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The Penitent Spectres


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I love your log. it is so exciting, and something is always being done.

for similar figures for the strelbans, why not some ork or skaven inventions?

Cheers Asmodeus. Skaven parts could work, even if they'd ve vaguely steampunk. Thanks for the suggestion.


I think your black power armor is a little flat. And you have so much of it. You need to give it more definition...

A little? I believe you mean 'incredibly'. Until everything is essentially 'finished' I don't plan on doing edge highlighting, since it takes far too much time considering the amount of stuff to do. In essence, my current scheme for anything that isn't a character is essentially a glorified basecoat, so I agree they need more definition. It just won't happen anytime soon.


As I went into GW today, I actually got the Chaos Lord/Sorceror painted for my girlfriend, and received nice feedback from those currently in the store. For a start, the figure actually shows that I can do more than basic paint application, huzzah! So as such, here it is:





I'm quite pleased with the sword and the snow leopard markings, since the only reference nearby was a blue plush toy which seemed to be a cross between a cow and a giraffe. At any rate, it's the most time I've spent on a single figure for a while.


Till next time then.

Thanks Kravi and Chaptermaster Graymantle, though if you thought the Lord/Sorceror demonstrated my colour scheme, sorry, heh.


Got a bit more done with some quick paint jobs on 3 Strelbans. I finally worked out a reasonable possibility for what they could be - vaguely like my previous explanation but more refined. Yes, ridiculously over-constructed Servitors. Thankfully, the older Obliterator figures, whilst not being the best of sculpts, fill this role very well indeed, and it was nice not painting the entire arm white. I merely included some hints towards the army colour scheme instead, which I feel looks better on these figures. As such, here they are:





I'll be working on the current Daemon Prince next, as well as potentially getting round to sculpting the lower robes on the second. Failing the sculpting, I'll probably finish off the HAL Dreadnought, even though I'll most likely never use him.


Till next time.

Thanks everyone for the encouragement! I won another old Obliterator on eBay, so once that arrives and is painted I'll only have 1 more to go for my regular army!


Unfortunately I've recently gone back in to Blood Bowl with a vengeance and have the (enjoyable) task of converting and painting 5 teams. Though very enjoyable (with progress available in the general logs section of Warseer, username Geckilian, thread: The variety of collecting), this has naturally not left me much time for the Call. Rest assured, I'm most definitely not dropping out as a vast chunk is not far from completion, but it may be a while till anything of note is finished. I'll naturally update at least once a month, but it may not be much more than that.


To recap from my first post, this is what I pledged for the call, and how it's doing:

4 x Rhinos. - Yep, done 3 Rhinos and 2 Whirlwinds which can be changed to transport duty.

1 x Death Guard Rhino. - Yep, done this too.

3 x 10 Raptors. - White arms and head to paint on 18, then done.

4 x 10 Chaos Marines. - Actually have 60 done to the pre-white stage.

1 x 10 Death Guard. - Finished 24 so far! Probably another 20-ish to go.

3 x Obliterators. - Finished, plan to do another 2.

2 x Attack Bike. - White to do on one, another 2 to fully paint.

1 x Land Speeder. - White to do one one, another to fully paint.

1 x Daemon Prince. - About a third of the way to finishing, and another to convert up and paint.


Extra stuff which may or may not get done too:

'HAL' Dreadnought.

140+ Regular Marines (rough estimate, but at least 140...)

32 Terminators.

3 Land Raiders.

32 Rogue Trader era Marines.

3 current range Obliterators.

Death Guard Forge World Dreadnought.

Another Dreadnought.


11 bikes.

Nurgle Daemon Prince.

An'graath the Unbound Forge World Khornate critter.

Forge World Chaos Dragon (bound to count as something in Apocalypse).

Anything else I buy, though unless it's spectacular, no new stuff. (A plastic Thunderhawk would be spectacular.)


So I'm actually very much on target really, since over summer I'll be able to devote a lot of time to them and blitz vast chunks of my painting backlog.


Cheers all. (Shameless Warseer thread plug, woo.)

  • 2 months later...

Aha, time for an actual update at last! Since I missed last month, and this month is drawing to a close, I've been rather busy painting of late. As such, in the last 5 days, I've -


- changed the scheme to one I'm happy with.

- finished 60 Chaos Marines.

- finished 4 Rhinos.

- finished 24 Plague Marines (bases).

- finished 3 Obliterators (bases).

- painted the gray and finished the bases on 35 Terminators.

- painted the metal and finished the bases on 6 Obliterators.


I've also acquired another 30 Marines, 10 Veterans, 15 Terminators, Rhino, 2 Predators, Whirlwind, Razorback, Dreadnought, 10 Scouts, 10 Assault Marines, 6 Bikes, 3 Land Speeders and assorted Characters. This haul was in fact, deliciously ironically, the Dark Angel army I have a 15 match winning streak against, as my friend finally gave up on them and decided to stick with Chaos. As such, these'll all get added to the Penitent Spectres in time.


The pictures below reflect what is entirely finished, which comes in at a healthy 2,362 points. Not doing too bad considering I pledged 3,000 eh? When I finish the 35 Terminators I've started no doubt the points will go up a lot more (around another 1,300 roughly) which'll put me above the pledged points cost. Of course I'll also be painting the other stuff I originally mentioned, such as the Attack Bikes, Land Speeder and Daemon Prince, so it'll certainly be interesting to see how many points I can reach...








To reiterate the recap and its progress -

4 x Rhinos - completed.

1 x Death Guard Rhino - completed.

3 x 10 Raptors - red, robes and bases to finish.

4 x 10 Chaos Marines - completed.

