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The Legion of Taurus - a Chaos Marine army log


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Thanks for your kindly comments one and all! :)

  Magnus Thane said:
It's all so beautiful, i'd almost cry thinking about the ugly tabletop quality level of my mini's. :lol:

Ahh, it's time and patience Magnus. And some washes...

  Drudge Dreadnought said:
Looks great. Gotta love how flexible that kit is.
  daemon*hunter said:
:drool: Brass Scorpion...

Absolutely love them!

Same here :D It'll be awhile before mine's painted though... :)

  blood_raven_240 said:
That brass scorpion is looking awesome so far!


That terminator character model is also extremely cool, nice one!


*Chant*Ar-my Shot! Ar-my Shot!*Chant*

Thanks blood_raven; I will most likely be able to get an army shot towards the end of July, if you can hang on that long...

  lord gunthar said:
that character is awsome!!!

what will he be equiped with?

Thanks lord gunthar, he'll have Combi-bolter/plasma and a daemon weapon. I'm going to write some house rules for him as a special character, as befits his position as Lord of the Legion of Taurus; I'll post these at a later date though.


Well, I'd hoped to have some pics of the Daemons, but alas I've been 'blessed' by Father Nurgle again and have spent most of the weekend on the loo :sick: so pics will have to wait I'm afraid...

  • 2 weeks later...
  Magnus Thane said:
Once in a while you bump into a creation that is worth to be made canon.

The Legion of Taurus is one of these.

Thanks Magnus ;) It'd actually be a dream come true if the guys at GW noticed these and incorporated them in to their fluff in the future... ;)


I've been painting for CoC - for those who haven't been following it (why not? ;) :P ) here's two painted squads of lesser daemons; actually, I should say here's very poorly lit and not entirely adequate pictures of two squads of lesser daemons, plus a not-particularly-great detail shot:






This weekend I move house, so no pics for a few days till I get settled... 'till then, thanks for looking! :)

  • 1 month later...

Hello, has it really been almost two months since I updated this blog? Well, i've not been slacking in that time!


I completed Call of Chaos III, managed to get Third place overall B) with my two squads of lesser daemons and a Greater Daemons:




The Greater Daemon is quite significant to the background of this army, as it's something that I've alluded to in the various fluff I've been writing for this army. Basically, he is TAURAN, an ancient and powerful daemon, and the true master of the Legion of Taurus. To read his full background and fluff, and to see more pics of him, check out this thread.


The culmination of a recent campaign I've been running at my local gaming group was an Apocalypse game that saw Tauran resurrected, and emerge from a Warp Rift along with almost 60 lesser daemons :devil: Oh, speaking of that game, I made a selection of scenery and objectives for it.


Here's that dead Marine objective I made several weeks back:





Here's the Warp Rift itself - very quick, simple build and paint: Choas Termie Lord Spikey base x4, paperclip armatures, some random components (e.g. Spawn & daemon heads) and lots of GS! I've tried to give the impression that the ground is literally splitting open and the power and energies of Chaos are starting to spill out - I'm not sure it's as effective as I had originally intended, as i said it was a rush job to get it ready for the game.





Then I made some of the standard GW terrain pieces - one of the new Ruined Temple of Skulls (a superb piece, well worth the money if you're a Chaos player!) and some Arcae ruins. Again, I did a quick job on these as the game was looming - Roughcoat, drybrush Codex Grey then Skull White, wash of Shadow Grey/Brown Ink:





  blood_raven_240 said:
*Chant*Ar-my Shot! Ar-my Shot!*Chant*

Ha, sorry that it's taken so long, but I've finally got round to this! So this is how my army stands at the moment interms of everything that I've built and can be used in battle. I was aware that there's still plenty to paint :P but not quite as much as I'd thought when I got it all out together! I can field about 1,350/1,400 points fully painted. Anyway, here it is - getting it out last night actually I realised that the legs and claws on the Brass Scorpion need re-gluing because the bottom of the body touches the table! :(




So in terms of finishing and painting theres:


- Lord Charkaradon (Chaos Lord in Termie armour)

- 12 Chaos Marines

- 8 Khorne Berzerkers

- 5 Bikers

- Vindicator

- Defiler Assault Force

- Brass Scorpion


Then there's stuff that I plan to make imminently or some point in the future for this army:


