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The Legion of Taurus - a Chaos Marine army log


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@ Hetacondries, thank you very much :P and you\'d be very welcome to make an army based on the Legion of Taurus :lol:


What i meant is (though your legion is fantastic and would make a squad one day :))


the format you have presented it it.



Fluff/story piece


Like this.


But anyway keep going!

  • 2 weeks later...

The demise of this log is a way off yet! :P Work has been patchy since the middle of last week, as I've been away, gone back to work, and I've been painting an Imperial Fleet for BFG.


Prior to that though I did a little more work on the Infidels, I mean Idolators - oh, sod it, the Chaos Escorts! :D


As my attempt at GS prows was going to be crap-tacular, I got to sprue cutting. I also added some fins, which at the moment look very plain, but I've more detailing work to do, hopefully these will come together with the addition of a final round of tiny plasticard strips and a bit of GS:




Also, rather than finish the last couple of details on the Chosen, I've gone and got myself distracted. Before I explain why, I want to take you on a journey back through the mists of time, back to a simpler era, before the likes of X-Craptor and N-Dunses were turning the nations youths in to teenage-hoody-knife-wielding-single-mums. Or something, at least that's what the Daily Mail tell us, unless I'm mistaken...


Anyhoo, it was the year 2,000, and I was doing my First Chaos Space Marine army (also my first finished army!) - a Slaaneshi themed one. I included Fabius Bile in it, for reasons I can't quite remember. Although I sold the rest of the army, I kept Fabius Bile as I felt it wasn't a bad paint job, considering my totally noob-ish painting skills at the time:




But what's that got to do with my Legion of Taurus army? Well, there's something about Fabius that makes him quite an interesting prospect - perhaps it's the narrative bent he adds to Chaos armies, or perhaps it's the prospect of turning a squad of Chaos Marines in to frothing, super-strong mad men! I've been thinking about including him in my current Chaos army for a while now, stripping his paint and giving him a paint job that befits my slightly less noob-ish paint skills :P


With this in mind, I had a few spare Chaos Marines left over, and inspired by some artwork from the current CSM 'Dex, I decided to make some Enhanced Warriors to accompany him:




The plastic tubing on their backpacks will have some GS added to make them look more like vials of fluids, and the pipes and wires feeding the stuff is Guitar Strings.





Right, I'll be back with more pictures soon, thanks for looking! :sweat:

While the original model is pretty nifty, i think you should make a Legion of Taurus Apothecary who can make his guys into madmen.


The way i see your legion it's so vast, proud, and self sufficient, that there would be little room for the likes of fabius. Make one!

Prior to that though I did a little more work on the Infidels, I mean Idolators - oh, sod it, the Chaos Escorts! ;)


lmao ;)


the escorts look great. you can hardly tell what they were to begin with and once the paint goes on it will be completely hidden IMO. well done :D

Thanks Wokkers! :)

While the original model is pretty nifty, i think you should make a Legion of Taurus Apothecary who can make his guys into madmen.


The way i see your legion it's so vast, proud, and self sufficient, that there would be little room for the likes of fabius. Make one!

Well, that's an interesting idea - I have actually thought about somekind of character who would be like a fallen version of a Techmarine or something, he would be the 'overseer' of the Legion's artefacts, technologies, which I guess would include the machinery that makes new marines. I was going to give him an exo-suit with big spider legs coming out of his back and count him as a Lord with the mark of Nurgle and a Beast of Nurgle - but if I ever do him, it'll be a while off yet...


I decided to incorporate Fabius for the narrative opportunities - in the ongoing backstory of my army, they've got to replensih their ranks after heavy losses in a recent campaign, and they've recruited Fabius to help them do that...

  • 3 weeks later...

Hello, been a while since I posted in this thread, mainly because I haven't actually made or painted anything for this army in a while!


