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The Legion of Taurus - a Chaos Marine army log


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  • 4 weeks later...

Thanks for your positive comments! :)


Woah, is it really a month since I last updated this log? Not that I've given up on the hobby at the moment - far from it - I've been steadily chipping away at the Plague Marines, Obliterators, started painting some some more BFG ships, and started assembling some - gasp! - Epic Chaos models. But more of those later...


Anyway, to the pics. I've nearly finished the first Obliterator conversion, was going to call it a do but looking at these pictures I've seen a couple of gaps that need filling:





I'm also done with the second, after acquiring a Plasma Cannon off a mate at my local gaming group; the sculpting on the leg greaves is rougher than the first, so I had to cover it with some fleshy protrusions:





I'm also about 90% done with the Plague Marines; when I started these I was worried they weren't going to work as I'd have envisioned them. But over the days and weeks as I've gradually added detailing to them they've been very gratifying to make, so much so that I think' I'll make a couple more squads in the near future and complete a small Death Guard force! :P



On the right is the Champ, He'll have a Plasma Pistol, I'm bulking up the left arm so it looks all fleshy and diseased, a little like the FW DG Sorceror model.



The one on the left is the one that I'm probably most pleased with out of the squad. As you can probably see, I'm adding Plague Knives to these next...



ONe thing I've learnt about doing these is that it can be all very well putting lots of details on these Plague Marines, but when you give them weapons you can lose this. The one on the right I'm very disappointed with as I went to great pains to make it look like part of his helmet had fallen off exposing the skull beneath, but now you can't see it 'cause of his Plasmagun! :mellow:


Here's a couple of close-up shots to show examples of the kind of Pustulent details I've added in measured amounts to these Plague Marines:



Next for these I've got to do their shoulder pads, then they'll be done, cool! As well as these I'm starting some Raptors - my schedule to start painting gets pushed back further and further as I need another fast unit for a 40k league at my local club, ha!


More pics soon, thanks for looking! ;)

Wow these are really good, your skills with green stuff really are amazing and those obliterators look really good, i used the same plasma cannon on one of my obliterators but it is on the other arm and it doesnt look anywhere near as good as yours.


Lord Gunthar.

Thanks Lord Gunthar :) to be honest my sculpting skills still have a great deal of room to develop, it's just that nurgley details and obliterator fleshy growths are suited to my (lack of) techniques! :P


This week I've not really done a lot of work on the Plague Marines - just glued Shoulder Pads and backpacks, need to sculpt some Nurgle iconography on the shoulders, then they'll be finished!




The reason they're not completely finished is because I've started on some Raptors, which I decided I needed to add a bit of fast moving, CC muscle to a 1,000 point 40k League army I'm using this weekend. I was going to hold off making Raptors as I had originally planned on sculpting their feet to look like claws, a la the actual models that GW sells; then I just decided not to bother, my reasoning being these aren't the 10,000 year old raptors, but rather are Assault Marines that are with the Legion of Taurus for the 2 millennia-ish that they've been around.


Anyway, here's a wip shot:




The one that's armless is going to have a Meltagun - I haven't added it yet because I need to do some sculping on the chests for the Jump Pack straps. When I've done that for all of these I'll glue the Jump Packs on.


My favourite is this one, my inspiration taken from the (much lamented) 3.5 Chaos Codex, which had a Raptor literally swooping in to a hapless guardsman. Well, this is my tribute, it was one of those moments where you go "I wonder if I can do this?", not expecting it to work at all. I'm very please with the finished result!




After this weekend I'm probably going to slow a bit on making these Chaos Marines, I have a few BFG vessels I need to paint as I need to get some pictures for a booklet to go with a BFG campaign I'm running at my local gaming group.


But when I do progress any work on anything, I'll post pics here. Thanks for looking! :D

<_< ;) :jaw: :jaw:


Wow !!


just took a look at what I've missed.


My goodness, this is awesome work all along!! Ot gets better and better again and again (and your work was already spectacular).

Gosh that's an awesome army and a brilliant job.


'Love the Job on the oblies, can't wait to see them painted. Can't wait to see all of t painted!


El JuJu

Kaleb Daark

  • 1 month later...

Hello! :) My word, it's been a while. Been quite busy of late, what Hobby Time I've had has been spent preparing for a BFG campaign I'm going to run at my local gaming group. Preparing this has meant writing over 5,000 words of background, and getting a bunch of pictures of my BFG ships. The background for the campaign also adds a little to the background of the Legion of Taurus, so if you've been following the fluff I've been developing for this army you might be interested in reading it; also if you just like looking at pics of BFG ships then it might be worth a look! You can download the PDF booklet here: The Battle for the Hidden Star.


