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Super Heavy Land Raider Exterminus Project


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  • 2 weeks later...

DibbZi: Not to worry we are not dead! I need time after the holidays to recooperate from them as well as a web hosting movement and a major systems update at work. Phew... but NOW we're back!


Oh man where does the time go. The holidays really cleaned my clock along with moving of my web hosting so I had to take a bit of time off from the Exterminus. But now we're back and with a vengeance. Hopefully there should be no more interruptions as I move forward.


Starting off, we went right back to work with the engines. I've already completed the outside engine minus now we have to look back inside to complete it. Looking at the engine parts we have, some minor cutting and patching will be needed.


Internal Engine Construction




The challenge here is to place the cut such that it looks sensible as an engine but fits the width of the interior. After some study, I started cutting one of the engine pieces vertically 22 mm from the left and 4 mm from the right hand side. These cuts combined provide the best of both worlds but leaves two small sections open. Two small pieces of plasticard seal up these holes nicely. This gives the internal portion of the engine an overall width of 71 mm on the bottom edge.


Moving on, in the normal Land Raider kit you get xx set of pressure doors to put on the inside. Now as we have four different possible interior openings that we need to provide doors for, I'll have to manufacturer two sets of doors. Luckily we can easily just "borrow" the design and measurements from the existing ones, rinse and then repeat.


Internal Toothed Door Construction - Work in Progress




Now I've put off making the tunnels that span the interior and exterior doors. To start off with, we'll take the easy route and make the ceiling. I don't subscribe to the methodology that just because something won't been seen often that we can skimp on the design or the implementation. As I've never the ceiling of an assault door tunnel, I'll just have to wing it from here.


To start off I cut a piece of 1 mm thick plasticard into a rectangle of 24 mm by 21 mm. I then took 1 mm mm square rod and give the rectangle a border. This setup provides an internal width of the tunnel ceiling. The internal area of the ceiling is 22 mm x 19 mm. Now I'll put some detail on it.


Tunnel Construction - Ceiling Tile with Light Fixture Detail




I started off in the center with a tiled piece of plasticard which looked a lot like lights. For those interested it was Plastruct PS-42 (.180 square tile) and the width of the piece was 5 mm.


On the sides of the "lights" that I build up two pieces of U-shaped channel plasticard whose width was 1.5 mm and a length of 22 mm (Evergreen StripStyrene Item No.261). To finish it off the horizontal ceiling sandwich, I added two pieces of 5.5 mm x 22 mm Plastruct 91681 HO Scale Tread Plate to the sides.


If we add up all of the widths of material, you'll see that it comes out to 19 mm exactly so no wasted space or gaps. The overall look I think is pretty good for my first try. Maybe when I do my Grey Knight ones I'll give a bit more thought but I think this is sufficient for now. The next post or two, I'll cover the remainder of the tunnel sections and their assembly.


On a final note, during the Christmas season, given how many future projects I hope to take on, I purchased a new camera. After some review, I choose the Nikon D90. I'm still learning all the features but I think that and a new photographic setup are going to go a long way in making better pictures for the threads. Any photographic advice is appreciated!


Nikon D90 Camera




Thanks for hanging in there! Staying on track is tough with a full time job, looking for a house and other activities! I actually am much further ahead but have to catch up on the posts. Hopefully I'll have one mid-week sometime.

Looking really, really good. I'm still truly jealous that mine has fallen to the back burner...

The engine is probably the best internal part so far. It looks ace.

And the tunnels are finally in progress. =-D After..how many months of being put off? =-D


And the camera..I'd love to help, but I don't REALLY want to type it all out..I'll search for some sites with instructions and help and stuff though.

my only advice for the camera is,... just keep everything simple

yes experiment , but Dont Confuse yourself


[ i am a photographer - with about £10,000 worth of equipment ]


i personaly run with canon

but thats just me :lol:


Very awesome model

as everybody keeps saying :rolleyes:





Shortsonfire79: Thanks....you should start your project up again. It was going so well.


equilibrium: Thanks for the advice. I've found all the major settings I need. I never play with anything like the f-stop or anything like that. Everything is perfect on it. I can't wait to start using it for the model pictures. I know the background is the majority of my problem as I usually take pictures on that green gridded surface of my hobby mat.


