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Repainting the Fallen


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I like the adition of bikes but now you need to robe all your guys. May I suggest green stuffing if to get dramatic frayed and flowing effects. Oh, by the way more color on the shoulders and heads would look nice.



Thanks for the comments Midas - I was beginning to think I was the only one reading this thread




You think I need to robe ALL the guys? More than just the few who are robed already? I have plans to robe roughly half the termi's, but are you suggesting robe all of them and all the Power armour too?


I like the frayed idea though - I might have to back and do something about that.


Hmm. Ok food for thought.


And what would add for extra colour on the shoulders and heads? More highlights, or a whole new colour?


Do you think the bikes fit the bill well enough? Should I add more chaos bitz or are they close enough.


I appreciate the advice. Keep it coming folks - and I'll post a small update later tonight hopefully.





nice work so far


on the bike: hmmm I'm not really a fan of the chaos bike model per se but ok thats on an other bill

he doesn't seem to really fit on the bike at least his sitting position looks a bit awkward, somehow a tiny bit to upright.

but I think he is clearly identifiable as a chaos biker but giving the robe a frayed look would really improve the look. Also what about chaosifying the ravenwing "standard" on the back of the bike

Love the painted dudes. Nice to see another fallen brother.

The color scheme you use is really nice, reminds me of the Death Shadows chapter. I'm playing with the idea of how recently fallen Dark Angels would look and therefore I use the paintscheme presented by GW for their Hunt The Fallen scenario, with green armors and black robes.

Thanks for the comments guys,


@Brother Bohemund - I looked at the ravenwing standard, and I'm pretty sure I can chaosify it - either by adding Chaos standards, or removing to make the feathers more bladelike.... Nice idea though.


I know what you mean about the riding position. His legs seem shorter than the chaos biker legs, so either he sits up ike this and looks weird, or I need to add about 5mm to his feet to let him touch the pedals. I figured this position with GS to add to the robes was the better bet. Maybe I'll change it for the next one.


@Pirog - Yeah, I like the idea of the newly fallen - I was thinking about adding a squad or two -one which the warband doesn't really trust yet so they get all the really crappy jobs




But, since Dark Angels were my first army way back before they changed the armour over, so I wanted a return to those days.


Look forward to seeing how yours turn out.


Question Time


What kind of base do you think I should give these guys?


I have two I normally rotate between -








Industrial ash




(My apologies - it's hard to make them out in the lousy photos)


So, should I go with one of those? Or with something else?


Answers on a postcard plese,





I would try out marble bases. Make a cirkle of green stuff the same size as the base and a couple of mm thick. Lightly press a stone in one or two places on it and add some cracks with a needle or sharp knife. When it's dry, heavily dry brush the stone effect with codex grey -> fortress gray. After that, add some very very light drybrushing of red and green in a few places, and then drybrush again with the gray colors, leaving just a hint of green and red showing through and finally a lightly drybrushing of skull white.

Thanks for the massive reply Widowmaker, that's put me in a stronger position to start this. I've got piles of Deathguard to do as well, so I may have a dual project on my hands. :|

And I don't work fast enough either...


Do you have any links to Lorenzen or kotobuki's work? I've searched all over Warseer, B&C, Tau online and a bunch of other random sites an have found very little.


And the Word Bearers info, I've always thought they share some similarities, maybe it's just models I've seen adorning (correct word?) cloaks or something else, I don't know. :confused:


I was considering a different approach to Fallen angels, maybe a small branch off, that grew a bit more reliant on sorcery and religion etc. Thought the name 'The Arcane Covenant.' was quite cool, but I'll work on some fluff sometime. :D


Anyway, I think I may have rambled myself! Very easy on this Forum I must say, and thanks again for the help mate. :)

Sorry, Ive been isolated from the computer awile, but marble floors would look qreat sort of a raiding the church kind of idea, and for the extra color I think a really really really really dark green that hilights out to a really bright green on the edges to sort of shock them in to life as it is, bright green eyes to. Maybe add a litte bit of chaosy bits here and there make the birdie banner look possesed mabe......hmmmm



I'm a little confused by "...for the extra color I think a really really really really dark green that hilights out to a really bright green on the edges to sort of shock them in to life as it is, bright green eyes to....." Does this refer to your earlier comment about adding more colour to the heads and shoulders of the marines?


Cos they're already highlighted in blues.... And they have Red eyes (or at least the ones I've painted have :) )


Anyways, I'm happy to add more colour if it'll help them pop more, just wondering where.


@Pirog and Midas - Marble could be done - never thought of doing that.






Question of the day


I am pretty happy with the way these guys (the RAF) are highlighted. They are pretty menacing, they are pretty different from normal, and most importantly they are pretty difficult to confuse with a Black Legion Army.


How do I highlight the Characters and Terminators to maintain the distinctiveness, while separating them from the RAF? I could use metal rims etc, but I'm afraid they might start looking like the Black legion. I could use lots of DA bling.


Any suggestions?


Comments and Criticism on a postcard please


Thanks for continuing to look guys.





You could brighten the highlights, or make them verge towards a purple-blue, which could be very cool. :)

You could also base them with big chunks of buildings to make them bigger = more obvious than normal marines.

If I think of anything else I'll let ya know. :)

"'...for the extra color I think a really really really really dark green that hilights out to a really bright green on the edges to sort of shock them in to life as it is, bright green eyes to.....' Does this refer to your earlier comment about adding more colour to the heads and shoulders of the marines?"


