Lord Pyren Posted February 10, 2008 Share Posted February 10, 2008 Donute: One thing that will help is if you enable "macro" on your camera; all somewhat recent digital cameras have this option which makes the camera take in WAY more details at close ranges. The easiest way to find it is to look a symbol that looks like a flower, this typically represents macro! :P Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/125136-the-legion-of-taurus-a-chaos-marine-army-log/page/3/#findComment-1491201 Share on other sites More sharing options...
lord_bunny Posted February 10, 2008 Share Posted February 10, 2008 I seriously misjudged this army at a first glance waaaaay ago on page one, but these are awsome, well done! Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/125136-the-legion-of-taurus-a-chaos-marine-army-log/page/3/#findComment-1491335 Share on other sites More sharing options...
firestorm40k Posted February 12, 2008 Author Share Posted February 12, 2008 Thanks everyone for your kind comments! ;) Lord Donute said: very nice job as allways, it seems like there's still some flash on the newer ones, but it could just be the camera.I must ask though: do you use an expensive camera, or just a generic digital one, I can never seem to get clear, acurate pictures, I must know your secret! ;) Lord Pyren said: Donute:One thing that will help is if you enable "macro" on your camera; all somewhat recent digital cameras have this option which makes the camera take in WAY more details at close ranges. The easiest way to find it is to look a symbol that looks like a flower, this typically represents macro! :) Yeah, Lord Pyren is right, I use the Macro setting (denoted by the flower), but with timer and sometimes a little tripod. My camera is a Fuji Finepix with 8 mega-pixel :D so the pics are the best I've taken, after two years using an Olympus 3.5 mp! lord_bunny said: I seriously misjudged this army at a first glance waaaaay ago on page one, but these are awsome, well done! Thank you! :lol: It just goes to show that you shouldn't judge a thread by it's first post! ;) Over the last few days I've been chipping away at some Green Stuff sculpting on the wip conversions, mainly filling in gaps on legs and helmet conversions (where the new horns join the helmets). But here's one that's almost ready to be primed, the Standard Bearer. This standard will count as an Icon of Khorne, I've adorned it with skulls to suggest this Khornate leaning. http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c274/firestorm40k/Legion%20of%20Taurus/Assault_Standard_wip_1.jpg http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c274/firestorm40k/Legion%20of%20Taurus/Assault_Standard_wip_2.jpg I'm aware that one of the horns I sculpted on the skull on the chest plate has been smudged, I've corrected it since I took the picture. The base isn't finished, I've decided to try and portray that this model is standing on a pile of collapsed rock; this will tie in to some fluff I'm going to write in the future... Anyway, more pics soon, thanks for looking! :P Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/125136-the-legion-of-taurus-a-chaos-marine-army-log/page/3/#findComment-1493340 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kaleb Daark Posted February 12, 2008 Share Posted February 12, 2008 The custom work on this project is very well thought, very cool and smooth . I so like it. The only critic I would dare to make i that the poses of a few figures on their bases seems .... odd. But that might be just me. Anyway that's quite a great project you got here. Can't wait for what's coming next ( a lord?? :lol: ) Ju Kaleb Daark Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/125136-the-legion-of-taurus-a-chaos-marine-army-log/page/3/#findComment-1493533 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Xanthier Posted February 12, 2008 Share Posted February 12, 2008 Kaleb Daark said: Can't wait for what's coming next ( a lord?? :lol: ) You probably shouldn't forget the massive rock the Lord would have to stand on to maintain superiority over all the other pet rocks of his followers. No doubt it will be of a higher level. Aaanyway, Firestorm40k, it's great to see constant progress on this project, something which mine sadly lacks. Kudos on the extra details you're adding, they really help to theme the army. Good luck with it, and the same for your other epic project (oho, what a pun). Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/125136-the-legion-of-taurus-a-chaos-marine-army-log/page/3/#findComment-1493539 Share on other sites More sharing options...
BrotherDamascus Posted February 13, 2008 Share Posted February 13, 2008 Xanthier said: Kaleb Daark said: Can't wait for what's coming next ( a lord?? :P ) You probably shouldn't forget the massive rock the Lord would have to stand on to maintain superiority over all the other pet rocks of his followers. No doubt it will be of a higher level. this made me wet myself! once i regained control, i came up with a formula: Coolness of Firestorm40kmodel x importance = size of Pet Rock :) so be glad he isnt doind a Titan yet :) don't worry, frind im just kidding..my guys have pet tank shrapnel in large quantities, so i cant talk ^_^ the standard bearer has an amzing pose - its so definitive and full of Character - and inspiring! a definate 11/10 from me! Cheers! <<Damascus>> Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/125136-the-legion-of-taurus-a-chaos-marine-army-log/page/3/#findComment-1493651 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Xanthier Posted February 14, 2008 Share Posted February 14, 2008 I was randomly browsing the GW UK site and came across this - check out the Exorcists, first row, second along: Exorcists. What I find most curious is their chapter symbol, namely this: horned skull. That's a nifty coincidence, considering your force and it's red hints and tones. All in all, quite interesting I reckon. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/125136-the-legion-of-taurus-a-chaos-marine-army-log/page/3/#findComment-1495295 Share on other sites More sharing options...
