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My Land Raider Variants (PV?)

Brother Morgan

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  • 3 weeks later...

Here's the second Quad Multi Melta sponson completed:




This is what the finished Grim Reaper Achilles looks like:




Just to continue with all of my LR conversions in one place, here's some shots of the finished LR Hades:












I'm now moving onto my next terrain project : An Imperial Space Marine Outpost.


I'll come back to LR's when the outpost is completed.


Till then, Regards, Brother Morgan.

I kind of agree with RedMoon. Looks GREAT, just VERY over the top. What I would suggest if it isn't too late is to think of the side sponson rockets as a way to reload the four rockets on the hulls. As in, create a machinery, conveyer belt or something that grabs the sponson rockets and shoots them from the top?

Or better yet? Think of the Sisters of Battle Organ Gun for a second. You already have the four rockets on the top.. have like 6 rockets pointing up and located where the steam vents at the back are and add a re-loading mechanism, which puts the extra rockets from the back..


Make the side sponsons... hunter-killer missiles?

  • 3 weeks later...

Just placed an order for the new Chapter House Studios Iconoclast Conversion Kit for the Space Marine Land Raider as a birthday present from my boys.




I'm looking forward to seeing the quality of the bits. Has anyone else ordered and used this kit yet? I'd love to see any others that have been made.


I'll update this article when I get it from America.


Regards, Brother Morgan.

  • 1 month later...

Had a horrible surprise today. I was excited as Royal Mail had left a card on Thursday saying they were unable to deliver a package and to come and collect it from the sorting office. I went this morning to collect the package to be advised that I had to pay £12.73 in charges. As the model parts were above £15.00 and came from the USA, customs had charged me an import tax and Royal Mail had then charged me £10.00 for supposedly opening and repackaging and handling fee. The original box has not been touched by Royal Mail. With today's exchange rate, the parts cost me £15.90 plus a further £5.60 postage and packaging and now a further £12.73 as well! This value for money resin parts has now become rather expensive.


Through gritted teeth, I asked if I could pay by card only to find they only accept cash or cheque! Royal Mail don't seem to work in the 21st century. As I don't carry cheques (last wrote one a few years ago) and didn't have cash on me ( bear in mind the original card made no mention that 1) there was going to be a charge and 2) they only accept cash or cheque) I now need to visit the bank.


As I was leaving I asked why the card didn't advise me of this, I was told that the postman had made a mistake.


I have sent a stinking email to Royal Mail Customer Services (that title made me laugh!) but don't expect much in a way of apology or refund/waiving of fees as they seem to be more interested in profit than customer service. I work in the banking industry and we are vilified for charges, but at least bank customers can move their accounts. Royal Mail's almost monopoly means I have no choice but to use them.


When I pick up the parcel tomorrow, I will update the thread with my opinions of the quality of the Chapterhouse product (depending on whether Wales win the Grand Slam or not :D ) So far, I am not a happy bunny! Bought on 6th of Feb (item instock) as a birthday present to myself. Not dispatched until 24th of Feb. Notified on 15th of March of arrival and then having to pay almost the whole cost again in charges!!!


Please use my cautionary tale as a warning for purchases over £15.00 for imports outside of the EU.


Regards, an annoyed Brother Morgan!

  Machinator said:
Thanks Brother Morgan, I thought the limit was higher then that.


I have my own problems with the Royal Mail, they lose about 10% of the packages I send to the UK. :P


No worries Tom! I don't know much about import tax but it does seem unfair that if you purchase goods £0.01p above £15.00, you get a 20% charge on the TOTAL and not the extra!


The parts were worth 25$ and 9$ p&p. I cannot get my head around that as 34$ was written on the customs sticker, I have to pay tax on the p&p for the parts to be sent to the UK?? In my head, I should only need to pay the tax on the cost of the goods. Why does 34$ go on the customs sticker rather than the actual cost of the model 25$?????????

  • 3 months later...

After finishing my Imperial Space Marine Outpost and being sidetracked by some 10cm high Space Marines, I have come back to my first love of 40k - Converting Land Raiders!!


I remember reading the original WD introducing the kit bash of the Land Raider Spartan years ago. As my only source of income then was my 2 paper rounds, I could never afford to buy another LR to make the conversion myself.


