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The Legion of Taurus - a Chaos Marine army log


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...and I'm back, hope you all enjoyed the festive/New Year, erm, festivities! :woot: Between this, and updating the website for our wargaming centre(feedback welcome, btw), I've not had much time to work on this army. In the meantime, thanks for you comments!


  carnage said:
Rocks are obviously very popular pets in their homeworld. Maybe thats why they wanted the mine! to gain the assistance of a new breed of living rocks! I just solved your dillema.




  Xanthier said:
Rocks for the Rock God? Suddenly I'm reminded of Galaxy Quest -


"Go for its weak spot!"

"It's a rock! It doesn't have any weak spots!"

:P That's funny! :cuss I remember that film, it was good :P But I like the 'living rock' thing, Carnage so I'll incorporate this in the Legion's fluff...


  Xanthier said:
Nice fluff by the way. I take it you'll be writing most of the fluff from the viewpoint of the Imperium then? It adds a nice amount of mystery without being too cliche, as if Imperial forces are, slowly but surely, piecing together snippets of information to try and get a bearing on who they are. Nice work.

Thanks Xanthier; yeah for the time-being it'll be carrying on in this vein, gradually all will become clear (I hope)...


  Kikunosuke said:
Ooo, I love the fluff. Looking forward to see the actual colour scheme of these bad boys.

Thanks Kikunosuke; you won't have to wait much longer for that... ;)


  rosac said:
i would say a severed head would be interesting, maybe make him look like a matador :) as for the story, i love the idea you have set for these warriors. Any chance of a khorne element?




Thanks rosac, but I decided just to leave it empty, my tribute to a classic Marine Seargeant miniature that had a similar pose. As for the Khorne element, there certainly will be one to this army, as well as (eventually) a Nurgle one...


Anyway, inspite of being busy, I've managed to do a few things by chipping away with the odd half-hour at a time:


1) I've progressed with the next Marine, a Plasmagunner:




I've gone for a different tack with this guy, rather than have him look like he's gunning away like a mad man, I imagine that someone operating such a potentially dangerous weapon would be more cautious. I've added some damage to his armour and scarring on his face to suggest that he's had to learn this the hard way...


2) I've prepped the first five Marines ready to apint, and will start on one today. Expect pics within the next 48 hours!


3) I've carried on with the fluff, to the extent where I'm having to make a map so I can get down the chronology of the history of this renegade Legion; I'll probably post this at a later date, but I'll have the next part of their Index Astartes ready to post by the end of the week.


That's it for now, thanks for looking! :) :tu:

apologies for the double post, but I forgot to mention earlier today that I've started casting the symbols which will be on the Legion's vehicles:




These have come out very well, better than the ones for I made for shoulder pad symbols which have needed a little bit of repair on them. These ones will have the horns extended with greenstuff when they're applied to the vehicles.


Anyway, I've also started painting the first Marine - here he is, just some highlights on the main bit of the shoulder pads, a wash on the horn, and the base painting: then he'll be done. I'm so pleased I decided to post this update tonight rather than in the morning! ;)




Thanks for looking, more pics soon B)

Today I finished that first Marine:




Detail of the Legion insignia (just noticed a little bit of flash on the horn, dag nabbit! :tu: ):




I started painting another Marine today, but had to break off because I noticed some ghastly mold lines on the legs (and on the others) which I thought I'd got rid off, but clearly not... :)


Anyway, more pics soon, thanks for looking! :D

I have notice when I do my marines that I tend to miss alot of flash that I thought I got rid of but doesn't show up until the highlighting stage. So I know just how you feel.


Other than that I like the background you gave and look to reading more. I like you paint scheme nice and simple

you have inspired me to do something similar - present an army inthis way, i mean :Elite:


i may use the Taurus pattern helm once or twice on my own chapter , if thats okay - and yes, ill call them firedtorm pattern ;)


a great job so far, and i cant wait for the next update!




  kyng72 said:
I have notice when I do my marines that I tend to miss alot of flash that I thought I got rid of but doesn't show up until the highlighting stage. So I know just how you feel.


Other than that I like the background you gave and look to reading more. I like you paint scheme nice and simple

Thanks kyng :) glad I'm not the only one who has this problem!


  BrotherDamascus said:
you have inspired me to do something similar - present an army inthis way, i mean ;)


i may use the Taurus pattern helm once or twice on my own chapter , if thats okay - and yes, ill call them firedtorm pattern ;)


a great job so far, and i cant wait for the next update!




Glad to have been of inspiration, BrotherDamascus! :wallbash:


Well, I've been chipping away at getting a couple more marines finished, I hoped to get another finished today but I've come down with some upleasant bug which has kept me in bed almost all day :(


Tomorrow if I'm better I'll post some pics of another finished Marine... I hope <_<

Well, it's been a slog, but I finally finished the next marine this morning:






Of this one, I'm most pleased with the blending on the skin grenade/pistol holster, although there are a couple of bits that'll I'll go over, like where the Boltgun Metal has run on to the leather gauntlets. Oh, and on the last picture that's not a horrible red dot that I accidentally put on the tip of the dagger - as I thought when I first looked at this photo! I was so shocked/appalled I went straight back to the mini to correct it; turns out there's no red dot, it is infact the tip of the horn ;)


Well, I'm busy tomorrow so I don't know when I'll get to finish the other Marine I'd been working on, but pics when I do. Thanks for looking! :ph34r:

Well, I hoped to be able to post pics today of the third Marine painted, but unfortunately a number of factors (including a attack of the dreaded Norovirus, ugh :) ) have meant I hadn't quite finished it tonight. All that was left to finish was the base however, but I didn't have time to get pics 'cause we've been running around like headless chickens making sure we've got everything ready for a trip back to England tomorrow (yay for being able to have take-away food again! :) Boo to 10 hour car journeys :( ).


