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Repainting the Fallen


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I've always been a fan of the Dark Angels. I like the history, the fluff, the split nature... I also liked the original black armour they wore back when I started collecting. Now my original attempts at painting them were horrible - tamiya polycarbonate paints on old RTB01 models. Not good, trust me.... Anyways, that didn't work out so well, so I hung them up for a while.




Anyways, around about the time Sould Drinker came out, I put together a new fallen army. I liked the idea of marines who were not serving chaos, so much as just disillusioned with the "evil" that is the imperium. Still seeking to serve the Emperor's vision, just not kowtowing to the bureaucracy. It also gave me an idea as to how to use a daemon prince, but more about that in a minute.


The other story which guided my modelling was a short story I read - can't recall the title which starts with a marine "floating to the ground of some new planet" As the story goes on, he is tempted with more and more choices which lead him further from the path of the Emperor. As he does so, he notices small changes - like the Eagles on his armour disappearing.


I wanted my army to be barely chaotic. They are mainly Imperial figures - although none of them have any Imperial iconography. None of the aquila armour is used, just MK IV, MK V, the rebreather armour and the plate with the skull. And I used the Chaos rules cos I wanted the Daemon Prince.


About 4 years ago, I made a conversion out the GW Daemon Prince. Falling back on the idea from Soul Drinker, I assumed this was a loyal marine, who, in his attempts to follow a worthy goal, was led astray by the chaos gods. They granted him Daemonic Stature and a set of Angel wings, which his fellow fallen angels see as a blessing and cause them to flock to his banner (also nicely explaining why he has an army, not just a handful of followers).


So, with no more gilding the lily and without any further ado, I give you Azazel the Fallen.








Now the GS is extremely rough - as is the painting, but bear in mind this is 3 years old. I have recently got my hands on all the parts to recreate him from scratch. I also laid my hands on Artemis, so he will have a greater sense of motion. We WILL rebuild him. We have the technology. We will make him better, faster, stronger




What I was looking for from y'all was some ideas. Whether you like the direction the model is going in. Whether I should make some changes, and if so, what (other than to "Do better" :P cos I got that already :D My GS work is a little better now, so that should be better at least)


Once I get Azazel rebuilt, I will add some of the squads of Fallen. They are currently in a kind of half painted limbo. They don't need to be stripped completely, but they need a lot of work on a lot of bad highlighting before they will overcome their shyness and come out into public.


:ot: As an aside, don't you hate how that happens? I mean you have this model you spent time and money on, that you are pleased about and you think looks great, that you unearth 3 years later and you realise :sick: just how bad it was :teehee:


Ah well, I guess it shows that you're improving so it's good, right? :turned:


Ok, like I say, any comments about whether you like the idea, how I can improve him and that sort of thing would be appreciated.





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Thanks Solskjaer.


Hah!!! Yeah, guess that's probably true :teehee:


To paraphrase The Last Boyscout, I'm ok with the interrogation, just don't play rap music




Hopefully you'll still like it once I bring out MKII.





Hey folks,


I just have to ask, where did you get a Space Marine helmet that is that big????



May I guess its Forgeworld ?


Close. It's Specialist Games. It's part of the expansion pack released for the Brother Artemis Figure. I believe you got 2 or 3 different heads on the sprue. With a little (Ok, a lot :teehee: ) of dremel work. it fits into the gap quite nicely.


When I redo this, do you tihnk I should keep the existing sword, or replace it with something different? Artemis's sword springs to mind, but a large scythe could be awesome if anyone knows of a source for it.






Edit - beaten to the punch.


Oh well.

We WILL rebuild him. We have the technology. We will make him better, faster, stronger


I'll join you with some :lol:


What I was looking for from y'all was some ideas. Whether you like the direction the model is going in. Whether I should make some changes, and if so, what (other than to "Do better" cos I got that already My GS work is a little better now, so that should be better at least)


Well I like the Azazal that you've got now for his pose and novelty value, but I think an Artemis-based version will look better from your background point of view - Azazel's armour looks rather warped and evil now, despite the fact that he was only "led astray by the chaos gods. They granted him Daemonic Stature and a set of Angel wings, which his fellow fallen angels see as a blessing".


:ot: As an aside, don't you hate how that happens? I mean you have this model you spent time and money on, that you are pleased about and you think looks great, that you unearth 3 years later and you realise ;) just how bad it was :)


Ah well, I guess it shows that you're improving so it's good, right? :sweat:


Yeah, it's a good thing because it does mean that you're improving. The bad part of it is, off course, that you can never be happy with older models and keep having this urge to strip and rebuild. Better, faster, stronger, yaddi ya di yah. ;)

Eventually you'll reach a point where you're happy with a certain painting method/skill level, and then you can use it on an entire army without thinking "urgh, the previous one sucks" every time you paint a new figure. It will happen - no worries.


Took me ten years to reach that point though. :P

Well, (fearing I might open a can of worms here) yeah, I think that's probably right. The Rogue Trader artwork has them with red symbols, but I believe there's a belief, supported by some artwork, that the white symbol is also right.


I think when i get to repainting that I will paint it red. It'll offset the blue tinge I intend to give to the armour nicely.


They marines will be 3rd company marines when they are finished - just to :cuss off the loyalist DA's I have - who are also 3rd Co.







I wouldn't go for a scythe personally, It'll make him look a little too much like mortarion rather

than an enlightened Dark Angel.


The dark angels chapter symbol is a sword, so I'd stick with Iconic stylings and give him a sword.

But make it less daemonic looking, artemis' sword is OK, but a little to space wolves in terms of

it's look, I actually like the force sword from the INQ force weapons pack, that might look appropriate.


Anyway, looking forward to some pics, should be cool...