firestorm40k Posted February 17, 2008 Author Share Posted February 17, 2008 Thanks everyone for your positive comments! :) I won't be working on a Lord for a while, I plan to do a sorceror first, but that'll be when I do the 1,500 point list. Xanthier said: I was randomly browsing the GW UK site and came across this - check out the Exorcists, first row, second along: Exorcists. What I find most curious is their chapter symbol, namely this: horned skull. That's a nifty coincidence, considering your force and it's red hints and tones. All in all, quite interesting I reckon. Woah, I'd not noticed this before... no, my Marines are totally different, 'cos, erm, the horns on the insignia aren't ridged and curve outwards at the ends... :D :rolleyes: ;) :P Anyway, over the last couple of days I've been painting again - here's another 'standard' Marine: http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c274/firestorm40k/Legion%20of%20Taurus/Marine_16208.jpg This one seemed a lot quicker to paint than the previous, but there are things I'm not so happy about with it; for example the eye lenses didn't come out as good as some of the others (probably due to the wierd lighting conditions in our front room yesterday afternoon :) ) Anyway, I'll start another Marine in a day or so, pics soon, thanks for looking! B) Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/125136-the-legion-of-taurus-a-chaos-marine-army-log/page/3/#findComment-1497280 Share on other sites More sharing options...
firestorm40k Posted February 21, 2008 Author Share Posted February 21, 2008 Hello! :) Another week, another Marine - here's the plasmagunner: http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c274/firestorm40k/Legion%20of%20Taurus/Plasmagunner_paited.jpg Here's a close up of the scarring on the face, I've tried to make it look like he's been in an explosion (over-heated Plasmagun, perchance? :rolleyes: ). I showed it to my fiancée to ask if she thought it looked like burns-scarring, and she very helpfully pointed out that she thought it looked like a brain <_< nice! http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c274/firestorm40k/Legion%20of%20Taurus/Plasma_face.jpg Anyway, over the ext few days I've got an Epic Altar of Chaos to paint, then it'll be back to these CSMs, moving on to the Assault-orientated dudes. Thanks for looking! B) Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/125136-the-legion-of-taurus-a-chaos-marine-army-log/page/3/#findComment-1500921 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ju'kosian Posted February 21, 2008 Share Posted February 21, 2008 looking very good !! keep it coming Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/125136-the-legion-of-taurus-a-chaos-marine-army-log/page/3/#findComment-1500928 Share on other sites More sharing options...
firestorm40k Posted March 2, 2008 Author Share Posted March 2, 2008 Hello, I'm back!!!11! :D (sound of tumbleweeds drifting past...) Ahem, anyway, I'm later than planned posting this next update - I had hoped to get the next Marine painted earlier during the week; but as well as painting an Epic piece (got to stick to my New Year's Resolution!), I've had computer break downs and family illnesses to contend with (I've had to play Nurse to my fiancee and our baby who've had 'Flu... poor things!) But anyway, here's the next Marine - consider this a wip shot as I realised after taking the pic I hadn't done the skull on the Chainsword... ;) ;) http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c274/firestorm40k/Legion%20of%20Taurus/Assault_1_wip-1.jpg More pics soon, hopefully I'll get on to that next Assault dude within the next couple of days. Thanks for looking! B) Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/125136-the-legion-of-taurus-a-chaos-marine-army-log/page/3/#findComment-1508821 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Xanthier Posted March 2, 2008 Share Posted March 2, 2008 Hey there, congrats on the Epic piece and the three marines. On another forum I noticed your terrain thread. You, dear sir, are fairly insane. Kudos to you for getting a hell of a lot done in a comparatively short time span. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/125136-the-legion-of-taurus-a-chaos-marine-army-log/page/3/#findComment-1508966 Share on other sites More sharing options...
firestorm40k Posted March 5, 2008 Author Share Posted March 5, 2008 Xanthier said: Hey there, congrats on the Epic piece and the three marines. On another forum I noticed your terrain thread. You, dear sir, are fairly insane. Kudos to you for getting a hell of a lot done in a comparatively short time span. Cheers Xanthier: you must be referring to the 'Uber Terrain Mega Project' over on Warseer; sadly a bit neglected of late due to - well, these Chaos Marines, basically! Speaking of which, here's another: http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c274/firestorm40k/Legion%20of%20Taurus/Next_Painted.jpg And a side view of the two most recent: http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c274/firestorm40k/Legion%20of%20Taurus/Side_Request.jpg Next I'll be painting the Standard Bearer, then making more Marines of this ilk. So pics soon, thanks for looking! :) Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/125136-the-legion-of-taurus-a-chaos-marine-army-log/page/3/#findComment-1510971 Share on other sites More sharing options...