1 x 10 Death Guard - completed.

3 x Obliterators - completed.

2 x Attack Bike - red and base for one, other to fully paint.

1 x Land Speeder - red and base to finish.

1 x Daemon Prince - completely wip.


Also, on the 8th of next month I'll hit 20 years old. ye gods, it's not much but it feels incredibly surreal...

  • 2 weeks later...

Hello all once again.


As it was my birthday yesterday, I naturally spent a chunk of the day in my local GW, painting with my girlfriend and hanging out with friends in general. Therefore I have more progress -


The 31 Terminators had the metal areas painted. That leaves just two layers for bone, two layers of blue for small details and several layers for any flesh. Not too far from completion now.



I also managed to finish up another 6 Obliterators, bringing the total to 9.



Last but no means least, and more importantly, I also got this guy finished, and I'm quite happy with him considering I spent around 2 and a half hours overall painting him in the new scheme:





That means for my actual pledge I only have 30 Raptors (red, brown robes, metal to touch up and bases to go), the Land Speeder (just red) and 2 Attack Bikes (red and base for one, everything for the other) to finish before I'm done, and I have till December.... I reckon I'll be able to finish, heh.


So far the extra stuff I've done:


Whirlwind top for 4th Rhino.

Another 14 Death Guard.

Another 2 x 10 Marines.

(WIP) 31 Terminators.


With this lot, plus all the extra stuff I can paint up, I believe I should be passing the 6,000 point mark easily before December, unless my Chaos Dwarf project kills my time.


Till next update then.

  • 2 weeks later...

It's been a whole 9 days since my last update eh? I guess I must be slacking, heh. I've not managed as much this week due to several days being spent starting my first complete sculpt (sans shied base and sword), finishing it and painting it. As such not much time has been spent on The Penitent Spectres. At any rate, thanks Frost Knight, and cheers for the suggestion NemFX, but since I already have 9 Obliterators painted, don't want to spend even more money on this army currently and play in a Games Workshop store, I won't be following it I'm afraid.


However, I have managed to finish another 650 points, in the following 16 Terminators, which I finished today:



In the past few days I also received my 20th birthday present, a 24" monitor. Now the desk I do painting on at home looks like this:



For those of you interested in what I sculpted, it's in this Warseer post, here, bottom of thread.


Hopefully next time I'll have finished the remaining 16 Terminators I have currently ongoing, as well as getting my 30 Raptors nearly finished. Here's hoping, since that'd greatly reduce the amount left to paint in my original call to just a land Speeder and 2 Attack Bikes pretty much. Gradually getting there. However overall I pledged to paint 3,000 points....


I've painted, so far, 3,167 points to completion. Call technically completed! (Though I'll keep updating till December.)

Cheers for the replies everyone. The Penitent Spectres are renegades - hence the loyalist aspects mixed with Chaos.


As for the blue armoured Chaos Lord thing...? If you mean the violet armoured Chaos Sorceror at the top of this page Terminatorinhell, then it's a Sorceror I painted for my girlfriend. Other than that I'm not too sure what you're asking about.


I certainly do like classic figures Mikemike, as I have an army of around 40 Rogue Trader-era Space Marines basecoated and awaiting a colour scheme that I'll no doubt get around to when the new Space Marine codex comes out.

Love that army and the slaanesh daemon prince's legs just cries out "welcome to the danger zone marine" but anyway the army as said is awesome


Thanks Brother Casdiel, i appreciate the compliment. At any rate, yet more updates! I've knuckled down to painting again for the beginning of this week, and as such have made a reasonable amount of progress.


The main accomplishment is finishing the first 30 Raptors yesterday and today, here:



I've also managed to finish the first Attack Bike (for Apocalypse) and it's shown here with a current progress army shot. Bear in mind all of this has been painted in the new scheme since around mid-June.



Overall then, that's a happy 4,803 points painted. Quite suitable so far I would think. That's not all however, as currently in the WIP stand I have the following:



When the above is done (hopefully within a week or two) that'll add another 1,486 points, bringing the total to 6,289 points overall. Nifty, and that's not counting the HAL Dreadnought or any of the other stuff I need to assemble, such as another 5 to 6 Havok squads, 11 Bikers, etc etc.


After the above is done I'll be starting on my 2,000 point Chaos Dwarf army for Warhammer, so The Penitent Spectres will be mostly put to the side till that project is done. On the plus side, I'll be setting them aside after passing double the amount of points I pledged, so no worries about deadlines there. To follow my call progress concerning the specific units I pledged to paint:


4 x Rhinos - completed.

1 x Death Guard Rhino - completed.

3 x 10 Raptors - completed.

4 x 10 Chaos Marines - completed.

1 x 10 Death Guard - completed.

3 x Obliterators - completed.

2 x Attack Bike - 1 completed, 1 wip.

1 x Land Speeder - red and base to finish.

1 x Daemon Prince - completed.


Till next update then, with technically just an Attack Bike and land Speeder to go!

Time for another update. Another 690 points has been completed - 2 Rhinos, 15 Plague Marines and a Havok Squad with upgrades etc.




That still leaves the 15 Terminators (for which I have no motivation) and a Daemon Prince to sculpt, which probably won't happen for a while. On the plus side, I currently have 28 Marines in progress, including 7 Lascannons, 2 Missile Launchers, 5 Heavy Bolters, 5 Autocannons and 4 Meltaguns, so that'll add 895 points. I also have to make another Lascannon, 6 Missile Launchers and 42 Marines to complete the 7 Havok squads. I'm not really sure if they'll get finished by the end of the first week of August, but here's hoping.


Till next update.


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