[edit - spelling]



So a sword...


Over in the Chaos forum, Wendigo started a topic on the possible changed nature of the Fallen's chapter badge.


Find it Here


While chaosifying mine in the same way won't quite fit the fluff i mentioned, how about this thought.


Using Artemis's sword as a base, I thought I'd try to add the DA chapter badges from the DA upgrade sprue (I think they're meant for tanks) on either side of the blade as a hilt. The Blade of the badge will follow the blade of the sword - the uppermost wing will be the line of the pommel.


As an aside I'm thinking I'm doing a truly sucky job explaining this and I'll post pics later today hopefully :D


To give a nod to the chaos gods however (and show Azazel may still be an unwitting pawn) I thought to add two extra spikes. If you were to look at the sword front, with the sword held point down, these spikes will stand at 10.00 o'clock and 2.00 o'clock. It will form a pseudo chaos star (Like the adeptus image in wendigo's thread) while looking like an extra guard for the hand.


I also like the idea chavic gave, so I may try to inscribe "Ex Caliban" or some such runes on it. (Seen/read The Last Legion much? )


If you have any idea what I'm talking about, what d'ya think?





  • 2 weeks later...

Greetings one and all,


So I had to drag this back from several pages back, but since I finally got to do some more work on the DP, I have something to post. As you can see, he is using Artemus as a base instead of the DP this time... more about that later.


First I started putting on the robes... Got the front of the chest done....








Now my GS work aint't the best, so if anyone has any suggestions before I inevitably screw up the harder bit of the robes, I'd appreciate it.


I am also wondering what to use as his head....


He'll have a hood, so I though maybe a bionic head might work (sort of a large scale of the Dev SGT one)...




Or this...


Or this....


Or I could use a helmet, either plain like this or slightly skullified, like this....




What I had orignally thought was to give him a bare head, and have him standing on/near a helmet.


What do you reckon?


My other question is how do I Daemonify him? The old one was easy, and even after removing a bunch of the chaos stuff with a dremel, he was still daemonic. The Artemis model looks like abig clean space marine. Which I guess he is. But how do I add the chaos feel?


The wings I will add like before. Not sure if it will be direct to the armour as the Mk.I, or onto the backpack a la the new possessed, but I'm leaning toward the first.


I will add a celise (sp.?) around one thigh - more ornamental than functional given the armour.


I was thinking of altering the fluff and making him a chappy in previous life - thus justifying giving him a crozius (no function) with skulls hanging off representing the interrogators he has bested over the aeons.....


i'm gonna freehand the chapter symbol and add an emerging chaos star to it....


So what else can I add? I want to keep it subtle, but I want it to be there.


Any suggestions? Any comments and criticism? Everything welcome.





Ok - got some more work done last night - pics after I get home to a camera.


I managed to get some of the robes done, but they are not chaosified - in fact they look brand new. Will have to see how I can go about making them tattered.


in the mean time however, I'll repeat the above question and ask...


"My other question is how do I Daemonify him? The old one was easy, and even after removing a bunch of the chaos stuff with a dremel, he was still daemonic. The Artemis model looks like abig clean space marine. Which I guess he is. But how do I add the chaos feel?




So what else can I add? I want to keep [the cahos feel to be] subtle, but I want it to be there."


Any and all suggestions welcome.





Alrighty then,


Photos as promised. And, also as promised, I dislike the job I did on the botom of the robes, but what are you gonna do?












And a little decor on his shins - now I see how easy it is to do the one on his right shin, I'm gonna redo the other




So, it's getting there.


I did more work on the helmet, but am still in two minds as to whether to use the helmet or a bare head...


Still not sure how to chaosify it.


Any comments, criticisms or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.





I like the skullified helmet. Although Neph has come up with the perfect answer - magnetise him and have both. :)


As for adding a more of a chaos feel how about the faces of trapped souls in his armour? Either sculpted with greenstuff or just painted on.

Thanks for the comments guys.


@Neph - I like the idea of magnetising the head, but I want to GS a hood on (see the first one for an idea), so I don't think Magnets are an option.


I'm moving toward the idea of using the bare head, but cutting the bottom off the helmet and either adding it to his base or to his leg (like some old 2nd edition marines).


However, before I do it, this is where the helmet is at right now - Do you think I should use it as a helmet, or as a decoration (I still have to add the jaws of the skull)




Edit - apologies for the lousy pic...


@Khrangar and Storm Dragon - thanks for the suggestions - I think paint will be the way to go for daemonic runes/soiuls - I don't think my GS is up to the task to do that... Might try the paint though... Thanks for the thoughts.


I'd like to add a daemon weapon, but the rules no longer allow them... just CC weapons. I do have an idea for that though. I rea a Slaine commic book when I was a kid, and one of the weapons they used had barbs all the way down the blade - except half way down the barbs changed direction which meant you couldn't pull it out without serious damage. Sounds like just the ticket if I can figure out how to recreate it




Thanks for looking folks. Any more suggestions are appreciated.





Ok, here's some constructive critism, don't understand it wrong :P


@ Chaosifying: Just take a look at a normal CSM, and look for what makes him look chaosy. Its mostly the armour trim, so by adding a trim with arrows and spikes, you'll be on the safe side, me thinks.

Even though the prince is a wip, I have to say that till now I like the concept of the first one better...

I think the armour is much too clean. If you're ascending to deamonhood, the armour should crack open and get more organic while expanding, just as the armour of the GW prince. I think the fallen are chaosy enough to have this mutation of their armour. Otherwise he would look like a loyalist Primarch, with all the wings and stuff :)


Just my opinion, keep up this project !


Capt. E.


edit: I have a Fallen army in the planning too, and I may 'borrow' you're idea :lol:


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