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Toddius 4th Company Dark Angel Thread

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This is going to be the start of hopefully a nice long line of updates and pics showing the development of my 4th Company I started a couple months ago. To start I'm going to present a Tactical Squad Test Mini that was almost ruined last night due to a crappy varnish spray that created a beautiful gritty grey fog effect on the mini. The problem is fixed for the most part but here we go. Please forgive the pic quality as I'm still getting used to my new digi-cam.



Left Side


right side

The Highlights got drowned a bit due to the spray but for the most part thats the idea. I'm not sure If i want to do bleach bone/white rebreather vents on the backpack yet or not. I think I might do the upper portion of the backpack bone and leave the vents green... i don't know, what do you guys feel? I'm using honor badges on the right lower greave to denote one squad to the next. In this way when I combat squad them theres no confusion as to who's squad belongs to whom during course of play. Also I like the old "stinking" badges. I highly recomend Micro Sol for decal application. I'm going for a industrial base look with some monastry hints as well. More to come.

CC welcomed :D

++edit: wow, i just noticed how weird the arrows on the tac squad insignia look. They're actually crisp and clean. I'll get a better pic later.

Very well done. Excellent smooth, clean, detailed paintjob. I'm not keen on the use of bone, so I would personally leave it all off. And while I'm more fond of a starker highlight (not Tron style though), you say yourself that you were aiming for the highlights to be less obvious. Either way, whatever you choose to do, it's done well. :D Nice to see someone using full markings too. :)

As a whole, i think this mine looks great. an entire army of those guys will look super! the painting is at a good level, nice blending. Hard to say for me how much were lost with the varnish accident, but maybe some bolder highlighys here and there, especially on the green armour, could improve the mini somewhat. Making the blacklining more apparent could also do the trick if you want to maintain a subtler look while still making the parts pop out a bit from eachother.


Now that bolter is a very subtle still rather brilliant conversion. I think it looks awsome, and i'll probobly gonna borrow that conversion the next time i come around to paint tacticals or devastators. 2 thumbs up from me.


I like the bleached bone on the shoulderpads and for some extra detail, but i'm not sure about the respirator/mouthpiece. I would go for a green version there, but i don't know all too much about DA, and if it's fluffy for the 4th company or something then go with it. It doesn't look like the standard scheme for a dark angel, but as i think of it, perhaps thats something good.


One thing, or rather the only thing really, that i kind of don't think work all that good is the yellow skull on the chest. It stands out a bit too much for my own taste, but that's just me.


The base is really good. And i really love howe you have re-positionened the legs so that the mini really goes togehter with the base.


As i said, this is a really nice looking mini with smooth and crisp painting, subtle conversions which i really like and a sweet base. Good thing that the varnish issue worked out alright afterall.

Looking very smart!


Is the dark angel symbol on the shoulder pad painted on? or is that the pad with the sword and you painted little wings on it? Looks neat and raised for some reason.


I think I might do the upper portion of the backpack bone and leave the vents green... i don't know, what do you guys feel?


At the moment they echo the shoulder pads, that' ok. If the top of the backpack was bone it might give the lower part of the helmet less to contrast against, because you will see the bone repeated directly behind it. Could try another version or use that army painter program first.


Good luck with the rest of the army.



Oh: if you are doing the fourth co. will you be adding rhinos & vehicles? The bone would suit those side panels too.

Hey thanks for the kind responses! :turned:



Thanks Bro. Ya I know what you mean about going all green but I've done it litterally 50 times now and I want to so something different. And I really dug some of the bone/green paintjobs I've see in the past and my Favorite paint scheme of all time is AoR. I was actually torn between doing a all AoR army but that ship has sailed for me. I love honor badges and showing a highly detailed livery. It just looks awesome and it makes your army look specialized and cool. Some people like it simple and to the point. I like a mix. ;)


Desert Eagle:

I totally agree on the highlights. The varnish killed the highlights and darker hard line black on the green. Then add light to it with the weird sheen and the model ends up losing half of its depth. IN person in incadescent light the problems aren't so apparent but in white photo light I begin to get a little upset.


Old 3rd Comapny Serg With Red Breast Plate and green/silver vents


I was torn to do a yellow skull or white. Maybe a browner side of bone and some cracked detail. The reason it was yellow is that I was going to originally do the eyes in amber. But the amber with bone face looked lame. Not enough depth. So the skull stayed yellow as an experiment to see if a out color along the same hue would work with the over all scheme. I kinda like it but kinda don't. Hence why its called a "Test Mini", LOL :cry: I've done red and green and metalic silver skulls. Just trying something wierd.


I was contiplating keeping the vents bleached bone with checkers around the rim of the vent, but then I'd end up with white and black checkers and red and black checkers which would be WAY to busy. So I think the Vents are going green. Its just too much bleached bone. I'm going to keep the face bleached because I think it looks cool. The overall balance should look nicer that way.



The pads are painted. I did one side of the sword crimson gore and the other blood red and then shadowed it with black hardlines. Gives it a sort of a 3d effect.

I agree with you on the backpack. I think its going to remain all green. I took the bleached bone details as far as I dared and it was a little to agressive. More green with the next. Thanks for the smart observation.


AoR Razorback


I'm used to adding Bleached Bone to my vehicles. It won't be as much as my AoR tanks but there will be White/Bone detailing :eek It IS a difficult balance with vehicles. So I'll have to balance it carefully.



