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FW Nurgle Dreadnought-DONE, new and better pics :)


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So this is a current small project, it might take a bit because I have so many different things to do, but never the less this is the "quick" paint job done for fun(and my friend didnt want it anymore so Im painting it for sale)


AND YES I will actually finish this thing :tu:


Anyways first we have the head, simple stuff so far, not much done but ive tried some simple weathering techniques(battle chipping)




Here we have the legs which you cant see well and the base....my friend bugged me about the gap so ill fix that so its more streamline, and i might change the rim colour, again practiced weatheirng techniques, this time the european style on the pipe, and then the "liney" weathering on the legs, however since i hate that style i made mine less obvious







@lunchbox....im starting to think you missed the seriousness of my comment! the surface is too large for the amount of freehand you had, you need more freehand on his crotch blanket! :D


@Bjorn, i think the pipe being"in the way" will help direct peoples attention upwards away from the legs, however once i have him together more i may decided to turn him as you mention


@MCA, thanks!, will do :D

***this is ACTUALLY me this time...*



so i should be able to paint some tommorow, i finally got the final piece filled(damn back pack was offset in the moulding) i can prime and glue it on tommorow, then its all quick and dirty after that! oh...and fill the gap in the base tommorow...blast.....


i should have a basing tutorial up sometime tommorow i think, ill expand on it and cover several types of bases that are quick, simple, and effective



a Preview of what the final result can look like



@lunchbox....im starting to think you missed the seriousness of my comment! the surface is too large for the amount of freehand you had, you need more freehand on his crotch blanket! :rolleyes:



I'm just razzin' ya a little...I keep staring at "your" beach towel...I think it's gonna go bye-bye soon...it's...well...it looks like a damn beach towel. Don't you have some turbo-mice to paint? :teehee:

Just a small update with a mediocre photo, working on the metallics, did a bit on the actual armour, did some pinning but its not in the photo...still need to pick out the bone details gloss the red stuff(maybe do a bit more painting on them first)


i need to find a better colour for weathering metallics, maybe ill use my pigments






hello Starks! ^^

oh, my god...

this is a quick paintjob...can't believe, that's really nice!


Would you mind to tell me how do you paint the nurgle? I really wonder....


anyway, I'm looking forward your result of your very good model :P



*My english is not very good...



hahah no no this isnt GD worthy(neither was my skaven actually....)


its 90% sculpt, 10% paint job that makes this kind of model look good on the quick job level...it will be on ebay when complete


anyways as to how i did it:


P3 paints


beasthide(kinda like graveyard) basecoat


take brush, spread the hairs a bit, take menoth white base(its a bone like colour) and paint on with the hairs split so it paints on in streaks, do this randomly..i find it looks WAAAAYYYY more authentic than painting on actual lines


thornwood green(like a duller catachan) apply around certain areas you want to greeny/mold up


skorne red base or highlgiht(its like a red gore i guess but more purpley) apply around wounds or things you would think would be red?


battlefield brown, mix in some purple(liche or the p3 variant) a tiny bit, along with some menoth white base and then wash to shade the armour


highlight by adding menoth white highlight(brighter bleached bone) to menoth base


weathering with bestial brown and battlefield and black


highlight red fleshy parts by adding bronzed flesh and elf flesh and a touch of white


**edit flesh parts have also (just) been touched with khador red base, a very nice bright red...it will be shown in the next photo, adds more bloodyness to it





Thanks for you telling me how to paint it...

Actually, what techniques have you used on the models?

Because when I looking at your work, the colours makes me feels wonderful, it's different then me, of course ME, lol I dont know how to explain it,

if you can teach me how and what techniques that you have been used , it's ll be more better for me... :P


Anyway, looking froward your result of this model! (how many % of this model now?)


thanks buddy!


*thanks forgive my english=)



Thanks for you telling me how to paint it...

Actually, what techniques have you used on the models?

Because when I looking at your work, the colours makes me feels wonderful, it's different then me, of course ME, lol I dont know how to explain it,

if you can teach me how and what techniques that you have been used , it's ll be more better for me... :P


Anyway, looking froward your result of this model! (how many % of this model now?)


thanks buddy!