I seem to have lost my hobby-mojo lately, I've got loads I'd like to get done by the end of the year (finish off Termies, Chosen, CSM Squad, Thousand Sons, make Plague Marines, assemble two Rhinos and a Land Raider), but everytime I think about it I have a mild panic attack! ;)


The situation hasn't been helped by getting Left 4 Dead 2 for my 360, which I'm finding far more appealing than doing any stuff with miniatures.


I hope this rut won't last for long though, and as soon as it passes I'll hopefully have some more models to show everyone here!


Anyway, I just though I'd share this with you - I ran a campaign at my local gaming club earlier this year (Bury Wargamers) and we held an Apocalypse game to conclude it. I made a video of it and it's been put on youtube. If you want to have a look, here it is:


Thanks for looking! :devil:

  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for all your encouraging comments :)


Well, I'm starting to get out of my hobby-despondency phase, and have managed to get few hours of working over the last couple of weeks.


To start with, I've finished those Terminators that I started a while back, just some barrels to drill out and they're ready for painting:



I've also been working on the Chosen, just the two kneeling ones need their feet doing - I'm going to cut the feet off some other CSM legs as I don't trust to get the GS smooth enough - but I'll do that when i can be bothered! :P


In the meantime, I've added a banner to one of them so I can count the squad as having an Icon if I so wish:



I've been slowly working on the Bortherhood of Allsight (akathe Thousand Sons count-as), but this has been slow as I've had to procure the various parts from different sources. I've added some GS to by way of papering the cracks of the Sorceror conversion, the only thing I think I'm going to add is a little eye on the skull on the chest plate. Note that I've GS'd over the eyes of the other Marines, there's a fluff reason to account for that - when I can be a**ed I'll write their background and all will be clear! The ones that have the helpets with two horns need a single eye sculpting on each helmet, too.



Finally, today marks the two-year anniversary of when I first started this project. I'd like to mark this with something really cool like a painted squad or vehicle, or a fantastic conversion, instead I give you this:


The start of a Plague Marine squad.




Not much, but I'm really happy that I have actually, FINALLY started these as I have been itching to do them for a very long time ;)


More pics at some unspecified point in the future ;) , thanks for looking ;)

Thanks very much lads - Dan, I'm glad the powers of Chaos do approve! :)


I've been doing quite a lot of odd little things over the last week, like finishing Terminators (now ready to paint, woot!), working on Chosen, near-completing a Lord I started over a year ago (!)...


I've returned to a squad of basic Chaos Marines that I assembled back in March/April, finally finishing their details and touching up cracks with Green Stuff - and now they're ready to paint!



I've also got the Brotherhood of All-Sight (Thousand Sons count-as) squad almost done - detailing finished, just waiting on a couple of Tzeentch Shoulder pads courtesy of B&C's own wokkers! ;)



Whilt working on these various things I've had the odd blob of Green Stuff to use, so have done the odd-bit to the Plague Marines, including one set of cloven feet (yes, that's right GW: I do Plague Marines properly! [/rant];) ). More pics as things progress on them - probably very slowly!



As stated in an earlier post, I have a target of miniatures I want to assemble ready for painting in the New Year. So, what better way to stick to that target, by spending time assembling miniatures that aren't on the list? :)


I decided to get that FW Death Guard Sorceror out and have a crack at it. It turned in to a little centre-piece in its own right; I plan to use him as a Zombie Lord in a 'Plague of Zombies' Apoc formation, so to reflect this i thought it'd be fun to have a zombie-fied Guardsman rasing from his shallow grave on the base!



Still a bit more work to do on the zombie, I think I could do with making the clothes look a bit more ragged and torn.



Couple of things about this model, I managed to snap the Spear/Force Weapon at the top of the hand :) and sort of got it pinned back on, but it wonky now, meh:



Also, on a slightly more cool note, it's probably because I haven't straightened the banner enough, but when you look at this model from a certain angle, it looks like the skull at the top of the banner pole is glaring at you. I think that's quite a nice touch!