Terminatorinhell: Thanks!


chapter master 454: Thanks though I don't think I have a lot of skills.... not yet. I need a lot more practice!


Oldenhaller: Thanks!

bluewolf74727: I have several 40K related lined up on the runway for take off. No idea on time


0.) Land Raider Exterminus: Currently I have to do two LRE's; the first one is 75% done and the Tzeentch one is still on the drawing board.


1.) Imperial Cadian 1st Gateepers (Imperial Guard) - My main project. I'm dying to start them again but I'm holding off until hopefully the new IG codex comes out in May or June or whatever the current rumor mill says. This is an extremely large multi-year project. I have extensive notes and diagrams on their arrangment already and am looking into writing a codex for them with a large amount of history.


2.) Kor Kau'ui Sha'is Korst'la - "Air Cadre Wind Reapers" - T'au Prime - This is an Aeronautica Imperialis Tau Cadre that I'm putting together. I have all the models I need from Forgeworld now and have started to build some.


3.) Grey Knights - I've purchased several model kits for a small Grey Knights force that I was going to do. I do intend to do at least 3 more Land Raider Exterminus's for my Grey Knights with perhaps 2 regular Land Raiders. They'll be much more detailed that the ones that I'm doing now.


4.) Tau Kor'Or'Vesh Fleet - This is a small Battlefleet Gothic fleet of Tau warships that I acquired for free. They're still currently in the boxes as no one else around me has Gothic ships so they're slated for last.


Its a lot oif work but other than the occasional computer game binge, there's nothing else going on.

  • 2 weeks later...

bluewolf74727: Yeah I checked into your log. NICE... I look forward to see that whole Death Wing Company.


Alrighty with the Super Bowl playing in the background let us continue! We left off last week with the building the ceiling of the tunnel. Today we move on to the frame and the sides of the tunnel.


To start off, we need to start making the actual tunnel. After some thought, instead of attaching the component parts directly to the inside of the interior of the Land Raider track assembly, I've decided to spend the time and build a frame for it to mount in. This makes it easier to handle, takes all the guesswork out of alignment.


Tunnel Construction - Individual Frame




I've scanned my blueprints ahead of time which you can use as a pattern. The entire frame is made out of 1 mm and 2 mm square rod. In looking at them, I've designed them to be as minimalist as possible as everything still has to fit within the body of the Exterminus.


Scanned Blueprints for Frame


Using the measurements from the ceiling tile, built a floor tile in a similar fashion except I used a single solid rectangle of diamond plate plasticard. Let's face it; its the floor. Its not going to be exciting.... LOL. You can also see that I've attached it to the frame as well. Put a second frame on the other end and for the first time you can see the basic shape of the connecting tunnel. Now we're starting to get somewhere!


Tunnel Construction - Top and Bottom - Panel in Frame




Moving on we can see below that I've gone ahead and started the side panels. Just as with the ceiling I created a 1 mm border lined panel except the dimensions in this case are 26 mm by 35 mm. Now the next part I'm not so sure of; I have to fill them with some sort of detail.


Unfortunately I'm torn the detail pieces that I came up with. As I only have the two kits to work with, I don't really have any other detail pieces that I can use from other sections of the Land Raider kits. If I had my choice, I'd rip apart a Drop Pod kit and use some of those bits and panels to make interior panel. As I don't have that option or the time, I've cobbled together some minor pieces that my friend can use to provide additional detail if he wants to. Again this section of the model most probably won't be seen that often as its designed to be a "working" model and not a show piece.


Tunnel Construction - Side Panel Construction




Here are some more pictures of the tunnel as it stands.


Tunnel Construction - Side Panel in Frame




Alrighty the Steelers have won; I guess that's good?! I more of a hockey fan myself; go Rangers! We still have some more pre-Christmas content to put up. Hopefully we'll be able to get that posted next time then we'll move on to some assembly and finally design and development of the top. I might revisit the fron too; I don't know if I'm satisfied with it. Later!

  • 2 weeks later...
Shortsonfire79: Thanks....you should start your project up again. It was going so well.


I'm back Beezies. Dogma, I'm your new, fresh propeller. We need to finish, and I need you to show me how!


bluewolf74727: Yeah I checked into your log. NICE... I look forward to see that whole Death Wing Company.


Oooh, somebody is finally doing one too! I must hunt this man down..

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 5 months later...


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