Yes, and I just meant on the shoulder trim you could add color that looks higlights out to look like its almost glowing, truly you could use any color you like or none at all! Its all up to you. However for the terminators mabe make them have plauge spread were they step or somthing equally or more evil. :devil:

Alrighty then.....


So a little progress made.


A new termi in the works. Not sure if he'll replace exisitng ones, or be the start of a new squad, but this is the beginnings of the icon bearer.


He still needs chains and a tabard.




And a head.




The Marine




The banner




as always, comments and criticism welcome.





i seriously hope that banner counts as a power fist.. because i doubt anyone would like to get hit by the business end of it...


base wise i think a mix of both industrial ash and city fight would work.. ie dark ground and damaged industrial rubble.. although i will say that neither will draw attention to the models very much.. i personally use light colours for dark models as it makes them stand out a bit more.. for instance my fallen army is done on "plainsworld" bases ie a mix between desert like colours and bits of scrub (scorched grass) due to the fact that it is quite a contrast to the models themselves it makes them "pop" more.

  • 4 months later...

My, how time flys when you're...uhmmm.... doing other stuff....


OK, I busted my terminators out last weekend and got quite a chunk of painting done on them, before I post them though, I thought I'd ask a question.


For those that are old enough - or have access to old White Dwarves/Compendiums etc, my favourite paint scheme for the Dark Angel Terminators was from the RT/2nd Edition article about terminators. As I recall, they were fully black, with Red insignia, and gold on the bars on the legs.


Course, that meant a very black model, with maybe 6 lines of gold per model. Move forward to present day, and the new Chaos Terminators (which I love) have way more detail and embellishments. Which brings me to my question.


Given that I want Fallen Angels, and not something confused with the Black legion, should I paint the trim on the armour gold? silver? Or keep it black like the RAF troopers.


Answers on a postcard please.


(I hope to get photos up this weekend, but I'm going on a road trip in search of good BBQ, so we'll see how that goes.)





I'm amazed that this thread eluded my eyes for so long. I Love it! :lol:


My thoughts... Don't use the gold. It might add some nice contrast but these are the Fallen not The Sons of Horus here. Lol... I would think to maybe chaos up your troops a bit more as it could be easily confused for loyalists even with the paint scheme. :)



Thanks for the comments guys...


@icallitsoda - Thanks - it was fun to do. All though in all honest, that Daemon Prince made a break for freedom when I was leaving one of my local GWs - and that sword (along with the rest of the guy) is now in pieces. He will be remade, but he looks very sad right now.


@ Inquisitor =D= - Cheers mate. I think it's probably eluded you cos I rarely get enough done to warrant an update, which means the htread generally languishes several pages from the front :huh:


So - taking Inquisitor =D= 's advice, I didn't use gold. I used silver. I'm still not 100% sure about it as I think it is too much silver for the Fallen. Here are my


Question of the Day


1. Should I leave the trim on the shoulders silver, or paint them black (Compare the Aspiring Champion with the third trooper)



Other than that, I may go back and repaint the chapter icons - I am thinking a Terminator Squad is worthy of the same corrupted Dark Angel Symbol that the Daemon Prince got. There is obviously much more detail to be added - this is really just a first blast at it. And the skin will not remain purple - it has two or three more layers taking it through grey to rotting flesh to go.


Anyways, see what you think....




Aspiring Champion












And of course the Heavy Weapons Specialist






As always, comments and criticism welcome.





You know I think that silver may have given these fallen the look they were going for. Its subtle but eye catching none the less. I do think the man with the claws could use a little less silver but thats me :devil: .


I do agree with the above thought of another highlight to make it "pop".



Thanks guys,


@JetfireUK - yeah - I still have a couple more highlights i want to do on the flesh, so hopefully it'll come into its own soon. Although I may well leave it slightly more purple than I do normally - as you say it goes well with the black.


@Inquisitor =D= - Thanks - yeah, the guy with claws is one of the main reasons I was concerned with using the silver (the other squad uses the older terminator lord as the aspiring champion, and again it may be too ornate) - I will do up a test mini with silver below the chest, but black shoulders and see how that looks.


Appreciate the comments guys.





  • 8 months later...

Thanks aeroplane...


You just saved me the trouble of necro-ing this thread myself :)


I don't have any new photos right now cos I've been away from the hobby for a bit... but I have recently picked up glue and plastic so there are a few things in the work...


On the table right now is a non-Daemon Prince Lord. It's still a work in progress thoguh, so we'll see what happend.


Thanks for commenting though.





  • 1 month later...



This thread has been dead WAY too long, so its about time I didn some work to it. Thanks to COCIII, I finally got some work done.


I've been working on a Lord and a command squad to ride with him in a Landraider. The Landraider still has to be bought, and I need to finish the fluff on these guys, but keep looking for progress on that.


Lord and Squad








Close up




Squad Members


Aspiring Champion




Close Up




Close Combat Specialist - Finesse




Heavy Weapons Specialist




Close Combat Specialist - Brute Force




They're not finished, and yes, I will drill the weapons.


Other than that C&C welcome :P






Edit - 2 things...


1. The chest plate on the Lord isn't as squint as the photo makes it look.


2. Does the aspiring champion look like he's leaning too much, or is it natural enough?





Loving the command squad.


As for the bikes, there's alot of little things you could probably do to chaos them up. Tatter the feathers, take off the purity seals(or replace them with the word bearers ones, I can't recall the name right now.) And maybe try to mask some of the DA Icons, as I don't think the Fallen are too keen on being associated with them. 1 or 2 spiky chains wouldn't go amiss either.


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