Continuing on the 'building more miniatures than I really need to at the moment' thread, I assembled a classic metal Chaos Spawn that I won in the last Call of Chaos - not terribly exciting, but I like this model, bit of Green Stuff work to do on it though:



Finally, finishing off the round of 'building unneccessary minaitures', I bring you a shape of things to come - a test mutant for a future Lost and the Damned Apoc formation (and - hopefully - army, should GW get their frakkin' act together). I need to 40k-ify this up, but I just wanted some Bull-headed beastmen to represent the rabble that have fallen to worship of Tauran, the Bull-headed God.


Any suggestions how I can 40k-ify it will be gratefully appreciated!


More pics soon, thanks for looking! :D

Everything looks fantastic.


On the beastmen idea. What I'm gathering from what you're trying to accomplish, is a load of cultists or imperial citizens who have fallen into worship, and thus gifted with the boons of their god.


If you want to represent this on the models, without having to explain it to someone, i would incorporate human bits on a 50/50 ratio.


say if you hacked up some flagellants, state troops, or cadians and mixed the parts in. Some members are gifted with legs, some with arms, some with heads and horns. Then mix the weapons between hand to hand and ranged to pull out the feel of 40k.

  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks very much for your comments guys, and for your suggestions as regards the Mutants. Although I've not really done anything with them (other than start to assemble 3 more), I have been thinking about what I can add to them.

On the beastmen idea. What I'm gathering from what you're trying to accomplish, is a load of cultists or imperial citizens who have fallen into worship, and thus gifted with the boons of their god.


If you want to represent this on the models, without having to explain it to someone, i would incorporate human bits on a 50/50 ratio.


say if you hacked up some flagellants, state troops, or cadians and mixed the parts in. Some members are gifted with legs, some with arms, some with heads and horns. Then mix the weapons between hand to hand and ranged to pull out the feel of 40k.

Yeah, you're getting along the right lines of what I've been thinking; without going in to too much details, I've tried to allude to the presence of these 'bull-headed' beastmen/mutants in the fluff I've written, the idea is that they are evolved (devolved?) from feral human tribes that have been shut off in the warp for millennia worshipping the bull-headed Chaos 'god' Tauran. They have been formed in the image of their 'god' somewhat, and have embraced the 'blessings' of their deity. They are held with a mixture of fear and awe by the other human followers of Tauran. So there is a disticnt 'look' about them, rather than the usual scrofulous random mutations usually seen on mutant conversions.


to that end, there will be cultists in my planned L&tD horde - I'm going to convert these from WFB Empire Flagellants (that classic Chaos Cultist stand-by! :P ) I don't want to mix the ranges as you've suggested, so that each part of it has a distinct 'look' about them. If that makes sense!


perhaps its a bit tricky, but can give them bionics... a guy named kikala on this forum has some nice tutorials for them

That's a good suggestion, though I only think I'll do that on the mob (herd? pack?) leaders, to make the stand out.


you could give them some frag/krak grenades around the waist

I thought about this, but the way I see it these are ferocious beast-men, so i don' t think that a) they'd have the disipline or B) the knowledge or resources to be eqipped with these, if that makes sense...


you could give them small shoulder pads
Maybe use some guard items? Bits of cracked armour and all the various little gadgets they have?

Shoulder pads and armour is one route I'm considering going down. I tried incorporating an Ork shoulder pad on one, but it looked far too big. Similarly, I had some WFB Chaos Marauder shoulder pads, but they didn't '40K-ify' the model enough.


So what I think I'll do eventually is get some plasticard and make some frayed, dented and fragmented bits of armour that will be added sparing ly to each model - some as a breast plaste, others as shoulder pads.


As for mixing in Guard or other bits, I thought about this, and may well add some Cadian helmets as trophies. I had though about giving the Bosses cadian armour, but these Beastmen are so much larger than the guard minaitures (they're actually even taller than Marines! :P ), that I don't think the Cadian torso would be big enough! So I'm actually thinking of giving the at least one of the mutant Bosses the torso from Marine power armour - I think for a beast that size, killing a Space Marine would be a real mark of status and sheer physical ability.