With the reintroduction of the FW version of the Spartan, I thought I would give it a go myself. I'm sure I can create a cool looking version at a fraction of the

I have a feeling no matter what you do with your Spartan assault tank, it's going to be awesome!


For the 'mini raider' I would build it into a full on SM battle tank. Seriously, the Predator is a light/medium tank. Make your mini-raider into a full on heavy/battle tank! It would be like an escort tank for a Fellblade :(

  • 4 weeks later...

With regards to the mini LR, I'm thinking (ebay permitting) of getting a large Titan size melta/plasma/heavy flamer weapon (preferably a heavy flamer) and mounting this onto a LR. The mini LR will be linked to the back of the normal LR and will be used as an additional fuel container (a bit like the WW2 Crocodile). Thats for the future, for now:


Some progress on the Spartan. Both tracks have been completed and mounted.


Here's what I decided to do with the powerplant. As the Spartan is much larger than a normal LR, I thought, I'd double the power. The obligatory Adeptus Mechanicus logo has been added to the engine.


This shows the side profile of the engine and the vents I have added to the side of the engine. I plan on adding some fans at the top to suck air in to the engines to finish this part of the build.


Here's a WIP shot of the front. I have decided to use a Large Imperial Eagle to cover the front assault ramp and the FW Terminator LR Top hatch. I wish I hadn't stuck the 45degree white bits of plasticard at the side before I stuck the front ramp section to the rest of the LR. I thought I'd save time and effort in doing this but, if I get them off now, they will leavy ugly glue marks that I won't be able to hide that well. Therefore, I now have a bit more work to do with plasticard. Oh, the joys of scratchbuilding/converting!!!!!


This shot shows the profile of how far I decided to make the front assault ramp stick out past the tracks.


Shot from the front. You can see the Chapterhouse resin Heavy Bolter holder as well as the FW Top Ramp. More plasticard will be used to box in the gaps.

I would like your opinions on 3 things please my fellow B&Ccolleagues.

1) What should I do with the top of the Spartan? The current FW version is completely different to the original kit bash. I'm leaning towards the original one that had a Rhino Top Hatch to allow the terminators to fire the (very flimsy) pintle mounted heavy bolters (1 at the front and 1 at the rear). This also seems more practical as if you had the whole Chapter (ok 25 marines!!) needing to get out, the more exits the better. What do you think?

2) What shall I do with the sides? I originally intended to use the Chapethouse Iconclast sponson, but after dry fitting it, I didn't think it fitted my idea of what the Spartan should look like. So I now have 3 Side hatches to fill and would like your suggestions. Should I place the weapon in the front hatch and then have 2 side hatches per side? I was thinking of making the 2 rear hatches into a much larger Assault Ramp (similar to the front one) but I don't know from a gaming or aesthetic point of view whether I should? What are your thoughts?

3) Sponson weapons. How should I arm this? The original used the original LR Twin Las Cannon (1 on top of other rather than side by side on newer versions), but the FW version now has a Quad Las Cannon sponson instead. I have already made a Quad Las Cannon (see earlier in this thread) but don't know whether to use it or use the more modern Twin Las Cannon sponson and keep with the original weapons payload.

Decisions, decisions!!!

Your thoughts would be welcomed.

Regards, Brother Morgan.

No comments then!?! I'll just plough on then with what I think looks the best.


This shows a size comparison with another of my "wrong way around" LR's. It looks a lot larger than a normal sized LR and should allow the 25 SM to fit inside comfortably. I've added more plasticard at the front to finish that view (apart from a few rivets to be completed towards the end of the build).


This shows how much longer the Spartan is to a normal LR. I have decided to use a large Crux Terminatus logo to partially cover both side entrances. More updates to follow shortly.

Comments and critiques welcome as always.

Regards, Brother Morgan.

  • 1 year later...

Apologies for the Threadomancy, but I have finally started to paint my Land Raider variants and wanted to get some feedback. The Spartan in my previous post has not progressed further and is awaiting some love to finish building it. Perhaps in a couple of months after my painting bug gets out of my system!!!


With out further ado, here's the first Land Raider I want to sink my teeth into.......




The construction of this back to front (WW1 style) Assault Land Raider can be found earlier in this blog. I want to paint larger flames than I have been currently doing on my fellblades, so after cutting out some templates out of Tamiya masking tape, I spent a lot of time adding them over the top and the sides, ensuring the flames flowed over the sponson weapons as well .