*thanks forgive my english=)




ill make a small step-by-step tutorial for you Mike, its quite easy to do, and fun because you get to use so many colours and dont have to do much blending!


oh and im only at about 30%, mostly because the basecoating is a PAIN!!!



Thanks you first!=D

Is that really easy? no many blending is good (cause I dont know how to blending :P )


30%, that's good,

if I were you, I think I'm just 5% :sweat:


I'm waiting for your tutorial !!^^


looking forward your result again!


thank you.



Ok heres the firts three steps:


Basecoat with browny colour:




Next take your brush and spread the bristles:




Then take your beige paint, thin it down to a nice consistency(but not transparent so about the same as you would to do a fast basecoat->milky consistency) make sure the bristles are still spread, and then paint on in lines, this will create the streaky effect...MAKE CERTAIN there isnt too much paint on the brush otherwise it wont go on streaky





ill continue in a bit, i just need to change the water pots, put paint on my palette and maybe take a shower :P




Step 4


take catachan green and apply randomly around borders and edges, to look like mold




Step 5


take battle field brown and do the same while also covering all the "damaged areas




Step 6


take your beige colour, add in the highlight colour and cover the beige areas, try not to cover too much of the green or brown, if you put on a thinner coat you can cover the green and bowna dn have it still show through a bit


NOTE i did this because im using zenithal lighting(from above) so the toes are brighter than the legs due to the fact light affects them differently




Step 7


highlight the upper parts of the beige with a brighter version(this photo is exaggerated in photoshop to you the step better), apply this highlight in two layers a thicker washes, it will help blend it in a bit if you want to




Step 8http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.php?showtopic=117726&st=15&gopid=1361761


take your base colour(light brown) and wash towards the bottom of the toes starting around the middle(never cover the whole thing), this helps create contrast, also go around the borders




Step 9


mix purple and blue with dark brown and then do the same as step 8 while also covering the "damaged" areas




Step 10


take bestial brown and apply "lines" to creat rusty effects, also go over the "damaged" areas, thin the paint out a lot more and apply to an area and it will stain it







Left to Right- Top:


Liche Purple(GW), Midnight Blue(GW), Catachan Green(GW), Chaos Black(GW), Menoth White Base(P3), Fair Highlight(RMS), Boltgun Metal(GW)


Bottom Row:


Sanguine Base(P3), Sanguine Highlight(P3), Bronzed Flesh(GW), Battlefield Brown(P3), Bestial Brown(GW), Beast Hide(P3), Mithril Silver(GW)




the trickiest part would be getting your paint consistencies right to do the washes, they have to be thinner so they dont completely cover the layer underneath


hope this helps a bit



Oh, thank you so much...

This is a very good tutorial, thanks

I'll try this on my Chaos...^^

I think it'll be fun, haha!


I got some questions:


1) Do I need spread the bristles for painting the catachan green(or any others colours)?

2) Can you tell me what colour is beige? (kinda like GW bleached bone?)

3) How much water do you used to thin your paints?


I wish you can answer me.


Thanks a lot, buddy!=D



Oh, thank you so much...

This is a very good tutorial, thanks

I'll try this on my Chaos...^^

I think it'll be fun, haha!


I got some questions:


1) Do I need spread the bristles for painting the catachan green(or any others colours)?

2) Can you tell me what colour is beige? (kinda like GW bleached bone?)

3) How much water do you used to thin your paints?


I wish you can answer me.


Thanks a lot, buddy!=D





1) no, the bristle technique is only to paint the "lines" with the beige


2)i list all my colours at the end of the tutorial(included is the picture of my palette) its P3's Menoth white base, which is close to bleached bone, except I think its a bit more yellowy/browny than bleached bone


3)this is something you need to teach yourself, you want your paint transparent for washes, so very thin, while you want it a bit thicker for basecoating and painting on the beige





I really need to learn how to do a wet palette. All of you good painters seem to use one. :)



heres a tutorial on making one(by me):


Wet Palette


make sure your parchment paper is a bit smaller than your towel though, it helps





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