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How to make Tzeentchy obliterators?


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I am planning to include some Obliterators in my Thousand Sons army, but want them to fit the style of the army, and don't think the standard oblits fit the bill.


I was thinking of maybe converting some Silver Towers Of Tzeentch, or something similar, but afraid it might look too weird (if thats possible with Tzeentch).


Any ideas of thoughts?



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I think it's hard to do "thousand sons"-style obliterators, because obliterators are merged marine and armor and the sons don't even have a body anymore. So maybe a more "demonic" approach might be the way to go.


I have no idea what a silver tower of tzeentch is but i'd just change some of the heads and add some random "lord of change"-style stuff. The new chaos spawns have a bird/tzeentch head. And maybe something like this growing out of their bodies. Or screamer tails and flamer arms as ccw. A head i found in the khemri range and though fits well with obliberators.

But as a rule of thumb i'd say as long as it has tentacles, burns and has a beak it should sufficiently look like tzeentch.

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I couldn't find a pic of these towers and I don't have any idea what they are


I have no idea what a silver tower of tzeentch is


Google excists for a reason, guys. :confused:


Silver Towers were Tzeentchian war machines in Epic 40K. They consisted of a floating silvery tower covered in golden minarets and with big guns sticking out of the walls (crewed by 18 Sorcerers inside or something like that, if I'm not mistaken).


I've always assumed that Silver Towers were about twice the size of a Land Raider, but a smaller version of them would look great as Tzeentchy obliterators .... maybe a Silver Shed with only two sorcerers inside? :wub:

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I had exactly the same problem and decided to say, that the unit is some kind of mighty daemon, who has a lot of magic power which consults in various forms of energy it shoots across the battlefield.

I'm now in the progress of converting it and it will be based on this mini:



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Don't think of the obliterators as ruberic drones, think of them as super-sorcerers.

Powerfist = Force Weapon

Weapon Arms = mutated, energy-belching limbs, familiars or modeled powers


I think it would be cool to use the terminator lord/sorcerer kit as a base and work from there. Mutate one of the arms with, say, the flame blast arm from the possessed. Make swirly energy tendrils out of GS and have them wrap and flow around the weapon arm (let the Gs set up a bit so it has some strength and you can lace it around the arm without it touching it all over, making like a cage of energy, or arcs of electricity)


Having the obliterators as sorcerers so wrapped up in the dark arts that they;re no longer human would fit perfectly with both tzeentch and obliterator style. Think about it, protected by invulnerable saves, they teleport in under their own power, able to fire off devastating blasts of energy (and, hey! They're so good at it they don't even need psychic tests and can't be blocke dby pathetic human or eldar gimmickry) and wield weapons that can instantly kill most foes. Their focus on their ranged powers makes them a little slow in the assault, however (powerfist initiative penalty) and they can't instantly destroy creatures quite as powerful as a normal sorcerer (but still insta-kills T4 or less, which covers most things)

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  • 1 year later...

I havent got any close up pictures of my scratchbuilt Tzeentch obliterators, but i have a picture from a tournament where i used them.

My army is being changed from standard chaos parts to a more egyptian tzeentchian chaos. So i have created a pyramid defiler and after that created my pyramid obliterators. They are of course bigger then a standard obliterator. Its also not a correct pyramid as the height is larger then normal.

They are built from plasticard, greenstuff and chaos predator gunbarrels.



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