This shot was taken after some VMA Fire Red was airbrushed over the top parts of the flames and then some VMA Orange over the middle parts of the flames. Only some VMA Yellow needed to be added at the bottom of the flames to complete the effect.




This shows the flames on the left hand side of the LR after the template was removed (and a bit of VMA black painted with a brush to remove any over spray). Before I started adding any weathering washes, I blocked in the basecoat colours on the Crux Terminator logo and the other parts of the LR not covered in flames.




This shows the base coated front view. It looks a bit yellow at this point, but with a bit of weathering, this will tone down.




This shows the plan view. I think the flames look great flowing over the LR in this shot. In an ideal world, I would do another set of flames closer to the front to give a more realistic look, but with the inevitable over spray from the airbrush, I thought best not too.




The rear of the LR. I want to add some purple and blue wash to the exhaust stacks (to show heat on metal), followed by some rust and then an airbrush on VMA Black to give the effect of Carbon on the end of the exhausts.


More to follow..................


Regards, Brother Morgan.

I remember seeing this thread waaay back! Didn't realise it was yourself though. I'm watching your assault raider progress closely as I recent my bought a converted raider that had been turned around so to speak. I'm in the process of bringing it more in line with my army's aesthetic but seeing all these variants here makes me want to build more tanks!! I should have been an Iron Warrior lol.


Great work on the flames etc look forward to seeing it completed.

  • 2 weeks later...

Assault LR progress:


Before adding a black oil wash over the rivets and Crux Terminator logo, I gave the whole LR a coat of Matt Varnish through the airbrush to assist the next stage in the painting process. After the black oil wash was added and another track wash from AK Interactive, I cleaned the excess oil with some white spirit. This wash was allowed this to dry and then I gave it another coat of matt varnish to protect the paint work. Then I moved onto the weathering................




This shows the front view after VMA Black and Army Painter Gun Metal was sponged along the edges. I highlighted the skull on the Crux logo and added some red to the "jewels". I just need to add a small amount of rust to finish this view.




This gives a slightly higher front view. I'm awaiting parts for the weapon mount before I can finish the construction and painting of this view. The cupola and hatch will have the flame painted to ensure it matches the rest of the painted flames.




This shows the right hand side after weathering. I tried to match the flames across the sponson weapon




... and this shows the left hand side.




You can see the front assault ramp in this shot. I just need to sponge a small amount of rust over the exposed metal tread to finish this view.




A close up of the Vulcan Mega Bolter Sponson after it was weathered.




The completed Adeptus Mechanicus logo on the exhausts. You can see the purple and blue wash I have added to the exhaust stacks in this shot. Once dry, I'll add some rust and then airbrush some soot out of the end of the exhaust stacks.


I'll add some more shots after the new parts arrive and this project is completed.


Here's a sneak peak of another Land Raider project I've started......




This is the Storm Shield of my Hell Cannon Land Raider. There are lots of skulls and flames on this LR - my legion's favourite icons!!!!!


Assault LR finally finished:




I airbrushed the front turret to match the flame colours of the rest of the front.




This gives a close up of the Twin Redeemer Cannons. I have added some magnets to the turret and cannons so the weapons can be swopped if needs be in the future.




You can just make out the purple wash on the end of barrels to mimic hot metal. I probably went overboard with the airbrush spraying black to mimic carbon scorching on the end of the barrels.




This shows the front ramp after weathering and rust had been added. I deliberately didn't add to much weathering to this Land Raider. Sponging is so quick and effective. When I finish all my projects, I intend going back over my 1987-2010 Space Marine collection and giving all the vehicles a small amount of weathering.




The engine after rust, weathering and carbon scorching on the end of the exhausts had been added.




I sprayed a small amount of black above the vents at the front to mimic smoke damage. The black oil/turps wash around the rivets really works well. I was considering "dribbling" rust vertically from some rivets, but a) I didn't have the nerve and b) I didn't have the time. I have plenty more to get one with.


New projects........


Land Raider Hellhound




I made this a couple of years ago after seeing the FW Hellhound when it first came out. Rather than masking the flames, I used thin plasticard and milliput to make the flames (to give a more 3D impact). It was easier to airbrush the flames from a white undercoat on this project BUT I have now had to spend a lot of time painting the rest of the armour black. Normally, I undercoat in black and then using templates and masking tape, airbrush white over the area I wish to put a flame. I don't know which is quicker!!