Anyway, these will still be a way off yet. Back to what I'm actually working on!


Well, I didn't get near as much as I'd planned done over Christmas, but I'm not bothered as I had a wonderful Christmas break with my family (I'm only going back to work tomorrow!), and spent the time with them, playing Rock Band and Guitar Hero on our xBox 360, seeing family I've not seen for ages, going to see Sherlock Holmes and Avatar at the cinema... Just having a pleasant time off work to be honest!


I have, however, chipped away at a few things. Firstly, the main Lord of this army, Charkaradon, is now complete and ready to be painted:




this second pic show my attempt at a scratch-sculpted Legion symbol, but it doesn't truly show how craptacular it is! :P


Having got him, and a load of others ready to paint, today I braved literally sub-zero temperatures and primed them. Now I am ready to paint the first actual Marines I will have painted for this army in over a year! :o



Actually getting on with the painting will have to wait though, as I have just started to convert a squad of Obliterators.


Like many people, I'm not a huge fan of these models, mainly because of the stupid pose they have. I decided that I would re-position mine, so out came the hacksaw, and after a fair amount of pinning (not to mention copious amountss of Super-glue :lol: ), here is the first of the squad:



I've started on the second, but I'm completely re-working the arms, changing the weapon from the right to the left; but I'm waiting on some bits before I can do that.


I'm not sure if I'll get the chance to continue with it this week, as I need to complete my application for Teacher Training, but as soon as I do I will post pictures.


'Till then, thanks for looking! B)

looking great :P


i love the repositioned oblit, reckon you could slap up a tutorial for it, i hate the model to and im thinking of adding some much needed fire support.


keep going, it brings me and the chaos gods joy

I've used the kroot shoulderpads on some models lately. They're small and dainty enough to be used on humans and they have a feral 40k feel.


Everything looks great. I like the angry termi lord. He just looks like someone to stay away from.

Thanks everyone for your kind comments! :(


I've used the kroot shoulderpads on some models lately. They're small and dainty enough to be used on humans and they have a feral 40k feel.

Yeah, I think they'd be good - alas I don't have funds or sufficient motivation :P to track enough of these down. Fortunately, I've had an offer for several Marine shoulder pads which will help in no small amount! ;)


Well, with the snow we've had here, I've had a couple of afternoons at home early (yesss! :lol: ), so have got more done than I thought I might have done this week.


To start off with, I've reposed the second of my Obliterators - still in progress:



I plan to give this one a Plasmacannon on its Left arm, so have had to do a bit of hand and finger swapping, still quite a bit of sculpting work to be done here:



While I've had the Green Stuff out I've done a couple of bits on the Plague Marines. I've also started on their helmets, cutting down regular CSM ones prior to sculpting work to make them look more Death Guard-y ;) The one on the left is going to be the chammpion, he's going to be covered in all sorts of fleshy growths, and have an overgrown, supurating arm like the FW Nurgle Sorceror. The middle one, I've had a go at making it look like part of his helmet has completely corroded and fallen off, revealing the decaying face beneath - I'm not sure that it's worked as well as I imagined in my head though! Finally, the one on the right is what spurred me back to do some more work on the squad - there I was lying in bed the other night, trying to get off to sleep, and I was suddenly inspired to do one that had an exposed stomach with part of his guts hanging out. I'm most pleased with this one out of all of them so far:



While we're on about all things Nurgley, I went back to the Zombie on the DG Sorceror's base and tattered up some of his clothes a bit just like I previously said I would:



And to finish with, I finally finished the two kneeling Chosen I was working on back in October - in the end I don't think I needed to convert the kneeling feet, so I made myself some unneccessary work, but they're done enough for paint to hide the worst of this error :P



More pics soon, thanks for looking! :(


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