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Terror wing

Brother Nihm

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Yesterday I figured that it's high time to retire my old metal terminators and indulged myself, by getting the new box of Chaos termies.

Unfortunately I, like many others, suffer from an acute case of paintwaytooslow'itis, therefore I'd like to use this topic to chronicle this project as I work myself towards the goals that I've set for myself.


My Mission: To assemble and paint 6 Chaos Terminators. (it sounds so easy ;))

Default Loadout: 1 Chainfist, 1 Powerfist, 4 Power Weapons, 6 Combi-Plasma Weapons.

Notes: all arms will be magnetized, there will be terror markings and lightning bolts as befits marines of the Night Lords legion.

Today I'll start out by selecting bits for the first two terminators, maybe preparing a base or two as well.

I will also be using this:


Which I had prepared beforehand (I got the bits for it from a friend. a few weeks ago).

Next update: in 1 hour.

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Boy, there sure is a lot of mould lines on the new plastic terminators. ;)

Anyway, one base done using sand and a piece of resin from the basing kit.

The the bits are now clean with regards to mould lines.



I had some ideas regarding repositioning of legs - to make them look like they were striding across the battlefield.

Unfortunately, the legs are so heavily ornamented that any cuts will ruin them. :mellow:

I need a short break now, afterwards I'll magnetize the torsos and weapons.

Next update: 3 hours from now.

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I havent even LOOKED at cleaning the new Chaos terminators i have, let alone what to do with them. It will be a shame that no major work will be done on the main body sections (but i do see your point about the large amount of detail).


Nice use of some of the resin pieces from the basing kits. I've accumulated so many pieces i should probably really try and start using some.

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What size magnets are you going to be using? I myself just opened my box of termies last night and you are correct there are ALOT of mould lines, going today to get a better set of files (been using a finger nail file)
3x1mm circular Neodymium magnets.

Here we go, the first terminator has been magnetized.



Next update: tomorrow.

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I was going to do the samething with my deathwing. And then i thought what would be smart is to glue a metal plate on the inside of the gw miniature box door so that all the arms can be magnatized to it. Maybe draw and print out a glossy of a organizer grid. HtH weapons grid, shooting weapons grid, maybe special character arms grid. That way you can mix and match as you set up and everything is secure and easy to find. :)
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Boy, there sure is a lot of mould lines on the new plastic terminators. :P


It's unbelievable how long it took me to remove the mould lines on my termies.

They're the bane of my life, seriously... :)

Is there a fast way to do it? I just drag the edge of my knife along them.

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If you have strong fingernails, you can usually use your thumb nail to scrape the lines off. It's a bit easier than using a knife since you have more control, but it's still a rather painstaking process.


Other than that? You can use a very fine file to file them off - it can work better, but you have the disadvantage of having to work the file into hard-to-reach places now and then.


Maybe if there was some kind of Dremel Tool-like thing with a very small head to it (like in the 4-5mm range) that you could use to smooth them down.


But yeah...all the new Chaos models have pretty bad mold lines. I've noticed them on everything in my army box - Terminators, Chaos Marines, Possessed, everything...except the old '98 Berzerkers.


Who says new molds are better?

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I use a dull craft knife, works pretty well.

But it takes time. :)


The 2nd Terminator is now 'armed' and dangerous. ;)

And his base is done as well.


Because of the time it takes to prepare a mini, I've decided that tomorrow is priming day.

I really want to get some painting done as all this fiddling around with bits is driving me nuts.

Next update: tomorrow.

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I'm liking the constant updates, just hoping that these guys get some sort of wings.

terminators dont have flight or jumpacks so I doubt will recieve wings and last I checked nihm was on the No funky winged helmets band wagon

Neph is correct, the NL winged helms aren't particular please on the eye. If you have any ideas on how else to incorporate wings, I'd like to hear them. :)

Why is the second termi's combi-bolter missing a cannon?
I thought I had 3 extra Berzerker Plasma Pistols lying around, though that turned out not to be the case.

I'll do a bit order for new ones soon. ;)

On a different note, priming in minus degrees went well.

Here's the first terminator being basecoated.


Next update: tomorrow.

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Look'en good so far.


At what point in the painting process will you add the shoulder guards to the arms. I would have though you would have done that prior to Painting. Do you mount the pieces on something while you paint them. I have a couple of contraptions (paper clips sticking out of some old bases) and I drill holes into the piece, i.e. through the bottom of a foot, and mount them until their finished.



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At what point in the painting process will you add the shoulder guards to the arms. I would have though you would have done that prior to Painting. Do you mount the pieces on something while you paint them. I have a couple of contraptions (paper clips sticking out of some old bases) and I drill holes into the piece, i.e. through the bottom of a foot, and mount them until their finished.



I paint them by hand, and will add them at the very last. :P




I'm pretty sure you know the site, but better safe than sorry. If you're up to a serious GS session then here is a tut for sculpting wings .

I know it, thanks. I'll see what I can do. I was thinking a freehand NL symbol on the pad instead though. If my hands are up for it. :)


i should have magnetized my nightlords termies but i didnt have the patients to wait for the magnets. your basecoating is far cleaner then mine nihm.
Thanks. :)


Nice progress Nihm :P


What blue are you using to base coat them?

Necron Abyss, from the foundation line. Pretty good coverage on these! (but they're smelly? :))



The first base is more or less done, I'm painting the legs at the moment, painting them before I glue them onto the base that is.

Next update: With pictures, tomorrow.



Edit: a reply got lost in the Warp.

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