This front shot shows the main colours, with a black oil/turps wash over rivets etc. I'm waiting for this to dry a bit before I remove any excess black oil with a clean brush and turps.




This give an enemy view of the front of the LR. I can see I missed a few rivets with the black oil wash and will need to remedy this. Weathering and the lights still need to be painted on this view.




This shows the front right quadrant of the LR. I can't wait for black oil wash to dry, be cleaned up and then varnished before I start the weathering process. I think this LR is going to turn out fab!!!! The sponson has had a rectangle magnet added to it. I have made plenty of different sponson weapons (with a washer added to ensure the weapons all stick to the magnet - don't have to worry about polarity issues then :) ) that I have started to paint. This LR will have Twin Redeemer Flame throwers in the sponsons and front turret.




This shows the converted fuel tank at the rear (taking up the passenger compartment). It started live as a kids pencil sharpener and I added a few embellishments to 40k it!


The black oil wash needs to be cleaned up and after varnishing, I plan on adding some rust and streaking to give a more weathered look than I have tried before. This will be fun!




This is the rear of the LR. The large Adeptus Mechanicus logo covers the hole of the pencil sharpener. I added some pipes and wheels to give it a bit more realism. Again, all of these will be rusted in the future. The track will have my usual tread wash from AK Interactive added, varnished and then rust and metal weathering to finish it off.


Honoured Imperium LR




As I had my airbrush out painting the hellhound LR, I thought I may as well start painting a second project at the same time. This is my Honoured Imperium LR. I converted one of the Honoured Imperium statues, extended the width of the LR to accommodate the statue on top, added plasticard flames over the front and sides and then used Machinators treads "wrapped" around. Totally impractical in real life BUT 40k is not real life!!!


I ran out of Vallejo Model Air Yellow in the process of spraying the flames, so I have ordered some more and am waiting for it to arrive in the post. Once it does, I'll give the rest of the flames on the front and sides a quick blast to finish the flames. A Vulcan Mega Bolter has been recessed into the front turret.




A bit more yellow at the bottom and the flames will be finished. The Imperial Eagle was cut out of thin plasticard and carefully glued to the side of another shaped piece of plasticard. I'm in two minds on what colour to paint the Imperial Eagle - either weathered gold (like on my second fellblade) or a white marbled effect. The gold will be quicker but I think the white marble will be more striking. What do others think?




This is the statue in the process of being painted. For storage sake, the whole statue and bed of skulls comes off. I had to remove the shield from the original kit and then using milliput, sculpted another arm and hand. I wanted the statue to be holding a double handed sword. I decided to paint it up in my normal colours rather than a gold statue. I still don't know mind????




This shows the finished flames on the statues left leg....




...... and his right shoulder pad.


Any comments/critiques welcome as always.

  • 2 weeks later...

Update time:


Land Raider Hellhound:


I just finished my LR Hellhound:




I armed the LR with 6 Redeemer Flame Cannons (3 Twin variants).




Here's a close up of the front. I used sponges to add weathering and rust effects to the front. If any enemies saw this view, they would be moments away from being turned into burnt toast!!!




This shows the completed left side. Purple ink can be seen on the end of the Flame Cannon to give the illusion of heated metal.




This shows the right.




This blurry photo shows the plan. I may have gone overboard on the rust effect on the fuel tank but, what the hell!




A close up of the fuel tank.




The completed rear. I really enjoyed adding little extras here (lever, wheel and tap).




Both my little flame Land Raiders together. I can now pack these up and put in my completed model cupboard.


I deliberately magnetise the sponsons so that I can change the sponspon weapons.......




Some of the weapons that have been airbrushed VMA Fire Red, black oil washed and then matt varnished. I just need to paint the metal, black oil wash the metal, matt varnish them and then airbrush some blue "plasma glow".




Just a final shot of the Hellhound with some road kill!!!!!!


Honoured Imperium


As the painting process is done in lots of different stages (lots of waiting for varnish and oil washes to dry), I have a number of projects on the go. One of these is my Honoured Imperium Land Raider:




This shows a WIP Left side shot. I need to add a black oil wash followed by a matt varnish coat to the imperial eagle before I start adding some weathering and rust.




