest of the leather straps from the legs so the fit was better. I attached the buckle using green stuff and then inserted a fur tabard from underneath, this meant I could have the buckle sitting flush and had to cut the tabard a little to get it too fit. I added a bit more green stuff to keep the tabard in place, then set aside to dry overnight. Once this was dry I went back and added more green stuff to create some extra fur to tidy the whole area up. Now for the head, what an endless choice I had here, but it would have to be a bare head. I've included some of the choice I went through here, just be aware if you go for a Wulfen head they have no back of the skull, so you'd need to sculpt your own as unlike Terminator Armour there is no rear cowl to cover the missing bit. Most of the bare head Space Wolves heads really didn't work here, either the high Gorget just got in the way of the beardy ones and those without beards looked like their necks were too long. The best option for me was a head from the Thunder Wolves cavalry set. Shoulder pads, I tried fitting some normal Terminator pads here, but they just didn't work too well, maybe if I had some Cataphractii versions, they might work better. So I'm left with the normal pads from the Liberators. The left shoulder pad is pretty plain, so I've left that as it is, as I will most likely add a decal to it. The right pad has a hammer & lightning bolt symbol, so this needs scraping off, don't worry about the bit that goes over the bottom lip of the pad as this will be covered up by our next cast. For this I took a cast from a Thunder Wolves cavalry Shield. Superglue this to the pad and fill any gaps with green stuff. For the left arm I want to go for a shield just like the Stormcast Externals Liberators, so I had a couple of choices, a Terminator Shield or one from the Wulfen kit. I'm leaning towards the Wulfen shield as it looks more primal and the whole model has that feel. Now I added the fur cloak from the Chaos Marauders kit across his back, again I made a cast for this. Now for a small shield on the knee, I used the same cast I did for the sword and added it to shield you get from a Terminator set. I also added a wolf skull to the centre of the chest. Terminators have built-in power-plants in their armour and I wanted to keep that idea here as the armour is bulky enough to suggest it could contain a power source. The only downside is there are no visible exhaust ports on the back of the armour and it would need ventilation. So I went for the Wulfen backpacks, these are bigger than a normal backpack and the scale feels right, the only downside is you'll be looking at paying £30+ for a Wulfen set with only 5 backpacks, so this would work out to be a costly conversion. Anyway, hope you like the conversions and I’ll post some details of the rest of the squad soon.
  20. Fellow pack mates, as a new 40k player who has no prior experience to the game, I'm having a a hard time with my slightly painted Space Wolves army that I got from the Start Collecting! Space Wolves boxed set. I have assembled the 10-man Space Wolves pack as a 5-man Grey Hunter pack and a 5-man Blood Claws pack. I got them all slightly painted and am currently having difficulties with the shoulder pad markings and knee markings. Any help regarding this issue would be great. FOR RUSS AND THE ALL-FATHER! * It would be ideal if I could learn how and where to use transfer sheets too.
  21. Why are the front of the bolter/bolt pistols upside down in the second upgrade pack https://www.forgeworld.co.uk/en-CA/Space-Wolves-Legion-Grey-Slayers-Upgrade-Pack-2-2018 Why has nobody caught this in the quality control? Compare this to resent miniatures like the custodes shield-captain or the necromunda stuff and I starting to wonder if it's only the wolves where choddy sculpting and bad quality appears.
  22. Hey, I have a few lore and rules questions regarding the sons of Russ, and hoped to find answers here. Lore: 1) According to the 40k wiki, the Great Companies 6 and 10, are unknown, as in we don't know their numbers or jarls. But are they mentioned in the timeline as having taken part in certain campaigns? 2) Was the Fist of Russ used during the Heresy, or is that something developed later? (the fist of russ, as the tactic Ragnar Blackmane is known for: Full on drop pod assault). 3) What happened to the disciplinary officers after Russ came back to the legion? Rules: 1) in the entry for Leman Russ, it is stated that he has the special rule Howl of the Deathwolf, and that he can use it once per battle. However, Howl of the Deathwolf is a warlord trait. Does this mean HotDW is Russ' warlord trait, or does he gain HotDW as an actual special rule and can roll for a warlord trait in addition. 2) Command Squads are listed under the HQ section. Does this mean one taken counts as one of the HQ choices required per 1000 points? Thanks in advance :)
  23. Tomorrow marks the end of my semester, which means building time! Altough i have some RL matters to attend to, i plan to get stuff done. With the launch of 8th edition upcoming week, i have a renewed surge of excitement, inspiration and eagerness to play 40k. My time is limited, so i normally don't go to the local club to play, as i find that in 7th edition i spend more time looking at the rules then actually killing stuff. But that is going to change. In addition, 30k is taking off in the local area (most likely due to the inbalance of 40k), and i want to join in on the narrative fun they have. So with all that in mind, i'm going to use this thread to set up my goals, keep track of them, and hopefully, add new goals as i complete them XD. Goals: 1) I have never really written fluff for units and or armies, but would like to attempt it with this army. 2) I want semi compatibility with 30k and 40k. (more on that later). 3) I'm going to use Primaris Space Wolves. So, with the goals in mind, i have some challenges. 1) Figuring out a way to represent models as accuratly as i possibly can, within my own set limits. What i mean here are pack markings, legion symbols vs great Company symbols, 40k wargear, etc. I have some freedom here, as i have enough bits to create 40k marines to fill in gaps, and space wolves aren't overly strict in markings. Especially 30k Wolves have almost no guidelines in what is on their armour to denote rank, role, etc. So this is going to be fun experimentating with. 2) Integrating Primaris Marines into my 40k army. This is going to be fun! And currently i have 2 ideas. option a: With the fall of cadia, 2 great company's got completely destroyed. Creating a new Great Company out of the ashes with 100% Primaris Marines is a decent way of filling the gap. Now there are some issues here. if GW decides to go a different direction with the Great Company's and Primaris, or go the same direction but with completely outlined markings and names, my Great Company no longer fits with the canon lore. not sure how sad i would be about that, but has to be considered. On the plus side, i get to create a new chapter icon, name, and Primaris Wolf Lord. I also think that fluff wise Bjorn is an excellent addition to this army, as it makes to me a lot of sense, to put the most experienced and knowledgable person with the inexperienced Primaris. Inexperienced as in: not versed in proper Vlka Fenryka lore and saga's. option b: Integrate the Primaris with an existing great Company. Currently i have not yet chosen a great company for my old marines yet. But considering how similar the legion icon of 30k is with the icon of Ragnar Blackmane, i'm considering that as a potential candidate. No Primaris Wolf Lord, but i get to make a Primaris Wolf Guard Battle Leader, and create my own Wolf Guard with mixed old and primaris marines. I know you can't do it on the tabletop, but that aint stopping me. So, that are my thoughts going into my last day of the semester. I will leave this for now with a test model i painted, and hope to get a completed unit or 2 by the end of the week http://i1124.photobucket.com/albums/l579/UltraWaarom/Space%20Wolves/TestModel%201_zpsg0hnjxym.jpg
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