Anyway, back to the army, now I've got the campaign booklet ready I've had time this week to return to it. I've gone off on a slight tangent with it, after ordering some more Berzerkers to convert in to Raptors (see below), I've got loads of Khornate bits such as Chain Axes and insignias which got me thinking about making another squad of Berzerkers (even though I still haven't painted the first!). But the thought didn't stop there, so I'll be making a squad of Berzerker bikers - and I decided to treat myself to some FW goodies:




I had loads of spare Terminator weapons after making three squads, and I considered buying a squad of normal Chaos Termies to convert in to WE ones - but I decided it would work out the same to buy the FW WE Terminator conversion set and some spare legs. I used Bitz Box for my order, and I can highly recommend them - they told me it would be up to three weeks to get them in and despatched to me, but I received them within 5 working days!


Plug over, apart from a couple of mold lines I just need to add some sand to their base and they're ready to paint.


As well as these, I've started work on some more Raptors:




Whilst I had my Green Stuff out today I added one of the finishing touches to the Plague Marine squad, some pustulent insignias:





These are almost finished, just want to dab on some poly cement in random places to give their armour a bit of a corroded effect. Then I can paint them! ...at some point in the future... :lol:


Finally, I've made another Marine that I can either use as a Chosen or as an AC for a CSM Squad:



Not sure what I'll be doing next, I'll carry on with the Raptors and such, more pics soon, thanks for looking! :D

Good to see you back working on some models. I was just thinking the other day how i hadn't seen any of your stuff in a while.


The termis look good, and i'm really liking where the raptors are going. I'll have to go back and look but i don't remember if you posted your last raptors.


The gods are proud.

Glory to Taurus!

  • 4 weeks later...

I'm really impressed with your army & its individual look! Great sculpting work on your Nurgle dudes & the Kneeling chosen! keep it up! ;)


Also you thought about maybe doing a whole havoc squad kneeling down? that would look pretty ace (helpful for get them in good cover too, hehe)

Thanks for all your kind comments guys! :D


You should put up another piccie of your full army (what's painted)

Hopefully I'll be able to do that soon, possibly before the end of May... watch this space!


I'm really impressed with your army & its individual look! Great sculpting work on your Nurgle dudes & the Kneeling chosen! keep it up! :D


Also you thought about maybe doing a whole havoc squad kneeling down? that would look pretty ace (helpful for get them in good cover too, hehe)

Thanks Vlâdvar :) funnily enough I am planning to do some Havocs with Missle Launchers, they'll be a while off though. I'll have to think about doing them kneeling, as it's quite time-consuming doing them! ;)


Well, I've been chipping away at stuff recently. Firstly, I'm taking part in CoC IV, here's what I have to paint:



Only 10 miniatures, but I'm sure it will take me the whole 3 months of the vow to finish them! :o


That's not the only painting I've done, on a whim I started some Berzerkers I've had built for some 18 months..! Don't expect to see them finished for some time though, I've got to fulfill my CoC vow first, and I'm making other things too...



As well as these, I've started on the Khornate element of the army, working on Berzerker Bikers:



I also plan on adding a Khorne Daemon Prince (following the same lines of my still-to be painted Epic World Eaters army). A trawl through eBay got me this classic Blood Thirster model, but it's not in the best condition:



As you can see, it's missing the hand that holds the whip, and the joints are full with solid, resin-y glue:



Once I've got some Glue-remover I'll get to work on converting a new hand and putting this model together.


In other news, thinking about some Khornate Bikers got me looking at the Bikers I made a while back (and still haven't painted...), and I felt they needed something else to further fit with the Taurus visual theme of the army. Then I was struck with inspiration - putting Bull skulls on their bikes!



Just need to base the new addition, then I can prime them. As for painting them... who knows when???


Still on these bikes, I decided that arming the squad for tank hunting, then giving the champ a Power Weapon doesn't make total tactical sense. So I broke out the magnets:




That's it for now, more pics when the painting and constructing progresses. Thanks for looking! B)

  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks Wokkers! ;)


I've been painting, here's how far I've got with the Lord - brass mostly done, some touching up and highlights to apply:




I decided to start on the cloak next, but have hit a real wall with it. I just can't seem to get the highlights right - first I tried dry-brushing, but it looked blotchy, then I tried painting the highlights on, and they still didn't look right after I put on the black wash. I also found that some parts of the cloak now had a speckly texture, so since I've taken this picture I've used some Fairy Liquid Power Spray to remove the worst bits, so i can have a third go at it:




I'll post another pic when I've finally got this to a standard I'm satisfied with.