Here's a WIP shot of the front. The tracks need to have some AK Track effects added and once dry, I'll varnish the tracks (the track effects has a tendency to rub off and cover everything!) and start weathering.


and finally......




Another Land Raider project .... Thunder fire Cannon sponsons.


Comments/Critiques welcome.


Regards, Brother Morgan.

  • 3 weeks later...

Update time:


Finding it hard to motivate myself at the moment to get the 2 Land Raiders finished. It's to dark and I'm too tired after work to get make much progress. The weekends are also getting lost to my boys football games and other family matters. The weather has also been terrible, making it difficult to use the airbrush as well. Never mind! I didn't set myself a time scale, so get it done in little steps.


Thunderfire Land Raider




This shows the front. I've sponged on some Gun Metal to the edges and then sponged some rust on as well. The tracks had a wash of AK Interactive Track Wash and once dry, a sponging of rust. To finish this view, I need to matt varnish the whole LR and then dry brush some Gun Metal on the raised parts of the tracks where they would touch the ground.




This shows the completed Left Side. The skulls where painted White Scar white and then a sponging of VMA Black, Army Painter Gun Metal and AK Interactive Medium Rust pigment (added to some white spirit) was added. The purity seals were finished as were the jewels on the Crux Terminus. Just the matt varnish coat to finish this view.




Apologies for the blurry photo. This is the rear of the left hand side. I'm really happy with how the plasticard "3D" flames worked out. The white skull really pops in contrast to the flames.




Again, apologies for the blurry shot. The Adeptus Mechanicus logo was painted as per my usual paint scheme. A purple wash was added to the top of the exhaust stacks and once dry, the usual rust sponging was added. I just need to airbrush a touch of black at the top of the exhaust stacks to complete this shot.




3 shots in a row blurred!!!! I added extra radiator/vents at the top to assist in removing the extra fumes/heat from the inside of the Land Raider. A light rust sponging has been added. Just need to spray a small amount of black "soot" from the airbrush to finish this view.




This shows the plan view. I wish I had kept a note of the sponson plasticard measurements so I could quickly mass produce them for future conversions. I think the FW LR MK IIB sponson looks by far the best on a LR. It makes it very WW1 like! In real life, the 2 tracks are equally spaced out unlike this photo.




Finally, this shows a top view of the front. As I thought the Thunderfire Cannon Sponsons needed extra help to ensure a 100% accuracy, I added the FW LR Prometheus front and an extra targetter from a Vindicator. This was a fun build. Not much left to finish off this one......


Honoured Imperium Land Raider


My tracked tribute to a fallen Space Marine Hero....




I just need to paint some black where the "skull bed" joins the top front of the LR to finish this view. The usual sponging was done. A Matt Varnish finish, a dry brush of gun metal over the raised parts of the track and a light black airbrush on the Vulcan Mega Bolter to simulate soot deposits is needed to finish this view.




A close up of the statues feet and Vulcan Mega Bolter. I went to GW Swansea this morning to pick up some Nihilakh Oxide to try out on aging the bronze statue.




This shows the completed Left Side. I'm not 100% happy with how the verdigree turned out. I'll dry brush some Gold VMA over the statue to see if it improves it.


Rather than sticking a sponson into the hatch hole, I plan on adding some magnets to allow sponsons to be swopped.




This shows the finished rear .....




.... and the top.




A final shot of Statue.


Land Raider weapons




Here's a WIP on the Plasma and Frag Cannon turret/sponson weapons for my LR's. All of the Plasma weapons need an airbrush of black VMA on the muzzle (for soot deposits) and a light blue airbrush to give my usual "plasma glow".




Here are my Demolisher sponsons and Twin Frag Cannon sponsons. The Demolisher sponson are magnetised to allow me to swop with a Plasma Executioner should I need to. The Twin Frag Cannon sponsons are almost finished - just a brief sponging of rust on the exposed metal framework of the sponson frame and it's done!




Here's a close up of my Plasma "Hurricane" guns, quad Heavy Plasma guns, Heavy Plasma gun Turret, Plasma Executioner Turret and Twin Frag Cannon Turret. Apart from the soot and plasma glow, the only thing extra will be a light sponging of gun metal (to show some weathering) and to paint the turret part of the Twin Frag Cannons.




Finally, quad Assault Cannon's.


Till next time ..... Brother Morgan


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