More to come soon :)


++Edit: I'd still like to see your 4th company, ardyer. Give me a link :)


Stella Cadente:

Steal away. I have no idea why people don't do it more. I think it adds some cool viciousness and it seems correct on a Tac Squad member.


I first Took the mini after the fact and scrubbed it with a soft tooth brush to take down some of the grit. Then I re-hit the mini with a good brand Krylon Matte Finish spray thats made for art work. It reacts with the crappy fuz and makes it more translouscent some how. Theres still a grey-ish sheen but at least its still workable.

Something else I'm working on at the moment. Since Mr. Asmodai was taken out of the Dex I took a unpainted Asmodai and gave him a little upgrade. I personally like this mix of weaponry for a Int Chappy so there you go. Simple conversion and minor GS. I wasn't sure on the design of the base yet (and since you can't exactly manuever his legs) I glued him on this base to paint. I'll later snap him off and place on a cooler themed base. Sorry I forgot to take pics before I based him but there you go :P

The Crozius is a Angel from the DW pewter Banner stands and surrounding the botom of it are skulls from the Bike banner poles.


CC Welcomed :)

I'm currently cleaning up the Tac Squad Test Mini and should gave that done very soon.

Wow! Your test mini is very inspirational. I like the places where you decided to go with bone instead of green, especially the face. I do, however, agree with Desert Eagle in that the yellow skull just doesn't seem quite right. It makes the face seem too white in comparison to the shoulder pads. But my own observations aside, the mini is amazing!


I would like to know where you got the bits for the base. It really sets the mini off nicely. Also, I am looking forward to more of the chaplain. And thanks for the idea to save those biker pole skulls for something.




Thanks bro. The next base I build i will show a step by step construction of it. Its a mixture of "plastistruct" tile plastic sheets and a aluminum sheet with a perforated grid. Its all stuff left over from school when I was a architecture student. I've seen the grid as a vent cover at hardware stores. The plastisctruct is something you can buy online.

Totally agree on the skull. Its being changed as we speak. I'll have a update on him tonight.



Thats when i got into the hobby as well. Thought I try and bring the old school to the new stuff. And the thing it, it looks good and it'll be unique because hardly anyone does it anymore. I love looking at the 80's WD issues. The paint jobs had so much personallity then. Now most everything looks to bleak in my opinion. :)



You're smoking something if you think my test mini is better than your stuff. Thats a really great army you have. Love the RT and 2nd/3rd edition models. Its got it all. The chappies look awesome and that techmarine looks bitchin as well. Great job! :)

I've been painting DA's forever now so if you count construction priming and painting... I'd say about 8-10 hours. But thats also trying to figure the paint scheme out. Once the scheme is done it shouldn't take more than 4 hours per tac squad mini. I'll have all of one tac squad constructed and then go into production mode and paint them all at once. Goes alot faster that way. Some things will be modified. The DA symbol will have different variations of sword and wings. But other than that the color scheme will be the same.

Heres the Updated Test Mini With your guy's suggested adjustments. ;)



The rest can be see here.

I added highlights over the greyed out version. I made the breast skull bleach bone. The Rebreather Vents are now green. I also re-painted the Dark recessed areas as well. This is about as salvaged as it will get. Hope you bros approve :) I added some incadescent light to take some of the white sheen out of the photo's. I think it helped a little. Not so blinding.

CC welcomed. More to come soon.

I've changed the crozius on the chaplain and have begun to pant him. The crozuis looked to small and the skulls were out of proportion to the angel. But I also wanted to start the Tactical Squad the Test Mini was to belong to.


I've organized 3 tactical squads utilizing the new DA plastics and also bits from cypher, SW grey hunters, generic SM bits, and other goodies. Above is the first. I'm going to begin construction on the bases first so that the theme is consistant and then model the marines to them. There will be minor converions to suit the environment set by the bases but otherwise a bit tame. If its going to take 4 hours per mini x's 30 tactical marines = a lot of time. Over the next 3 weeks we'll see this evolve.

So I'm off to base construction first :yes: I'll continue to post updated pics.

Really nice mini, I like the base especially and the bayonet on the bolter is good - I don't think I've seen bayonets on a space marine before. Maybe I haven't lived! Anyway the paintjob is neat and effective with really good freehand. Look forward to seeing your next batch. By the way, what brand of varnish f'ed up your mini? I have two cans of testors dullcote which I haven't tried yet - so I hope it wasn't Testors!!!


I wish I had time to do a whole company, but it will have to remain a strike force level. :sweat: Thanks for saying its top notch painting, I think its a little above average but I appreciate it ;)

And yes I've been told I'm nuts a few hunderd times in my life. But I find it as a sign of personallity :)



Thanks Mr. Dawg. I take your compliments highly. I've already designed the bases for all 9 (one's done) and starting to cut. Should be pretty fun. I've never done bases like this. Almost all my bases have been either basic tile or terrain.



Love your Griffons!

I think testors is good stuff. I wouldn't worry about it. Just test spray on something else and shake the HELL out of the can prior to spraying. And keep them at a minimum of 1 foot away from the can.

If marines are specialized I'd think they would have something for HtH other than a basic fist. And I doubt the butt of a rifle could kill another SM in power armor... :)


Link to Thread about my Varnish Problems.

Thanks for the link to that thread you have now suceeded in scaring the crap out of me. I don't want to varnish them and I don't want to touch them either guess I'll have to wear white gloves!!! I have tested on a painted piece of sprue so I will see when it dries how good it looks.


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