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Dante conversion with sculpting


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cheers mort, i was going to comment on that but chose to ignore it figuring youd get to it eventually.

as he said guys, its not legal. we are aloud to make them for our own purposes but thats about it (i work for GW now so have all the paperwork on such things)


as for updates, well hes finished! i'll be posting pics of him along with my WIP mephy :D oh and a fully painted tactical squad :o

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i thaught that if you changed the item over 50% then it was no long IP of GW. so if he is making he head himself then its in now way IP of gw, so they can no more complain about it than they could about any other model company that makes heads.
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HJL -you're partly correct.

If you scratch build a model and base it on the intellectual property of GW- it is still the IP of GW.


However, If its just a head, then you are correct - as a generic head has no intellectual property rights associated with it unleeeeess- its a head that is recognisable as the image of Dante - or distributed/sold as Dante's head. In which case its in breach of IP.


Either way - regardless of the IP, B&C do not condone the use of the forums for distribution of anything- other than swanky BnC stuff - found here

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guys, off of the discussion now okay?

but as a quick reference, your wrong, im a GW employee, which means anything i make for the hobby comes under GW IP now, they have rights and could decide to use anything i make if they so wished. therefore, its a big no no okay?


anyway on topic....



(this ones older but cant get a pic of him atm, as hes at the store...)


also, if you want to... keep your eyes peeled, i'll be creating a new thread in the next week or so with big updates on the overall army <_<

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okay tut will be here, no pictures right now as im near enough done sculpting the next project :devil: so having nothing to take picturs of for explaining :P


i'll start with some simple bits of sculpting advice, let me make it clear im no master of sculpting and im still learning myself, therefore if anyone here has better advice please chime in :D.


sculpting tips for me:

keep your tool and your fingers well lubricated, id advice vaseline or saliva for this, water isnt good as it obscures details and confuses the eye.

make the general shape you want before placing it onto the model THEN get your tool and finish of shaping it to fit the model properly.

only work on one thing at a time, if you dont i PROMISE you'll ruin other areas.

TAKE YOUR TIME its not a race so just go slow, for instance, when i make hands, i make a mitten with no thumb, then slice half way down 3 times to form fingers, i then wait for that to cure before i start on the armored part over the hand, then the thumb once all that is dry, takes longer but looks better for it.


like i said, im still a noob myself, ive done 3 sculpts at 40k scale, and they all used marine bodies and bits as basis. ive done one at inquisitor scale that was more scratch made, everyone can learn and everyone that can do a bit can get better :P


to make dante all you need are:

a nice head (i used assault termi head)

an arm for each side, without gloves, its better to sculpt them as dantes are quite arty looking.

torso with the single skull on it, this is because its much easier to remove that than a complete aquila

some legs (assault marine or normal, either way you'll be re-posing it most likely)

an axe, assault squad or space wolves

bolt pistol and a melta gun

jump pack

iron halo from devastator servo skull


tools needed:

sculpting tool

pin vice

a knife

a file


green stuff


i always start with the torso on models, but before that, i recommend you sketch out what you want him to look like, this makes life SO much easier when your working on him. for the torso, cut off the skull and cables from the stomach. then put a small square of GS on the cable area, split it into 4 and flatten edges to form the lower half of a six pack (upper half is under that massive chest plate he wears) for the chest make a long flat strip and cover the chest, then cut that to a sorta 'pectoral' shape, wait for that to dry

for the legs, pose them as desired, then get your knife and file ready, you need to make the boots of his armour thin, so it looks like the general shape of leg muscles (thinner near the ankle wider at the calf) then smooth some GS over those areas and shape the ankle to look like its got a bit of armour on it.

wait for that to dry as well.

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okay, hope this helps!

step 1:


remove and clean any area you want to sculpt on, here ive removed a skull from wings (didnt do this with dante as the wips show, but if you can do it DO IT)

Step 2


1 blob of greenstuff

Step 3


remove any excess to make it roughly the right shape.

Step 4


use the flat of the sculpting tool to press an indent into the bottom of the drop, by using the flat it makes the blood drop itself seem raised

Step 5


do the same on each side making sure the 'gem blood drop' in the middle comes to a sharp point while the 'gold rim' does not


there we go, one very quick and easy way to make blood drops (around 2 min job)

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  • 3 months later...

You're working on a mephiston as well. Hmmm.... I didn't know anyone was ever going to do something about him, so I started a WIP thread for it. You'll have to go through a few pages to find it, But I'll try and race you :)


I'm not as good as you still.....

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I've been lurking on this post for a while now, and all i have is praise. But my thirst to see your version of mephisotn has driven me to demand it also be posted lol. really i just want more inspiration for building articifer armor that is supposedly so common within the BA. I've already checked your army trhead and love it, but any more pointers/ideas would be great.
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I have to say i;ve been following this threat for quite some time now and overall i'm highly impressed! Thanks for the tips on the blood drops btw. I'm in the process of getting an army together (2nd hand mostly i'm afraid) but i think i will get so GS and start doing shoulder pads etc. This is a really good thread, keep it up!
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Wow, good job man Dante looks great! A superb conversion!!

Though I personally prefer this face for our liege lord (I've got a feeling people are gonna kill me for this comment):



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  • 7 months later...


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