- 2 more squads of Terminators

- Chosen squad (with loads of Meltaguns, Plentstrike beckons! :D )

- Another Chaos Spawn

- Land Raider

- Raptor Squad (all converted)

- Plague Marine squad (all converted)

- count-as Thousand Sons (all converted)

- Nurgle Lord conversion from FW Death Guard Sorceror (to lead an Apoc Plague of Zombies :devil: )


Then beyond this, there's other stuff I don't presently have but would like to do - mainly for fun, Apocalypse stuff, etc. When I get round to doing this I'll count this army as being pretty much finished - I don't know when that'll be!


- Beastmen to convert to mutants for a L&tD Apoc formations

- Another squad of Lesser Daemons to complete the warp Rift formation

- More Zombies (a PLAGUE of zombies would surely have at least 80 to begin with... I 'only' have 40 at the moment...)

- Some converted Obliterators - although from the background point of view they don't neccessarily fit this army, I think they'd be the most useful in games of Planetstrike (as defender) and probably for tourneys...


So that's it; a veritable smorgasboard of Chaos minis to look forward to in the future!



So, having decide what I need to finish/paint/make for this army, of course it's the perfect time to take a break and work on something else... eh?!?

...and here's why I'm taking a break, well more of a detour really! I've wanted for years to a BFG fleet, and always intended that I'd do one to accompany my Legion of Taurus army. I decided to do one now as a 'break' from making standard 40k miniatures, which I was starting to feel a bit burnt out doing whilst I was running the campaign at my gaming group.


To start with, I made a couple of standard Chaos cruisers - a Slaughter (which has Mark of Khorne) and a Carnage (which will have Mark of Nurgle - just need to 'scroffulate' it up with some GS :D )




Now, to fit with the back ground of this Chaos fleet, which is made up of captured Imperial, merchant and Rogue Trader vessels, I've converted some more that I've aimed to look somewhere between Chaos & Imperial vessels. One will count as a Devestation, the other a Murder:




Because I've used upside down Chaos Cruisers as the bulk of these conversions, there's some detail that needs covering over - I've been cutting up bits of left over Imperial cruiser, but there'll be some GS work to do to tidy them up:




Here's a couple of comparison shots between these conversions and the standard cruisers - as you can see they are shorter, but I think it makes them look inoccuous somehow, more like merchant vessels than warships, which I think fits the MO of the Legion of Taurus' fleets, wich are about laying ambushes and setting traps for fool-hardy Imperial Naval Captains :devil:




Finally, here's the flag ship of the Fleet, another conversion. It'll count as another Devestation, but in terms of background, it was originally a Strike Cruiser of the Astral Sharks Space Marine Chapter - I've tried to allude to it once being this in certain elements of its shape, but obviously it's been retro-fitted and corrupted in to something else over two millennia... I've no names as yet, but I refer t this one as the 'Predator', asn I think it looks quite shark-like:




Profile shot, and some comparison shots - although shorter again, I think it looks imposing enough against the normal cruisers:





Still some work to do on these. When they're done and painted, I'm going to work on some escorts, about a dozen, a mix of Infidels and Iconoclasts. For the most part these will be scratch-built, once again to capture the 'rag-tag' feel of the fleet being made up of captured vessels.


More pics soon, thanks for looking! B)

  Drudge Dreadnought said:
Get some more rhinos :P That one looks very lonely.

Oh, missed this comment, sorry - was busy typing my next post!


I don't know if I'll get another Rhino - the one was such a pain in the neck to build and paint, I don't think I could be bothered going through all that again. Having said that, I feel that way about ALL the tanks I've ever built and painted, ha! :P


Also, there's the consideration of how useful they are in gaming terms. The days of Rhino rush are gone, I have considered giving the Berzerkers squad a Rhino, but I think for a vehicle that can get across the battlefield then deliver a squad straight in to combat, the Land Raider is the only option. That's why the final tank I'll build for this army will be a Land Raider.


I mean, can you imagine the Skull Champion saying to his squad "right lads, we'll get a lift in this here Rhino, when it stops we'll get out, go 'raaargh!', then stand about for a few minutes while the enemy shoots us to pieces. Then if there's any of us left, we can charge 'em!