- Human Posted March 5, 2008 Share Posted March 5, 2008 I like how you've executed the Taurus theme. Very well done! Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/125136-the-legion-of-taurus-a-chaos-marine-army-log/page/3/#findComment-1511008 Share on other sites More sharing options...
firestorm40k Posted March 8, 2008 Author Share Posted March 8, 2008 Thanks very much, Human! :P I've now painted the Standard Bearer - it kinda nearly killed me, having to keep going over and touching up different places when the colour from other things ran on to them; in the end, there's bits of it I like (the lenses, the red of the banner) and bits I'm disappointed with (the highlighting on the Chaos & Legion Insignia on the Banner, the colour of the skulls hanging from it). Anyway, I'll let you all judge for yourselves: http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c274/firestorm40k/Legion%20of%20Taurus/Assault_Standard.jpg and to show the Standard: http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c274/firestorm40k/Legion%20of%20Taurus/Standard_Side.jpg In game terms this will count as a Standard of Khorne, but I'm calling it the 'Standard of Tauran Unleashed': "Soaked in the blood of those who have opposed the rise of Tauran, and adorned with their skulls, Chaos Marines under this banner are driven by a murderous rage to destroy their enemies with fist and sword." Tomorrow I will start making the next 4 Assault-orientated Marines, more pics soon, thanks for looking! :( Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/125136-the-legion-of-taurus-a-chaos-marine-army-log/page/3/#findComment-1513443 Share on other sites More sharing options...
wokkers Posted March 9, 2008 Share Posted March 9, 2008 wow. incredible. not only are the concersions and painting great - you also have an original and awesome piece of fluff. kudos and keep up the good work. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/125136-the-legion-of-taurus-a-chaos-marine-army-log/page/3/#findComment-1514088 Share on other sites More sharing options...
firestorm40k Posted March 14, 2008 Author Share Posted March 14, 2008 wokkers said: wow. incredible. not only are the concersions and painting great - you also have an original and awesome piece of fluff. kudos and keep up the good work. Thanks very much for your comment, wokkers - it's feedback like that which encourages me most, because it makes me feel this army is doing everything I hoped it would. :) This week I've been working on more running assault-oriented Marines. Here they are, ready to be primed: http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c274/firestorm40k/Legion%20of%20Taurus/Next_Assault_Dudes.jpg I'll make a start on painting these over the weekend. More pics soon, thanks for looking! :) Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/125136-the-legion-of-taurus-a-chaos-marine-army-log/page/3/#findComment-1518808 Share on other sites More sharing options...
ShinyRhino Posted March 14, 2008 Share Posted March 14, 2008 Nice work, all around. I really like the skeletal Cadian head on the banner top. Is that standard issue, or did you add it yourself? Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/125136-the-legion-of-taurus-a-chaos-marine-army-log/page/3/#findComment-1518821 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Xanthier Posted March 14, 2008 Share Posted March 14, 2008 Good work Firestorm40k, I consider you a comrade-in-arms when it comes to finishing my army. Keep going, lest I lose motivation, heh. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/125136-the-legion-of-taurus-a-chaos-marine-army-log/page/3/#findComment-1518830 Share on other sites More sharing options...
BrotherDamascus Posted March 14, 2008 Share Posted March 14, 2008 ShinyRhino said: Nice work, all around. I really like the skeletal Cadian head on the banner top. Is that standard issue, or did you add it yourself? thats the actual banner ;) but Firestorm40k added some of the dangling skulls <_< Oh my. Firestorms gone and made me wet myself again :P i reaally like...no...LOVE that third guy from the left in your 'up-coming' assault-orientated marines. can't wait for next update, dude :pinch: <<Damascus>> Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/125136-the-legion-of-taurus-a-chaos-marine-army-log/page/3/#findComment-1518966 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lord Sinkoran Posted March 14, 2008 Share Posted March 14, 2008 nicely converted but the horns poitning down make them look like girls with pigtails. <_< Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/125136-the-legion-of-taurus-a-chaos-marine-army-log/page/3/#findComment-1518976 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Asmodeus' Swordhand Posted March 14, 2008 Share Posted March 14, 2008 your work has seriously improved on these guys, firestorm. if you compare this AWESOME new standard bearer to some of your first legionnaires, the difference is amazing. Your what seemed like an iffy paint scheme in the beginning has really come together: there is way more contrast, from small things like more leather and well, banners. the modeling for these guys has really progressed also. amazing work so far. Is there any chance of full army shot perhaps? I wish my army could even come close to matching your army's progress so far ;) virtual high-five for your work... just awesome. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/125136-the-legion-of-taurus-a-chaos-marine-army-log/page/3/#findComment-1518993 Share on other sites More sharing options...