On a whim I also started painting some of the Berzerkers - these have been dry brushed Blazing Orange, and given a wash of watered-down Blood Red mixed with Gryphone Sepia. I need to do more to get the highlight to pop, and they'll have more successive washes, but I'm pleased with these for a start:




I've also been clearing the glue from that Blood Thirster, but it's on so thiwk it's taking several attempts to get it off. I'm hoping to start building this in the next two weeks. Pics will follow.


Till then, thanks for looking! :rolleyes:

  • 3 weeks later...

Hello, I'm back with something else to share on this thread! :P


Last night was the first chance I've had for a few days to do anything relatiing to this army, I decided to crack on with the Khornate Daemon Prince. I'll have to be more careful when buying old stuff from eBay in future, I discovered that as well as there being a hand missing, the left arm was entirely the wrong one for the model! So I've had to cut the end of it down a bit and will need to get the GS out at some point.


To cover the missing hand I've used an old plastic WFB Chaos Warrior hand, and will sculpt over it so it is something approaching the same size as the other one.


Anyway, here it is:




More pics when I've built or painted something else, hopefully soon, thanks for looking! :)

Hey there, been lurking on this thread for a while now, and as a fellow chaos player your work is an inspiration. Seriously, love all the fluff and how you tie all your regular marines together with the down-turned horns.

Quick question, that sword you used on your termie lord, is that one from a bloodletter? I recognise it, but can't quite put my finger on it...Good luck with that bloodthirster haha, looks like fun!

Either way, puts my Black Legion to shame, keep up the great work!

You know i hadn't even noticed the hand difference until i read about it. This might be a situation where you could putty an armor plate over the back of the hand and then just keep the highlights from going as high to keep the eyes off its size.


Looks good!

  • 1 month later...

Hello, finally an update; after goodness-knows how many weeks, I've finally completed Charkaradon, my first fully painted model for this army in a year (zoinks! :D ). Here he is, in all his chaotic glory:








I've also written some fluff, and more importantly, some rules to go with him. I know that currently a lot of people like to make their own characters and use rules from their codex (e.g. a-count-as Shrike or a count-as Al-Rahem); however, I felt that none of the characters in the Chaos Codex really captured the feel that I was going for with my Lord, and also none of them add anything to their armies in the way that some of the Marine or Guard characters do. Anyway, here's some spiel and his rules:


Charkaradon – Lord of the Legion of Taurus – Chosen Herald of Tauran, the Bull-headed God; those who he will not sway with the power of his oratory, he will slay with his demon-forged blade. As a Sergeant in the Astral Shark’s First Company, it was clear he was destined for greatness – possessed of great tactical acumen and a persuasive manor of speech, there was talk that he might one day be considered worthy of the Chapter’s Master.


But then he and a battle-group of Astral Sharks Space Marines were lost to the Warp-storms in the corner of the Odothese sector, and Charkaradon re-emerged as the leader of the Legion of Taurus Chaos Space Marines. It is possible only to speculate as to what may have befallen the Astral Sharks that they would have turned to the worship of Chaos; but it is clear that Charkaradon was changed in subtle ways by his new gods. He had ascended to command his force, and his expert oratory skills were now enhanced, perhaps by psychic powers, to the extent that his words could now penetrate the deepest sub-conscious will and desire of the listener. His prowess with a blade is now such that none who have faced him have prevailed – and his daemonically-forged blade is able to pierce even the thickest armour, glowing with the embers of heel itself as Charkaradon’s rage grows in battle.


Charkaradon is single-minded in fulfilling the plans of his Master, Tauran. He has been at the spear-head of invasions, instigated thousands of cultists in to uprising, and inspired his chosen Marines to hold firm in the face of almost certain defeat on Xergev – all in the name of the Bull-headed God. Although the Legion of Taurus will follow their master Tauran until the bitter-end, under Charkaradon’s command they are more dangerous, because they will neither relent, nor give no quarter to their enemies.



Charkaradon, Lord of the Legion of Taurus – 250 points


Wargear: Terminator Armour, Combi-weapon, Blade of Burning Fury


Special Rules:

Chosen Herald of Tauran: Charkaradon has been marked for greatness by his Master, Tauran: he is the commander of the Bull-headed God’s Armies, the executor of the daemon’s will. He will let nothing stop him fulfilling his masters plan, and he has the protection of the dark gods to ensure he will.

Charkaradon has the Eternal Warrior universal special rule, and has a 4+ invulnerable save.


The Blade of Burning Fury: Gifted to the commander of Tauran’s armies, this sword was forged by daemons and feeds on the wielders growing battle-fury, shearing through all but the thickest of armour.

The Blade of Burning Fury is a Two-handed Power Weapon that grants Charkaradon +1 Strength, and is also Rending.