"...err, hang on lads, we'll just get a ride in this Land Raider instead..."


:) :D ;)

Mechanization of troops is generally considered essential if you want any level of competitiveness (i understand that you may not). If you are using landraiders instead thats great, but generally you want every squad to be in a transport.

Always good to see people thinking beyond 40k and looking at BFG to extend their armies, I love this as it immediatley raises the concept of the army as a whole and campaigns open out even more.


Well done, loving your work so far. :)



Thanks lads for your kind comments! :P


Well, I was supposed to be taking a break from making 40k minis, but I couldn't resist the temptation to start work on a few more Chaos Marines!


To start with, I've made a Terminator with Chainfist; I'm going to make two more squads to field in Planetstrike games, they'll be Melta'd and chainfisted up to take down Imperial Bastions. No pics yet, I want to get some Aegis lines to chop up and add as detritus on their bases.


Next, and I blame Megalodon for this :) I've started making some new Aspiring Champion conversions from the Possessed sprues - I was inspired after seeing Megalodon's on his log. Still very wip, so pics to follow.


Finally, over the last few nights I've been chipping away at a new Lord conversion. This was came out of having the bits, and thinking 'I wonder what this would look like..?' In game terms he'll count as having mark of slaanesh, wings, and lightning claws.





I've decided he'll be called Khaine - in the campaign I was running, on the Chaos/Disorder team was a Space Marine player, who had probably the worst run of results of all during the campaign - at the end of the campaign the narrative I wrote had the few surviving Marines from his traitors escape with the Legion of Taurus. This is their captain, Khaine, given some rewards by the powers of Chaos for the part he played in fulfilling their plans...


I've also started sculpting over the gaps on those BFG conversions - a very slow task, I'll post pics when they're eventually done.


In the meantime, thanks for looking!

  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks for your kind words, Dragonkin! :)


It's been a couple of weeks since I've last updated here, but I've not been slacking. Starting with the BFG fleet, I've been chipping away at those last two cruiser conversions, I think they're about done - I may well add some small guns to the prows as I think they look a bit under gunned at the mo...




Here's all 5 cruisers, now I can start painting them...




As well as these I've made a couple more Termies - an Aspiring Champ, and one with Combi-bolter and Powerfist:




The Combi-Termie is going to get some mangled parts of Aegis defence lines added to it - just waiting on some sections to arrive from a trade...


That's not all I've been doing, but I'll save that for later...


More pics soon, thanks for looking! :devil:

  • 2 weeks later...
Holy crap did I miss a buncha work or what?! The Legion is looking pretty great so far, I'd like to see those bikers (at least 1) painted up! Also the new lord looks totally badass. I'd REALLY love to see some paint on him! (No pressure! :tu: )
  blackblade68 said:
The Legion is looking pretty great so far, I'd like to see those bikers (at least 1) painted up! Also the new lord looks totally badass. I'd REALLY love to see some paint on him! (No pressure! :) )

Thanks Blackblade :) Be awhile before I get round to painting the new Lord, or the Bikes, as I've got a bunch of other stuff I wat to make and paint before them. I'm hoping to have a big painting push after the new year, get as much of this army done as possible.


In the meantime I've been painting the Chaos Cruisers for the Legion's Battlefleet. The look I'm going for is different to the usual Red Gore Chaos fleet, I want them to look weathered and battle-worn. I started off with Fenris Grey basecoat, lightly sprayed them with a grey acrylic that is like Codex Grey; then drybrushed with a mix of Codex Grey and Astronomicon grey. Finally, washed with Devlan Mud.




I've started on the detailing on the two converted cruisers, Brass trims to tie in with my Chaos marines, metallics on the guns, next I'll be putting on lights & battle damage detailing.




More pics as these progress, thanks for looking! ^_^

Thanks cheeseychaoslord! Glad you're enjoying this army :angry:


I've carried on with painting the first two cruisers, and I think they're done. Two blurry, slightly dark pictures, best I could do in a hurry tonight!


Counts-as Devastation:




Counts-as Murder:




Next, I'll carry on with the other Cruisers. More pics soon, thanks for looking! :lol:


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