sonsoftaurus Posted March 14, 2008 Share Posted March 14, 2008 I PM'd firestorm40k directly, but also wanted to throw out some public praise. Very well done, look great. These were the sign from above needed to finally get serious work done on my long-planned, long-delayed eponymous renegades. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/125136-the-legion-of-taurus-a-chaos-marine-army-log/page/3/#findComment-1519013 Share on other sites More sharing options...
firestorm40k Posted March 16, 2008 Author Share Posted March 16, 2008 Thanks everyone for your comments! ShinyRhino said: Nice work, all around. I really like the skeletal Cadian head on the banner top. Is that standard issue, or did you add it yourself? BrotherDamascus said: thats the actual banner but Firestorm40k added some of the dangling skulls Indeed, that is the case. I saw an awesome Alpha Legion Lord conversion on here that used the same banner, but replaced the cadian helmet with a Marine one - an idea that I may have to 'yoink'... ;) BrotherDamascus said: Oh my. Firestorms gone and made me wet myself again i reaally like...no...LOVE that third guy from the left in your 'up-coming' assault-orientated marines. can't wait for next update, dude Thanks very much, Damascus! He's my favourite too ;) Asmodeus said: your work has seriously improved on these guys, firestorm. if you compare this AWESOME new standard bearer to some of your first legionnaires, the difference is amazing. Your what seemed like an iffy paint scheme in the beginning has really come together: there is way more contrast, from small things like more leather and well, banners. the modeling for these guys has really progressed also. amazing work so far. Is there any chance of full army shot perhaps? I wish my army could even come close to matching your army's progress so far virtual high-five for your work... just awesome. Thanks very much for the parise and encouragement Asmodeus... I'll put an 'army shot' together when I've completed this Combat Patrol, but I'll see if I can come up with a pic of a complete squad for you some time this week... seing as you asked so nicely! :tu: Lord Sinkoran said: nicely converted but the horns poitning down make them look like girls with pigtails. Hmmm, that maybe the case, but 1) I bet you wouldn't say that to their faces and 2) if they are girls, they're red-heads, and if what I've heard is correct, thay can be as dangerous as Chaos Marines... :P :( sonsoftaurus said: I PM'd firestorm40k directly, but also wanted to throw out some public praise. Very well done, look great. These were the sign from above needed to finally get serious work done on my long-planned, long-delayed eponymous renegades. Cheers for your PM sonssoftaurus, I've replied to it, but here as I said is the Tutorial for painting the Bronze: STAGE ONE Paint the Bronze parts Brazen Brass. If you're as messy as me at painting, it'll look like this: http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c274/firestorm40k/Legion%20of%20Taurus/Bronze_Tutorial_1.jpg STAGE TWO Paint the top half of each section a mix of 2/3 Brazen Brass and 1/3 Mithril silver. http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c274/firestorm40k/Legion%20of%20Taurus/Bronze_Tutorial_2.jpg STAGE THREE Then paint the upper %th portion of each segment with a 50/50 mix of the Brass & Silver. STAGE FOUR Then apply a watered-down Brown Ink wash; at the base of the legs or other segments where you want it to be darker, use a thicker mix and use downwards strokes with the brush. http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c274/firestorm40k/Legion%20of%20Taurus/Bronze_Tutorial_3.jpg Don't worry if you get the odd blotch of brown in a place that you don't want it (like on the legs of the one on the left in this picture), I go over it later with Brass or Brass/Silver mix after the ink has dried. http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c274/firestorm40k/Legion%20of%20Taurus/Bronze_Tutorial_4.jpg I often find that I have to continually touch up as I paint the miniature, especially if I slip with the paints for other parts of the mini, such as the normal metallics, the red horns or the flayed-skin grenade pouches. I hope this is useful to someone, more pics when I've finished these marines, thanks for looking! :) Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/125136-the-legion-of-taurus-a-chaos-marine-army-log/page/3/#findComment-1520267 Share on other sites More sharing options...
MattiasGrozny Posted March 16, 2008 Share Posted March 16, 2008 Exelent use of horns mate. I usualy hate horns on helmets (Im the kind of huy that goes ape when anyone does horns on viking helmets and it seems my hate for horns on helmets has affected my judgement) Love the colours too mate, keep ip the good work. The burnd guy looks awesome, would be cooler with a white dead eye, empty socket or a lens there but that just me. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/125136-the-legion-of-taurus-a-chaos-marine-army-log/page/3/#findComment-1520333 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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