Will of the Bull: Charkaradon’s leadership owes as much to his persuasive oratory as it does to the ruthless discipline that one would expect of a Lord of Chaos. He can convince his troops to stand firm in the face of defeat, to fight with renewed fury in the name of their master, and has even been able to persuade the troops of the enemy to forsake their vows to the Emperor and follow Tauran.

Once per turn, one unit within 12” of Charkaradon gains the Stubborn and Counter Attack universal special rules. In addition, any enemy unit that wishes to assault Charkaradon must pass a leadership test before it can do so.



I've discussed these rules with other members of this forum, and whilst he is powerful it's agreed his points cost is balanced and fair. Besides, i'll only be able to use him in friendly games when my opponent approves!


More pics when I've finished something else, thanks for looking! :)

  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I completed CoC IV, here are the finished Brotherhood of All-Sight, which I use in game as Thousand Sons.




Here are some details shots so you can take a closer look. First, a couple of regular Brotherhood:



And the Aspiring Sorceror:



In all, I'm pleased with these, they didn't turn out as well as I'd envisioned (the glow around the All-seeing eye is a bit cack-handed to be honest) - but as an exercise in doing things I've never tried, I'm especially pleased with the Robes.


And because I can't justify anything in this army without a suitable over-written back story:P here's some fluff/fiction.


* * *


Lexicanum Jaralant of the Ice Novas Space Marine Chapter became obsessed with recurring visions, in which a terrible fate befell his brother-Marines. Determined that he should evade this and seek their salvation, he began to reach out with his mind to the Astronomican, seeking the guidance of the Emperor. He was answered by a voice, that he believed was of the Emperor, telling him to seek a mysterious artefact called the ‘Burning Eye’. Though not all in his chapter were convinced, he persuaded a group consisting of almost a full companies’ worth of Marines to aid him in his quest to find this artefact.


Guided by the voice, and by visions, Jaralant lead his followers to a long dead and seemingly uninhabited planet. Deep in labyrinthine catacombs laid the artefact – a mysterious stone that glowed with a cold, burning light. As Jaralant and his brethren were about to take the artefact they were suddenly attacked by mysterious warriors of metal skin. Jaralant realised they were trapped, when suddenly the form of a man seemed to emanate from the fiery stone.


The figure told Jaralant that he could save him and his brother Marines by blessing them with the resilience and weaponry to overcome their attackers. But there would be a price – this gift would be in exchange for the sight of every Marine. Jaralant and his brethren realised they had know choice, and each was suddenly struck by cold, burning light from the artefact. The Lexicanum’s cohort of novitiate Librarians were somehow unaffected, but every other Marine’s eyes had become sunken and hollowed in their skulls. In their place was a single glowing orb in their foreheads. Their Bolters now glowed with the same strange, cold fire of the stone, and when they fired their weapons the cold light punched through the stones of the catacombs as though it were paper. With these weapons, guided by the psychic imperatives of Jaralant and his aspirants, the Marines were able to overcome their assailants and escape.


When they reached their craft, they were confronted again by the mysterious figure. It thanked Jaralant for setting him free of his imprisonment at the hands of its metal-skinned captors, but warned the Marines that now they had been changed, their chapter would not accept them back. It gave them a choice – to follow the will of its master, the Changer of Fates, and serve Tzeentch. In that path they would find salvation. Jaralant and the other Marines began to realise the true extent of the gift granted by the mysterious figure and the artefact. Though they had lost their sight, each Marine was now granted a vision of the material realm through the eyes of the Lord of Fates, seeing a swirling morass of possibilities and eventualities, by which they could avoid defeat, death, and pursue only victory – and their survival.


Lexicanum Jaralant and his Marines accepted the offer and chose to remain in the service of Tzeentch. Upon making their vows to their new master they chose for themselves a new name: The ‘Brotherhood of All-sight’, for they were now able to see the multiple paths of fate that evade the vision of mortal men.


The Brotherhood of All-sight take to the battlefield when it suits the will of their master, and Tzeentch’s great schemes. When they fight, they appear mysteriously, and are just as likely to apparently aid an ally that they may previously have fought against. Such are the myriad paths and schemes woven by Tzeentch, who likes to make the plans of mortals his plaything.


Now, it seems that the plans of the Legion of Taurus in the Odothese Sector have converged with those of the Lord of Fates, for the Brotherhood of All-sight have joined their cause. No pact or spoken contract marks this alliance, for the Brotherhood are aloof and distant to their current allies. The Legion of Taurus seem content to allow these servants of Tzeentch to fight alongside them, while they apparently seek to fulfil a common destiny.


* * *


Hope you liked that if you were bothered to read it :drool: next for this army I'm going to assemble some more Raptors, Marines, the new Daemon Prince ;) - and possibly paint something too :lol:


Till I update next, thanks for looking! :drool:


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