++Thousand Sons Unit of the Week++
++FW Heavy Support++
New codex, new discussions about units! As we already have in other faction sections, this is the Thousand Sons Unit of the Week series, where each week we select and dissect a datasheet found in the book, and discuss how we use the unit in-game, favoured loadouts and combos, essentially how to use these units best. What have you found that works, and what doesnt? Please try to stick to the idea of making the unit in question work, as opposed to pointing out other units that might do a better job - we'll get to those in time!
This week it's a bit different. We're too small a community to really discuss all these options individually without spamming the forum with 1-2 post topics, so lets take all the lesser-sed/owned options together and have a holistic discussion about Forge World/Imperial Armour Heavy Support choices in general, then we can split anything appropriate off into it's own topic.
Please use this space to discuss the following units:
FW Chaos Land Raider Achilles, FW Chaos Land Raider Proteus, FW Chaos Sicaran Punisher, FW Chaos Sicaran Venator, FW Chaos Vindicator Laser Destroyer, FW Chaos Whirlwind Scorpius, FW Chaos Deimos Predator
What are you thoughts, and how best would you use the unit?
To compliment a list, or to build a list around?
Will you be running multiples?
What <GREAT CULT>, loadouts, spell relic and Stratagem support do you prefer and how much does it depend on the above choices?
Are you buffing this unit, and if so, how?
Are you building as a damage dealer or buff-provider?
Uses in Matched, Narrative and Open Play
How have they fared for you in-game?
Over to you.
++Thousand Sons Unit of the Week Index Link++