So I won't be able to post anymore updates until the end of next week. Cheers for looking in the meantime, though! B)

  • 2 weeks later...

...and I'm back! ;) Today I finished that Marine I didn't have time to complete before going to England last week. I only needed to do the base, here he is:




Next, I'll paint the Autocannon dude, and over the weekend I'll do some more fluff (time/inspiration permitting... :devil: )


In the meantime, thanks for looking! :) B)

  Xanthier said:
Good to see you're continuing with your pet rock project. Once you have around 5 done, could you post up some group shots please? I feel they'd look even better together.


Thanks Xanthier, I was planning on doing that very thing anyway - great minds think alike, as they say! :unsure:


Anyway, I started painting the Autocannon dude yesterday, should get him finished sometime either today or tomorrow at the latest.

Finished the Autocannon dude today (just noticed a big smudge of Desert Yellow on the inside right lower leg, will have to sort that tomorrow <_< <_< ):



A view any Guardsman wouldn't want to see! :woot:



The Autocannon came out blurred on this shot, unfortunately.


So next I'll paint the Standard Bearer, then I'll be making some more Marines & preparing to make a Combat Patrol force... Thanks for looking! :angry:





yay! Firestorm is back with more pet rocks! huzah!


good conversion with the autocannon - it took me a while to realise it was made out of a HB! must be convincing :whoops:


oooooo standard bearer! yesh please!

Thank you all for your kind comments, I'm really glad that you all like what I'm doing! :) Well I'm afraid I've not got any pics of another finished Marine today, for two very good reasons:


1) The cellar in which I make the terrain for our gaming centre has not had a tidy for months, and to be honest it was a bit of a *h*t-hole. so I've been tidying that, as well as sorting out a big pile of stuff that I'm not likely to use; not just terrain, but armies & miniatures I have to be honest and say I won't ever make or finish. So I'll have plenty of stuff to put on eBay in the coming weeks!


2) I am a grade A EPIC addict, over the last few years I have hoarded enough Epic minis to make about 50,000 points worth of armies (for example, not just one but Eight Chaos armies! ;) ), so I made a New Years Resolution that I would paint at least One formation for one of of my Epic armies each month. In order to fulfill this, I painted this Greater Daemon of Slaanesh. By the way, if you want to check out more of my Epic addiction, check out my project log on Tactical Command ;)


So I've not had any time to paint any of my Chaos Marines; but I'll start painting the Standard Bearer tomorrow, so pics over the weekend.


Thanks for looking! :)

Hello again! Here's the Standard Bearer - not so pleased about some parts of it, other parts turned out better than I first thought, like the skull on the standard which I just couldn't seem to get right:





Tomorrow I should post the last part of the Index Astartes series I've been working on, as well as posting some group pics. Thanks for looking! :(

Though the painting and pose looks good, it really does provoke wonder at how that marine would be able to balance that precariously considering how heavy a marine in power armour is likely to be. After all, the foot on the rock looks like it would slip off entirely.

Cheers Xanthier - I suppose you're right, it does look a bit odd; I'll just put it down to the powers of the warp! ;) :)


Okay, here as promised is the group shot - this was taken before I almost ruined them with Matt Varnish spray that I hadn't shaken enough - so their fronts are a bit more shiney than I meant them to be... :lol: :P




More pics soon, thanks for this looking! ;)

As promised, on to the next phase of this army...




Okay, as here's the list I've planned, I think it's a reasonable mix of fire power, close combat clout, mobility, and resiliance. That is, until everyone starts pointing out the ways in which it's none of these things... -_- :P


Chaos Space Marine Squad:

7 Chaos Space Marines with Bolt Pistol & CCW - 105 points

Standard Bearer with Icon of Tauran Unleashed (Icon of Khorne) - 30 points

135 Points



35 Points


Chaos Spawn x2

80 Points


Chaos Space Marine Havoc Squad

7 Chaos Space Marine Havocs - 105 points

1 with Autocannon - 20 points

1 with Plasmagun - 15 points

Standard Bearer with Icon of Tauran Ascendant (Icon of Chaos Glory) - 10 points

150 points


Total: 400 points


So, that means I need to assemble & paint:


- two more Havocs, one with a Plasmagun;

- seven Chaos Marines with CCWs;

- a rhino

- and two spawn


I've already made the two additional Havocs, just have to paint them; I've made a start on the CC marines, cutting some legs up so they look more like they're charging in to combat. Here's a wip of one:




I think the base needs some battlefield detritus to balance out the rock, 'cause otherwise this Marine is going to look a bit too tall...


Anyway, more pics soon, thanks for looking! :sweat:

Bon apres-midi mes copains :) , I've between chipping away at the Assault-orientated Marine squad - here's where I'm at; one is ready to be primed, another needs some GS work before I can do that; today I've been chipping away at the Standard Bearer between enjoying the unseasonably warm weather :) He's still quite wip, the head needs plenty of GS work (at the moment it's not stuck on), but it'll give you an idea. Finally, I've been cutting at normal standing CSM legs to convert them to running legs.




More pics soon, thanks for looking! :cuss

very nice job as allways, it seems like there's still some flash on the newer ones, but it could just be the camera.

I must ask though: do you use an expensive camera, or just a generic digital one, I can never seem to get clear, acurate pictures, I must know your secret! :)


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